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I don't think I could get any further into the "no" camp.

Any surgery is DANGEROUS, un-necessary surgery is stupid.

Why risk your life and future health over vanity?

Cosmetic surgery should be reserved for fixing the results of accidents or natural disfigurement. Small boobs is not a disfigurement.

Your 'friend' needs to ask herself, how would her bf/husband feel if she were permanently disfigured or worse.

Just my 2 Satang worth, what other people choose to do with their body is really none of my business, smoke, ride moto without helmet or whatever.

But surely her husband should love her with small breasts, big breasts or being permanently disfigured. If not then there is a problem.

Wise words from one so young! :o !

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I don't think I could get any further into the "no" camp.

Any surgery is DANGEROUS, un-necessary surgery is stupid.

Why risk your life and future health over vanity?

Cosmetic surgery should be reserved for fixing the results of accidents or natural disfigurement. Small boobs is not a disfigurement.

Your 'friend' needs to ask herself, how would her bf/husband feel if she were permanently disfigured or worse.

Just my 2 Satang worth, what other people choose to do with their body is really none of my business, smoke, ride moto without helmet or whatever.

But surely her husband should love her with small breasts, big breasts or being permanently disfigured. If not then there is a problem.

Wise words from one so young! :o !

I don't know if that is sarcastic of not...


I would echo eric's post on this, both as regards the silicon gel issue (best choice!), and through what type of incision they are placed.

Personally I think the the axillary (incision under the arm) approach gives the best result in terms of no incision scar being visible on the breast. But the axillary approach is considered more technically challenging so it is very important to get the best surgeon possible who has done ALOT of procedures using that method.

Some women are only concerned with how they looked IN CLOTHES with the implants, if that is the primary concern then the incision site probably doesn't matter. (I could never totally understand this.)

Keep in mind that a surgeon will tend to recommend the method with which they are the most comfortable. Eg. they will say that the best placement will result if they use a infra-aureolar incision (incision at the lower margin of the nipple, this helps to disguise the incision site). It may be true that in THEIR HANDS it will be more likely a better result, but that may be because they don't have much experience in the axillary approach.

Some women's scars heal wonderfully and are barely visible, others are quite noticeable. Like anything else, most fall somewhere in between.

A newer method is the trans-umbilical approach, where an incision is made in the belly-button (believe it or not), and then some fancy maneuvers are used to place the implants in the proper place. I think the "jury is still out" on this method as to the reliability of this method and its results. Of course the appeal is that the incision is the least conspicuous of the methods.

For the sake of completeness, a couple of older methods involve incisions in the fold under the breast (infra mammary) These incisions are much smaller than they used to be back when, and they can in fact be unobstrusive in some women.

Hope this helps and isn't too complicated!

Good luck to your friend, whatever she decides.

  • 1 year later...
One of my close friend is considering breast augmentation to make her 34A boobs to a 36C. She has been thinking about it for a long time but has been scared into not doing it. However, she has now decided to do it.

She is sick of her small boobs and wants to make herself feel better. She thinks this procedure will do the trick. She wants to be able to wear unpadded bras and look good in them. Not to feel conscious when she is amongst women with larger breasts.

I am a bit afraid for her as I have heard horror stories and also quite excited as I have hear success stories too.

What do you guys and gals think? Any views or advice on this?

What happened in the end? Did she get them done, if so where and how much? Was she satisfied with the result?


I have had four ex-girlfriends who had boob jobs, three in the States and one in Italy. None have had any problems. I wouldnt recommend the "discount" clinics advertised in the newspaper. Go to BNC or Bumrungrad and she should be safe.

I think going to 34C makes more sense since I believe the number is the circumference of her chest and it might be difficult to increase that surgically. Increasing cup size to C should make her feel beautiful.

:D Why was this resurected? it's two years old. One thing to bear in mind about silicon implants is that following cremation, you end up with a nasty mess. An undertaker friend of mine in the UK told me that (so it must be true!) :o
:D Why was this resurected? it's two years old. One thing to bear in mind about silicon implants is that following cremation, you end up with a nasty mess. An undertaker friend of mine in the UK told me that (so it must be true!) :o

Sorry didn't realise there was a rule against replying on old threads. On the contrary, I thought it better to revive an old thread which had been discussed rather than start a new one, and have people ask why I hadn't researched it?

My point on this one was perhaps daivethailand could advise if there had been any problems since the op.

Make sense? :D

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