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Trouble Booking Places In Nong Khai - Any Ideas?

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I've been trying to book a Guesthouse or lower midrange hotel along the river front in Nong Khai for a couple of nights in mid March 2011.

I quite like the look of Baan Mae Rim Nam Guest House and Huan-Lai Apartment. First preference is Baan Mae Rim Nam Guest House.

Unfortunately neither of these places have booking options or working email addresses on their websites.

Baan Mae Rim Nam Guest House website has a contact page but this just returns an error message and the email address for Huan-Lai Apartment (hotmail) just gets an 'account not available' eror message.

I've tried sending sms (text messages) to the mobile phone numbers listed on the web sites (from my Thai mobile and an Australian number) but no reply.

I suspect a phone conversation may be problematic (language barrier at my end – no Thai) so I'll now send letters to both and see if I can get a reply to my Thai mobile or email address listed in the letter.

Any other suggestions?

I guess I could just turn up and take pot luck but would feel more comfortable having a booking.

Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated :jap:


I know both places and if you like I can ask for phone numbers and their knowledge of English. May be email changed ? I can check it for you. Just let me know.

May be this helps :

Huan Lai www.huanlaihotel.com 042 413596 or 08 68541113

Mutmee is a good place and manager Julian is from the UK......


Thank you Prajak.

I tried the email link from Huan Lai website ([email protected]) and sent an sms to 08 68541113

I was anticipating a phone call might be complicated by my lack of Thai and their lack of English.

No response to 2 sms and an auto reply from hotmail saying 'mailbox unavailable'

I've resent the email just now and haven't received an auto reply with a fault as yet ...... fingers crossed ... may have been a temporary problem and I may hear back from them.

I'm quite looking forward to a couple of nights in Nong Khai.

I passed through last month on my way back from Vientiane and liked what I saw on my way from the train station (train to Bangkok was cancelled due to the floods) to the bus station - now I want a closer look.

Thanks again :-)


You're welcome ...

I guess I could just turn up and take pot luck but would feel more comfortable having a booking... No problem .. as the trains come and go all night there are always benches available at the station.


You're welcome ...

I guess I could just turn up and take pot luck but would feel more comfortable having a booking... No problem .. as the trains come and go all night there are always benches available at the station.

You really wasted valuable space on this forum with your inane reply to the question asked!!!


Stekmer, I will visit both places Monday and ask for their correct email and why they do not give an answer. If their English is poor, and I think that's the reason, you better try Mutmee (they have a website) and book for just one night. Or book the Phantawee in heart of town. Next day visit both places, look at the rooms and book and pay for the days you like to stay. Making a reservation and showing money is "soothing" and makes people forget all language-problems.......


There is a new hotel in Nongkhai, White Inn. Website http://whiteinnnongkhai.com/ but only in Thai. It is in the same street as Huan Lai but 300 meter closer to the ringroad. I have read a comment in Dutch language and the price was 1,000 baht/night (like the Ban Mae Rim Khong). Have seen the pics on the website and it looks good. Opened only weeks ago. A 5 minutes walk to the Mehkong. You could give it a try.


White Inn has no email ?? Do you believe that ? WiFi zone and internet available and no email ? Well, they must have and I will drop in and ask their business card and email and check their knowledge of English. I let you know Monday afternoon. By the way, in none of all mentioned places I am a shareholder........ I rent a nice house here for almost 9 years and like to see tourist enjoy the town like I do.


You're welcome ...

I guess I could just turn up and take pot luck but would feel more comfortable having a booking... No problem .. as the trains come and go all night there are always benches available at the station.

You really wasted valuable space on this forum with your inane reply to the question asked!!!

Actually jazzbo's post was in response to the OP's thanks for his earlier suggestion, I think you will find it's called a sense of humour.

On the other hand your first post after being a member for three and a half years, well......................????



I tried to offer the OP the means to at least one night's confirmed reservation in Nong Khai given his experiences with all the guest houses etc.... even if for one night a little over his target budget he could then spend the next morning finding other more suitable arrangements... He chose not to even acknowledge such offer of assistance.


Thank you again Prajak - very helpful indeed.

I'm assuming that there may be some language problems that have led to no replies to sms.

It is a bit frustrating when places have web sites with mobile phone numbers and email addresses and don't reply.

Perhaps business is so good that they don't need to.

Patwanee replied to an earlier email so I might go for that. As you said , they are nearby to the area I fancy.

I'd already looked at Agoda (as my first step) but they had only 1 place that is a bit further out than I wanted.

As nice as the train station looked, I don't fancy a bench there but will bring a pillow with me just in case.


In my years of PDR Lao border crossings and Nong Khai Immigration I have spent many long hours at the Nong Khai train station ... you could do far worse ... there is good enough food and even a shower available... good luck on your trip... it seems like an ordeal already.


Ban mae rim nam has email... baanmaerimnam at hotmail dot com

I doubt the double aa........

Spoken Englsih poor, they claim that they answer emails in English....

They have a few rooms and they usually taken.

Huan Lai has a website, no email.

Spoken Englsih poor.

No elevator, 4 stocks. I heard no fridge in the room.

White Inn

whiteinnnongkhai at hotmail dot com

Spoken English poor. Newly build, nice website.

March is a quiet month, no tourists. Just drop in at the White Inn, pay one night and look around or stay theree.

WiFi in cheap hotels ? I think it might be in Chiang Khong. Didn't we discuss this here a few months ago ? Yes.

So please look back a little bit.

Good luck.


Thank you again Prajak - very helpful indeed.

I'm assuming that there may be some language problems that have led to no replies to sms.

It is a bit frustrating when places have web sites with mobile phone numbers and email addresses and don't reply.

Perhaps business is so good that they don't need to.

maybe you should finally acknowledge that this is THAILAND and "not the same as in your country"

most smaller guesthouses here will not reply to emails - unless they are Western-owned.

why don't you just CALL them instead ?

why want to pre-book a room for MARCH anyway ??? March is low season already, it will be VERY HOT, and for sure 90% of the accom will have rooms available when you just show up. so, as others have recommended already, for you peace of mind, book a room for ONE NIGHT then shop around. so many guesthouses and small hotels available in Nongkhai.... and almost all in walking distance from each other (though admittedly, at 38 degrees, it may not be fun to explore the streets on foot)

BTW: White Inn looks nice indeed. probably you do not feel the need to search for other accomodation when u arrived at there


The Pantawee is good, includes, basic breakfast and has TV and internet in the rooms as well as having a swimming pool, close to the River and Market. Have read a couple of negative reviews but my experience has been good 700-1000baht per night. The Mut Mee is sort of like a Sheraton for back packers, in that you could be in a guesthouse anywhere in the developing world and not know what country your in. My wife tried booking a room in Thai on the phone and no one spoke it, so if you just want sit in a hammock with other farangs I guess its OK, also lots of stupid rules posted all over the place , sort of like a Swiss Youh Hostel, spent one night there- won't go back. I will probably stay at the Baan Mae Rim Nam next time, since it is along the water front with good views, I talked to the manager so it would be best to call 66(0)818730636.


The Danish Baker restaurant and bar now has rooms for 400 b/n, aircon. I assume without breakfast. Heart of town.

About Mutmee, the management is both Thai and farang so they do speak Thai too; the kitchen staff is Thai. This place is here for more than 10 years and it's a special place at the river, with a nice atmosphere and good cooking. But they are afraid of "short time" and noisy people so there are rules and yes, some people consider those rules strict. I know (UK) manager Julian's concerns about this very well and agree. Mutmee needs to be protected; it's very special and well known.


frenchfarangjomtien, Nongkhai has no main market. There are several markets mid town. Close to the bus station ? The bus station is in centre of town, 20 to 40 baht in a tuktuk. All mentioned hotels in this item are mid town. So pick one and enjoy Nongkhai.


The only real newly built hotel i have found in NONG KHAI is THE WHITE IN NONG KHAI, in the same street as HUAN LAI hotel but accross the main road: http://www.whiteinnnongkhai.com/ 800 thb a night but a lot nicer than Pantawee cheaters place...

The only front river newly built guest house is BAAN RIM MAENAM 700 thb a night http://www.baanmaerimnam.com

People have different taste but at least it's easy to say when a place is new or old (and often stinky...) like most of the cheap NONG KHAI hotels and resorts.

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