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Thailand To Extradite Russian Arms Dealer Viktor Bout To US: PM Abhisit


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quote" you yanks f.ck your own country and think its cool to do the same in other countries, using lies, deceit, offers of dollars to get what you want"

Sounds like a sexpat visiting Thailand. Just to put this into perspective, those who receive these overtures mentioned are referred to as whores in the real world. Not sure what that could insinuate about those 'other countries'

That's obviously the reason you are here in Thailand, Not all of us are here in Thailand for the bar girls. Some of us are actually able to have a great relationship with a Thai Lady.

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sickening to see the yanks in here celebrating, most of you had probably not even heard of the guy until he was arrested here.

All the 'yeeharing' in this thread pretty much sums you all up, no wonder Canadians make a big deal about making sure people don't confuse them with you lot.

The worlds police :lol: your own country has long gone down the pan, don't forget that.

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This guy only has himself to blame. Even though he had already accumulated a huge amount of loot from dubious and amoral businesses, he got too greedy and flew into Bangkok to take the bait of an obvious cock and bull story concocted by the American agents. Now he will have his day(s) in court to prove he wasn't a despicable merchant of death, as charged.

I am not sure what the Russians can do in retaliation. They are already extremely obnoxious towards foreign investors and Thailand has hardly any investment there. It's not worth Russia cancelling the treaty on visa free travel with Thailand because it is used almost exclusively by Russians and there is only a trickle Thai tourists going to Russia. Russians will still want to visit Thailand, since they can't get the things Thailand has to offer readily elsewhere. Anyway good luck to the Russians in making their anger felt around the world in defence of an obviously odious character who has probably been aided and abetted by the Russian establishment.

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This is truly a sad day for Soviet Russia...

Well it hasn't happened yet, (edit...yes it has I see) but I will be glad to see a Russian tried for any crimes he committed, and punished if found guilty.

It is disturbing that they think they are above thev laws of other countries, and can murder those who speak against them and then run to the safe haven of their homeland.

Are you talking about American soldiers who invade other countries and killing the people there?

I hope one day they face justice too and everyone of them get what they deserve.

Edited by SergeiY
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It was only a matter of time.

Have a safe trip to the plane, dude!

I am sure once airborne he can relax a bit with

the target removed from his forehead.

It was only a matter of time, glad to see the U.S. is adamant that this man will stand trial and be accountable. If he is innocent as he says, then no harm. I doubt though, that the U.S. govt would go to these great lengths unless it had an iron tight reason. As an American, I think our justice system (while not perfect) does its best to ferret out right and wrong.

OMG, I guess thats why the US has the highest number of people incarcerated per capita than any other country in the world with more than 1 million sentenced to long prison sentences for non-violent crimes per year.

You gotta be kidding me.....

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I guess America had more to offer - or more to take away from Thailand.

And the post regarding the fairness of the American justice system is laughable. Do a little research and you will see the the reality of the harshness of the sentences that are handed out at random in the 'land of the free and home of the brave'.

Yes the justice system in America try's to there hardest to prove you guilty So that the DA can improve his record of sentences given out. You have to spend a Lot of money to prove your self not guilty..,

As an American I know this as fact......

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I guess America had more to offer - or more to take away from Thailand.

And the post regarding the fairness of the American justice system is laughable. Do a little research and you will see the the reality of the harshness of the sentences that are handed out at random in the 'land of the free and home of the brave'.

I think this one is easy, because in all western Europe country's have a better a more fair justice system. :jap:

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Bout was lured into US trap to sell weapon to South American rebels. The American wanted him so much, they even slapped money laundering charge on top of weapon smuggling deal. Now, if the case is cooked up by the US as the Russian said, the Thai would forever be an enemy of Moscow. Thai has taken side openly, and this is scary.

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Garrifeild posted

I am sure ther are bigger fish to catch, the Yanks still haven't found bin-laden, more than ten years after 9/11, WHY.

But that said I am sure the Yanks have killed more poeple than the taliban, in Iraq, Afganistan, Pakistan, etc. I would also suggest that it is odd how many western countries sell arms to suposed friends only to have them used against them a few years later when they fall out of favour with that western power, who also couldn't find WMD, which pissed Bush off because it showed the lie for his reasoning to invade Iraq!

Lets face it, most other wars the Yanks have been involved in since the WW11 have been surogate wars between the Yanks and either Russia or China, fought on other peoples territory. But I guess it's OK if governments kill millions of people, Just as long as the odd arms dealer pays the price.

Ahh you have trouble understanding English - Again and for the 2nd time - The war in the Congo has killed more people than any other conflict in the world since WWII. You can add Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakisatn and multiply by 10 and you wouldn't even be close to 1 / 4 of those killed in that war.

However please ignore, deflect, distract. I wouldn't want you to trouble your little minds dealing with such unpleasant subjects. Keep it on hypocrisy, something you understand. B)

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It was only a matter of time.

Have a safe trip to the plane, dude!

I am sure once airborne he can relax a bit with

the target removed from his forehead.

It was only a matter of time, glad to see the U.S. is adamant that this man will stand trial and be accountable. If he is innocent as he says, then no harm. I doubt though, that the U.S. govt would go to these great lengths unless it had an iron tight reason. As an American, I think our justice system (while not perfect) does its best to ferret out right and wrong.

What offence did he commot in the U.S? This is just the typical U.S bully boy thing the bloody yanks think they are the world police no wonder they are so disliked the world over.

If you are from Britian you should really get your own house in order before you go around shooting your mouth off...I've got two letters for you: BP

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20 commandos & 4 US officials are going to Bang Kwang Prison preparing to take Viktor Bout to still unidentified airport. /via@nnanews /vi atukky_nt

What a surprise!!!! Time to get him inside a tank...................

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This guy only has himself to blame. Even though he had already accumulated a huge amount of loot from dubious and amoral businesses, he got too greedy and flew into Bangkok to take the bait of an obvious cock and bull story concocted by the American agents. Now he will have his day(s) in court to prove he wasn't a despicable merchant of death, as charged.


Are you are Christian? Why accusing him of amorality and greed? Or are you just envy that someone make money?

And what about the amorality, hypocrisy and hubris of America?

And about the court proceedings, he isn't guilty until the kind Americans offer him a trail where he can prove his innocents. its the other way around. Nor is he charged for being the 'merchant of death'. You just watch to much bad movies. The extradition request is just about this set up with American agents and he is accused of conspiracy against American mercenaries and secret warriors in Colombia.

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Garrifeild posted

I am sure ther are bigger fish to catch, the Yanks still haven't found bin-laden, more than ten years after 9/11, WHY.

But that said I am sure the Yanks have killed more poeple than the taliban, in Iraq, Afganistan, Pakistan, etc. I would also suggest that it is odd how many western countries sell arms to suposed friends only to have them used against them a few years later when they fall out of favour with that western power, who also couldn't find WMD, which pissed Bush off because it showed the lie for his reasoning to invade Iraq!

Lets face it, most other wars the Yanks have been involved in since the WW11 have been surogate wars between the Yanks and either Russia or China, fought on other peoples territory. But I guess it's OK if governments kill millions of people, Just as long as the odd arms dealer pays the price.

Ahh you have trouble understanding English - Again and for the 2nd time - The war in the Congo has killed more people than any other conflict in the world since WWII. You can add Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakisatn and multiply by 10 and you wouldn't even be close to 1 / 4 of those killed in that war.

However please ignore, deflect, distract. I wouldn't want you to trouble your little minds dealing with such unpleasant subjects. Keep it on hypocrisy, something you understand. B)

Bout killed no-one in Congo. He didn't start or force the congo conflict nor would he been able to prevent or stop it.

The US invasion forces in Iraq, Afghansitan, Pakistan and other countries killed thousands of people.

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Why do bloody Americans think that thier laws apply to everyone in the world? Why do they think they can force thier judicial system on citizens of other countries. If I broke the law in Australia what bloody right does America have to come and arrest me under American law? America is not the worlds Police even tho they think they are. (Self Appointed) America is destroying the world. They have claimed the title as the most hated people on the planet and they have created this themselves by the way they dictate to every country. Do as i say and obey our laws worldwide or bloody well watch out,

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Why do bloody Americans think that thier laws apply to everyone in the world? Why do they think they can force thier judicial system on citizens of other countries. If I broke the law in Australia what bloody right does America have to come and arrest me under American law? America is not the worlds Police even tho they think they are. (Self Appointed) America is destroying the world. They have claimed the title as the most hated people on the planet and they have created this themselves by the way they dictate to every country. Do as i say and obey our laws worldwide or bloody well watch out,

Simple answer, USAMerica still thinks IT IS the WORLD. .....and the idiots still wonder why most ppl in the world hates them :bah::lol:

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I guess America had more to offer - or more to take away from Thailand.

And the post regarding the fairness of the American justice system is laughable. Do a little research and you will see the the reality of the harshness of the sentences that are handed out at random in the 'land of the free and home of the brave'.

Please enlighten us all the countries that offer a more fair system of justice. Of course there are countries who's idea of issuing justice to those convicted consists of treatment and confinement more in line of a country club. I was once wrongfully accused of crimes in the US, and while it took some time, it all got sorted out and my record was wiped clean. Please inform us, Oh Enlightened One, if Russia, China, Thailand, etc. would afford such treatment.

FAIR? you are kidding right? Is the death sentence a fair thing to you? Do you really think a murderer stops in the last second because he thinks of the death sentence or a rapist stops raping because he faces 10 instead of 20 years? wake up.

USAmericas big cities are the most violent on the planet not at least because some arms dealers. So why you sent them to jail first? Or does it create a conflict with your weapon industry???

Fairness is always a thing in the eyes of the executive

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I'm simply amazed that Thailand took the step to join with the coalition of the evil.

We can only speculate what was offered to the PM for his cooperation in this crime but something in the line of a citizenship and a safe house in USA to flee to when justice comes looking for him after the next election is probably a god guess.

The world will not forget this!


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I guess America had more to offer - or more to take away from Thailand.

And the post regarding the fairness of the American justice system is laughable. Do a little research and you will see the the reality of the harshness of the sentences that are handed out at random in the 'land of the free and home of the brave'.

Please enlighten us all the countries that offer a more fair system of justice. Of course there are countries who's idea of issuing justice to those convicted consists of treatment and confinement more in line of a country club. I was once wrongfully accused of crimes in the US, and while it took some time, it all got sorted out and my record was wiped clean. Please inform us, Oh Enlightened One, if Russia, China, Thailand, etc. would afford such treatment.

I agree with Bouts extradiction for one reason: at last the prattle will stop and, finally, all will be revealed in the autopsy arena of (a) US courtroom(s) for a while ahead......who knows where it may lead.....and to whom? Patience is the Watchword here, methinks. Thanks for the exc link to the BBC's take on this as follows:


regards Brewsta

Edited by Brewsta
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Russia understands Bout's extradition, Kasit

Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya said Tuesday that Russia is expected to understand Thai government's decision to extradite Russian arm dealer Viktor Bout.

"We make the decision to extradite Bout as allowed by our laws. Our justice system should be respected and we are a sovereign country like other countries," Kasit said.

The Thai side had discussed the matter several times with Russian side and it appeared to understand our position.

The Nation


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Bout was lured into US trap to sell weapon to South American rebels. The American wanted him so much, they even slapped money laundering charge on top of weapon smuggling deal. Now, if the case is cooked up by the US as the Russian said, the Thai would forever be an enemy of Moscow. Thai has taken side openly, and this is scary.


Do you really think the Russians care about Bout? The guy was caught attempting to sell weapons to who he thought was FARC. The Thai police made the arrest. He was extradited under the extradition treaty that Thailand has with the US. He got caught. He's going to trial. eos

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Perhaps the good old USA govt, being ever so righteous, will also be happy to give up the CIA operatives that are wanted in Italy for the kidnapping and 'rendition' of their citizens.

Surely the USA govt wants to see justice done. lol, yeah right.

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Hi Mr. Maxman

You seem ti be a "Tea Party" kind of guy. I lived in Texas for 10 years. I love Texans, they are very polite and generous people. I do worry about the tea party as it may eventually run the US and defacto have it's finger on the trigger so to speak. But what worries me the most is the unscheduled missile firing off LA. The most probable source is a N. Korean sub that only wanted to prove to Kim Il Sung that they could do it. They won't advertise it but they are gloating in the knowledge that they can now deal a city killer to US soil. Now that is scary. Yes it would mean the annihilation of N.Korea and the more or less a lot of innocent N. Korean civilians but it would also mean the destruction of Seattle (and Vancouver effectively), LA and San Francisco Bay area. The US is highly vulnerable to a submarine attack. 

I don't have any argument with your politics or those of the other readers, I just wanted to share some probability deductions that are hard to get rid off.  Dare I mention that the ants are waiting and ready to adapt to the higher rad levels.

So, what is the best way to prevent this scenario? Maybe you should talk to the pacifists after all what would happen if Kim Il Sung suddenly realized that the US was not his enemy. Do you think that is a possibility? Certainly would save a lot of lives. 

Good luck Max

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What in the heck are you talking about? "Sentences that are handed out at random"? Like some kind of lottery or something? You know nothing of what you are talking about and you make yourself look like pretty foolish making this kind of a statement. Truthfully, this kind of moronic, flippant spouting off doesn't even warrant a response. Shame on me as well for giving you the time of day.

I guess America had more to offer - or more to take away from Thailand.

And the post regarding the fairness of the American justice system is laughable. Do a little research and you will see the the reality of the harshness of the sentences that are handed out at random in the 'land of the free and home of the brave'.

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But what worries me the most is the unscheduled missile firing off LA. The most probable source is a N. Korean sub that only wanted to prove to Kim Il Sung that they could do it. They won't advertise it but they are gloating in the knowledge that they can now deal a city killer to US soil.

Regarding the Missile firering LOL, have you ever been up North in Thailand in June? There is a so called Rocket Festival and nearly every small village is launching missiles sometimes 8m long and 300mm in diameter. Check these missilelaunches from far away and "your" missile launch close to L.A.


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