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Briton Stabs Himself, Sets Pattaya Apartment On Fire

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another PEE brain bites the dust.....

Where does it say he died?, and why not spell it pea?

Maybe a pee brain involved?.

To pee or not to pea that is the question!

I assume that pea brain is a phrase to describe one who, if his/her IQ were any lower, would require watering twice per week. I shall henceforth use the term pee brain as a more polite way of saying pi$ head.  

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classic 'cry for help' if you really wanted to die you wouldn't set fire to anything, it brings everyone running to your aid well, more specifically, to their own aid, to stop the building burning down!

This guy obviously has quite deep rooted issues, I hope he can address them when he recovers.

Oh and I agree, very embarrassing!


Something about a man stabbing himself sounds off to me.

Like a joke from the movie "Analyze That"

"How did he die?"

"He stabbed himself in the back four times and threw himself off a bridge"

Really, saying things like that only shows your complete lack of experience in such matters.

Seriously mate, you shouldn't even post, cos you don't know what the heck you're on about ! Don't tell me, you're one of these guys that think every suicide case in Pattaya is Murder !

You're probably a nice guy, but evidently, you have no, or a very limited experience of Farang actions in Thailand.

Trust me, Farangs are capable of anything, strange or not !


Nows thats a new trend, hope it doesn't catch on. Personally I dont have a problem with a fellow stabbing himself with broken glass and running around with his head on fire, that is his business, but fires have a habit of spreading. Hope they fine him BIG TIME.

no send him back to pommie land and let him do it there us falang cop enough shit from these kind of morons I personally came here to live a quiet life with my thai friends none of us need this garbage

Nows thats a new trend, hope it doesn't catch on. Personally I dont have a problem with a fellow stabbing himself with broken glass and running around with his head on fire, that is his business, but fires have a habit of spreading. Hope they fine him BIG TIME.

I live at Star Beach....Lucky the cops got to him first or I would have put another bottle through his head.....Argueing with a Thai GF!!? Why? One gets stroppy - get a new one like the rest of us:)


Would people be so harsh if the story was a man in Bristol sets fire to his hovel and stabs himself with a shard of glass? I reckon folks would say, aww poor bugger, he's obviously a bit off kilter.

Is it so hard to consider that its likely that an emotionally unstable man went to Thailand. There was an event that pushed him over the edge. Normal people just do not do these things. There is either a pre-disposition to such behaviour or a deterioration of mental health brought on by lifestyle decsions. Simply put, the man was most likely mentally ill to start with, It would be interesting to know of his past behaviour back in the UK.

Not the kind of person I'd hang out with, but he's someone's son or brother or friend and deserving of some mental health assistance not scorn.


the pattaya papers havent picked up on this yet? , i used to know a sean about the same age with a GF called Som.

Fascinating Boater. And.......?

just wondering if its the same person ......

C'mom Boater I'm on tenterhooks here. And.....?


Thailand, specifically Pattaya, must rate as the country with the worst mis-behaving foreign visitors. And I reckon the worst foreigners in Thailand are low life Brits. Surely the Thai authorities bear some blame in allowing such scum into this country or letting them stay here?

Mind you the UK lets in low life foreigners as well who rather than mis behaving as the foreigner do in thailand, the foreigners arriving in the Uk are given free housing, education welfare payments and a life of doing nothing financed by the state. At least the Thai authorities ain't so stupid.



Hold on guys. All the report said was according to HER statement, what about his statement of events?

No one finds it strange that he would stab himself with a bottle and then set the room on fire?

Bottle is a very favorite weapon for Thai girls and boys when it comes to fighting and setting fire in condo(which no doubt was in his name) so he would be liable to pay all the damage.

I do not know, but i like to hear his side of the story prior to making any conclusions

PS. Let me also add, not that i have tried but it appears to be pretty hard to stab yourself with a bottle and probably the first ever suicide or an attempt to hurt yourself with a bottle and set the room you in on fire.

People use guns, knives, hang, drown, drugs. This is the first time ever i hear of anyone stabbing themselves with a bottle and setting a fire in the room.


Would people be so harsh if the story was a man in Bristol sets fire to his hovel and stabs himself with a shard of glass? I reckon folks would say, aww poor bugger, he's obviously a bit off kilter.

Is it so hard to consider that its likely that an emotionally unstable man went to Thailand. There was an event that pushed him over the edge. Normal people just do not do these things. There is either a pre-disposition to such behaviour or a deterioration of mental health brought on by lifestyle decsions. Simply put, the man was most likely mentally ill to start with, It would be interesting to know of his past behaviour back in the UK.

Not the kind of person I'd hang out with, but he's someone's son or brother or friend and deserving of some mental health assistance not scorn.

Totally agree with you, but furthermore not only it would be interesting to know of his past, but also hear his side of the story of what actually happened and how.

People get depressed, lose control over their feelings, lose the sense of reality and so on and the hardest part of it is being in Thailand, because in many cases not only there is no one to talk to about the problems but no one really cares, and if anything people are fast to jump in and start to bash with comments like" go home" ,"why you here" and so on.

How about expats try to support each other for a change rather then try to f...k each other over.

We always talk about respect from Thai's but we do not even respect each other.


Bloody embarrassment (literally)........couple of changs, barney with the missus, and then has to start bottling himself and try set the building alight. Should've just punched a door in and then fixed it the next day, like any normal person would've. Thats the problem with us English, we drink like the Thais drive.

We can handle our beer ..so we never have that problem rolleyes.gif


Bloody embarrassment (literally)........couple of changs, barney with the missus, and then has to start bottling himself and try set the building alight. Should've just punched a door in and then fixed it the next day, like any normal person would've. Thats the problem with us English, we drink like the Thais drive.

We can handle our beer ..so we never have that problem rolleyes.gif

PS ..what sort of man wants to self harm himself or kill himself over a woman ..when they live in a place like Thailand


Bloody embarrassment (literally)........couple of changs, barney with the missus, and then has to start bottling himself and try set the building alight. Should've just punched a door in and then fixed it the next day, like any normal person would've. Thats the problem with us English, we drink like the Thais drive.

We can handle our beer ..so we never have that problem rolleyes.gif

A halo emoticon would have been more sarcastic if it was available.


wow his gf must be quite a fighter. mamanged to miss his stabbings and turn them on himself then trick him to setting fire to his own apartment. why don't us brits stop fighting our selves and stick together. together we can be stronger.


Bloody embarrassment (literally)........couple of changs, barney with the missus, and then has to start bottling himself and try set the building alight. Should've just punched a door in and then fixed it the next day, like any normal person would've. Thats the problem with us English, we drink like the Thais drive.

We can handle our beer ..so we never have that problem rolleyes.gif

PS ..what sort of man wants to self harm himself or kill himself over a woman ..when they live in a place like Thailand

This last was one of my early thoughts.


Thailand, specifically Pattaya, must rate as the country with the worst mis-behaving foreign visitors. And I reckon the worst foreigners in Thailand are low life Brits. Surely the Thai authorities bear some blame in allowing such scum into this country or letting them stay here?

Mind you the UK lets in low life foreigners as well who rather than mis behaving as the foreigner do in thailand, the foreigners arriving in the Uk are given free housing, education welfare payments and a life of doing nothing financed by the state. At least the Thai authorities ain't so stupid.


sadly as a brit i am afraid you are right, there is a beer swilling brainless element in british life that can be seen in any town and city centre in the uk every friday and saturday night and then after in A&e departments all over the country, alcohol is so cheap and available over here, there is a growing problem of alcoholism and liver disease among young folk, because Thailand is still relatively cheap to get to and realtively cheap to stay for a week or two its an easy target for that sort of rabble and of course the ladies are the cream on the cake.

as to the 2nd part of the post, i am afraid the Uk is simply disintegrating anyway, due to the EEC, we have to welcome rabble from Romania, Albania etc who are just here to screw everything they can out of the country, The UK now is like one of those overmanaged old cold war countries such as East Germany, the only difference being that we are ruled by a liberal elite in contrast to a communist party elite. Anyone with a brain and money is leaving the UK. If such people dont leave its simply because of family connections or foolish nostalgia

as for the guy in the news perhaps she wanted 2,500 for short time?

cest la vie Wap

Would people be so harsh if the story was a man in Bristol sets fire to his hovel and stabs himself with a shard of glass? I reckon folks would say, aww poor bugger, he's obviously a bit off kilter.Is it so hard to consider that its likely that an emotionally unstable man went to Thailand. There was an event that pushed him over the edge. Normal people just do not do these things. There is either a pre-disposition to such behaviour or a deterioration of mental health brought on by lifestyle decsions. Simply put, the man was most likely mentally ill to start with, It would be interesting to know of his past behaviour back in the UK.Not the kind of person I'd hang out with, but he's someone's son or brother or friend and deserving of some mental health assistance not scorn.
Totally agree with you, but furthermore not only it would be interesting to know of his past, but also hear his side of the story of what actually happened and how.People get depressed, lose control over their feelings, lose the sense of reality and so on and the hardest part of it is being in Thailand, because in many cases not only there is no one to talk to about the problems but no one really cares, and if anything people are fast to jump in and start to bash with comments like" go home" ,"why you here" and so on.How about expats try to support each other for a change rather then try to f...k each other over.We always talk about respect from Thai's but we do not even respect each other.

Bloody embarrassment (literally)........couple of changs, barney with the missus, and then has to start bottling himself and try set the building alight. Should've just punched a door in and then fixed it the next day, like any normal person would've. Thats the problem with us English, we drink like the Thais drive.

We can handle our beer ..so we never have that problem rolleyes.gif

Last time I was in Aberystwyth the uni students weren't allowed out at weekends due to the local lads off the farms coming into town, getting drunk and fighting anybody in sight.....I saw it happen, it was madness, I kid you not. That was a good while back though, hopefully they've progressed onto skunk now and chilled out a bit.biggrin.gif


Tsk tsk tsk - The name calling's started a bit early tonight.

I know it's off topic, but why oh why when ever an American, English, Scottish, Thai or other nationality does soemthing which offends, do we get these petty, narrowmided comments that invariably degenerates into a slanging match along the lines of 'my nationalities better than yours

.' It is so boring to read and smacks of the poster having a complete inferiority complex. Most expats here are discriminated against through anitquated laws, but we live with them as we choose to live here. Lets not throw sh*t at each other on an expat based forum, we get enough of that when we deal with officaldom here :jap:

P.S. It was stupid thing to do i do agree with that part!!

Very well said,

And the probable answer is :

Their too thick to have anything worthwhile to say! the slanging match is a calculated bonus for them!

invariably...., the same well known, .....boring,.....one track reply merchants,who are certainly out in force tonight!

One Citizens bad behaviour does not taint a whole Countries Population,unless your paranoid.


probley had a fight, she hits him with a bottle, he goes down, she panics & sets the apartment on fire to cover her crime. that would be my defence....


Bloody embarrassment (literally)........couple of changs, barney with the missus, and then has to start bottling himself and try set the building alight. Should've just punched a door in and then fixed it the next day, like any normal person would've. Thats the problem with us English, we drink like the Thais drive.

Love that quote - we drink like the thais drive.LOL

Are there any newspaper/media reports on this topic, because it sounds ridiculous.

Who bottles themselves then after it has failed, then decides to incinerate themselves?

Ting Tong !


another PEE brain bites the dust.....

Where does it say he died?, and why not spell it pea?

Maybe a pee brain involved?.

Maybe because it came from a Prik.. Supa... Priksorry.gif


Hold on guys. All the report said was according to HER statement, what about his statement of events?

No one finds it strange that he would stab himself with a bottle and then set the room on fire?

Bottle is a very favorite weapon for Thai girls and boys when it comes to fighting and setting fire in condo(which no doubt was in his name) so he would be liable to pay all the damage.

I do not know, but i like to hear his side of the story prior to making any conclusions

PS. Let me also add, not that i have tried but it appears to be pretty hard to stab yourself with a bottle and probably the first ever suicide or an attempt to hurt yourself with a bottle and set the room you in on fire.

People use guns, knives, hang, drown, drugs. This is the first time ever i hear of anyone stabbing themselves with a bottle and setting a fire in the room.

You articulated where my thoughts were going on this, thanks. According to the news, when they found the guy, he was 'unconscious.' When a person is unconscious, he can't talk. They only have the girl's story thus far. It's plausible that the mayhem was her doing. Will be interesting to hear what the Brit says if he survives.

Thailand, specifically Pattaya, must rate as the country with the worst mis-behaving foreign visitors. And I reckon the worst foreigners in Thailand are low life Brits. ....

Sorry to jump on the Brit-bashing bandwagon, but I just went through a harrowing two episodes of being ripped off by Brits. It was via online ruses. I must admit some Brits are adept at stealing online. One got money by a devious ruse, the other (more recent) got money by keylogging and hijacking all my online accounts - though all the money he stole has since been refunded back to me. I'm sure there are honest and decent Brits out there - it's just a bit hard for me to perceive that right now.

Oh, and have received a few emails from Ireland lately which start out wanting to buy a house I have for sale, then go on to talk of transferring millions of dollars (in my name) to facilitate the purchase. Sounds like the British Isles are becoming the Nigeria of Europe in terms of proliferation of online scams.


This is sad, I think that a mental health test should be part of the visa process(tongue in cheek).So many guys come here already emotionally scarred and when things don't go as planned or a problem arises they end up hurting them self and sometimes others.

Thailand can be a hard country if alone.


Hold on guys. All the report said was according to HER statement, what about his statement of events?

No one finds it strange that he would stab himself with a bottle and then set the room on fire?

Bottle is a very favorite weapon for Thai girls and boys when it comes to fighting and setting fire in condo(which no doubt was in his name) so he would be liable to pay all the damage.

I do not know, but i like to hear his side of the story prior to making any conclusions

PS. Let me also add, not that i have tried but it appears to be pretty hard to stab yourself with a bottle and probably the first ever suicide or an attempt to hurt yourself with a bottle and set the room you in on fire.

People use guns, knives, hang, drown, drugs. This is the first time ever i hear of anyone stabbing themselves with a bottle and setting a fire in the room.

You articulated where my thoughts were going on this, thanks. According to the news, when they found the guy, he was 'unconscious.' When a person is unconscious, he can't talk. They only have the girl's story thus far. It's plausible that the mayhem was her doing. Will be interesting to hear what the Brit says if he survives.

Thailand, specifically Pattaya, must rate as the country with the worst mis-behaving foreign visitors. And I reckon the worst foreigners in Thailand are low life Brits. ....

Sorry to jump on the Brit-bashing bandwagon, but I just went through a harrowing two episodes of being ripped off by Brits. It was via online ruses. I must admit some Brits are adept at stealing online. One got money by a devious ruse, the other (more recent) got money by keylogging and hijacking all my online accounts - though all the money he stole has since been refunded back to me. I'm sure there are honest and decent Brits out there - it's just a bit hard for me to perceive that right now.

Oh, and have received a few emails from Ireland lately which start out wanting to buy a house I have for sale, then go on to talk of transferring millions of dollars (in my name) to facilitate the purchase. Sounds like the British Isles are becoming the Nigeria of Europe in terms of proliferation of online scams.

Ok Brit bashing! I am sure that are many Brits out there who can recall attempted scams by many other nationalities ,Britain becoming the next Nigeria ha !!, your story sounds fishy are your sure they were British, I ask because Ireland uses the Euro and U.K the pound, they wanted dollars?

Also profiles are and can be created so easily that claim to be from one place when they are really from another this is common. This scam sounds like it was working on the value of properties which we all know are high in the U.K thus making a tempting opportunity.

I will get back to work now but before I go if anyone is interested I have a lovely 5 bedroom farm cottage in southern England payment via Pay pal .........cool.gif

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