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Freed Red-Shirts In Surprise Meeting With PM Abhisit

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Red-shirt lawyer Karom Pholthaklang said the red shirts would challenge the authority of Abhisit Vejjajiva, the chief of the Centre for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) and Department of Special Investigation chief Tharit Pengdit in arresting the United Front for Democracy members.

Given that Abhisit didn't arrest anyone, I don't think Karom will get very far with this. Maybe he could put more effort into getting the poorer Red Shirt supporters released instead of wasting money on pointless attention grabbing lawsuits.

And Abhisit is not grabbing attention?

I hardly think that was attention seeking as neither of the two inmates have any grey hair and demonstrably not a great deal of intelligence. But the PM has garnered two people with age on their side who could possibly affect future situations and from the usual 'butterfly affect' good things may come from past deeds if reconcilliation can be demonstrated starting at the top.

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I don't think I'm trolling. How would I be? If I was, it would be honourable trolling and, in my opinion, trolling in Her Majesty's Finest in a war against trolls. I've got more firepower, what with Truth and the Evidence proving it freely accessible by all and sundry (including me, I'm part of 'sundry')...but I am outnumbered, and their powerful ignorance is a force that cannot be overcome easily. Not with 'traditional' weapons like Logic, in any case. I'm forced to keep trying, however. I don't know how to use their weapons, I've always been hampered by silly idealistic restrictions they are not saddled with.

Also it could be seen as one more baby step towards reconciliation

with the grass roots

How do you like the chances of that occurring?

Would you 'reconcile' with someone you believed slaughtered your peaceful protester brethren with indiscriminate fire and sniper head shots?

Their hatred has been manufactured frighteningly brilliantly (not to be confused with being complimentary). It's so powerful, even Abhisit's long-planned Welfare State and giving them more than Thaksin ever promised won't even dent their hatred. It's tragically misdirected, of course. But perhaps, on some (very low) level, understandable? Thaksin simply 'gets' them. He gets them so well, he killed some of them, knowing they would not be able to stop and think rationally and realise that they were brutally betrayed and expendable.

That's really harsh - but totally true.

Everything is Abhisit's fault

It's an easy mantra, like it was all Obamas fault, or Cameron, Sarkozy Putin, Hun Sen, any Japanese PM, Deng Zhao Ping, Disraeli or Gladstone. Atilla the Hun and Cesars one through three all were to blame, in some eyes.

The bottom line is these men all had to work with others in some fashion, and working with people with agendas and egos and vested interest pressures is messy at best, and a clusterfuc_k more typically.

Abhisit has done a decent job, in a position were a decent job is rarely done. As the point man he knew he would take the heat too, but he got a far larger helping and STILL comes out working and moving things forward. It's like juggling chainsaws, with random chance weight shifting servos. It goes up and you can never tell which end will come at you. I venture there isn't a mind on Thaivisa who could handle the job for 6 months, but they sure as hel_l can find fault in seconds.

Everything is Abhisit's fault

It's an easy mantra, like it was all Obamas fault, or Cameron, Sarkozy Putin, Hun Sen, any Japanese PM, Deng Zhao Ping, Disraeli or Gladstone. Atilla the Hun and Cesars one through three all were to blame, in some eyes.

The bottom line is these men all had to work with others in some fashion, and working with people with agendas and egos and vested interest pressures is messy at best, and a clusterfuc_k more typically.

Abhisit has done a decent job, in a position were a decent job is rarely done. As the point man he knew he would take the heat too, but he got a far larger helping and STILL comes out working and moving things forward. It's like juggling chainsaws, with random chance weight shifting servos. It goes up and you can never tell which end will come at you. I venture there isn't a mind on Thaivisa who could handle the job for 6 months, but they sure as hel_l can find fault in seconds.

I agree also that he has done and is still doing a decent job. Forget the Thaivisa Pinnochio bashers who couldn't do the job, but consider any other modern day democratic leader who likewise could do this job. There ain't any who could do better with or even want this mess. The benefit for Thailand is that those who say he is not up to it are slowly but surely having their words shoved where their own sun don't shine as leadership based on decent morals and values is being rolled out.

I can see a time not to far into the future that Pinnochio will have control of his own strings.

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