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As The Thais Get Richer Do The Girls Get Choosier?


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Thai men are earning more money than 20 years ago.

Thai women have more opportunities to make money than 20 years ago.

Therefore I would assume it's getting harder for a western man to get the same quality of woman as 20 years ago.

Any long timer here care to comment on whether what he sees around him supports this idea?

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I love threads like this.

You know, there are actually rather a lot of men that don't rely on finances to attract a good woman. I'm not complaining though because those that do rely on money means that the genuine girls are left for us who don't. Keep up the good work!

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In Japan and Korea, there are many women who gravitate towards western men for any number of valid or invalid reasons. However, now that the economies there are strong, there isn't the large pool of women who date western men for financial reasons as there was in Japan up until the 60's and in Kore up until the late 80's.

So for that segment of Thai women seeking western men, their options will increase and what finances western men have will not be enough to attract and hold as many of them. However, with western/Thai relationships gaining acceptance, and with more Thais becoming more open in their views, the non-financially-motivated relationships should rise. And I think you will see more Thai men/western women relationships as well.


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In Japan and Korea, there are many women who gravitate towards western men for any number of valid or invalid reasons. However, now that the economies there are strong, there isn't the large pool of women who date western men for financial reasons as there was in Japan up until the 60's and in Kore up until the late 80's.

So for that segment of Thai women seeking western men, their options will increase and what finances western men have will not be enough to attract and hold as many of them. However, with western/Thai relationships gaining acceptance, and with more Thais becoming more open in their views, the non-financially-motivated relationships should rise. And I think you will see more Thai men/western women relationships as well.


I would agree with Bonobo. As more rural Thai women get better educations there are more opportunities to meet and mix with single male westerners. There will always be the rent-a-girl trade, just as there are "escorts" in North America and Europe. Why give it away when you can make a profit doing the same thing. Will prices go up? I would imagine so, but if you are still getting value for the cost then what is the problem?

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Therefore I would assume it's getting harder for a western man to get the same quality of woman as 20 years ago.


However it is easier to get a woman with much better education, income and options in life, leading to a more balanced and rewarding relationship. If only because there are more of them.

But to stick with the OP' s premise: yes, it may be fractionally harder to get an uneducated drop-out no-hoper with a couple of kids she had when she was 16. Though based on casual observations, quite a few Farangs sitll manage just fine. )

BOOM!! :)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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It's got absolutely nothing to do with finances.

According to a certain poster who shall remain nameless all you need are a few business cards and a comment regarding a woman's lack of underwear and the attractiveness of her flange and it's fill yer boots! It doesn't matter if you're a candidate for God's waiting room, seen the inside of a divorce court more times than Liz Taylor or possibly madder than the maddest man on Mad Day in Madland. You'll be fighting comely Thai nubiles off with a shitty stick.

(All in jest) :D

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I donot think they are choosier just greedier. They will take anyone until they drain him dry of money ,then look for another guy.

Nowadays you hear many women complaining that it takes a lot longer to drain a guy of his finances. Thanks to the information age the average falang has become much more price conscious than in the past and is less willing to part with his money than guys 20 years ago.

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I donot think they are choosier just greedier. They will take anyone until they drain him dry of money ,then look for another guy.

Nowadays you hear many women complaining that it takes a lot longer to drain a guy of his finances. Thanks to the information age the average falang has become much more price conscious than in the past and is less willing to part with his money than guys 20 years ago.

I find it absolutely the opposite.20 years ago I guy could get by in a rental house, use public transportation, stay with her family up country etc. And give her 500 to 1000 baht a week to spend. Now they expect house paid for, new cars, and a monthy allowance of 20,000 or 30,000. And when I guy says no she goes looking for the next sucker. Since I have been in the house I am in now my neighbour across the street has had 3 bfs and received 2 new cars and 3 new motorcycles,plus had the house bought for her twice all cash.Also been to Sweden and Holland. I say big difference from 20 years ago.

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I donot think they are choosier just greedier. They will take anyone until they drain him dry of money ,then look for another guy.

I go along with that.

These women have been well educated over the years and I don`t mean university.

They have learned that they have something men want and decided why not cash in on it. They know that there are plenty of twonks out there that will merrily hand out the cash like candy just on a cute smile and a promise.

In the good old days Thai girls were often poor and subjected to taking care of their families, so it was beggars cant be choosers and looked for any opportunity to gain some security and financial support. Today things are completely different, there is many options open to them for making a living without the need for any commitment.

These days it`s a different world, and suddenly the gullible geek with that large bundle of life assets is all the rage.

It`s like the song: Times they are a-changin'" sang by Bob Dylan

Edited by Beetlejuice
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As more rural Thai women get better educations

Is there any real evidence of this or are you just saying it as it goes with your point ???

Just wondering as i haven't seen any indication at all that rural Thai Women are reciving a better education today than they did say 10 Years ago.

Has the Thai education system progressed that much then in the time you're talking about, in rural Thailand anyway ??

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Why not look at it from the other perspective.

With more opportunities and income which of course comes with education. Why would they want to choose you?

So yes it does limit/reduce the availability.

No it doesn't. What you're saying is that you would be happy with someone who is with you only/mostly/partly because they have no options in life? I see.

And why would they want to be with me.. let's see, because I'm friendly, smart, outgoing, honest, .. (etc). The usual.

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I can't comment about 20 years ago because I was not here. 40 years ago I was. I was in my 20's and had no opportunity to meet any hi so ladies. There was a much smaller middle class then.

The farmers daughters that had migrated to the city 40 years ago seem about the same to me as the the farmers daughters who migrate to the city now. Except 40 years ago they were a bit more primitive and less inhibited.

Bars and parties were a lot wilder. Thailand has calmed down a lot and gotten quite conservative.

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As more rural Thai women get better educations

Is there any real evidence of this or are you just saying it as it goes with your point ???

Just wondering as i haven't seen any indication at all that rural Thai Women are reciving a better education today than they did say 10 Years ago.

Has the Thai education system progressed that much then in the time you're talking about, in rural Thailand anyway ??

My step-daughter is 12 and was just about to leave school to work on the farm.

My wife left school to work on the farm at age 12.

I'm pretty sure everything is exactly the same as it was 24 years ago ..... educationally speaking.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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From what I have observed it is demographic people term as middle and upper classes that have opened up in Thailand, as in many countries in this demographic mixed race marriages have become far more socially acceptable.

I imagine that many of the men who are married to well educated ladies may have experienced greater social boundaries in the past than today.

With regards to those females in Thailand with less opportunity the horizons may well have shifted based on the fact that possibly there are far more fools throwing their money around today than say 20 years ago.... Is this demographic choosier? I suggest not, perhaps more savvy and streetwise though...

Edited by richard_smith237
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Why not look at it from the other perspective.

With more opportunities and income which of course comes with education. Why would they want to choose you?

So yes it does limit/reduce the availability.

No it doesn't. What you're saying is that you would be happy with someone who is with you only/mostly/partly because they have no options in life? I see.

And why would they want to be with me.. let's see, because I'm friendly, smart, outgoing, honest, .. (etc). The usual.

And modest.


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As more rural Thai women get better educations

Is there any real evidence of this or are you just saying it as it goes with your point ???

Just wondering as i haven't seen any indication at all that rural Thai Women are reciving a better education today than they did say 10 Years ago.

Has the Thai education system progressed that much then in the time you're talking about, in rural Thailand anyway ??

My step-daughter is 12 and was just about to leave school to work on the farm.

My wife left school to work on the farm at age 12.

I'm pretty sure everything is exactly the same as it was 24 years ago ..... educationally speaking.

she is blessed indeed to have you around

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Why not look at it from the other perspective.

With more opportunities and income which of course comes with education. Why would they want to choose you?

So yes it does limit/reduce the availability.

No it doesn't. What you're saying is that you would be happy with someone who is with you only/mostly/partly because they have no options in life? I see.

And why would they want to be with me.. let's see, because I'm friendly, smart, outgoing, honest, .. (etc). The usual.

And modest.


Actually, I'm with the buffalo on this one.

I can't vouch for whether or not he does possess those qualities, but it is surely better than somebody who boasts only a fat wallet. What a lot of people don't seem to be able to accept is that a lot of people out there want a partner who makes a good companion, not an ATM machine.

Edited by Moonrakers
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Get choosier? Foreign guys would have to start dating the soi dogs

How dare you!

Soi dogs are GENUINELY loving, caring, not interested in money at all and, once adopted, will do anything to protect you.

There is no comparison to other relationships available - Soi dogs are far better! :)

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Get choosier? Foreign guys would have to start dating the soi dogs

How dare you!

Soi dogs are GENUINELY loving, caring, not interested in money at all and, once adopted, will do anything to protect you.

There is no comparison to other relationships available - Soi dogs are far better! :)

:lol: :lol: :lol:


That goes for all parties. Put your wife or hubby in the trunk of the car along with the pet soi dog. Guess which occupant is still happy to see you after being let out. :D

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Get choosier? Foreign guys would have to start dating the soi dogs

How dare you!

Soi dogs are GENUINELY loving, caring, not interested in money at all and, once adopted, will do anything to protect you.

There is no comparison to other relationships available - Soi dogs are far better! :)

:lol: :lol: :lol:


That goes for all parties. Put your wife or hubby in the trunk of the car along with the pet soi dog. Guess which occupant is still happy to see you after being let out. :D

Old joke - but still works never mind how many times you hear it :D.

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Well let's put it this way. If you are an ageing potbellied Lothario seeking the company of a girl half your age, why do you not think the chances are zilch in your home country, to pretty pretty high in this one.

Now. Take your time ...

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