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Safe To Live In Thailand?


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I remember the last gated community I lived in, you could paint your house any color as long as it was white,

where i live the mandatory colour is "white, adulterated with a little chicken shit to make it look some sort of very light beige". naturally i complied but told the painter to forego the chicken shit and i live happily in a pure white painted house.


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I am tempted to get back into this with you, but (scratches chin) .........................No!

I truly have better things to do than discuss the pros and cons of living with the enemy in the confines of a housing estate.

A gated community is such a pretentious description ........

To which, at this point, I concur. ;)

I've presented my arguments, you've presented yours. I'll leave it up to the readers to decide what's best for them.

Case :mfr_closed1:

You've made a decision that makes you happy. I've made a decision, that I am more than content with. :thumbsup:

At this point it's just yada... yada... :whistling:



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I was thinking of some of those "villages" around Rayong that would be nice - more quiet and a better beach area but if one wants a big Central Department store ...a couple cinema complexes ...and a variety of restaurants, I guess Pattaya would be the choice; however when you live here (I have lived/ work here for 6 years) the tourists, traffic, junk laying around becomes old quickly.Fact: Pattaya's infrastructure has not kept up with the booming city and the city officials do not know how to handle it. mmmm- maybe Rayong would be better and just make a weekly trip to Pattaya. I agree with another post, think of Changmai - cooler weather and a smaller tourist population.

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just watching Pattaya news, house in gated community had 2 teenagers drive in and throw bomb at a house, then drive out being saluted by security gaurd. source TMN news. nobody hurt, security what security.

stick to my house in the sticks. :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

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just watching Pattaya news, house in gated community had 2 teenagers drive in and throw bomb at a house, then drive out being saluted by security gaurd. source TMN news. nobody hurt, security what security.

stick to my house in the sticks. :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

it is a well known fact that there are gated communities and there are gated communities. a dinner can consist of steak, lobster and wine as well as of rice, rice and tap water.


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Well a number of the replies steer it for me! I dont like my neighbours were i live in the UK, and after some of the comments on hear i would never move into a gated community! Like i said each to there own, i like privacy and i dont want some walking past every 5 minutes or borrowing a cup of sugar, big wall and wilderness for me thanks....

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Well a number of the replies steer it for me! I dont like my neighbours were i live in the UK, and after some of the comments on hear i would never move into a gated community! Like i said each to there own, i like privacy and i dont want some walking past every 5 minutes or borrowing a cup of sugar, big wall and wilderness for me thanks....

Here! Here! I agree 1,000% :clap2:

Not to mention the idle gossip that occurs in many communities (Gated and Non-gated). What I do, is my own business, not my neighbors!

Thank you very much. :wai:

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Well a number of the replies steer it for me! I dont like my neighbours were i live in the UK, and after some of the comments on hear i would never move into a gated community! Like i said each to there own, i like privacy and i dont want some walking past every 5 minutes or borrowing a cup of sugar, big wall and wilderness for me thanks....

please elaborate why you think there is no privacy in a gated community and why you have hallucinations, e.g. that residents in a gated community borrow sugar from their neighbours.


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I was thinking of some of those "villages" around Rayong that would be nice - more quiet and a better beach area but if one wants a big Central Department store ...a couple cinema complexes ...and a variety of restaurants, I guess Pattaya would be the choice; however when you live here (I have lived/ work here for 6 years) the tourists, traffic, junk laying around becomes old quickly.Fact: Pattaya's infrastructure has not kept up with the booming city and the city officials do not know how to handle it. mmmm- maybe Rayong would be better and just make a weekly trip to Pattaya. I agree with another post, think of Changmai - cooler weather and a smaller tourist population.

What have you been smoking...Rayong is one of the most environmentally polluted and contaminated provinces in Thailand. Just breathing the air down there will probably give you lung-cancer, let alone swimming in the water on the beaches. It's the most industrial of Thailand's provinces and that's all you need to know (no matter what all the property-pimps try to tell you).

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summary: Thailand is not a safe place to live except when living in the sticks surrounded by walls and wilderness, non-gated communities are polluted, in gated communities the neighbours keep on borrowing cups of sugar, then they gossip while teenagers on motorcycles throw bombs at homes which are not painted yellow.


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please elaborate why you think there is no privacy in a gated community and why you have hallucinations, e.g. that residents in a gated community borrow sugar from their neighbours.



No privacy because you have neighbours!! You cant even enter the gated community with out being seen, and i dont see any hallucinations. Was simply asking for peoples opinions, just seems like some people are on hear to get an argument!

Ive not said any think judgmental or offensive to any one on the post, however a number of peole have! Was just after peoples valid opinions thats all!!

Thanks to all the people who have contacted me regarding houses etc the advice is appreciated greatly.


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i dont see any hallucinations. Was simply asking for peoples opinions

i dont want some walking past every 5 minutes or borrowing a cup of sugar, big wall and wilderness for me thanks...

one asks for people's opinions by making ridiculous claims? or did you live in a gated community and experienced neighbours who asked you "every five minutes" for a cup of sugar?


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Well a number of the replies steer it for me! I dont like my neighbours were i live in the UK, and after some of the comments on hear i would never move into a gated community! Like i said each to there own, i like privacy and i dont want some walking past every 5 minutes or borrowing a cup of sugar, big wall and wilderness for me thanks....

I agree with Naam. I've seen pics of your house...what a horrible place to live! :o Kidding! It's a beautiful place that pretty much anyone on TV would love to own...but most could not afford.

Some of you guys must have lived in some really bad gated communities. I've not experienced anything like that so far in ours. Our committee is great. Streets swept every day. Landscaping maintained. Riff raff kept out.

Last night was a great party attended by a large group of residents. Great fun. Great people. Nobody ever comes to our house without calling first. Never borrow anything. Actually, food is brought over on a regular basis from some of the neighbors. Great stuff! But if you live in a low rent district, I can imagine having problems. For fun, go check out Silk Road. Great community. Lots are a bit small for me, but tastefully done.

As for living out in the sticks, to each his own. I have a friend who did this. His wife said she is bored to tears. Nobody ever comes by to visit. They are quite a way out on the "dark side". Can't walk to a store or restaurant. He loves it, she hates it. My other friend who built out in the sticks had a guy build next to him with his fighting chickens. After a year, he moved to a condo. Couldn't take it. Regarding break ins, in a gated community, they can only take what goes over the wall. Out in the sticks, I've personally seen several houses that were literally cleaned out. Doors, sinks, light fixtures...everything.

We have no standard for painting our houses, but everybody tries to keep the same style. So it looks great. No stray dogs running around or barking. No bums ringing our door bell. No cars parked on the street. Whether you live in a gated community or out in the sticks, you will be behind a wall anyway...and always worrying about what will be built next to you. Perhaps a karaoke bar?

Everybody is different, why bash somebody who enjoys where they live? Each has it's pros and cons. Neither one is perfect, except to you. Which is great, right?

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I agree with Naam. I've seen pics of your house...what a horrible place to live! :o Kidding! It's a beautiful place that pretty much anyone on TV would love to own... but most could not afford.

come on Craig! why would any TV-member not be able to afford a THB 25 million home? :huh: surely most of them live in much more luxurious homes than my humble dwelling. and that outside some ugly and low-life gated community where stray dogs roam the streets and neighbours pestering each other on a continous basis for a cup of sugar :whistling:

p.s. you and Barry (including your wives) were supposed to visit us months ago. what happened? <_<

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I agree with Naam. I've seen pics of your house...what a horrible place to live! :o Kidding! It's a beautiful place that pretty much anyone on TV would love to own... but most could not afford.

come on Craig! why would any TV-member not be able to afford a THB 25 million home? :huh: surely most of them live in much more luxurious homes than my humble dwelling. and that outside some ugly and low-life gated community where stray dogs roam the streets and neighbours pestering each other on a continous basis for a cup of sugar :whistling:

p.s. you and Barry (including your wives) were supposed to visit us months ago. what happened? <_<

I've been waiting for Barry! Last time I visited him, he was almost done with his house...and covered in paint! It would be fun. I'll touch bases with him....and we will make sure not to ask for a cup of sugar when we stop by! :whistling:

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I've been waiting for Barry! Last time I visited him, he was almost done with his house...and covered in paint! It would be fun. I'll touch bases with him....and we will make sure not to ask for a cup of sugar when we stop by! :whistling:

wouldn't that break a rule? but then... you are not neighbours. i guess it is not mandatory for "non-neighbours" to borrow sugar in a gated community :lol:

p.s. don't forget to bring few stray dogs!

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