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I have posted before about theiving in Rawai.

Came home tonight after being out for three hours to find I have been broken into.

I have security screens, the gits burned through those, all my doors are closed inside and I have two big house dogs inside the house.

They hit the one room they could get my wifes jewelery, left computers in the room, a lot of sri lanka gold and saphires and took everything of sentimental value, some of which was expensive and accumulated over years of death and heirlooms.

We keep ourselves to ourselves we are not party animals and choose our friends carefully.

This was obviously an inside job from Thai's, they knew which room to hit.

What a great end to a dream.

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Very sorry to hear that. Having been burgled before in the UK, I know exactly how it feels. Turns you from a non violent man in to someone who wants to slit the throats of every low life scum you can get your hands on.

However, insulting a whole race of people is not on, and I hope you see that when the initial shock and anger subsides.

I know you wont change your mind about leaving, but I hope you can take back what you said about Thais in general.

Good luck with selling your house. I get the feeling you won't be happy until you're out of here.


Sorry to hear about that......it does seem an obvious inside job when they knew exactly where too look, i dont suppose the police are interested in helping to look at a few people who you suspect.


Can't blame you for being PO-ed, but there are plenty of really good people here and plenty of bad ones back home. Burglary,robbery or being cheated is not confined to Thailand. ;)



Sorry to hear your story; you have our sympathy.

We were burgled three days before we left Phuket in April this year - fortunately we had already freighted most of our possessions onwards but what we had left was all the small valuables electronics/laptop, camera, phones, and jewellery, and my partner's Buddhas (that's bad form!). Similarly they 'hit' the right room.

Took me a long time to get over the feelings of rage and helplessness, as we were moving we couldn't stay around to make any search efforts ourselves. Chalong Police did attend and helpfully said it would have 'all been traded for Chang or Ya-ba by now'.

About a month later a neighbour called us to say that the son of the people who lived across the road from us had been caught inside a local house, and some stolen items recovered. Nothing of ours - not that we expected any recovery.

It was the only seriously bad experience we had in 12mths of Phuket, such a pity as it does leave a bad memory.


Comparing Tower Hamlets in London is the same as Phuket in Thailand.....not all places are like that, try the mainland around Prachuap area, you may have a different outlook to the country


I understand the OP's sentiments. No matter how hard one tries to be a good neighbour, it doesn't matter. It's no consolation knowing that Thais as well are exploited, robbed, burglared, robbed at gunpoint and defrauded just like foreigners. They experience the same pain and sense of betrayal.

It is easy to dismiss the OP's statements, but just wait until you too have been robbed or burglared.

It is sometimes more of a disappointment catching the people that do these crimes. What does one do when confronted with a 15 year old from a crappy family that steals to pay for the material gizmos 15 year old boys want, or when its the neighbour's kid, or the security guard you give a nice gift to each Songkran, or a pathetic junkie? We caught a kid trying to steal a motorbike a year ago. Had we not caught him, I'd have been fantasizing about slicing and dicing the thief. Instead, all i remember is a pathetic skinny in a filthy tshirt and shorts with no future in life. For what it's worth count your blessings that you are fortunate not to be a thief and that you have someone that cares and loves you and that you have a purpose in life. Most of thieves have nothing. No heart, no soul and no brains.


Can't blame you for being PO-ed, but there are plenty of really good people here and plenty of bad ones back home. Burglary,robbery or being cheated is not confined to Thailand. ;)

You are right I have been burgled 3 times back in Aus, everytime it has been a relative. No one was ever caught, but the insurance replaced everything lost. I know it cant replace items of personal significance. However, I have never been burgled in Thailand, maybe because I have never had a long term home here.

My sympathies to the OP, the loss of valued items is one thing but the feelings of intrusion into our personal space, our safety zones lasts a long time.


Can't blame you for being PO-ed, but there are plenty of really good people here and plenty of bad ones back home. Burglary,robbery or being cheated is not confined to Thailand. ;)

No but it happens far less often by people you know.


I understand the OP's sentiments. No matter how hard one tries to be a good neighbour, it doesn't matter. It's no consolation knowing that Thais as well are exploited, robbed, burglared, robbed at gunpoint and defrauded just like foreigners. They experience the same pain and sense of betrayal.

It is easy to dismiss the OP's statements, but just wait until you too have been robbed or burglared.

It is sometimes more of a disappointment catching the people that do these crimes. What does one do when confronted with a 15 year old from a crappy family that steals to pay for the material gizmos 15 year old boys want, or when its the neighbour's kid, or the security guard you give a nice gift to each Songkran, or a pathetic junkie? We caught a kid trying to steal a motorbike a year ago. Had we not caught him, I'd have been fantasizing about slicing and dicing the thief. Instead, all i remember is a pathetic skinny in a filthy tshirt and shorts with no future in life. For what it's worth count your blessings that you are fortunate not to be a thief and that you have someone that cares and loves you and that you have a purpose in life. Most of thieves have nothing. No heart, no soul and no brains.

dam_n GT.. Good post. Count the blessings..

To the OP, I got robbed a year or so back, I wont call it the final straw but it was definitely a motivating factor to make me realize that an ever developing Phuket, becoming a village pattaya with better beaches, is not where I wished to remain. Dont tar all Thailand with the same brush as a greed ridden tourist economy designed to separate farang from their wealth.


They knew you were going to be out at the time and approximately how long they had to do "the job."

They knew about the bars on the windows, so bought equipment to burn through them.

They knew about the dogs, so went around them to avoid confronting them.

They knew which room the jewellery was in.

They knew which jewellery was worth the most.

I agree with you, definately an inside job. Just too many things went in favour of the offenders. They had good "intelligence" on your premises, security measures and the jewellery.

I would not just be suspecting Thai's. A lot of farang are now resorting to crime to be able to stay here and continue living "the dream." In the press, over recent months, many have been arrested for frauds, ATM skimming, drug dealing and other non-violent crime, so, suspect everyone, not just Thai people.

Obvious questions are: Who knew where the jewellery was? Who knew it's worth? Who knew you would be out at that time? Who do you know owns, or has access to, "burning" equipment to cut through the bars? (can you hire this equipment - if so, I would be spending a few hundred baht to see their rental books, especially in Rawai - same goes for where do you re-gas them) Do you need a vehicle to carry this equipment? If so, do a canvass of your neighbours. (maybe they saw a strange vehicle in the area)

There are a lot of other things that could be done, but they would have to be done by the police which, given we are in Thailand, just doesn't happen.

Someone close to you is involved in this crime. You really need to find out who it is.


I once knew a British gypo that claimed to be fond of burgling here in Phuket, so it's not always Thai's that are nicking our stuff.

Renting out apartments and studios to thai and farang, the only thieves have been brits and german :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


The OP's anger and frustration is understandable and we all feel for him.

However, posts denigrating the whole Thai population have been edited or deleted.


Sorry to hear of your bad luck. No need to offend those who are happy here though.

Where has the OP offended you in his post ?? I know you always claim to have a wonderful life here in all your posts. But you are not Thai and never will be ( no matter how hard to try to be :rolleyes: ). So the OP has no way offended you.

Stop talking BS. The OP is not happy and we can see why. I cant wait to hear your post if when you find out your perfect family life in thailand is not all it seems to be. But then again i did read one of your posts saying you have been with your wife for 7 years and you never fight and it keeps getting better year after year... Sure.... :rolleyes:


Sorry to hear of your bad luck. No need to offend those who are happy here though.

Where has the OP offended you in his post ?? I know you always claim to have a wonderful life here in all your posts. But you are not Thai and never will be ( no matter how hard to try to be :rolleyes: ). So the OP has no way offended you.

The op was not too friendly to people who are happy living their life here in his original post, before it got moderated.


My apologies if ranting was over the top last night and my thanks to the mods for adjusting some of the language.

I have calmed down a bit now.

It wasn't the monetary loss but the the fact they stole things that my wifes mother, grandmother etc had handed down to her. Things that are irreplaceable and sentimental as well as expensive. She is devastated and feels violated.

The police were very good believe it or not but I do wish they didn't say to her that the burglars might return, she is now shitting herself as well, personally a part of me wants them to come back as long as I am in the house.

The insurance guy {Thai} came round and said that Rawai is currently getting hammered with burgalries, even he has been broken into and he and his wife got a good beating as well.


Sorry to hear of your bad luck. No need to offend those who are happy here though.

Where has the OP offended you in his post ?? I know you always claim to have a wonderful life here in all your posts. But you are not Thai and never will be ( no matter how hard to try to be :rolleyes: ). So the OP has no way offended you.

Stop talking BS. The OP is not happy and we can see why. I cant wait to hear your post if when you find out your perfect family life in thailand is not all it seems to be. But then again i did read one of your posts saying you have been with your wife for 7 years and you never fight and it keeps getting better year after year... Sure.... :rolleyes:

Just where in his post does Onut claim to be Thai ? The OP was calling all Thai's thieving bastards. He has since calmed down and admitted his tone may have been wrong ? Fully understandable at the time but your posting isn't. That may not offend you with the attitude you have to Thailand as you appear to have the same distaste for all things Thai but it offended a lot of people who are happy here. You may be like the OP. A lot of us are not.

You may not be happy here and think all Thai's are bad. I have found that these people treat the Farang the way the Farang treat them.

You get what you give here !

Rant over!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry to hear of your bad luck. No need to offend those who are happy here though.

Where has the OP offended you in his post ?? I know you always claim to have a wonderful life here in all your posts. But you are not Thai and never will be ( no matter how hard to try to be :rolleyes: ). So the OP has no way offended you.

Stop talking BS. The OP is not happy and we can see why. I cant wait to hear your post if when you find out your perfect family life in thailand is not all it seems to be. But then again i did read one of your posts saying you have been with your wife for 7 years and you never fight and it keeps getting better year after year... Sure.... :rolleyes:

The OP isn't happy here. He will sell his house (hopefully) and move on.

When you and a huge amount of other posters, get so angry when other people express how happy they are here, and that they live a happy, uneventfull, family life, and you simply refuse to believe them, all you are doing is making yourself sound bitter and twisted, and highlighting the fact that you obviously aren't as happy as they are.

As for comments like 'you are not Thai and never will be' . Wow people must have some serious issues to say things like that, talk about an inferiority complex.

The OP insinuated that it was impossible for anyone to be happy here. He had a good reason for saying something so illogical. It's an automatic response to being that angry.

But what's your excuse??


Sorry to hear of your bad luck. No need to offend those who are happy here though.

Where has the OP offended you in his post ?? I know you always claim to have a wonderful life here in all your posts. But you are not Thai and never will be ( no matter how hard to try to be :rolleyes: ). So the OP has no way offended you.

Stop talking BS. The OP is not happy and we can see why. I cant wait to hear your post if when you find out your perfect family life in thailand is not all it seems to be. But then again i did read one of your posts saying you have been with your wife for 7 years and you never fight and it keeps getting better year after year... Sure.... :rolleyes:

The OP isn't happy here. He will sell his house (hopefully) and move on.

When you and a huge amount of other posters, get so angry when other people express how happy they are here, and that they live a happy, uneventfull, family life, and you simply refuse to believe them, all you are doing is making yourself sound bitter and twisted, and highlighting the fact that you obviously aren't as happy as they are.

As for comments like 'you are not Thai and never will be' . Wow people must have some serious issues to say things like that, talk about an inferiority complex.

The OP insinuated that it was impossible for anyone to be happy here. He had a good reason for saying something so illogical. It's an automatic response to being that angry.

But what's your excuse??

You are right i dont like living here. But i stay here becuase i have a job here that pays very well... So i stay for that. Would i rather be back in The EU or the States of course i would be. But when people say that all the ' Thailand is the greatest country on earth people' start going crazy at people. I didnt no this was a offence, to tell the truth. Do i have Thai friends, No the culture here is way way to different to have real Thai Friends. But there are thai people i am friendy with and do go for drinks and golf games with. So i dont have anything against Thai people.

Its just that some people can not stand people coming on here and telling the truth every now and then. Its seems to be a big no no for farangs to say anything bad about Thailand. Why, i can only think these people are stuck here with no hope of going to live in other counties.

My advice to these people who do get so worked up over nothing. Is to relax.


Sorry to hear of your bad luck. No need to offend those who are happy here though.

Where has the OP offended you in his post ?? I know you always claim to have a wonderful life here in all your posts. But you are not Thai and never will be ( no matter how hard to try to be :rolleyes: ). So the OP has no way offended you.

Stop talking BS. The OP is not happy and we can see why. I cant wait to hear your post if when you find out your perfect family life in thailand is not all it seems to be. But then again i did read one of your posts saying you have been with your wife for 7 years and you never fight and it keeps getting better year after year... Sure.... :rolleyes:

Just where in his post does Onut claim to be Thai ? The OP was calling all Thai's thieving bastards. He has since calmed down and admitted his tone may have been wrong ? Fully understandable at the time but your posting isn't. That may not offend you with the attitude you have to Thailand as you appear to have the same distaste for all things Thai but it offended a lot of people who are happy here. You may be like the OP. A lot of us are not.

You may not be happy here and think all Thai's are bad. I have found that these people treat the Farang the way the Farang treat them.

You get what you give here !

Rant over!!!!!!!!!!

Please relax. Stop telling lies. I have never said that all Thai people are bad. What a B.S statement.

People can say what they want anyway. But you always seen to get really angry when anyone dares disagree with you. why is that ?? You go on and on making judgements about me without knowing me just from my posts. If i was to judge you from your posts i would say you seem very controlling. I hope you treat your Thai wife with a bit more respect if she disagress with you on something

Just relax and stop judging me on a few posts. People can think different things. Some countries do have freedom of speach !


Just a side note to OP that affects a lot of people in the area, what was the situation for your dogs in the house? Were they locked up in a room by you, or drugged by the intruders, or given a nice treat by the perps or what was the story with the dogs? I'm sure a lot of people that live in the area are a bit concerned after reading your posting saying that the insurance guy said there's a lot of burglaries happening lately.


Basically they are house dogs but when we leave the house we close the bedroom doors and they stay in the living room, the person knew this and just broke into the bedroom and locked the door from the inside.

The insurance guy was from QBE, quite a big insurer here. Even the police said there was a lot of buralries at the moment so stay safe.


You are right i dont like living here. But i stay here becuase i have a job here that pays very well... So i stay for that. Would i rather be back in The EU or the States of course i would be. But when people say that all the ' Thailand is the greatest country on earth people' start going crazy at people. I didnt no this was a offence, to tell the truth. Do i have Thai friends, No the culture here is way way to different to have real Thai Friends. But there are thai people i am friendy with and do go for drinks and golf games with. So i dont have anything against Thai people.

Its just that some people can not stand people coming on here and telling the truth every now and then. Its seems to be a big no no for farangs to say anything bad about Thailand. Why, i can only think these people are stuck here with no hope of going to live in other counties.

My advice to these people who do get so worked up over nothing. Is to relax.

That's a very refreshingly honest answer. So many people would continue to argue the point, without revealing the true facts behind the statements.

I don't think people have a problem with you disliking Phuket, it's when people try to tell you that you're not allowed to like Phuket, and when you do it's not because you genuinly like it, it's because you're deluded, or a TV favourite 'wearing 'Rose tinted specs'.

Now I know full well that comments like that, come from people like yourself who aren't happy here, or haven't ever managed to intigrate in to Thai society slightly. I'm sure there are then the really bitter ones with failed marriages, and people who've been fleeced of money, very similar to being burgled, the anger will often make them turn on all Thai people and all the Farangs that are happy here.

You however, are the first I can remember to turn around and admit point blank, that your comments, are simply because you don't like it here.

An example I would give, is Pattaya. I can't personally see the slightest attraction to the place what so ever. I know there are people who live there and have nothing to do with the seedy side, and love it, but I just can't see why.

Now I would never, ever, go on to a Pattaya forum and start slagging the place off. That to me would be such a mind numbingly, bizarre, thing to do. If they are happy there, which they obviously are, what logic is there in me telling them that I hate the place, and that they are wrong to like it.

Yet people seem to go out of there way to come on to the Phuket forum and do just that all the time. They say the place is horrible, and then imply that people are only happy here, because they are deluded and don't know the truth. When anyone with half a brain can see that it is them that has happiness issues. That's what people dislike, not people just saying bad things about the place.

Like I said, I respect you for admitting that. Now bugger off and find a job somewhere else, and leave us in peace. :P


Basically they are house dogs but when we leave the house we close the bedroom doors and they stay in the living room, the person knew this and just broke into the bedroom and locked the door from the inside.

The insurance guy was from QBE, quite a big insurer here. Even the police said there was a lot of buralries at the moment so stay safe.

Are you sure they couldn't work out where the dogs were from listening to them bark?

I think most burglers target bedrooms first, and some times only, as that's where most people keep their valuables. Those two facts alone would not automaticaly mean an inside job.

If there's one thing about scum bag burglers, they are very good at what they do. They have it down to a fine art, which may lead you to instantly think it was pre planned.

What exactly did they burn through. Do you mean they cut through metal bars?


Now I know full well that comments like that, come from people like yourself who aren't happy here, or haven't ever managed to intigrate in to Thai society slightly. I'm sure there are then the really bitter ones with failed marriages, and people who've been fleeced of money, very similar to being burgled, the anger will often make them turn on all Thai people and all the Farangs that are happy here.

Don't forget the born losers who have never been happy anywhere, but slag off Thailand on Thai Visa because that is where they are at the moment. They are not exactly a minority of the members who are Thailand-hostile 3D%20Smiles%20(96).jpg

(A separate issue from the OP who had good reason to be angry)

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