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When I Get A Phone Call From A Thai Lady...


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When I get a phone call from a Thai lady... my first thought is ...How much is it going to cost me.

Of course, that is because of who I call "ladies". I have some platonic Thai friends who just what to know if I want to join them for supper or an outing. But, most of the calls are from Thai women who are short of funds at that time. They know from experience that old Ian is a sucker for a sob story. I know the score and always have a smile on my face when supposedly being taken for a ride. The gals are all sweetness and loving, but I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop... and it always does. :lol:

At that point I have to weigh what it's going to cost me with whatever I'm going to get out of the bargain. And, it is ALWAYS a bargain by my standards. I always balance out price for the value. If it's worth it to me then I often agree... but with a few stipulations. I usually come out a winner by my standards and I never know where my next adventure is going to take me.

Yesterday was no different. I received a phone call from a pretty Thai lady I hadn't seen in several years. She had been away in Issan and had just got back in town with her pretty little daughter in tow. It cost me a bit of money, but I thoroughy enjoyed myself.

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And you are proud of posting such crap ?

You sound like a really nice chap! :o

Well done on taking advantage of yet another Thai lady!


:lol: :lol: :lol:

I DO hope you are joking, Dunc. Thai women are the ones taking advantage of the men. Not the other way around. Only imbeciles believe otherwise. :D

Men are just the suckers who fall for it. I've never taken advantage of anyone, male or female, in my life. They've all come out ahead of the game after meeting me.

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Thailand is not A wealthy country as we all know.I believe A large number of women who are employed don't make enough money.Thats where you come in.Your another way to supliment their income.If I was in their shoes I would look for A nice generous farang also.If you work it right you and her can both "have your cake and eat it to".Not sure how wide spread that expression is.

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Thailand is not A wealthy country as we all know.I believe A large number of women who are employed don't make enough money.Thats where you come in.Your another way to supliment their income.If I was in their shoes I would look for A nice generous farang also.If you work it right you and her can both "have your cake and eat it to".Not sure how wide spread that expression is.

Correct. It's a win-win situation. Needforspeed and Sarasbloke are both correct. If everyone is happy then there is no harm done. I already stated that I'm willing to pay if I get value for my money. I DO know they are trying a con job, but it's a lot of fun playing the game. If I can help someone out and have a little fun myself then there is no harm done. It the case of yesterday it was two women short of funs and they didn't have enough for a good meal. I offered to take them all out for supper... including their children. It was a great time and nobody lost any face in getting what they wanted. I enjoyed the company and had a good time photographing the children. The two mothers will get prints of the better pictures tomorrow.

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I hear what you're saying, Ian. For me as well, sooner or later, the other shoe has always dropped. If it's within my power to help, I am generally happy to help out. Sometimes, hard-working but underpaid nurses, teachers, and shop owners need a little boost. Maybe I am deluded, but I honestly believe that if our financial circumstances were reversed, most of the people that I help out would do the same for me. At the risk of being accused of wearing my rose colored glasses again, it seems to be rural Thai style that those who have too much are expected to help those who have too little.

Disclaimer: I do not dispute that in California I am a relatively poor bastard who barely scrapes by from month to month.

For H2oDunc: You, sir, need to be a little bit more careful in pulling the trigger. You have just accused the wrong guy. Nothing wrong with an apology if you feel so inclined. I don't mind seeing dirt bags ripped to pieces, but when you make false accusations against a stand-up guy who posts under his real name, I have to wonder why.

Disclaimer: I do not claim to be a stand-up guy, and I obviously do not post under my real name. (Which happens to be Bill Sykes...)

Ian, it sounds like you are back in sunny Thailand on your usual seasonal rotation. I am here in the Cold Rain and Snow, but working towards your model. (Keep a main base in one's home country, from which one moves to Thailand during the cold weather months.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

... she just got back in town with her pretty little daughter in tow. It cost me a bit of money, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I hope the little daughter was at least 18.

No, she was only 4, but then I don't have my mind in the gutter like you. I get enjoyment out of just showing a woman and her family a good time and helping them a bit financially. I don't need ulterior ideas.

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I wonder what % of expats are well bored and fed up with the "in need of money" women that abound and call when they precisely need money. Not to mention all the stories be they contrived or even truthful occasionally (LOL)

Some can rationalize and speak about inadequate job income, etc etc. Even in G7 countries there are low wage people that barely get by from month to month and/or have debt and credit cards maxed out, yet you probably don't find the "culture of selling oneself" as is so very common in Thailand.

Edited by atyclb
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I wonder what % of expats are well bored and fed up with the "in need of money" women that abound and call when they precisely need money. Not to mention all the stories be they contrived or even truthful occasionally (LOL)

Some can rationalize and speak about inadequate job income, etc etc. Even in G7 countries there are low wage people that barely get by from month to month and/or have debt and credit cards maxed out, yet you probably don't find the "culture of selling oneself" as is so very common in Thailand.

In the west, women are generally taught sex is wrong and unnatural, so selling sex must be doubly wrong.

The culture of Thailand is different, nobody is taught sex is wrong or evil, so nobody thinks making money from sex is wrong or evil.

If I were given the choice of working 10 hours in a rice field under the hot sun for 150 bht followed by a night on a concrete floor in an open hut infested by mosquitoes, of having a nice dinner and drinks with a gentleman like Ian (even if I didn't really fancy him) followed by a night in his comfortable hotel room and 1000 bht in the morning, maybe breakfast as well ...........

What would I choose? come to that, what would you choose?

Edited by sarahsbloke
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I thought IF was implying that no sex was involved and had nicely caught out the conclusion jumpers.

If sex was involved then I have no particular qualms about that, but posting/boasting about it is a bit gratuitous and salacious.

I'm not interested to know which it was BTW, Ian. Let's just leave it that I for one, judging by your other postings, think you are talking about a nice evening in good company without the afters.

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I thought IF was implying that no sex was involved and had nicely caught out the conclusion jumpers.

If sex was involved then I have no particular qualms about that, but posting/boasting about it is a bit gratuitous and salacious.

I'm not interested to know which it was BTW, Ian. Let's just leave it that I for one, judging by your other postings, think you are talking about a nice evening in good company without the afters.

There was no sex involved in this case, but there could have been had I allowed things to progress in that direction. But the post was mostly about the games that people play with each other in Thailand. Young Thai women have learned that farangs are a source of income if they play their cards right. It happens all the time in marriages as well. I enjoy the banter and attempts to part me from my money. I know the game well and find it quite amusing. it's no different than the bar girls who try to get me to buy them a drink. It's all a big enjoyable game. In the few bars I frequent regularly the staff all know me pretty well. They mostly leave me alone and look for REAL customers they can con. I buy them all a drink occasionally, but it's more as a friendly gesture than any sort of mating ritual. I enjoy helping others and don't mind spending a little money to take a Thai family somewhere they might not be able to afford on their own. It gives me pleasure, but they also have to realize that I'm not an ATM machine.

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I know the game well

Superiority Complex Signs and Treatment

Superiority complex is defined as having the feelings of being superior compared to other people; the person is liable to feeling that his opinion is better than anyone else’s or that he’s more important

than his peers. The problem with superiority complex is that it’s usually a direct result of an underlying inferiority complex; the subject is suffering from feelings of inferiority and thus compensates

those feelings by acting superior.

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I wonder what % of expats are well bored and fed up with the "in need of money" women that abound and call when they precisely need money. Not to mention all the stories be they contrived or even truthful occasionally (LOL)

Some can rationalize and speak about inadequate job income, etc etc. Even in G7 countries there are low wage people that barely get by from month to month and/or have debt and credit cards maxed out, yet you probably don't find the "culture of selling oneself" as is so very common in Thailand.

In the west, women are generally taught sex is wrong and unnatural, so selling sex must be doubly wrong.

The culture of Thailand is different, nobody is taught sex is wrong or evil, so nobody thinks making money from sex is wrong or evil.

If I were given the choice of working 10 hours in a rice field under the hot sun for 150 bht followed by a night on a concrete floor in an open hut infested by mosquitoes, of having a nice dinner and drinks with a gentleman like Ian (even if I didn't really fancy him) followed by a night in his comfortable hotel room and 1000 bht in the morning, maybe breakfast as well ...........

What would I choose? come to that, what would you choose?

"In the west, women are generally taught sex is wrong and unnatural"

Really???? Are you referring to West Java? which of the G7 or G8 countries teach that? Perhaps there are veins of that taught such as conservative groups, families, Muslim sub population, but to say western women are generally taught sex is wrong is a rather big pill to swallow..

Mainstream Thai society is actually quite conservative and it is only fairly recently we read about high school promiscuity however it goes against family values and teachings and is more the result of cross cultural influence. It is also generally practiced among HS students and not with outsiders.

Sorry but I cant say I get any thrill from being with a woman who is with me because it beats working on a rice field and sleeping with mosquitoes, but to each their own, cest la vie

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"In the west, women are generally taught sex is wrong and unnatural"

Really???? Are you referring to West Java? which of the G7 or G8 countries teach that? Perhaps there are veins of that taught such as conservative groups, families, Muslim sub population, but to say western women are generally taught sex is wrong is a rather big pill to swallow..

This is standard Victorian Christian morality (or Puritan Christian morality if in the USA), if you don't understand that, there is no way I (or anyone else) can help you.

What mainstream Thai society say, and what they actually do is quite different. Buffaloes never learn that though!

And please specify what you consider mainstream Thai society, the 1% hi-so, the 70% poor rural, the 24% poor city dwellers or the 5% new middle class.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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I wonder what % of expats are well bored and fed up with the "in need of money" women that abound and call when they precisely need money. Not to mention all the stories be they contrived or even truthful occasionally (LOL)

Some can rationalize and speak about inadequate job income, etc etc. Even in G7 countries there are low wage people that barely get by from month to month and/or have debt and credit cards maxed out, yet you probably don't find the "culture of selling oneself" as is so very common in Thailand.

In the west, women are generally taught sex is wrong and unnatural, so selling sex must be doubly wrong.

The culture of Thailand is different, nobody is taught sex is wrong or evil, so nobody thinks making money from sex is wrong or evil.

If I were given the choice of working 10 hours in a rice field under the hot sun for 150 bht followed by a night on a concrete floor in an open hut infested by mosquitoes, of having a nice dinner and drinks with a gentleman like Ian (even if I didn't really fancy him) followed by a night in his comfortable hotel room and 1000 bht in the morning, maybe breakfast as well ...........

What would I choose? come to that, what would you choose?

Well if that was the situation and that choice was given to me, I would look in the mirror at myself, take pause for a moment, then return to the rice field rather than sleep with me. Sorry perhaps I am empathizing with the woman and what she'd do if choosing between a rice field and me.;)

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Next time one is tempted to post another boorish statement along the lines of "Kid, I've been from one end of the galaxy to the next..." one should consider Cary Grant (shown here at age 69) ... Would Cary Grant would have posted such and such a comment? ... No, he would just quietly have said to himself I'm Cary Grant.


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There was no sex involved in this case, but there could have been had I allowed things to progress in that direction.

I bet she went off with a huge smile on her face, unless she was a pensioner also.

All my lady friends go off with a big smile on their face... sex or no sex. That is why I used the term "friends". I don't associate with women who are not friends first. I don't need to justify anything. I have no idea what jazzbo is talking about when mentioning Cary Grant. All the topic is about is the good natured banter between people. As I've already said, it goes on between loving married couples as well... "Honey, I really want to go on that ocean cruise this year"... and usually just as you were planning a hunting or fishing trip with buddies.

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Well if that was the situation and that choice was given to me, I would look in the mirror at myself, take pause for a moment, then return to the rice field rather than sleep with me. Sorry perhaps I am empathizing with the woman and what she'd do if choosing between a rice field and me.;)

C'mon, you might be old, bald, fat, ugly and smell bad but how bad could 5 minutes of sex with you be compared to 7 days of labour in a rice field.

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Well if that was the situation and that choice was given to me, I would look in the mirror at myself, take pause for a moment, then return to the rice field rather than sleep with me. Sorry perhaps I am empathizing with the woman and what she'd do if choosing between a rice field and me.;)

C'mon, you might be old, bald, fat, ugly and smell bad but how bad could 5 minutes of sex with you be compared to 7 days of labour in a rice field.

Now there's an offer you can't reduce...


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Well if that was the situation and that choice was given to me, I would look in the mirror at myself, take pause for a moment, then return to the rice field rather than sleep with me. Sorry perhaps I am empathizing with the woman and what she'd do if choosing between a rice field and me.;)

C'mon, you might be old, bald, fat, ugly and smell bad but how bad could 5 minutes of sex with you be compared to 7 days of labour in a rice field.

due to a medical problem it is more like 50 minutes. rice field seems a viable option

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Well if that was the situation and that choice was given to me, I would look in the mirror at myself, take pause for a moment, then return to the rice field rather than sleep with me. Sorry perhaps I am empathizing with the woman and what she'd do if choosing between a rice field and me.;)

C'mon, you might be old, bald, fat, ugly and smell bad but how bad could 5 minutes of sex with you be compared to 7 days of labour in a rice field.

Now there's an offer you can't reduce...



due to a medical problem it is more like 50 minutes. rice field seems a viable option

I stand corrected


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