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Natural intelligence?

Why are western countries so far advanced compared to Thailand and other third world countries?

The human brain and mind are much like a muscle and need to be worked and exercised to develop and grow, with the result being higher intellect rather than size and mass.

Is it fair assume that western ancestors and forefathers, had to think more to become more inventive and industrial due to harsher environments, than those found in tropical climates?

To live in bamboo hut with enough shade from the heat and enough shelter from the rain is fine in a tropical climate, but to do so in the U.K or northern Europe would result in freezing to death.

The same can be said and applied to nearly all western innovations and progressive developments through history, with both knowledge and intellect being passed from generation to generation.

I feel its fair to say that the harshness of some cultures climates, lead to them being much more inventive and industrious leading to people that are more creative and that can more readily adapt to new ideas and concepts.

Examples of the opposite would be cultures such as the Thai’s, Most African countries, Native American Indians, aborigines etc…

This isn’t attack on any race or peoples mentioned above, just some thoughts and ideas on why it seems Europeans are more advanced, as for natural intelligence, it’s more likely to be intellectual evolution due to environment.

I’m sure most Thai’s could survive and prosper from “the land” compared with nigh on all Europeans, who find it easier to buy vacuum wrapped fruit on a shelf as opposed to picking it from a tree.

In conclusion the west is more intelligential because it had to be.


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How much Intelligent you are will reflect from your above topic and the contents.

You can be Intelligent in two ways..

1. You could be a person who do not know the meaning of the Intelligence and think you are Intelligent.


2. You are a Dumb person who think you are the most Intelligent.

You can select anything that fits you. I do not think others in your Developed Countries think like you.

If what you say is true, then

Microsoft must be Dumb to open Branches in India and now in Sri Lanka.

All your Factories must be Dumb to shift the operations to these 3rd World Countries.

China must be really Dumb to record the highest Growth Rate in the world and to go to space.

Finally, Remember the way the bunch of guys in a 3rd world country did the planning to put down the tallest twin towers.. They must be really Dumb enough to by pass all the Intelligent Security Systems and all sort of your Intelligent stuff..

Hope you have seen the Movie "Dumb and Dumberer"

It was produced in one of the Developed Countries. By the way..are you an Actor? :o:D


Modern industrial society is unsustainable and therefore doomed to eventual failure. Subsistence farming is sustainable. Who is more intelligent?


Don't know about firms being dumb by relocating to India as many companies in the U.K. are sending their call centres there.

They make their employees watch English soap operas, that must be worth a few bob just to have to sit through them.

Might have something to do with the pay scales there but thats just a guess.


According to this Intelligent Farang..

The weather is the Factor that make us to be undeveloped or developing and for him to be developed.


During the Summer Seasons, the people in your Countries loose the Intelligence and during the Cold season, then get it back. :D

Similarly, people who use Air Condition in 3rd World Countries are more Intelligent than the Summer Guys in Europe.



I think this is the most stupid piece of crap I have yet to read here. You will fit right in with the other NeoCon idiots who troll this board.

First, define Intelligence as obviously you don't even know what the word means.

I think you are misunderstanding "developed" and "under developed" society which has nothing to do with intelligence, but with resources, technology, and above all money.

Let's see how long you would survive in the Jungle if left alone ? do you think your "natural intelligence" will let you survive this ? I think not


Thais are intelligent - but have to devote proportionately more of their faculties to survival issues.

Eg: Not falling in holes in the sidewalk........and whilst looking down at the sidewalk, not being struck between the eyes by a dangling canvas awning-pole. (It hurts, take my word for it).

Farangs in Farang land, meander along the road, thinking and devoting brain- activity to Wittgenstein, football scores, and the iniquities of anti-paedophile legislation.

Guest IT Manager

Just a thought Maerim, and I may have mis-read your post, but I suspect a re-read of Kwiz's post may have both of you on the same team.

As to the original, as I said this morning, I don't believe either geezer or gfunk have a wit of intelligence but thats just my jaundiced reading of most of their tripe. This just ices the cake.

Natural intelligence?

I wanted to click it off as complete nonsense. But than perhaps living too long in

hot countries I lost my 'Natural intelligence'?

Maybe just try to explain what this is all about. The harsher the climate the more intelligence? But than you mention

Examples of the opposite would be cultures such as the Thai’s, Most African countries, Native American Indians, aborigines etc…

I just don't get it.

I feel its fair to say that the harshness of some cultures climates, lead to them being much more inventive and industrious leading to people that are more creative and that can more readily adapt to new ideas and concepts.

Examples of the opposite would be cultures such as the Thai’s, Most African countries, Native American Indians, aborigines etc…

Next time, take the time and trouble to read up a little on the achievments of the Inca, Mayan, Toltec and Aztec indians.

You may also care to check out some of the accomplishments of the ancient Egyptians and Nabateans. Learning a little about why Rhodesia changed its name to Zimbabwe is also a nice education.

Oh, and isn't there a little city rather near here called Angkor Wat.

History demonstrates that all great empires and civilizations come to an end. In the recent past alone, the sands of time finally closed the doors on the greatness of what was the USSR; Britain is now but a shadow of its former self; and even as we speak the foundations on which the greatness of the USA rests seem ever so slightly to become more vulnerable from one day to the next.


Would like to point out that most measures of intelligence (intelligence tests, such as the WAIS and Stanford Binet) are culturally biased - however there are some culturally fair sections of the tests, but not enough to give, for instance people from third world countries, a fair go. Intelligence is generally divided into fluid (skills that are biologically determined, independent of experience) and crystal (knowledge and abilities one acquires through expereince) intelligence. Most people incorrectly use the term intelligence - as they are only refering to crystal intelligence. There have been quite a few studies done looking at the intelligence of various cultural groups - there are no differences between individuals (regardless of socio-economic background) on fluid intelligence. A difference has been found on crystal, but this depended on the information that was being assessed. Those with good educational backgrounds performed better on factual info, whereas those from a lower socio-economic background were found to have "streetsmarts" - something those higher on the ladder lacked. Anyway, the point is intelligence is not based on ones country of origin.


are you the same gfunk who recently posted

I personaly feel Thais are the most stupid race of people i have ever met and lived with, am i alone or dose any one share my view, this is not a race'st statement just my thought's.
Guest IT Manager

Same fool tax... in fact I am inclined to the view a holiday would do him the world of good. What do you think?


it you sad sad man you had to tamper with my post yet again i find it so annoying how you can openly put me down and when i respond the best thing can do is just delete it or change my wording

moron :o

Guest IT Manager

Translator, go back through a few weeks of postings. The reasons for my being fed up are plain enough.

Gfunk; Mon 2003-12-08, 06:24:14


Natural intelligence?

Why are western countries so far advanced compared to Thailand and other third world countries?

I am a westerner. I spent most of my professional career in R&D departments of multinational corporations. Asians made up a disproportionate part of the PhD workforce. BTW, what is your contribution to the west’s "superiority"?

Perhaps the companies I worked for were not representative of Western corporations. So here are some observations made by Fred Reed, my favorite columnist He has been published in Playboy, Soldier of Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Harper's, National Review, Signal, Air&Space.

A few excerpts from one of his columns:


“Here is a pattern I've noticed in countless organizations at the high end of the research spectrum. In the personnel lists, certain groups are phenomenally over-represented with respect to their appearance in the general American population: Chinese, Koreans, Indians, and, though it doesn't show in the above lists, Jews. What the precise statistical breakdown across the world of American research might be, I don't know…….

……….People speak of globalization. This is it, and it's just beginning. Where will it take us? How long can we maintain a technologically dominant economy if we are, as a country, no longer willing to do our own thinking? If we rely heavily on less than 10 percent of our own population while employing more and more foreigners abroad?

It's not them. It's us. I've heard the phrase, "the Asian challenge to the West." I don't think so. When Sally Chen gets a doctorate in biochemistry, she's not challenging America. She's getting a doctorate in biochemistry. Those who study have no reason to apologize to those who don't.”

BTW, this does not apply to America only.

PS. Usually I ignore imbecilic trolls, but this one really pxxxxx me off. Time for a cup of coffee.

Guest IT Manager

Pantarei the only thing you can bet your bum on is that gefukt and geezer were never in R&D. I would be surprised if they knew what it stood for in fact.


Never look back IT. things can change, as can the thoughts and better understanding of the culture and restrictions that we decide to live in. Life is what you make of it, IT. use your quote with wisdom.... If I remember right...A posting is only a good topic to relate to for a week on this site...


I really cannot help but to observe that the Thai people certainly seem to be much happier than their alleged counterparts in "the West". Whether this is intelligence or not is a moot point, but it seems smart enough to me. Just a thought!


Happiness- Smart -Smiley. Your a NumDee man. I have a two month old daughter who at present lacks Intelligence, But she smiles a lot. can I assume your level of education anywhere within the topic's we are posting Mr advanced Thai ?

I really cannot help but to observe that the Thai people certainly seem to be much happier than their alleged counterparts in "the West". Whether this is intelligence or not is a moot point, but it seems smart enough to me. Just a thought!
I like that one!

Gfunk, I'd supposed that you would know by now the answer that not all westerners are so what you called far advanced by looking at the responses from them and what you got yourself into! I'm sorry! Have a nice trip!

Come back next time with some better topics like: having kuay diow in the streets or riding a tuk-tuk! That would have you stay alive longer!

And geezer, it's their playground! Think b4 u open your mouth!

I might be joining you if the authorities don't like it!

It makes me remember people here complaining about Mr Taksin.

Pantarei the only thing you can bet your bum on is that gefukt and geezer were never in R&D. I would be surprised if they knew what it stood for in fact.

R&D? Don't set your expectations too high, R&R will do nicely for the original poster.


intelligential??? :o

people with these kind of opinions are always willing to revise history (and forget large parts of it) in order to fit their own beliefs. It is called revisionist history and is often popular with neo-facists trying to make Hitler look like a nice guy. Don't bother reminding this guy about the incas, etc because it won't matter to his original theory anyway. what little mind he has is already made up.

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