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PM Netanyahu says Israel "quite serious" on peace talks

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PM Netanyahu says Israel "quite serious" on peace talks

2010-11-12 03:10:41 GMT+7 (ICT)

NEW YORK (BNO NEWS) -- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday told U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that Israel is "quite serious" on resuming peace talks with the Palestinian Authority as the two high-officials met in New York.

Netanyahu said that in the meeting with Clinton they will be discussing about how to resume and continue this process in order to reach an historic agreement on peace and security with the Palestinians.

"We also hope to broaden it to many other Arab countries," the Israeli Prime Minister added. "We are quite serious about doing it and we want to get on with it."

Clinton previously criticized the announcement of the new housing project in Jerusalem by the Israeli government. The U.S. State Secretary said that the decision was counterproductive but believed that the two sides are still committed to a two-state solution.

On the other hand, Netanyahu intends to discuss with Clinton the need of reaching an U.S.-Israel understanding on Israel’s security needs in any eventual peace agreement as many security challenges are expected in the next decade.

"The chances of reaching a peace agreement will be improved significantly by achieving comprehensive security understandings between Israel and the United States," Netanyahu said.

The Israel-Palestine direct peace negotiations were stalled after Israel resumed construction in West Bank settlements after the settlement moratorium freeze was not extended. The Palestinian Authority demanded the settlement moratorium freeze as a condition for engaging in peace talks.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2010-11-12


Israel has been "quite serious" on peace talks for more than 4 decades already, in the mean time it managed to colonize most of the West Bank, and it working hard to the same with East Jerusalem,

This in spite of many UN resolutions and the rules of the 4th Geneva Convention, which prohibits the transfer of the population of the occupying power to the land it occupies. But, with as so many other matters,

there are 2 sets of Rules, one set for israel and the usa, and one set of rules for the rest of the world.

On the basis that the Palestinian territories are occupied territory, Israeli settlements in these territories are in breach of Israel's obligations as an occupying power and constitute a grave breach of the Geneva Conventions and that the settlements constitute war crimes.[13][14]


And Mr. Arafat had a peace deal all agreed upon. It was there. All he had to do was to agree, but he chickened out at the last minute.

They again nearly came close to a comprehensive agreement until Hamas started its feud with Fatah. You conveniently forget that a deal was almost reached under PM Barak and then again under PM Olmert.

Hamas and Hizbollah cannot afford peace. The day there is a peace agreement is the day Hamas and Hizbollah loses its power base and its foreign donors.

Every Palestinian arab that has come close to reaching an agreement with Israel has either been betrayed or killed by small militant groups that take their orders from foreign interests that want to stop peace.

As long as foreign groups keep pour billions into the feuding arab factions, there is no incentive for peace. Don't believe me? Take a look at how Sadat came to make peace. Take a look at how Jordan came to make peace. They took some tough decisions. No one in the Palestinian arab leadership has the authority or the courage to do the same.


And Mr. Arafat had a peace deal all agreed upon. It was there. All he had to do was to agree, but he chickened out at the last minute.

They again nearly came close to a comprehensive agreement until Hamas started its feud with Fatah. You conveniently forget that a deal was almost reached under PM Barak and then again under PM Olmert.

Hamas and Hizbollah cannot afford peace. The day there is a peace agreement is the day Hamas and Hizbollah loses its power base and its foreign donors.

Every Palestinian arab that has come close to reaching an agreement with Israel has either been betrayed or killed by small militant groups that take their orders from foreign interests that want to stop peace.

As long as foreign groups keep pour billions into the feuding arab factions, there is no incentive for peace. Don't believe me? Take a look at how Sadat came to make peace. Take a look at how Jordan came to make peace. They took some tough decisions. No one in the Palestinian arab leadership has the authority or the courage to do the same.

So do you agree or disagree. The post is not about what arabs are or aren't doing, its about what Israel is doing.


Here are two interesting articles from today's news.


Clinton offers Netanyahu security pledge on peace talks

Read article here: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20101111/wl_nm/us_palestinians_israel_usa


Clinton Announces Aid to Palestinian Authority, Meets with Egyptian Counterpart

Read article here: http://www.voanews.com/english/news/middle-east/US-Announces-Additional-Palestinian-Aid--107047048.html


On one hand the Secretary of State is assuring the Israelis they will be safe and on the other hand she is donating $150 Million to the Palestinian Authority to, perhaps, help them buy more arms.

You can't say we are biased in our stupidity. This administration outdoes itself in that department.


Here are two interesting articles from today's news.


Clinton offers Netanyahu security pledge on peace talks

Read article here: http://news.yahoo.co...ians_israel_usa


Clinton Announces Aid to Palestinian Authority, Meets with Egyptian Counterpart

Read article here: http://www.voanews.c...-107047048.html


On one hand the Secretary of State is assuring the Israelis they will be safe and on the other hand she is donating $150 Million to the Palestinian Authority to, perhaps, help them buy more arms.

You can't say we are biased in our stupidity. This administration outdoes itself in that department.

And perhaps the Israeli government to buy more arms


Hamas and Hizbollah cannot afford peace. The day there is a peace agreement is the day Hamas and Hizbollah loses its power base and its foreign donors.

Every Palestinian arab that has come close to reaching an agreement with Israel has either been betrayed or killed by small militant groups that take their orders from foreign interests that want to stop peace.

Only one side started the armed conflict and it was not Israel. Only won side has offered a peace deal and it is not the Palestinian Arabs.

“If the terrorists laid down their arms tomorrow, there would be peace; if Israel laid down its arms tomorrow, there would be genocide.”


Here are two interesting articles from today's news.


Clinton offers Netanyahu security pledge on peace talks

Read article here: http://news.yahoo.co...ians_israel_usa


Clinton Announces Aid to Palestinian Authority, Meets with Egyptian Counterpart

Read article here: http://www.voanews.c...-107047048.html


On one hand the Secretary of State is assuring the Israelis they will be safe and on the other hand she is donating $150 Million to the Palestinian Authority to, perhaps, help them buy more arms.

You can't say we are biased in our stupidity. This administration outdoes itself in that department.

And perhaps the Israeli government to buy more arms

Nope. That's a different source of funds. B)


Hamas and Hizbollah cannot afford peace. The day there is a peace agreement is the day Hamas and Hizbollah loses its power base and its foreign donors.

Every Palestinian arab that has come close to reaching an agreement with Israel has either been betrayed or killed by small militant groups that take their orders from foreign interests that want to stop peace.

Only one side started the armed conflict and it was not Israel. Only won side has offered a peace deal and it is not the Palestinian Arabs.

"If the terrorists laid down their arms tomorrow, there would be peace; if Israel laid down its arms tomorrow, there would be genocide."

come on U.G wake up it is day time not night time. Where is this nonsens from "If the terrorists laid down their arms..........??" Agressor Israel will always find something to start a war and blame the Palestine, Iran, Lebanon........

Agressor Israel need to start a war to get more land for all the russian people with jews backround.


Agressor Israel will always find something to start a war and blame the Palestine, Iran, Lebanon........

Wasn't it you that used to post all the links to websites that blamed the WW2 Holocaust on the Jews and made excuses for Nazi Germany (until the mods forbid it)?

You Israel bashers seem to be quite the proponents of historical revisionism. :bah:


The Israel threads on this forum are chock-full of hateful posts against Israel and Jews and links to excuses for what the Nazis did during Holocaust in World War Two and all by just a few members - the same few members - who are petty, angry and vicious on pretty much any subject that they post about, but seem to have a special interest in anything to do with Jews.

There is nothing like denying the obvious.



The Israel threads on this forum are chock-full of hateful posts

Yes but mostly by the folks that believe one country is 100% right all of the time no matter what the rest of the world

thinks.(except of course the body guard USA )


Sorry, but Palestine is not - and never has been - a country (except for the Jewish one), but if they would drop the hate and agree to peace - which they have rejected repeatedly - they could have one. ;)


except of course the body guard USA

Wasn't it you who tried to claim that America does not support Israel? When I produced a poll that proved that the American people do support them, you tried to worm out of that (because it was taken about one year ago). Make up your mind. :rolleyes:


except of course the body guard USA

Wasn't it you who tried to claim that America does not support Israel?

The body guard / provider of arms & weapons is not the American people but the US Military Industrial Complex.

Is voted on by the american tax payer?....No

I know you do not understand the difference but there it is ;)


You mean the American people? :lol:

Not unless you consider the Lobbyist that control the wallets in politicians/puppets pockets whom they control.

( I dont consider them the American Tax payers at all )

Then you see the Tel Aviv Two Step danced by said puppet


It is voted on by the american tax payer?...No

Your words, not mine. ;)

Yeah tried to clarify it for you but......As always the reality that they the American people do not still,,,, will not change a zealots opinion.

Carry on with you lobbying


It is voted on by the american tax payer?...No

Your words, not mine. ;)

Yeah tried to clarify it for you but......As always the reality that they the American people do not still,,,, will not change a zealots opinion.

Carry on with you lobbying

Are you referring to the zealot that refers to the Israelis as "jackbooted thugs" and writes one hateful post after another?

It does not exactly come as a suprise to me that he will not change his opinion. :whistling:

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