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Bush Wants More


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It seems Bush is now concerned over Irans production of WMDs. I read the news this morning and found him talking about going to Americas allies and asking people to put pressure on Iran to stop nuclear development.

I am alll for getting rid of WMD, but he sounds just like he did before he sent us into Iraq. The news article even compared what he was saying now about Iran to what he said about Iraq. And of course that in both cases he was at the Crawford TX, ranch. Maybe we should keep him out of Texas, he gets his worst idea there.

So, has anyone heard anything about this? If so, what, and what are you thinking about it?

Edited by thaibebop
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After Iraq I have a hard time believeing that Iran poses a threat. But, maybe I am wrong, or this time Bush is right?

I wouldn't exactly say we were wrong to go to war with Iraq, nor would I say we were right.

Iran are in breech of some agreement (I forget the specifics) in which it restricts them to X amount of nuclear production, there proposals are to exceed that which is obviously against UN regulations, this could possibly result into more military action, whether it proves right or wrong, who knows.

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This is def bearpit bound but before it gets nixed, last word is- does anyone really think "Dubya" is THAT clever??? Karl Rove is "da man" behind the clown from Crawford :D and the Florida fraudster and Bush Snr AND the largest budget defecit in history. No prob, he's dusted of Snow from out of the tar pit to the rescue :o

oops, that's me off the stump then :D:D

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The guy is a menace to world society. What has he done for world peace or world pollution etc? He's a Texas cowboy always looking to fire his stupid guns. He's the one with WMDs and he's the one that should be stopped from using them. Full stop.

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To add a note of lightness to this thread, my Mum always told me to finish what is on your plate before starting something else that you may not be able to finish.

I think that she was right years ago and would be right today.

I think that we need a lot more women leaders in the world and there will be much less problems.

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The primary issue has to do with whether Iran is aiming to violate the terms established by the United Nations with regard to the production of nuclear material that could be used or sold for nuclear weapons. As has been stated, other nations are also suspicious of Iran's position, especially when they decided to go forward with their plans ahead of when the inspectors would be able to get things set up for routine inspections. The way I understand it is that the inspectors said it was going to take a bit longer than expected to get set up.

Yesterday or so, Rumsfeld stated that a load of weapons were discovered in Iraq that are a bit more sophisticated than what has been generally used. Further, markings on thpse weapons were said to show that they came from Iran. It's been suggested that it may not necessarily be something that was directed by the current leadership of Iran, but more than likely from the military in Iran. So the thinking is that Iran has done nothing to prevent the smuggling of weapons across the border into Iraq. While there may be something to that, it all sounds more like a lot of sabre rattling to me.

As far as I can tell, there has been no direct threat of war by the US or anyone else against Iran. I would think that two conditions would have to be satisfied first. One, is that I'm not so sure Bush can get away with declaring an act of war without the approval of the Senate and the House, especially after the "justification" of WMDs in Iraq, which now turns out that there were no WMDs. And two, it would need approval from the United Nations to declare war against Iraq, unless the US decides to become a rogue nation. I don't think many US citizens would approve of that.

I also think that Iran may be thinking twice about waiting until the inspectors are set up, not so much over a threat of war, but because Europe is perhaps their largest buyer of oil products. It wouldn't be the wisest thing to have Europe start a boycott. And Europe seems to agree that Iran needs to get more involved with the World community rather than go against it.

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There you go trying to think the issue AmeriThai!

Actually, the Bush administrations concern over Iran has been going on quite a while.

It's very old news.

The latest news is Iran's interest in discussions.

Their new president doesn't come off as a complete head-case.

It actually sounds like a the rhetoric is toning down.

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It seems Bush is now concerned over Irans production of WMDs. I read the news this morning and found him talking about going to Americas allies and asking people to put pressure on Iran to stop nuclear development.

I am alll for getting rid of WMD, but he sounds just like he did before he sent us into Iraq. The news article even compared what he was saying now about Iran to what he said about Iraq. And of course that in both cases he was at the Crawford TX, ranch. Maybe we should keep him out of Texas, he gets his worst idea there.

So, has anyone heard anything about this? If so, what, and what are you thinking about it?

I have a theory ... the polar ice caps melt .... land mass decreases by 40% ..... The US "occupies" foreign lands with a view to keeping them for later on

and check out the word "Illuminati"


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There you go trying to think the issue AmeriThai!

Actually, the Bush administrations concern over Iran has been going on quite a while.

It's very old news.

The latest news is Iran's interest in discussions.

Their new president doesn't come off as a complete head-case.

It actually sounds like a the rhetoric is toning down.

You're right. I forgot to remove my brain before posting. LOL!

True, the Bush administration's concerns over Iran is indeed old news. Iran was "declared" as part of the "Axis of Evil"' with regard to terrorism. Such squabbles certainly go back at least to the overthrow of the Shaw of Iran and the taking of hostages at the US Embassy.

But if anything, I was trying to point out that the latest shouting match seems to be adding the recent discovery of a truck with smuggled weapons from Iran to justify suspicions and add another reason to justify hostility. On the other hand, there seems to be a lot of matching and countermatching of wits to see who will blink first. The US is already stretched to the limits with Iraq. Getting into another problem with Iran seems a bit too much.

I'm not saying it should or should not be considered. But in my opinin, I don't think the US should get into any action without the full support of other nations of the world. While it looks like Iran is thumbing its nose at the world, and the US in particular, one can only hope that diplomatic relations will prevail and a peaceful solution will be agreed upon. Time will tell.

<AmeriThai crosses fingers>

Edited by AmeriThai
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I think that we need a lot more women leaders in the world and there will be much less problems.

Totally agree - Condi Rice for President! :D


I love how people have shortened her name....

in order to:

1) make it sound more homey and friendly and down-to-earth

2) it's takes too much intelligence and effort to correctly spell



As for the OP, there aren't enough troops left over after Afghanistan and Iraq to invade Iran... just yet.

Edited by sriracha john
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... The US is already stretched to the limits with Iraq. Getting into another problem with Iran seems a bit too much  ...
We have huge resources already deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, it would be a cakewalk to roll thru Iran. Occupying it, oops, I mean stabilizing it is another matter.

That's why they so desperately want some kind of deterrent, be it nuclear or other.

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... The US is already stretched to the limits with Iraq. Getting into another problem with Iran seems a bit too much  ...
We have huge resources already deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, it would be a cakewalk to roll thru Iran. Occupying it, oops, I mean stabilizing it is another matter.

That's why they so desperately want some kind of deterrent, be it nuclear or other.

Right. Then the US can spend another umpteen billions of dollars to rebuild the country. Er, that's gonna be a little tough seeing how Bush just signed a bill to revamp the US highway system. Might as well say goodbye to Social Security and affordable healthcare and gas @ $5.00/gal and food and....

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It seems Bush is now concerned over Irans production of WMDs. I read the news this morning and found him talking about going to Americas allies and asking people to put pressure on Iran to stop nuclear development.




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... The US is already stretched to the limits with Iraq. Getting into another problem with Iran seems a bit too much  ...
We have huge resources already deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, it would be a cakewalk to roll thru Iran. Occupying it, oops, I mean stabilizing it is another matter.

That's why they so desperately want some kind of deterrent, be it nuclear or other.

Right. Then the US can spend another umpteen billions of dollars to rebuild the country. Er, that's gonna be a little tough seeing how Bush just signed a bill to revamp the US highway system. Might as well say goodbye to Social Security and affordable healthcare and gas @ $5.00/gal and food and....

and even more importantly.... another dead 1,800 young American troops...


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I think that we need a lot more women leaders in the world and there will be much less problems.

Totally agree - Condi Rice for President! :D


I love how people have shortened her name....

in order to:

1) make it sound more homey and friendly and down-to-earth

2) it's takes too much intelligence and effort to correctly spell



As for the OP, there aren't enough troops left over after Afghanistan and Iraq to invade Iran... just yet.

There is always draft. Many people thought draft would be put into play with Iraq.

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I think that we need a lot more women leaders in the world and there will be much less problems.

Totally agree - Condi Rice for President! :D


I love how people have shortened her name....

in order to:

1) make it sound more homey and friendly and down-to-earth

2) it's takes too much intelligence and effort to correctly spell



As for the OP, there aren't enough troops left over after Afghanistan and Iraq to invade Iran... just yet.

There is always draft. Many people thought draft would be put into play with Iraq.

Don't need the draft - there's lots of Patriotic American (not to be confused with the coalition of the unwilling) boys ready to defend Freedom! :D

Edited by Boon Mee
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I think that we need a lot more women leaders in the world and there will be much less problems.

Totally agree - Condi Rice for President! :D


I love how people have shortened her name....

in order to:

1) make it sound more homey and friendly and down-to-earth

2) it's takes too much intelligence and effort to correctly spell



As for the OP, there aren't enough troops left over after Afghanistan and Iraq to invade Iran... just yet.

There is always draft. Many people thought draft would be put into play with Iraq.

Don't need the draft - there's lots of Patriotic American (not to be confused with the coalition of the unwilling) boys ready to defend Freedom! :D

I'll die to defend America, but I'm not so keen on getting killed someplace else.

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