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Any Diesel Gurus Out There Who Can Help With A Diesel Engine Problem?

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I would be very grateful if anyone can assist with the following problem :

On the first cold start of the day my 6 month old Toyota-diesel engined Vigo produces a single thump (like a misfire, detonation or knock) from the engine without detracting from successfully starting the engine.

Toyota have analysed the ECU on a warm running engine and found no fault.

Any suggestions would be very kindly appreciated!



As you say, the problem only manifests itself when the engine wakes up first time of the day.

Seems to me Toyota should test the ECU when it starts up first time of the day.

Tell them to read the bloody thing out before they start the engine (contact on, start reading after the plugs are warmed.

Then start the engine and read again while starting and keep on reading for a few minutes.

Good luck.


A few points to consider,

ECU learning program (open learning) in thai terms,

allows the ecu to take in new signal parameters (learning) the signals

from the ecu/engine and driver driving style to make the engine run as smooth as possible

and clear up poential error codes.

Problem ecu learning program can only be activated when the engine is at prime heat condition, (82*c) minimum.

Have you also checked the battery water? each cell should have the same volume of acid/water.

did you install audio packages, as they are prone to cause dead batteries esspecially if the head unit is put on standby vs switching it off.

did you fit any sort of piggyback kit? or is it totally std?

its always a wise idea before starting any car/truck to allow the oil/voltage to flow to engine and components before cranking it.

this is done by just turning the key once, before it cranks.

Next time you go to toyota, ask them to open "learning program: and see if you notice any difference.

and ofcourse check the battery.

hope this helps,

kind regards, Philip M


if a diesel is hard to cold start and noisy just after start up, its usually fault or leak in injector(s) or engine stop system. but on a commonrail this should be detected in ECU

can only suggest leaving car at Toyota over night, take the key with you, and do a cold start together with them next morning

battery fault will usually occur during driving too, caused by vibrations


When you turn the ignition on, do you wait first until the initial first dashboard lighting turns off, before turning the key further to start.


Hi there

Thanks everyone for your helpful comments and advice.....

I checked the battery water yesterday and one of the cells was 1 cm lower than the rest so I topped it up.

I haven't added any audio packages..... the car is stock standard.

But I have had post delivery parking sensors and mirror indicators dealer fitted.

On three occasions lately when I drove over a bump with lights on there was some sort of a voltage drop happening as all the lights flickered.

Maybe this has some connection with the thud.

Faulty battery?

What is the connection between low voltage and the engine thud on starting? How would this cause the thud?

Besides the thud, the start, including the cranking speed seems normal, the engine is not difficult to start and is not noisy.

Today... I switch off all the unneccessary electrical items ....turned the key waited at least 30 seconds then engage the starter.

THUD......is still there.

Any comments about me using B5 or water in the fuel ?......the tank is low maybe I will fill up with top grade diesel tomorrow and see what happens.

Otherwise I will park the car at Toyota (after getting the battery checked out) and come back next day for a cold start with ECU analyer connected .

I am sure they will give me a loan car..... :)

Thanks again for all the help.....



Hi there

Thanks everyone for your helpful comments and advice.....

I checked the battery water yesterday and one of the cells was 1 cm lower than the rest so I topped it up.

I haven't added any audio packages..... the car is stock standard.

But I have had post delivery parking sensors and mirror indicators dealer fitted.

On three occasions lately when I drove over a bump with lights on there was some sort of a voltage drop happening as all the lights flickered.

Maybe this has some connection with the thud.

Faulty battery?

What is the connection between low voltage and the engine thud on starting? How would this cause the thud?

Besides the thud, the start, including the cranking speed seems normal, the engine is not difficult to start and is not noisy.

Today... I switch off all the unneccessary electrical items ....turned the key waited at least 30 seconds then engage the starter.

THUD......is still there.

Any comments about me using B5 or water in the fuel ?......the tank is low maybe I will fill up with top grade diesel tomorrow and see what happens.

Otherwise I will park the car at Toyota (after getting the battery checked out) and come back next day for a cold start with ECU analyer connected .

I am sure they will give me a loan car..... :)

Thanks again for all the help.....


B5 on 2009 up is no problem

water in fuel is detected by a sensor in fuel filter and orange light on dash

I would check battery cable connection before going to Toyota. Loose cables or worn out battery can cause several problems for commonrail injection and autobox. It can also make detected/registered problems in ECU deleted


Battery fluid level isn't that critical. 1mm....give me a break! More likely an over fueling problem. Leave it at dealer overnight.


your problem sounds like number of things,

(unsecure wire ground for the components you added)

leaking injectors is not one of them though, as you will indefentially notice coulds of white/blue smoke,

if it was over fueled it would give black smoke.

if i was you, simply change the battery to a high amp one. and make sure all grounds are secure.

also make sure the open learning program for your ecu.

When do you hear a THUD?


Hi there

Thanks again for all the replies and comments......

The thud happens just as the engine fires up on a first morning cold start.....though today was fine and sunny and the "thud" was not there.

The problem seems to have started when I moved from the city to the coast in July....maybe cooler mornings than the city.....

Also my previous parking spot was flat ......the new one is on a bit of a slope.....? Maybe try parking on the flat for a morning start too....

Wouldn't getting the battery (still under warranty) tested before buying a new one be more advisable.....or will the high amp one have future advantages than the current problem? I don't have an automatic....

Have checked the current battery connections and all seem fine.......

I have searched the internet at length and there doesn't seem to be a similar problem with a published solution......when I get this sorted out I will remedy that....

Thanks again



Battery fluid level isn't that critical. 1mm....give me a break! More likely an over fueling problem. Leave it at dealer overnight.

Yeah !! l agree sounds really weird to me and on a 6month old motor !!!! if your dealer still says nothing wrong take it to an independent source.

I'm not a guru but it's either something very simple or your imagination.

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