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The State Of Thappraya Road


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Pattaya Focus

Traffic Lights And pavements

Much as we like to take credit for everything, in this case I really feel we have made a difference.

Since starting this column, every new road project in central Pattaya has been road construction by concrete rather than the cheap diluted tarmac we have highlighted and criticised previously as being substandard, poorly applied and appallingly maintained.

Thick blocks of concrete are the best way to go if you have uncaring contractors or sub-contracting deals resulting in inferior quality road surfaces, so hats off to Pattaya One for this latest success.

The main focus of this column however is the state of Thappraya Road, and in this edition I want to take you to the traffic lights on one of the busiest junctions in Pattaya, the Thappraya/Thapprasit junction, approaching at speed from Jomtien.

In the above photograph, can you see where the traffic lights are anywhere, as you approach this dangerous junction?


Nor can many motorists, and I have seen some serious traffic incidents here especially at weekends, with drunk or weekend drivers unfamiliar with the road, blowing right through the lights on red, with cars and motorbikes having to take emergency evasive action.

The only set of lights facing Jomtien were bizarrely relocated away from the road a few weeks ago, and set back, where they remain hidden by this green piece of useless pavement junk erected for no purpose except self-enrichment under a previous administration.

But it’s not just at the traffic lights that you need to keep your wits about you when sojourning down Thappraya Road.

The pavement has been booby-trapped with all manner of dangerous structures and traps for the unwary (or drunk) pedestrian.

How about these life-threatening pavement-level deep holes?

Or this one.

How many people must have been injured by this glorified rat hole for some good citizens to try to helpfully mark the danger with some rubble?

Or try this, our old friend on Thappraya Road, the ubiquitous, inappropriately located, dangerous water hydrant, made extra visible by the plastic bags.

Or this impediment to walking, which is just one of many, many examples.

It’s a new pavement, built at enormous cost and massive inconvenience, and it is being littered with as much pedestrian-endangering crap as is humanly possible to dream up, and it’s not even finished yet.

Surely residents and taxpayers deserve better.

Next Week: Upsides: Thappraya Road Marketing Opportunities.

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-- Pattaya One 2010-11-23

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