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Additional 2,000 Dead Foetuses Found At Temple In Bangkok


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I have watched this thread on and off for the last few days, and daily it gets worse with numbers growing so I finally decided to sit down and write a comment.

Firstly, how on God's earth could anybody hide 2300 fetuses in a temple for as long as they have been there?

Secondly, what possible other state could a fetus be in, than dead?

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The number has increased as the number of fetuses have been uncovered. I believe they still have further checking to do at the temple.

There are many inaccuracies in news stories but to say they are "seldom accurate" is...well...less than accurate and is not the topic of this thread.

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Quit pinning all the responsibility on the women. If you're gonna go out nite after nite with your One-Eyed Sailor jacked up on knock-off Viagra, and let him call the shots from down below, then man up and get a freaking vasectomy. Will save you more trouble than you can shake a stick at...err, so to speak.

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Did anybody else notice the part about the furnace being out-of-order a few months??????????? AND THEN the part about the latest findings being up to a year old. Somebody is bullshitting somebody about only storing up the ones since the furnace went down..................

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I don't know if anybody is BS anybody...although I am pretty sure there is a lot of blaming and finger pointing going on.

I thought I read that they would sneak the fetuses into the cremation with other corpses. I would imagine there is a limited number of fetuses they can sneak in. This might account for the backlog.

If, as was stated in one article, the abbot had no knowledge of the situation, then this would be a clandestine affair.

Perhaps posters with some specific knowledge about how this might work could shed some light on it.

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Jesus. That is horrible.

its horrible that girls can't get abortions done safely and legally

They can, very cheaply too. Look in the health forum if you need to find out the locations of them. But many people prefer private clinics, or are referred to them for profit

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It is not funny to see men diskussion about this...

2000 times kill unborn life, 2000 never laugh, never cry...

2000 means some woman will be dead while or after abortion...

Some of the 2000 will have a mother that cry and don't forget their Baby

2000 times decide, it will be better dead, than alive...why

Sometimes, the man will or can not take resposibillity,

Sometimes the woman will study,

a woman with baby but without man in Thailand,

that will be a hard live for both.

Better to listen the woman who do it to understand why...

So much sadness, shown in thousends of unborn Babys...

What about the man...

And than take a look to India and the killed female Babys,

horrible human...

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that woman'll be doing some hard time for all those illegal and vile abortions. they lied about how many there were, then the next day they find more! Sad waste of life. even worse when you see in other articles they were children of some hi so who were trying to save their faces.

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Those who think education is the answer, look at it this way.

In the UK education is free and people know what is what and where things go and what happens when things go in that place...

So 80,000 abortions seem conservative if you ask me. Since in England and Wales its about 50m people. Thailand over 63million, with not much education.

From the UK Website - http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsStatistics/DH_099285

In 2008, for women residents in England and Wales:

  • the total number of abortions was 195,296, compared with 198,499 in 2007, a fall of 1.6%
  • the age-standardised abortion rate was 18.2 per 1,000 resident women aged 15-44, compared with 18.6 in 2007
  • the abortion rate was highest at 36 per 1,000, for women age 19, the same as in 2007
  • the under-16 abortion rate was 4.2 and the under-18 rate was 18.9 per 1,000 women, both lower than in 2007
  • 91% of abortions were funded by the NHS; of these, just over half (58%) took place in the independent sector under NHS contract
  • 90% of abortions were carried out at under 13 weeks gestation; 73% were at under 10 weeks
  • medical abortions accounted for 38% of the total
  • 1,988 abortions (1%) were under ground E, risk that the child would be born handicapped

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Jesus. That is horrible.

its horrible that girls can't get abortions done safely and legally

Yes... so the 'boys' involved can continue their irresponsible ways.

Yours is a foolish notion... Sex is a beautiful part of life. Treating it as a meaningless side show is appalling.

Emotions and intimacy are complex matters. Young people should be discouraged from this as maturity is the mark of adulthood.

Engaging in sexual behaviors have consequences. Obligating one's heart to another - along with their body - is normal human behavior... but requires integrity.

Anything less is undignified.... animal.

No gray area discussions can discount these facts.

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Interesting, I didn't know abotion was not legal. But then, I would have no reason to know...

Explains the large number of single mums "hooking" up with beer swilling farnag guys a little more...

sorry state of affairs but, everywhere has problems.

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Abortion is illegal in Thailand, but it is permitted if the mother is a victim of rape, or if the pregnancy harms the life of the mother.
<BR>prostitution is illegal in Thailand, but it is permitted if the bar pays off bib.<BR>bribery is illegal in Thailand, but it is permitted if the politician has won an election.<BR>censorship is illegal in Thailand, but it is permitted if the party that is in power red or yellow doesn't like opposition.<BR>cohersion is illegal in Thailand, but it is permitted for traffic police.<BR>tit
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There's one thing about it that nobody talked here yet.

The nurse who confessed and carried out abortions since the middle of last year said that she's taking care of 8 babies now who survived the procedure.

What does that mean? Clear acts of murders involved.

I think they should find the mothers and the fathers and hold them also responsible for this.

Where in the world can one make a legal abortion for 6,7,8 or even 9 months old fetuses?

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And how many of them where half-bloods?

Who cares. *(Flame edited out/Scott)*

Whe are so many abortions needed?? Solve that problem and most abortions will go away. In Buhhdist Thailand one cannot even blame the Papacy.

Education and condoms the only solution.

Edited by Scott
Flame edited out/Scott
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Sorry but I can not see what the big problem is. Did people not know there was such a thing as abortions. Why was this not a big problem last week.

When a person puts a negative spin on this they should maybe stop and ask them selves do I care enough to do some thing about it? If the answer is no maybe they should respect the wishes of the ones getting the abortion. Remember these are unwanted children who for the most part will be going into a home where poverty is the way of life. Or perhaps alcohol and drug addiction will be there surrounding influence.

Of course there will always be some who will go into a well to do home. But they are not wanted. Last and not least there will be a percentage to receive love and a good upbringing.

But for the rest a life of misery.:(

No I am not willing to do any thing about it.

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Sorry but I can not see what the big problem is. Did people not know there was such a thing as abortions. Why was this not a big problem last week.

When a person puts a negative spin on this they should maybe stop and ask them selves do I care enough to do some thing about it? If the answer is no maybe they should respect the wishes of the ones getting the abortion. Remember these are unwanted children who for the most part will be going into a home where poverty is the way of life. Or perhaps alcohol and drug addiction will be there surrounding influence.

Of course there will always be some who will go into a well to do home. But they are not wanted. Last and not least there will be a percentage to receive love and a good upbringing.

But for the rest a life of misery.:(

No I am not willing to do any thing about it.

Do you agree with murder then?

Slaughters have taken place. - No problems for you? Wow, just wow.

What about the elderly, the incurable ill shall they be killed like this as well?

Oh well, famous actresses and other well to do don't show much of material poverty, but if you mean spiritual poverty I couldn't agree more.

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Sorry but I can not see what the big problem is. Did people not know there was such a thing as abortions. Why was this not a big problem last week.

When a person puts a negative spin on this they should maybe stop and ask them selves do I care enough to do some thing about it? If the answer is no maybe they should respect the wishes of the ones getting the abortion. Remember these are unwanted children who for the most part will be going into a home where poverty is the way of life. Or perhaps alcohol and drug addiction will be there surrounding influence.

Of course there will always be some who will go into a well to do home. But they are not wanted. Last and not least there will be a percentage to receive love and a good upbringing.

But for the rest a life of misery.:(

No I am not willing to do any thing about it.

Do you agree with murder then?

Slaughters have taken place. - No problems for you? Wow, just wow.

What about the elderly, the incurable ill shall they be killed like this as well?

Oh well, famous actresses and other well to do don't show much of material poverty, but if you mean spiritual poverty I couldn't agree more.

Not sure what you are on about. I did not mention any of the things you did. I did however say that some would be from well to do homes.

Perhaps you might want to reread the post in the morning. I see you skipped the part about being willing to do something to help the unwanted children.

The sad thing is we live in a society that knows what is going on and it is OK until some one starts talking about it. Ideally we would live in a society where no one would consider abortion unless there was a medical reason or they had mental problems.

I realize society did not know how the fetuses and babies were being disposed of but they did know of the abortions. Yes I said babies I can not call a eight month old a fetus.

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not to forget to mention of how many will have complication for lifetime after an abortion like this. It's a serious issue. They don't go to the doctor then, they try to hide it and live with their pain for the rest of their life. Then there is also the psychological effect that may take place sooner or later and/or they will disregard any form of life, only money, material ... sad so sad ...

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My god, this must have been done wholesale. Did they have a conveyor belt system?

In the long term this practice has probably saved 1000s of young women of limited IQ, from the traumatic experience of unwanted births and a life of bringing up unwanted and unloved children in a lifestyle of absolute poverty.

These abortions should be provided free by the health service, eliminating the need for the back street and unsafe practices

Or perhaps offer some cash incentive for sterilisation once these women reach child bearing age.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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My god, this must have been done wholesale. Did they have a conveyor belt system?

In the long term this practice has probably saved 1000s of young women of limited IQ, from the traumatic experience of unwanted births and a life of bringing up unwanted and unloved children in a lifestyle of absolute poverty.

These abortions should be provided free by the health service, eliminating the need for the back street and unsafe practices

what about you footing the bills for treating the complications of the murderous activities.

In the long term they will disregard any form of life. - As if there is not enough around of this already.

There is the saying

"If you don't want to do the time don't do the crime" ...

... this can be also translated into "if you don't want a child don't &lt;deleted&gt; around" or at least use preventive measures. Anti baby pills are dirt cheap. And then there are condoms for males and females ... and and and ...

Edited by elcent
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