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Any Information On Glitterman


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Saw him about a week ago, for someone to go about like that must be off their trolley.

What got me was we have enough "Richard Heads" giving us Brits a bad reputation without that one flying the flag(s).


If anyone sees that bike parked up unattended can the switch the flags to the "Stars and Strips"whistling.gif

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Saw him about a week ago, for someone to go about like that must be off their trolley.

What got me was we have enough "Richard Heads" giving us Brits a bad reputation without that one flying the flag(s).


If anyone sees that bike parked up unattended can the switch the flags to the "Stars and Strips"whistling.gif

Would these wouldn't be the "Richard Heads" that are easily identified by their intollerant and dismissive attitude regarding anything a bit different?

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He is obviously an artiste, or street artist in the case of Pattaya.

Whether he is a budding literary genius, is a matter for debate.

If you wish to know how artists survive, please do some research with your friend google, about various artists throughout history.

You will quickly realise, that he does not care how he survives, so why should we ?

It is all about art, and nothing else.-----

Many artists have survived by selling their bodies and engaging in a life of debauched carnal activities. I am not suggesting that Mr. Glitterman has been selling snuggle time, but that's what Mr. Google says. Other artists have at times worked as waiters, go go dancers, and undertakers. Does this mean that people should be visiting Go Go bars and somtam joints and be on the lookout for the Glitterman swinging his hips for tips? I do not believe he would do that. Therefore, you may wish to reconsider your suggestion.

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Regardless, G-man prevails....not only are his parables entertaining but they are also somewhat informative (should one read a little more closely) and he rides that horrid wind-laden concoction day after day. I believe it started as an exercise regime and has ended in The Golden One being, not only fit.... but fit with wit? I used to think he was unworthy until the part about the queue jumping. (Disclaimer) This positive notation is no way and no how involved with The Golden One's parables.

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Regardless, G-man prevails....not only are his parables entertaining but they are also somewhat informative (should one read a little more closely) and he rides that horrid wind-laden concoction day after day. I believe it started as an exercise regime and has ended in The Golden One being, not only fit.... but fit with wit? I used to think he was unworthy until the part about the queue jumping. (Disclaimer) This positive notation is no way and no how involved with The Golden One's parables.

His parables are not entertaining though, perhaps a psychologist would find them entertaining if he was a patient claiming to be sane...... 'but if you read them closer' <deleted> does that mean - is there subliminal messages or something in them....I would rather shoot myself in the nuts than read any more of that utter <deleted>.

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Regardless, G-man prevails....not only are his parables entertaining but they are also somewhat informative (should one read a little more closely) and he rides that horrid wind-laden concoction day after day. I believe it started as an exercise regime and has ended in The Golden One being, not only fit.... but fit with wit? I used to think he was unworthy until the part about the queue jumping. (Disclaimer) This positive notation is no way and no how involved with The Golden One's parables.

His parables are not entertaining though, perhaps a psychologist would find them entertaining if he was a patient claiming to be sane...... 'but if you read them closer' <deleted> does that mean - is there subliminal messages or something in them....I would rather shoot myself in the nuts than read any more of that utter <deleted>.

Subliminal messages? I believe you may be on to something. Lock and load.

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Anybody know a good doctor to repair a gunshot wound to the testicles?

Don't mess with the Glitterman.....you could find yourself at the bottom of Pattaya Bay attached to a large hunk of moon cheese!! :lol:

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If anyone sees that bike parked up unattended can the switch the flags to the "Stars and Strips"whistling.gif

Hey, England!

In the immortal words of your own countryman, Sir Basil Fawlty:

".." ( Revolutionary, that is!)

.Nobody mention the war...!!

In polite Brit circles this quote now has new meaning - not mentioning to our American friends their country's illegal invasion of Iraq.

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.Nobody mention the war...!!

In polite Brit circles this quote now has new meaning - not mentioning to our American friends their country's illegal invasion of Iraq.

As opposed to the British invasion of the Suez in 1956? Had the Glitterman been there, he would have convinced those Egyptians not to nationalize the canal and things would have been different. He can speak the language of love!!!!!

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