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Just watched the thrilling Pats-Iggles match. First time I've seen AJ Feeley play. Not the first time I've seen Wes Welker play this year. Certainly not the first time I've seen Seau. Is it just me, or are the Dolphins bleeding talent like the 80s Bucs? That can't be good.

Oh, and now they're showing Chargers-Ravens. I can't watch that. I miss last year's Ravens. These guys make me puke like Leo Beer.

Edited by CalicoConsulting
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Just watched the thrilling Pats-Iggles match. First time I've seen AJ Feeley play. Not the first time I've seen Wes Welker play this year. Certainly not the first time I've seen Seau. Is it just me, or are the Dolphins bleeding talent like the 80s Bucs? That can't be good.

Oh, and now they're showing Chargers-Ravens. I can't watch that. I miss last year's Ravens. These guys make me puke like Leo Beer.

The Pats-Iggles game was definitely a thriller, Michael. A rare occurance was that there were 9 scores in the game - 5 by the Pats, and 4 by the Eagles - and EVERY score either tied, broke a tie, or changed the lead. Never a dull moment! :-)

As for the 'Phins, they are, indeed, a mess. They've made a lot of very bad personnel decisions (read: release Feeley, sign Culpepper). The biggest problem has been thier failure to build a solid group of replacements as their aging OL, and outstanding defensive players, went downhill, and/or retired. It's not possible, I'm afraid, for a Patriots fan to feel sorry for the Dolphins. :-) However, I do empathize a little with their fans. After all, I've been a Patriots fan since 1960. I've had much more that my share of horrible seasons! :-)

The "good news" for all "discerning NFL fans" in Thailand is that at least the next two Patriots games will be broadcast 'live' by TrueVisons! Next week, they play on Monday Night Football (Tuesday, 8:30 AM here) against the Ravens in Baltimore. The next week, on Dec 10, they host the Pittsburgh Squeelers at 1:00 PM (1:00 AM Monday here), and that, too, is scheduled for broadcast by TrueVisons, since it's the "national" game for CBS that day. If they continue to win, as I believe they will, it's very possible that CBS will also make their next 2 games a "national" broadcast. Both are 1:00 PM home games (NY Jests, and the aforementioned 'Phins), and would be in the 1:00 AM broadcast spot here, unless, of course, CBS moves them to the 4:15 spot; which they may do to grab for the bigger national audience. Not good for me (us) here in Thailand, of course; since it's a LOT easier to "stay up late" for the 1:00 AM game, than to pull an overnighter to watch that 4:15 start! But, hey, whatever it takes for my Patriots!! :-)

WHOA! The Dolphins - Steelers game is in DELAY! Huge storm in the area, with heavy rains, dangerous lightning, winds, etc. Plan is for a 9:00 AM start. I hope TrueVisions/GOALTV stick with it!

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WHOA! The Dolphins - Steelers game is in DELAY! Huge storm in the area, with heavy rains, dangerous lightning, winds, etc. Plan is for a 9:00 AM start. I hope TrueVisions/GOALTV stick with it!

All I can say is ug ug ug ugly. But a win is a win and I take it.

I can not think of anything good to say about the game.


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I can not think of anything good to say about the game.

It's over?

Actually, I'm happy the Steelers pulled it out. You guys have to threaten the suddenly mortal Patriots.

Other than the fact that in any given game any team has the chance to win now that parity has been achieved, there is no one team out there that threatens the Patriots. If they lose this year, it will be a fluke loss.

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I can not think of anything good to say about the game.

It's over?

Actually, I'm happy the Steelers pulled it out. You guys have to threaten the suddenly mortal Patriots.

Other than the fact that in any given game any team has the chance to win now that parity has been achieved, there is no one team out there that threatens the Patriots. If they lose this year, it will be a fluke loss.

Depends upon your definition of "fluke", OMR. I don't think there is any team that has the combination of coaching and player talent necessary to match up with the Patriots at their best. It's those last 3 words that can get any NFL team beaten. It's extremely difficult for a game that depends as much on teamwork as does football, for a team to have it all together for every game. In one sense, it's more of a fluke for that to happen, than it is for it not to happen.

That said, the Patriots may have had their "off game" last week. At least, I certainly hope so.

The other thing that can stop them is, of course, the ever present threat of a rash of injuries to key players. Let's face it, if Brady goes down, the Patriots will instantly become a very "ordinary" team. We just lost OLB Rosevelt Colvin. That will hurt us a bit. It's one chink in the armor. I think our amazing offense can offset that loss on defense. However, add 3 or 4 more injuries to starters, or, as I said, even ONE injury to Brady, and any of the better teams in the league can beat the Patriots.

Then there's the possibility of terribly one-sided, bad officiating. That nearly got us in Indianapolis, with at least 4 bad calls against us, or missed calls that should have been for us, on Pass Interference. I'm not going the "conspiracy theory" route; but I do think there's a tendancy for even the officials to lean toward the "underdogs" against the "over-hyped" Patriots.

I want the undefeated season. However, I am totally chanting the Patriots mantra that there is only one real goal - winning Super Bowl 42! Right now, the next goal in sight on the road to that end result is the defeat of the Baltimore Ravens. The undefeated season will not be a goal unless, on December 29, when we play the Giants in the final game of the year, we are 15-0 at the time. :-)

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That was a great win for the Patriots over the Eagles! Congratulations! Best game that I've seen this season...

Although I don't agree that that was A.J. Feeley's best game of his career(previously beat NE when with Miami), he did play a great game. Problem is that he bookended the game with two horrendous interceptions that cost the Eagles the game.

The Eagles had a great game plan against the Patriots but Brady still pulled it out even without Randy Moss' help. Your man Madden stated clearly that the Eagles had laid out a clear blueprint for others in the league to follow. Problem is, who is to follow? Will Miami, the Jets, Ravens, or the Giants be up to the task? Unlikely...

With no real competition on the schedule, with the possible exception of Pittsburgh, the Pats have an undefeated season almost in hand. It would probably take a fluke to beat the Pats in the regular season but the playoffs...that's another animal!

Edited by mauiguy90
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That was a great win for the Patriots over the Eagles! Congratulations! Best game that I've seen this season...

Although I don't agree that that was A.J. Feeley's best game of his career(previously beat NE when with Miami), he did play a great game. Problem is that he bookended the game with two horrendous interceptions that cost the Eagles the game.

The Eagles had a great game plan against the Patriots but Brady still pulled it out even without Randy Moss' help. Your man Madden stated clearly that the Eagles had laid out a clear blueprint for others in the league to follow. Problem is, who is to follow? Will Miami, the Jets, Ravens, or the Giants be up to the task? Unlikely...

With no real competition on the schedule, with the possible exception of Pittsburgh, the Pats have an undefeated season almost in hand. It would probably take a fluke to beat the Pats in the regular season but the playoffs...that's another animal!

I'm glad you appreciated that one, MG; although, I'm sure, not as much as I did. :-)

You're correct about Feeley beating the Patriots before. But that game wasn't anywhere near the performance he had in this one. The Phins won that 2004 game, 29-28. Tom Brady threw FOUR interceptions. Two of those set the Dolphins up at the Patriots 43 (from where Feeley was a mere 2/4 for 19 yds as his part in the TD drive); and, in the 4th Q, with the Pats leading, at the Patriots 21 (from where Feeley was 2/4, throwing his only TD pass of the game. Another Phins TD was set up by a 71 yd punt return my Wes Welker, then wearing the WRONG uniform! :-) Sammy Morris, also now a Patriot, ran that one in from the Pats 2 on the next play. Overall, Feeley was 22/35, for 198 yards, and that one TD. Hardly a "career" game; and certainly not comparable to his 345 yard, 3 TD performance last week!

I'm right with you on the "blueprint" issue for the rest of the regular season. In fact, I sent a note to my Patriots fan list on that very point. Here's a copy of how I looked at it:

***** The only teams that I believe have the combination of talents to use this against us are the Steelers and, of course, the Colts. Think about what it takes.

1. The opponent must have a superstar RB.

- The Patriots placed their defensive focus for the Eagles on stopping Brian Westbrook. That brought LBs and Harrison up into the box; and it was effective in achieving that goal. I believe that the DL had basically the same focus, concentrating more on not letting Westbrook through, than upon getting up field to apply QB pressure against a "mediocre" QB.

2. The opponent must have a very good OL.

- Even with the first focus on a RB, our front 7 (or 8) is good enough to still get decent consistent pressure on the QB through most OLs. The Eagles OL stopped them cold!

3. The opponent must have a QB with a good field of vision, and a strong, accurate arm.

- A J Feely? Well, he certainly had all of that in this game. He surprised the hel_l out of me; but you've got to give it to the guy. He made a LOT of excellent reads and throws! Of course, that issue of having time helped him greatly. But, even given that, many of his throws were in that "only place it could be caught" location. Check the replay.

4. The opponent must have receivers who can make good cuts, are "comfortable" going over the middle, and can catch in traffic.

- The Eagles have a set of receivers who range from "good" to "excellent", including an outstanding TE (L J Smith), which is an essential element to a middle of the field passing game.

***** Now, how many teams can combine all 4 of those things?

- Ravens? They have the RB (McGahee); but their QB sucks, whether it's the over the hill, beat up McNair, or the "bust" Boller. They have one WR (Mason) with more than 33 receptions, or more than 1 TD. They do have a very good TE (Heap), who's beat up right now. Their OL is no better than average. Their passing offense averages less than 200 YPG.

- Steelers? Willie Parker, Hines Ward, Santonio Holmes, Heath Miller, Ben Roethlisberger. That is a pretty well rounded set of "skill position" players. Their OL is also pretty good, although they have allowed 30 sacks, going into the game against the Dolphins. Still, they have at least adequate talent at all of the essential positions to execute the game plan used by the Eagles against us. No doubt that BB will have to consider this in his preparation for that game in 2 weeks. It will be interesting to see if the Steelers choose to try it. Will BB pull back a little on shutting down Parker, in order to close off the middle zones? Will he apply more QB pressure, using more blitzes, to deny Roethlisberger the time that was afforded to Feely to find receivers? Will he coach his DBs to be a little "less exclusive" in covering the outside versus the inside? Will he try to confuse the Steelers by constantly mixing those three areas of focus? I'd expect the latter. But, since OCs all over the NFL can't predict BB, I'm not betting that I'm right! ;-)


- Dolphins? - See "Jets"

- Giants? They don't have a "feature" RB that would demand a game plan designed to stop him. Much more freedom for BB to pressure Eli, and still cover the receivers.

***** So I see one team that, on paper, presents a threat to "use the blueprint" drawn up by the Eagles against us. Belichick will be ready for them. Meanwhile, he'll be preparing only for the Baltimore Ravens. Stop McGahee. Double Mason. Keep AT and Rodney alternately focused on Heap. Done.

As you said, once we get into the Playoffs, we'll see teams that all have at least a reasonable set of skilled players with which to try to follow the "blueprint". But I'm confident that Belichick's ability to make adjustments, particularly given that much time to do so, will make that blueprint useless, or, at least, far less effective than it was for the Eagles.

For now, it's the Baltimore Ravens. No other goals for the Patriots yet. One game at a time! :-)

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I am very surprised about all the talk of how the Eagles came up with the perfect offensive game plan for the Pats. The fact that the Pats take away the outside has been well known to NFL coaches throughout this season. The reason no other team other than the Eagles has been so successful at throwing over the middle it is that the Pats simply didn't show up for this game. After this scare they will be mentally prepared for the rest which is why I don't think they will lose this season regardless of who they play in the SB.

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I am very surprised about all the talk of how the Eagles came up with the perfect offensive game plan for the Pats. The fact that the Pats take away the outside has been well known to NFL coaches throughout this season. The reason no other team other than the Eagles has been so successful at throwing over the middle it is that the Pats simply didn't show up for this game. After this scare they will be mentally prepared for the rest which is why I don't think they will lose this season regardless of who they play in the SB.

I don't know that we can ever say that with certainty about any team, OMR. As a Patriots fan, I would hope with all my heart that you are correct. If it's true that "they didn't show up" for this one, that would say that their defense is much better than what we saw against the Eagles. If that's true, and if, in spite of that, they still made two huge plays, and 2 additional important stops, a 3-and-out, and a 4-and-out, in the 2nd half, with, as they say, the chips on the table, then there is nothing for we Pats fans to worry about.

However, I think the Eagles have to be given more credit than that. They played a h-ell of a game! As I said earlier, that was, far and away, the best game that A J Feeley has played in the NFL. He absolutely putt that ball exactly where it had to be to get the completion countless times. The Eagles receivers made several outstanding catches, and, to my recolletion, never dropped a catchable pass. They were diving, stretching, and taking big hits all night long; and coming up with the ball almost every time it was possible.

So, while the Patriots defense may not have played their best game, the Eagles offense definitely played their best game. It was just a "serendipidy" game. If they played again this week, I believe the Pats would crush the Eagles. But that's just speculation by a shamelessly biased fan! :-)

The one thing I do agree on, as I detailed earlier, is that the "blueprint" crap is ... just that.

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The Pats would crush the Eagles, just like the Cowboys did at Philadelphia a few weeks ago sending the Eagle fans home in the third quarter. While parity has been achieved and for the most part in any given game any team can beat the other (remember, the Jets and Cardinals beat the Steelers), this year the Pats are the exception.

If you have the chance, check out the Cowboys - Pack game which will be televised by True (TSP4) tomorrow morning at 8AM. While people keep comparing Favre with Romo, for the most part, they are not alike. They both do have quick releases, great touch and accuracy and both bring emotion to the game which is fun to watch. However, Favre has one of the best arms in the NFL, if not the best and Romo has one of the worst arms in the NFL, if not the worst. It was due to Romo's lack of arm strength that kept him from being drafted.

Favre can no longer run and the Cowboys will try to flush him out of the pocket to sack him. Romo has an uncanny ability to avoid defensive linemen buying his receivers time to get open so the Pack will try to counter this by keeping Romo in the pocket to sack him. Favre can hit any receiver from 65 yards in. Romo can't even throw the ball 65 yards, but he can hit any receiver from 45 yards in.

By design, Favre will most probably look for his TE a lot tomorrow as Roy Williams is weak in coverage. To counter this, the Cowboys now give Williams help and on occasion have played a CB at the SS position. It is going to be a fun game.

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I think the football gods are smiling on Farve and the Pack this year. I think that will be enough of an edge for the Pack to pull out a win in Dallas.

I love watching Favre play. He still a kid a heart.

The cowboys better watch out because the greatest gun slinger of all time is coming to town.

Although I do not have a warm and fuzzy feeling about it , but I think the Pack prevails.


Steelers rock!

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I think the football gods are smiling on Farve and the Pack this year. I think that will be enough of an edge for the Pack to pull out a win in Dallas.

I love watching Favre play. He still a kid a heart.

The cowboys better watch out because the greatest gun slinger of all time is coming to town.

Although I do not have a warm and fuzzy feeling about it , but I think the Pack prevails.


Steelers rock!

The game is about to start on True Sport 4. This should be a great game! I hope it comes through as good as it looks on paper.

I am really torn in this one. As LONG time NFL fan, I have trememdous respect for Brett Favre, both as a player, and as a person. On the other side, I can't stand Jerry Jones, and will be anti-Cowboys for as long as he owns them. Now, here's my "selfish" dilemma. I play Fantasy Football. I'm fighting to make the playoffs in one of my 3 leagues. My opponent has 3 Packers on his team, including Favre. So I HAVE to be against Favre, and the Packers offense today!

Well, I guess what I'm hoping for is a VERY low scoring game. Say ... Packers 3 Cowboys 0! :-)

What do I think will happen? I think the Cowboys D do have a slight edge on both sides of the ball, offense and defense. And, of course, the game is being played in Dallas. My head says, Cowboys 27 - Packers 24.

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I think the football gods are smiling on Farve and the Pack this year. I think that will be enough of an edge for the Pack to pull out a win in Dallas.

I love watching Favre play. He still a kid a heart.

The cowboys better watch out because the greatest gun slinger of all time is coming to town.

Although I do not have a warm and fuzzy feeling about it , but I think the Pack prevails.


Steelers rock!

The game is about to start on True Sport 4. This should be a great game! I hope it comes through as good as it looks on paper.

I am really torn in this one. As LONG time NFL fan, I have trememdous respect for Brett Favre, both as a player, and as a person. On the other side, I can't stand Jerry Jones, and will be anti-Cowboys for as long as he owns them. Now, here's my "selfish" dilemma. I play Fantasy Football. I'm fighting to make the playoffs in one of my 3 leagues. My opponent has 3 Packers on his team, including Favre. So I HAVE to be against Favre, and the Packers offense today!

Well, I guess what I'm hoping for is a VERY low scoring game. Say ... Packers 3 Cowboys 0! :-)

What do I think will happen? I think the Cowboys D do have a slight edge on both sides of the ball, offense and defense. And, of course, the game is being played in Dallas. My head says, Cowboys 27 - Packers 24.

Patsfangr, you were close on the score. Of course, that includes a horrible decision on Wade Philips (how did we end up with him?) to go for it on 4th and 2 instead of a chippy field goal, and T.O.'s I have a TD, no you can have an interception instead in the end zone. BTW, that disputed call on pass interference on Austin was a good call. The CB purposely tripped Austin. He looked for the ball, saw he was beaten, turned and watched Austin's eyes for the ball (never looked back at the ball) and then stuck his foot out tripping Austin and immediately brought his hands up (before Austin had even hit the ground) as to say I didn't mean to do it. He meant it, but didn't get away with it.

This game did not turn out into the Bret-Tony game as advertised, but Tony showed up. You have to love Tony's emotion. The smiles and laughter in the most difficult situations shows he is just happy to be there . He plays the game like Favre does and all of us wished more did. However, anyone watching could see why the Cowboys this year cannot win the SB, although I expect they will be the NFC representative. They simply don't have the defensive backfield to keep another team out of the end zone, regardless of who is the opposing QB. Since they have two #1 picks in next years' draft (theirs and the Brown's pick), and Jerry Jone's willingness to tap the free agency market, they will have this problem fixed next year.

Romo again showed that a weak armed QB can make it in the NFL. As long as you have a good OL, and have mobility and tremendous touch and accuracy, you too can make USD 67 million and date Carrie Underwood and Jessica Simpson.

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I think the football gods are smiling on Farve and the Pack this year. I think that will be enough of an edge for the Pack to pull out a win in Dallas.

I love watching Favre play. He still a kid a heart.

The cowboys better watch out because the greatest gun slinger of all time is coming to town.

Although I do not have a warm and fuzzy feeling about it , but I think the Pack prevails.


Steelers rock!

The game is about to start on True Sport 4. This should be a great game! I hope it comes through as good as it looks on paper.

I am really torn in this one. As LONG time NFL fan, I have trememdous respect for Brett Favre, both as a player, and as a person. On the other side, I can't stand Jerry Jones, and will be anti-Cowboys for as long as he owns them. Now, here's my "selfish" dilemma. I play Fantasy Football. I'm fighting to make the playoffs in one of my 3 leagues. My opponent has 3 Packers on his team, including Favre. So I HAVE to be against Favre, and the Packers offense today!

Well, I guess what I'm hoping for is a VERY low scoring game. Say ... Packers 3 Cowboys 0! :-)

What do I think will happen? I think the Cowboys D do have a slight edge on both sides of the ball, offense and defense. And, of course, the game is being played in Dallas. My head says, Cowboys 27 - Packers 24.

Patsfangr, you were close on the score. Of course, that includes a horrible decision on Wade Philips (how did we end up with him?) to go for it on 4th and 2 instead of a chippy field goal, and T.O.'s I have a TD, no you can have an interception instead in the end zone. BTW, that disputed call on pass interference on Austin was a good call. The CB purposely tripped Austin. He looked for the ball, saw he was beaten, turned and watched Austin's eyes for the ball (never looked back at the ball) and then stuck his foot out tripping Austin and immediately brought his hands up (before Austin had even hit the ground) as to say I didn't mean to do it. He meant it, but didn't get away with it.

This game did not turn out into the Bret-Tony game as advertised, but Tony showed up. You have to love Tony's emotion. The smiles and laughter in the most difficult situations shows he is just happy to be there . He plays the game like Favre does and all of us wished more did. However, anyone watching could see why the Cowboys this year cannot win the SB, although I expect they will be the NFC representative. They simply don't have the defensive backfield to keep another team out of the end zone, regardless of who is the opposing QB. Since they have two #1 picks in next years' draft (theirs and the Brown's pick), and Jerry Jone's willingness to tap the free agency market, they will have this problem fixed next year.

Romo again showed that a weak armed QB can make it in the NFL. As long as you have a good OL, and have mobility and tremendous touch and accuracy, you too can make USD 67 million and date Carrie Underwood and Jessica Simpson.

It was a fun game to watch, OMR; tarnished only by the injury to Favre. As I said earlier, I have tremendous respect for him, and, while I hate to see any player injured, it's moreso for Favre.

I would have been even closer with that score if it weren't for that horrible play on which the 'Boys let Ryan Grant run right through them for a LONG TD. They sure as h-ll didn't help my Fantasy Football match with that play either! My opponent this week had both Grant, who scored 2 TDs, and WR Jennings, who scored 1 TD. Between the two of them, they've put me in a big hole going into the weekend's games. In the Fantasy Football context, and ONLY in that context, I was lucky that Favre had to leave the game. My opponent also had him on his team.

Well, most importantly, we got a "surprise" game from TrueVisions/GOALTV. I checked the website schedule a couple of days ago, and didn't see this game listed. The more NFL we get, the happier I am!

By the way, in case you missed it, and you are crazy enough to stay up all night for NFL games, the 4:15 AM game, AND the 8:15 AM game on Monday will be on True Sport 2, rather than True Sport 4, which will, as usual, have the 1:00 AM game.

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I'd like to put together an American Expats Fantasy Football League next season. I'm posting this idea here, and in another American forum I belong to, in the hope of getting at least 12 guys who know and enjoy FF, and want to have a fun diversion for next year.

I'd plan to add "prizes" for "increased interest"; but I'll go into that later, via email, with the guys who indicate a potential interest in playing.

Obviously, there's no need to commit to this now. But I want to put together a list of guys who would consider playing. Then, as the time for forming a league approaches, get final decisions on joining, and launch the league. I'd anticipate starting the league a few weeks before the NFL pre-season begins. Let's say July 4 would be the target date for initial contact.

So, what do you think? Any chance that you might want to participate in a Fantasy Football league next season? Just drop me an email, and I'll add you to the list of potential team owners.

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Well, most importantly, we got a "surprise" game from TrueVisions/GOALTV. I checked the website schedule a couple of days ago, and didn't see this game listed. The more NFL we get, the happier I am!

By the way, in case you missed it, and you are crazy enough to stay up all night for NFL games, the 4:15 AM game, AND the 8:15 AM game on Monday will be on True Sport 2, rather than True Sport 4, which will, as usual, have the 1:00 AM game.

Thanks for the heads up on the Monday morning games. I would have missed the Cowboy game today if Dekestone didn't report it in another thread. I have been watching the NFL in Bangkok for a long time and can't remember when cable provided better coverage of the NFL than True is this year. The trick, of course, is to know before hand when the games are on, but I find myself now expecting games to be televised when just a few months ago that wasn't the case. Thanks, True!

Sadly, Favre separated his shoulder along with messing up his arm on the Nate Jones hit. At least it was a clean hit (cornerback blitz). In Favre's 15 year career this is the first time he has separated his shoulder.

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Well, most importantly, we got a "surprise" game from TrueVisions/GOALTV. I checked the website schedule a couple of days ago, and didn't see this game listed. The more NFL we get, the happier I am!

By the way, in case you missed it, and you are crazy enough to stay up all night for NFL games, the 4:15 AM game, AND the 8:15 AM game on Monday will be on True Sport 2, rather than True Sport 4, which will, as usual, have the 1:00 AM game.

Thanks for the heads up on the Monday morning games. I would have missed the Cowboy game today if Dekestone didn't report it in another thread. I have been watching the NFL in Bangkok for a long time and can't remember when cable provided better coverage of the NFL than True is this year. The trick, of course, is to know before hand when the games are on, but I find myself now expecting games to be televised when just a few months ago that wasn't the case. Thanks, True!

Sadly, Favre separated his shoulder along with messing up his arm on the Nate Jones hit. At least it was a clean hit (cornerback blitz). In Favre's 15 year career this is the first time he has separated his shoulder.

That's terrible news about Favre. I feel badly for him, and for the Packers fans, who are among the most dedicated in the NFL. As you said, OMR, it was a clean hit. Just an unlucky combination of positions for Favre and the defender.

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Well, most importantly, we got a "surprise" game from TrueVisions/GOALTV. I checked the website schedule a couple of days ago, and didn't see this game listed. The more NFL we get, the happier I am!

By the way, in case you missed it, and you are crazy enough to stay up all night for NFL games, the 4:15 AM game, AND the 8:15 AM game on Monday will be on True Sport 2, rather than True Sport 4, which will, as usual, have the 1:00 AM game.

Thanks for the heads up on the Monday morning games. I would have missed the Cowboy game today if Dekestone didn't report it in another thread. I have been watching the NFL in Bangkok for a long time and can't remember when cable provided better coverage of the NFL than True is this year. The trick, of course, is to know before hand when the games are on, but I find myself now expecting games to be televised when just a few months ago that wasn't the case. Thanks, True!

Sadly, Favre separated his shoulder along with messing up his arm on the Nate Jones hit. At least it was a clean hit (cornerback blitz). In Favre's 15 year career this is the first time he has separated his shoulder.


More confusion! According to the TrueVisions website, all 3 games (1:00, 0415, and SNF) will be on TrueSport 2. These games are, San Diego vs Kansas City, Tampa Bay vs New Orleans, and Cincinnati vs Pittsburgh.


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Well, most importantly, we got a "surprise" game from TrueVisions/GOALTV. I checked the website schedule a couple of days ago, and didn't see this game listed. The more NFL we get, the happier I am!

By the way, in case you missed it, and you are crazy enough to stay up all night for NFL games, the 4:15 AM game, AND the 8:15 AM game on Monday will be on True Sport 2, rather than True Sport 4, which will, as usual, have the 1:00 AM game.

Thanks for the heads up on the Monday morning games. I would have missed the Cowboy game today if Dekestone didn't report it in another thread. I have been watching the NFL in Bangkok for a long time and can't remember when cable provided better coverage of the NFL than True is this year. The trick, of course, is to know before hand when the games are on, but I find myself now expecting games to be televised when just a few months ago that wasn't the case. Thanks, True!

Sadly, Favre separated his shoulder along with messing up his arm on the Nate Jones hit. At least it was a clean hit (cornerback blitz). In Favre's 15 year career this is the first time he has separated his shoulder.


More confusion! According to the TrueVisions website, all 3 games (1:00, 0415, and SNF) will be on TrueSport 2. These games are, San Diego vs Kansas City, Tampa Bay vs New Orleans, and Cincinnati vs Pittsburgh.


Yup. That's what it shows now. Oh well. I don't care if they move games to "NHK Worl", as long as they continue to broadcast them! I'm certainly not going to complain to them, and risk losing games because they feel insulted!

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Well, most importantly, we got a "surprise" game from TrueVisions/GOALTV. I checked the website schedule a couple of days ago, and didn't see this game listed. The more NFL we get, the happier I am!

By the way, in case you missed it, and you are crazy enough to stay up all night for NFL games, the 4:15 AM game, AND the 8:15 AM game on Monday will be on True Sport 2, rather than True Sport 4, which will, as usual, have the 1:00 AM game.

Thanks for the heads up on the Monday morning games. I would have missed the Cowboy game today if Dekestone didn't report it in another thread. I have been watching the NFL in Bangkok for a long time and can't remember when cable provided better coverage of the NFL than True is this year. The trick, of course, is to know before hand when the games are on, but I find myself now expecting games to be televised when just a few months ago that wasn't the case. Thanks, True!

Sadly, Favre separated his shoulder along with messing up his arm on the Nate Jones hit. At least it was a clean hit (cornerback blitz). In Favre's 15 year career this is the first time he has separated his shoulder.


More confusion! According to the TrueVisions website, all 3 games (1:00, 0415, and SNF) will be on TrueSport 2. These games are, San Diego vs Kansas City, Tampa Bay vs New Orleans, and Cincinnati vs Pittsburgh.


Yup. That's what it shows now. Oh well. I don't care if they move games to "NHK Worl", as long as they continue to broadcast them! I'm certainly not going to complain to them, and risk losing games because they feel insulted!

No complaints here, just trying to let people know what's going on!

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Any chance the Steelers ever had about becoming "America's Team" were lost last Monday night when they decided to skip playing the traditional National Anthem due to the weather delay.

I was born and raised in Pittsburgh and never heard of them being referred to as America's Team.

They are not looking there best right now but I think there is still some fight left in them.


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Any chance the Steelers ever had about becoming "America's Team" were lost last Monday night when they decided to skip playing the traditional National Anthem due to the weather delay.

I was born and raised in Pittsburgh and never heard of them being referred to as America's Team.

They are not looking there best right now but I think there is still some fight left in them.


I was being factitious with the comment about being America's team as that title is held by my Cowboys. On the Steelers, nobody has forgotten them getting into the playoffs as a wild card team just two years ago and then winning the SB. They are always dangerous.

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The one thing I do agree on, as I detailed earlier, is that the "blueprint" crap is ... just that.

Yep, there's no blue print....guess the Ravens and the Eagles were just darn lucky!

One thing for sure is that when teams jam Randy Moss at the line of scrimmage, he is ineffective. The last two games the Eagles and Ravens have done that, Moss has average 40 yards a game. Previously, he almost averaged that per catch! I don't know that the Steelers have the personnel to do the same thing to the Pats but hopefully it will be an entertaining game!

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I thought the Ravens played really well against the Pats. Clearly they were running a 110%, very psyched to beat the Pats and with hopes of ending their losing streak. A little bit of luck, 'bad' for the Ravens, 'good' for the Pats at the end. The hitting was intense (or maybe they just crank the audio for MNF?). The Steelers have allowed the fewest points so far this season (155), while the Pats have allowed 209. Pittsburgh plays (watched a few portions of their games this year) an even more physical game than the Ravens so I hope the older Pats players can hang in for another tough 60 minutes. Was hoping the weather might be a factor but just clear and cold forecast right now, and hopefully no wind like in Baltimore! Spread currently at -10.5 (48.5 O) which seems high.

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I was being factitious with the comment about being America's team as that title is held by my Cowboys. On the Steelers, nobody has forgotten them getting into the playoffs as a wild card team just two years ago and then winning the SB. They are always dangerous.

LMAO... I was wondering about that too, since I knew who the moniker belonged to. And the Cowboys are also my team, though I confess I don't watch much NFL any more.

The only interest I have in the Pats is that my cousin designed the logo.

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That amazing Pats-Ravens game that I was too psyched to even type about continues the trend. Teams that were winning last year, but who are stinking it up this year, show up when they're against New England. I want to see the undefeated season mainly because I'm sick of Shula's schtick, but it's not gonna be a cakewalk.

Also, the June issue of my newsletter predicted the Super Bowl champs would be New England or Indianapolis, with a slight edge to New England. As long as we delete the word "slight," I like being right.

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Sorry it's taken me so long to comment on the Pats win over the Ravens, but I can't type when I'm not breathing! :o

That's two weeks in a row that it's taken the "Brady magic" to pull out the win. Of course, we Pats fans have seen it before - many, many, times - throughout his incredible 8 year career. Remember those 3 Super Bowl wins?! :D

But, this year, we've been spoiled by the over-hyped blowout games. Sure I believe that my Patriots are the best team in the NFL. But this IS the NFL. The diffence between the best and the worst is NOT consistently 30 points or more!

So, why the blowouts in so many games? When the season opened, the Patriots really caught everybody by surprise with the firepower they have in that passing offense. Most people thought Moss was washed up. Most people thought Wes Welker was a scrappy little Special Teams guy. Most people thought Dante Stallworth was a mediocre bust. And, despite the evidence that had been given for the past 7 years, most people still didn't understand just how good Tom Brady is at reading defenses, and finding the open man, when there is one. All of those factors had Defensive Coordinators coming into games against the Pats with more or less "standard" game plans. We saw the results.

As for the defense, they were constantly playing with a lead, and most of the time, with a large lead. Opposing offenses had to become one-dimensional. They had to pass, and the Pats knew it. Not a good combination against any NFL defense.

Now we're seeing opposing defenses accept the fact that the Patriots passing offense is uniquely superior to anything the league has seen before. Teams now understand that they must focus most of their attention on pressuring Brady, double covering Moss, and pressing Welker and Stallworth. Now, add to that "awareness" the fact that every player and coach in the NFL is at this level because he is intensely competitive. Nobody wants to lose; but, even more strongly, nobody wants to be embarassed. Just as strongly, everybody wants to be recognized as the team that stopped the "best team in the history of the NFL". Add all of that together, and you have every player, on every team, bringing their 'A' game into the stadium for a game with the Patriots!

All long time NFL fans have heard it said that the difference between players and teams at this level is relatively small. All of these players are excellent athletes. All of the coaches at this level understand the game. What separates them, most of the time, is a combination of desire and confidence. The teams facing the Patriots now come in with those two factors at maximum level. That is what has made these last two games so very close.

What has made them still end with the Patriots on the high end of the score is that the Patriots simply have a better combination of all of the major elements required to play the game. They have outstanding coaching. They have players, on both sides of the ball, with a very high level of "football intelligence". They have a large number of players with great physical talent. They have the aforementioned desire and confidence at the top of the scale. And they have their feet planted firmly on the ground, with absolute certainty that they MUST bring their 'A' game to beat other NFL teams. They know that failure to do so can result in a loss to any team in this league. Confidence, when not balanced with humility, is suicidal! Other teams have at least some of all of those elements. The Patriots, however, have the best combination of high levels of all of them.

That's why they've been able to come back from seemingly hopeless situations so often. They did it against the Raiders in the "Snow Bowl". They did it against the "Greatest Show on Turf" in Super Bowl 36. They did it against the loudmouth Steelers in TWO AFC Championship games. They did it in the 2004 AFC Championship against the Colts. They did it in Super Bowl 38 against the charged up Panthers. They did it in Super Bowl 39 against the very powerful Eagles. And, in this incredible season, they've done it three times; against the Colts, the Eagles, and the Ravens.

What they know, and what their coach reminds them of daily, is that they have NOT done it every time they were down. They've won 3 Super Bowls in the last 6 seasons. What that means is that they have failed to win the Super Bowl in 3 of the last 6 seasons. There are no guarantees. There is only the next game, and the need to prepare for it, and play it, with maximum effort.

I hope that will take them to yet another Super Bowl win. We shall see. But I am very, very happy to be a Patriots fan. Many years of suffering and embarassment preceeding this Belichick era. It's been worth it to experience these last 7 seasons!

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The only interest I have in the Pats is that my cousin designed the logo.

Pat Patriot or Flying Elvis?

No offense to your cousin but the Flying Elvis logo was, and is, pretty much widely panned in New England. The shock when it was first presented was jaw-dropping. But it is now associated with success so expect it to be around for a few years.

Will the Pats play in throwbacks this season?

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