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A message from Deputy FM Ayalon to the Iranian people

23 Aug 2010Israel bears no animosity towards the Iranian people. The problem is intrinsic to the Iranian regime and its conduct, particularly regarding the nuclear issue. AyalonmessageMFA.jpg

Monday, 23 August 2010, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon addressed the people of Iran on Kol Yisrael Persian radio. During the broadcast people in Iran called in to the station and spoke with the Deputy Foreign Minister to ask questions. Below is a synopsis of Deputy Foreign Minister Ayalon's comments:

"Israel bears no animosity towards the Iranian people. We have deep respect and aspire to cooperate with them to bring about a better reality in the region. The problem is intrinsic to the Iranian regime and its conduct, particularly regarding the nuclear issue. This is a regime that calls for 'Death to the United States, Great Britain and Israel'. The Iranian regime spreads instability, supports terror, and oppresses its own people. It is impossible to accept atomic weapons in the hands of such a regime.

The Iranian reactor constitutes a tremendous danger to the stability of the entire region and to world peace in general because, besides nuclear armaments, Iran is also developing a missile system that threatens countries beyond the Middle East, such as Europe. Nuclear weapons in Iran's hands will enable it to threaten all the Arab governments with its present means (subversive elements in various countries, agents, and so forth). Even now it controls bodies that function as a state within a state, in Lebanon, Yemen, the Palestinian Authority, and other places.

Another point that does not always come up in the Iranian context, due to the nuclear threat, is the glaring violation of civil rights inside Iran. This is an aggressive dictatorial regime, and all progressive elements throughout the world should take action against it, if only for that reason. Israel congratulates the Iranian people for their efforts to liberate themselves from the burden of the oppressive regime. At international forums, Israel has raised the issue of the suffering of the Iranian people and the cruelty of the regime ruling them. That is the main thing we can do for such an illustrious nation suffering from oppression. But in the end, it is the Iranian people themselves who must take their fate in their own hands and act to achieve their rights. The more the citizens of Iran increase their protest activities, the higher the international support will be."

In response to a question regarding the likelihood of regional war, the deputy minister replied that :"There is always the possibility of sudden, unplanned deterioration due to one action or another. Israel is committed to defending its citizens and if attacked will act accordingly. A fear exists that Iran - as it becomes more pressured by sanctions - will goad those under its patronage in Hizbullah and Hamas to initiate military action against Israel. There's also a possibility that Iran will make a military move against the Arab Gulf states and harm the flow of oil to the world, in which case the entire situation will degrade into widespread confrontations. Remember that the sanctions are aimed against Iran's efforts to arm itself with nuclear weapons, and if they don't elicit results, the United States and other nations might consider other options."

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Well, he believes that Moses and Abraham are historical persons, yes these dudes from the bible, and his latest 'accuracy' was to claim that ceramic guns really exist and are not just a myth.

Firstly, could you please provide a link to where i made a post about Moses and Abraham, secondly i suggest you go back to the thread about ceramic gun and read little more where you will find the evidence for ceramic gun.

and thirdly try to stay on topic.

Yes, Abraham, Moses and David. your words.

Read some history books again but this time written by Western authors before you start to come out with this rubbish. Jews lived in Israel for thousands of years and was also called Kingdom of Judea and Israel, then Judea/Samaria/Galilee-and kept changing depending on who ruled it.

Around 2000 BC, Semitic people, the Hebrews, headed by Abraham, passed through Canaan on their way south. About 1300 BC Hebrew tribes under the leadership of Moses returned from Egypt and engaged in wars with the Canaanite tribes for possession of the land. The Philistines in the south, the Canaanites (Jebusites), Phoenicians, Amorites, and Hittites in the north resisted the Hebrew (Israelite) . Four centuries later, the Israelites, under David, were successful in uniting the Hebrew nation, conquering and substantially absorbing the Canaanites. From this point, Israelites, Philistines, Hittites, and Canaanites mixed races and have subsequently been a racially mixed, Semitic people.


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Well, he believes that Moses and Abraham are historical persons, yes these dudes from the bible, and his latest 'accuracy' was to claim that ceramic guns really exist and are not just a myth.

Firstly, could you please provide a link to where i made a post about Moses and Abraham, secondly i suggest you go back to the thread about ceramic gun and read little more where you will find the evidence for ceramic gun.

and thirdly try to stay on topic.

Yes, Abraham, Moses and David. your words.

Read some history books again but this time written by Western authors before you start to come out with this rubbish. Jews lived in Israel for thousands of years and was also called Kingdom of Judea and Israel, then Judea/Samaria/Galilee-and kept changing depending on who ruled it.

Around 2000 BC, Semitic people, the Hebrews, headed by Abraham, passed through Canaan on their way south. About 1300 BC Hebrew tribes under the leadership of Moses returned from Egypt and engaged in wars with the Canaanite tribes for possession of the land. The Philistines in the south, the Canaanites (Jebusites), Phoenicians, Amorites, and Hittites in the north resisted the Hebrew (Israelite) . Four centuries later, the Israelites, under David, were successful in uniting the Hebrew nation, conquering and substantially absorbing the Canaanites. From this point, Israelites, Philistines, Hittites, and Canaanites mixed races and have subsequently been a racially mixed, Semitic people.



I really do not know what is worth the rubbish you come out with or the fact that you believe it. Read what i wrote(may be you can not read)

These are not my words, but words from history books.

PS. And clearly its not a bible

Edited by kuffki
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And now that we have seen what Israeli government says about Iran, let us see what Iranian Government says about Israel

Iranian President Ahmadinejad: Countdown to the destruction of Israel

4 Jun 2007Ahmadinejad launched a new verbal attack on Israel, foreseeing its destruction. reutersahmadinejadjune.jpg (Photo: Reuters)

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke on Sunday (June 3, 2007) at a ceremony marking the 18th anniversary of the death of Ayatollah Khomeini.

On this occasion, Ahmadinejad launched a new verbal attack on Israel: "The countdown for the Zionist regime's destruction started at the hands of Hizbullah's children," he said, adding, "God willing, in the near future we will witness the destruction of this regime, thanks to the endeavors of all Palestinian and Lebanese fighters."

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev responded: "Reasonable people of all faiths must unite in condemning this sort of extremist, hateful language. Ahmadinejad offers only death and destruction. Today he is the most serious challenge to regional peace and security."

• EU Presidency statement on the anti-Israeli remarks made by the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran (5 June 2007)

The Presidency of the European Union condemns in the strongest possible terms the latest anti-Israeli remarks made by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Iran has thus once again alienated itself from the international stage and given the world community further cause for mistrust.

The Presidency of the European Union calls on Iran to distance itself clearly from all threats made towards Israel, to unconditionally acknowledge Israel's right to exist and to act responsibly in the region.

• Israel Ambassador to the UN Dan Gillerman to UN Secretary-General Ben Ki-moon, President of the Security Council and President of the General Assembly (6 June 2007):

"In a speech delivered this past Sunday, 3 June 2007, President Ahmadinejad said, "With God's help, the countdown button for the destruction of the Zionist regime has been pushed by the hands of the children of Lebanon and Palestine." The remarks were repeated in subsequent broadcasts on Iranian television.

There is no excuse, Excellency, for such a belligerent and provocative statement to be made by any world leader. Indeed, it is appalling that the leader of a United Nations Member State would even call for the destruction of another Member State. This outrageous comment contadicts the international community's efforts to instill peace and security in the Middle East, and strive for a world of harmony and understanding.

Regrettably, this is not the first time I write to you about Prsident Ahmadinemad's menacing and harmful rhetoric. In the past, he has threated the State of Israel and denied the Holocaust, all while Iran ominously develops a military nuclear weapons programme. Iran's posturing shows its disregard for the international community, and runs contrary to the United Nations Charter and ideals and ethos of this institution. It is the obligation of Member States to unequivocally denounce and oppose these statements. Such maliciousness and defamation must not be tolerated."

• Statement by US State Department Spokesman Sean McCormack (7 June 2007)

"The United States condemns President Ahmadi-Nejad's most recent comments advocating the destruction of the State of Israel. These are the latest in a line of statements isolating the Iranian regime from the rest of the international community and are further cause for mistrust. Ahmadi-Nejad's focus on attacking Israel and the regime's internationally condemned Holocaust denial conference in December, are troubling. We continue to call on the Government of Iran to cease this harmful rhetoric."

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and now little more facts on Iranian role in the region

Behind the Headlines: Hizbullah leader declares: We get our orders from Teheran

22 Apr 2007In a 15 April interview with the Iranian Arabic language TV station ‘al Qawthar’, Hizbullah Deputy Secretary-General Naim Kassem, told the interviewer that suicide bombings, terrorist attacks and even artillery barrages against Israeli civilians all receive prior approval from the Ayatollahs in Teheran. naim_qasem.jpg

Iran is the major destabilizing force in the Middle East today. From supplying arms, money, training and support for terrorist groups such as Hizbullah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, to the promotion of extremist Islamic revolutionary ideology, the clerical regime in Teheran is bent on sowing unrest throughout the region. Determined to cause the annihilation of Israel, suicide terrorism plays an important role in the Iranian regime's war against Israel and the West. The regime's spiritual theoreticians utilize religion to both recruit suicide bombers and to justify their actions. Iran’s involvement in the actual operations has always been kept vague, in order to protect the regime’s image in the international arena.

But now, for the first time, a linkage officially confirming active Iranian support of these operations has been made public. The Lebanon-based Hizbullah terrorist organization has declared that all terrorist attacks, suicide bombings and other operations against Israel must first be authorized by the Teheran regime before they can be carried out. This, in effect, places the responsibility for these attacks squarely on Iran.

For many years, Hizbullah was careful not to implicate Iran in its terror operations. However, in a 15 April interview with the Iranian Arabic language TV station ‘al Qawthar’, Hizbullah Deputy Secretary-General Naim Kassem, told the interviewer that suicide bombings, terrorist attacks and even artillery barrages against Israeli civilians all receive prior approval from the Ayatollahs in Teheran:

"The religious doctrine which dictates Hizbullah’s actions in general and those relating to the Jihad in particular, is based on the rulings of the spiritual leader in Teheran. The spiritual leader has the power to permit our actions, and the spiritual leader can forbid them.

"In order to know what is permitted and forbidden regarding the Jihad, we ask for and receive overall permission and only then do we carry out the operation.

“Even with regard to the suicide bombings, no one is allowed to kill himself without religious authorization.

“Even the rocket attacks on Israel, against the civilian population [Aug 2006] … in order to apply pressure, even this required overall religious authorization."

After Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s widely publicized denial of the Holocaust, his declared intention to annihilate Israel, and his declarations regarding Iran’s nuclear ambitions, these newest revelations leave little doubt that Ahmadinejad and his cleric regime are purposely pursuing a policy by which Teheran hopes to engulf the region in Jihadist violence.

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Iran, under the leadership of President Mahmud Ahmadinejad, is a rapidly growing threat to its own people, the peoples of the Middle East region, and the Western world.

Iran has long been involved in the sponsoring and support of worldwide terror groups and has been officially implicated for its involvement in terrorist activities in several Western states. It provides aid in the form of weapons, training, and funding to Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups, Hizbullah in Lebanon, Iraq-based militants, and Taliban fighters in Afghanistan.

Iran's behavior over the past several years suggests that it is actively pursuing a nuclear weapons program. While denying these allegations, Iran's behavior has led to its being sanctioned by various international bodies, including the IAEA and the U.N Security Council.

In the past decade, Iran has pursued all stages of developing nuclear weapons, including mining uranium, converting uranium to uranium hexafluoride, enriching uranium hexafluoride to obtain high-grade fissile material necessary for military use, and developing an implosion system needed for the detonation of nuclear devices. All this despite Iran's commitment to and ratification of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. In addition, Iran has developed weapons systems - primarily medium- and long-range ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear payloads to countries in the Middle East, Europe and soon North America.

In addition, Iran continues to violate and disregard the human rights of its own citizens, and represses freedom of the press, freedom of association, freedom of religion, equality, and children's rights.

Iran publically denies the Holocaust, and is the only country that openly calls for the annihilation of another state - the State of Israel.

President Ahmadinejad actively endorses chaos, so as to hasten the re-emergence of the Hidden Imam and spread true Islamic rule worldwide. He believes that the Hidden Imam will return only following an apocalyptic war against Israel and the West.

Edited by kuffki
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DUH, If Iran constantly making a threat of wiping out Israel, how is it an act of aggression for Israel to defend itself against such an enemy?

That is a mistranslation and often repeated propaganda lie.

If Iran is ready to talk, the US must do so unconditionally

It is absurd to demand that Tehran should have made concessions before sitting down with the Americans

It is 50 years since the greatest misquotation of the cold war. At a Kremlin reception for western ambassadors in 1956, the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev announced: "We will bury you." Those four words were seized on by American hawks as proof of aggressive Soviet intent.

Doves who pointed out that the full quotation gave a less threatening message were drowned out. Khrushchev had actually said: "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you." It was a harmless boast about socialism's eventual victory in the ideological competition with capitalism. He was not talking about war.

Now we face a similar propaganda distortion of remarks by Iran's president. Ask anyone in Washington, London or Tel Aviv if they can cite any phrase uttered by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the chances are high they will say he wants Israel "wiped off the map".

Again it is four short words, though the distortion is worse than in the Khrushchev case. The remarks are not out of context. They are wrong, pure and simple. Ahmadinejad never said them. Farsi speakers have pointed out that he was mistranslated.


LMAO, Now some more Russian propaganda!!!

is there anything else USA should do to please Iran? because Iran is readyblink.gif

Russian propaganda? Its the Guardian and its an article about that this 'wipe out Israel' is a mistranslation and was never said.

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DUH, If Iran constantly making a threat of wiping out Israel, how is it an act of aggression for Israel to defend itself against such an enemy?

That is a mistranslation and often repeated propaganda lie.

If Iran is ready to talk, the US must do so unconditionally

It is absurd to demand that Tehran should have made concessions before sitting down with the Americans

It is 50 years since the greatest misquotation of the cold war. At a Kremlin reception for western ambassadors in 1956, the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev announced: "We will bury you." Those four words were seized on by American hawks as proof of aggressive Soviet intent.

Doves who pointed out that the full quotation gave a less threatening message were drowned out. Khrushchev had actually said: "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you." It was a harmless boast about socialism's eventual victory in the ideological competition with capitalism. He was not talking about war.

Now we face a similar propaganda distortion of remarks by Iran's president. Ask anyone in Washington, London or Tel Aviv if they can cite any phrase uttered by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the chances are high they will say he wants Israel "wiped off the map".

Again it is four short words, though the distortion is worse than in the Khrushchev case. The remarks are not out of context. They are wrong, pure and simple. Ahmadinejad never said them. Farsi speakers have pointed out that he was mistranslated.


LMAO, Now some more Russian propaganda!!!

is there anything else USA should do to please Iran? because Iran is readyblink.gif

Russian propaganda? Its the Guardian and its an article about that this 'wipe out Israel' is a mistranslation and was never said.

Well for something that has never been said it seems to be all over the press, radio and TV, just the 3 articles i posted for you, all have it.

So i guess everyone gets it wrong??? only you and the guardian get it.

USA, UN, IAEA, ISRAEL, UK and pretty much everyone else in the world -ALL get it wrong

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I do not even know what AIPAC is, but kuffki's posts are historically accurate which is more than I can say for most of the posters that he is debating. ;)

Well, he believes that Moses and Abraham are historical persons, yes these dudes from the bible, and his latest 'accuracy' was to claim that ceramic guns really exist and are not just a myth.

Well that puts him in good company with most muslims as it is a tenet of their faith that Abraham was a real person. Moses is also accepted. You do know what the Dome of the Rock is right? After the Muslims destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem, they erected a mosque over the rock where Abraham is believed to have offered his son in sacrifice. Instead he circumcised his son. Both the muslim and jewish faiths (and Christian) accept that. The reason there is a western wall in Jerusalem is because that was the remaining wall of the Temple after the Muslims had destroyed the Jewish temple. The Iranians also accept Abraham and Moses. They all agree. They do not dispute this. What's your point?

The Temple was destroyed by the Romans, not the Muslims (who weren't even around at the time).

The Dome of the Rock was built only in the 7th Century.

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Iran, under the leadership of President Mahmud Ahmadinejad, is a rapidly growing threat to its own people, the peoples of the Middle East region, and the Western world.

Iran has long been involved in the sponsoring and support of worldwide terror groups and has been officially implicated for its involvement in terrorist activities in several Western states. It provides aid in the form of weapons, training, and funding to Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups, Hizbullah in Lebanon, Iraq-based militants, and Taliban fighters in Afghanistan.

Iran's behavior over the past several years suggests that it is actively pursuing a nuclear weapons program. While denying these allegations, Iran's behavior has led to its being sanctioned by various international bodies, including the IAEA and the U.N Security Council.

In the past decade, Iran has pursued all stages of developing nuclear weapons, including mining uranium, converting uranium to uranium hexafluoride, enriching uranium hexafluoride to obtain high-grade fissile material necessary for military use, and developing an implosion system needed for the detonation of nuclear devices. All this despite Iran's commitment to and ratification of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. In addition, Iran has developed weapons systems - primarily medium- and long-range ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear payloads to countries in the Middle East, Europe and soon North America.

In addition, Iran continues to violate and disregard the human rights of its own citizens, and represses freedom of the press, freedom of association, freedom of religion, equality, and children's rights.

Iran publically denies the Holocaust, and is the only country that openly calls for the annihilation of another state - the State of Israel.

President Ahmadinejad actively endorses chaos, so as to hasten the re-emergence of the Hidden Imam and spread true Islamic rule worldwide. He believes that the Hidden Imam will return only following an apocalyptic war against Israel and the West.

If I had to pick between a Zionist Jew and an Iranian Muslim to be stuck on an Island with, it would be a very tough choice for me. The constant chest pounding of the Israelis is extremely annoying but the Iranians would be just as annoying.

The regime who accuses Iran of supporting bad governments and making nuclear weapon's is the same government using the same logic that offered to sell the South African Apartheid regime nuclear weapons in 1975. I don't have a problem with Israel selling their nuclear weapons but I do hate the double standard.


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This is just speculation - just one more conspiracy theory. There is no proof at all that the government of Israel approved any such sales and they deny it. :rolleyes:

Polakow-Suransky said it is possible Peres made the offer without the approval of Israel's then prime minister, Yitzhak Rabin. "Peres has a long history of conducting his own independent foreign policy. During the 1950s as Israel was building its defence relationship with France, Peres went behind the back of many of his superiors in initiating talks with French defence officials. It would not be surprising if he broached the topic in discussions with South Africa's defence minister without Rabin's authorisation," he said.
Edited by Ulysses G.
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The Temple was destroyed by the Romans, not the Muslims (who weren't even around at the time).

The Dome of the Rock was built only in the 7th Century.

The Dome of the Rock sits on top of the Foundation Stone which is taken from the 2nd Temple. This is the place of Mount Moriah. Although the Dome of the Rock was completed in 691 and Temple II was sacked in 70, the remnants of Temple II remained. In order to build the Dome of the Rock, all vestiges of the Temple II had to be removed, which was done. No one disputes that. Temple II had been a marvelous bit of architecture and bits and pieces had been looted over the centuries, but it remained much as the Coliseum remains in Rome. In order to build the mosque, the Temple's remaining walls and foundations had to be dealt with. The Temple was still revered by the ancient Israelites despite it having been destroyed and the ancient Israelites still worshipped (or attempted to worship when not prevented from doing so).

Since we are on a biblical bender, it might pay to review some biblical history to see what silliness this dispute between Iran and Israel is. If one goes back over time, The king of the Chaldeans, deported the citizens of Judah to Babylon around 586BC. However, it was the Persians that returned the Hebrews to ancient Israel. More specifically, Cyrus the great King of Persia sent them home to worship their god and he even contributed to the building of the temple. It can be argued that the Persians facilitated the creation of modern Isreal since it was Darius the Persian leader that had kept the land seeking Greeks out of the area. Once the Persian Empire collapsed, the perverted Greeks and the debauched Romans moved in. How odd, that long ago civilization was maintained by the ancestors of the Iranians, and yet today, modern Iran seeks to destroy civilization. I'm sure if Cyrus or Darius were around, they'd have a word with the Mullahs.

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If I had to pick between a Zionist Jew and an Iranian Muslim to be stuck on an Island with, it would be a very tough choice for me. The constant chest pounding of the Israelis is extremely annoying but the Iranians would be just as annoying.

Are you sure?


and if you are gay;


I'll take the Israelis any day. :D

Make love, not war.

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