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Dog Missing


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I've tried attaching a picture:

her name is Little Girl, and she's been missing since 10:00 pm last night. I'm sure it was fireworks that freaked her out.

She's got on a white flea collar, she has no tail (soi dog inbreeding) and is timid but friendly.

If you know anyone who lives in the area (close to Wat Nonphakrang), please pass this along.

Please call 08 415 000 31

And if you know of a print shop open this Sunday morning, that would be helpful too. Need to get a flyer out in the neighboring areas as soon as I can.

Thanks for any help.post-45611-0-03807300-1290307364_thumb.j

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For print shops:

Head down Rot Fai Road south, just before the railway crossing, there are some shops on the right, about 3 of them. I usually use the one closest to the junction. I'm sure at least one of them will be open today.

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People that own dogs should be responsible and not let them off their property.

If the property is too small, don`t have dogs, get a cat instead.

This seems to be in line with many of your posts, you really must be a very dreary person.

Good luck with your dog Lis

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Don't forget to stick Thai language flyers in the 7elevens and all the local food stalls etc. in an 1 kilometer surrounding zone or so.

Mentioning 500b reward might give it a push.


I'm very sorry to hear/read about your distress.

I think BKKCL's advice is your best bet, although I would take a radius of at least 1 1/2 km and include the local markets.

Lots of positive thoughts are send to you and Little Girl, that you may be reunited very soon.

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Thats great to hear!! I live next to the trainstation and had printed out the pic and put it in the hotel so I am very glad to hear this!

I have a small cat and she got out one day and I felt sick

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just read more of your posts, bangkokcitylimits was absolutely right and I got on it. Now have a stockpile of posters should it ever happen again (chickenwire reinforcement will be put over the gate later this afternnoon, so hopefully won't).

I'm a pretty responsible dog owner, I've volunteered with Care for Dogs going on 4 years now and work with a community service group of students that takes care of dogs in local temples. I have Little Girl because I scooped her soi dog pregnant mother of the streets 10 days before she gave birth. I moved from my furnished condo into an empty house in those 10 days because I knew I was making a commitment when I took her off the street. That was 3 years ago. We now have a really big enclosed garden and I consider it an extravagant dog cage. As I said, I think the fireworks freaked her out, and she jumped through. I've attached a picture that shows the gash she now has on her leg from doing it. Any pet owner (or parent!) knows there are always going to be circumstances beyond your control.

I posted this morning to use every necessary means available to get the word out. (If you read Thai, a friend helped me post it on a local Thai website as well). So thank you to TV for allowing me to do that, and thank you for your support and encouragement, right down to helping me find a printing place on this Sunday holiday morning. I know there's good folk out there. :)


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Case closed - dirty stay out just waltzed back into the yard - with a nasty cut on her leg from jumping through the bars in our gate. Thanks for the advice and support.

Good news

I am happy to hear the hound is back and safe!

My late dog is on the left in the photo and I so miss her.


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People that own dogs should be responsible and not let them off their property.

If the property is too small, don`t have dogs, get a cat instead.

Typical doghater reaction.

And cats make longer walks then dogs !

Over the years many of my friends and neighbors have lost dogs wholesale because they have let them roam free outside of their properties.

I am an animal lover and have 3 dogs and 3 cats all confined to the property, although my girlfriend does have 4 rai of land so there is plenty of space for them

She has, which I paid for, a 2 metre wall around the land and a secure sliding gate. No dogs has ever got out.

Last Thursday one of my neighbors dogs was hit and killed by a pickup and I witnessed it. All my neighbor did was smile, his wife shed a few tears and then they buried the dog on his land. Afterwards all was forgotten and the dogs still left to run about in the main street. This upset so much that I couldn`t eat for the rest of the day and was unable to sleep that night.

Reading the OP posts it seemed that she too let her dogs run free out and about and being an animal lover I am so dead against this.

I apologise for my reaction and happy that the dog was found and back where he belongs.

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People that own dogs should be responsible and not let them off their property.

If the property is too small, don`t have dogs, get a cat instead.

Typical doghater reaction.

And cats make longer walks then dogs !

Over the years many of my friends and neighbors have lost dogs wholesale because they have let them roam free outside of their properties.

I am an animal lover and have 3 dogs and 3 cats all confined to the property, although my girlfriend does have 4 rai of land so there is plenty of space for them

She has, which I paid for, a 2 metre wall around the land and a secure sliding gate. No dogs has ever got out.

Last Thursday one of my neighbors dogs was hit and killed by a pickup and I witnessed it. All my neighbor did was smile, his wife shed a few tears and then they buried the dog on his land. Afterwards all was forgotten and the dogs still left to run about in the main street. This upset so much that I couldn`t eat for the rest of the day and was unable to sleep that night.

Reading the OP posts it seemed that she too let her dogs run free out and about and being an animal lover I am so dead against this.

I apologise for my reaction and happy that the dog was found and back where he belongs.

It's also country related, here you have people who steal dogs and sell them, but in my home country it is very normal and safe to let dogs walk free, perhaps not in the city but at the country side and in small towns and villages. Gardens have no fences, or very low ones, but we learn our dog to stay inside, and they are clever enough to understand by themselves.

Here I also not allow my dogs to stroll the village but the garden is 2 rai so that's enough, though they keep trying to escape. I read that the dog has been found back, thats very good.

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People that own dogs should be responsible and not let them off their property.

If the property is too small, don`t have dogs, get a cat instead.

Typical doghater reaction.

And cats make longer walks then dogs !

And if you are a responsible person that makes you a dog hater.

It never ceases to amaze me how you animal lovers think it is all rite to subject all of humanity to there pet's. Total lack of consideration for there fellow human beings. No wonder they dote on animals poor beasts can be trained to subject them selves to the owner. I realize this is not true of all pet owners but there are quite a few where this is the case.

Flame away.

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It's good to hear you got your dog back!!!

I'm a dog lover as well and I hope it's OK if I share an experience I had a some time ago about my love of dogs...

When I was in Laos on a visa run a while back and I went to a large outdoor market outside of Vientiane. There were hot food stalls, fresh fruits and vegetables stands, all types of hardware, clothing, etc... and I think you can buy just about anything in the market there.

I was just roaming around not really paying attention to where I was at or what was going on around me. I was just looking at all the stuff and taking pictures. Then this little old lady asks me in broken English, "You like dog?". I look down into the face of the old Lao woman and see a warm smile, so I smile back and say "Sure, I like dogs". Then I hear this crack and a yelp, and the lady holds up a dead puppy and says, "You like dog fried with rice or boiled with noodle?" !!! Seriously !!! I'm thinking, holy crap what just happened?

Yea, I'm sure you guessed it already, I'm standing in front of a food stall that serves cooked dog :-o

I think to myself, this is not really happening to me. I'm in shock. I look around and expect to see Candid Camera or something...

What I do see when I begin to really look around is about 10 people that are sitting and eating... and they're eating dog. There are little puppy's on plates or in bowls covered with rice or noodles. I turned back to the lady and said, "I can't eat dog, with rice or noodles". She quickly replied, "No problem, I BBQ for you". By this time she's got the fur and feet off the dog and she's holding it by the tail and she's ready to put it in a pot, wok or on the grill. She's just waiting to see how I 'like' my dog.

I'm thinking, oh my God, I'm in Laos, with a dog killer and there's already one dead puppy here and if I don't keep my cool, there may be another dead puppy here soon. So, I give the woman an answer and about a 40 baht, got my grilled dog and went back to my room. Score: Laos - 1, Puppy's - 0.

That has got to be one of the weirdest experiences of my life.

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I'm thinking, oh my God, I'm in Laos, with a dog killer and there's already one dead puppy here and if I don't keep my cool, there may be another dead puppy here soon. So, I give the woman an answer and about a 40 baht, got my grilled dog and went back to my room. Score: Laos - 1, Puppy's - 0.

That has got to be one of the weirdest experiences of my life.

I have heard these kind of stories happening in Laos before but never believed them. Must have been awful. I always enjoyed eating out in Laos but will check twice now.

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I have heard these kind of stories happening in Laos before but never believed them. Must have been awful. I always enjoyed eating out in Laos but will check twice now.

Don't have to go all the way to Laos, Hang Dong has its share. :(

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