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A sinking ship

Reading news items and articles about social issues in Britain (Thank God they seem to have dropped the “Great”, I have recently seen several that echo what I have been saying for years …. Brits cannot handle their drink!!!

Statistics clearly show that alcohol related violent crimes in the UK are rising dramatically in the current “binge drinking” culture. I saw this happening 25 years ago and made the decision not to live in such a country.

I thought it rather funny that a high court judge recently accused the government of lunacy by encouraging 24 hr drinking. But surely this is to be expected from an administration that has constantly refused to admit to any social problems caused by alcohol, even though almost all prisons are severely overcrowded. I recently read government statistics that listed 78% of convicted crimes in the UK were committed while under the influence of alcohol. Surely this alone would be enough to raise the hackles of awareness!!! But no! The government, in its infinite wisdom, has decided that what the UK needs now is 24 hour round the clock drinking. This will surely curb the bingers!!!!!

I visited ole blighty 3 years ago for the first time in 10 years and was taken out for a pub crawl in Northampton by my brother in law. It was an early summers evening and as we walked through the city centre, I noticed small groups of girls huddled in car park corners. Upon asking what they were up to, I was told they were vomiting to allow themselves to consume more alcohol. During the evening we were exposed to extremely rude and even obnoxious groups of young drunkards, desperately trying to impress.

Well impressed I certainly was not. In my eyes, UK is a sinking ship, piloted by a government that seems to be ###### bent on finding ways to speed up the process. Perhaps they wish to cause a revolution and start again!

Not a bad idea actually!!!!

A disgruntled Brit

A sinking ship

Reading news items and articles about social issues in Britain (Thank God they seem to have dropped the “Great”, I have recently seen several that echo what I have been saying for years …. Brits cannot handle their drink!!!

Statistics clearly show that alcohol related violent crimes in the UK are rising dramatically in the current “binge drinking” culture. I saw this happening 25 years ago and made the decision not to live in such a country.

I thought it rather funny that a high court judge recently accused the government of lunacy by encouraging 24 hr drinking. But surely this is to be expected from an administration that has constantly refused to admit to any social problems caused by alcohol, even though almost all prisons are severely overcrowded. I recently read government statistics that listed 78% of convicted crimes in the UK were committed while under the influence of alcohol. Surely this alone would be enough to raise the hackles of awareness!!! But no! The government, in its infinite wisdom, has decided that what the UK needs now is 24 hour round the clock drinking. This will surely curb the bingers!!!!!

I visited ole blighty 3 years ago for the first time in 10 years and was taken out for a pub crawl in Northampton by my brother in law. It was an early summers evening and as we walked through the city centre, I noticed small groups of girls huddled in car park corners. Upon asking what they were up to, I was told they were vomiting to allow themselves to consume more alcohol. During the evening we were exposed to extremely rude and even obnoxious groups of young drunkards, desperately trying to impress.

Well impressed I certainly was not. In my eyes, UK is a sinking ship, piloted by a government that seems to be ###### bent on finding ways to speed up the process. Perhaps they wish to cause a revolution and start again!

Not a bad idea actually!!!!

A disgruntled Brit

seems to me,you are desperate to justify your move to this third world country, by running down your country of birth. You sorry being. :o

seems to me,you are desperate to justify your move to this third world country, by running down your country of birth. You sorry being. 

nobody is duty bound to love the country of their birth.

and nowhere in his post does he try to justify his move to thailand.

many western countries are at a kind of crossroads now , where traditional values are being subsumed under a tidal wave of lawlessness , lack of respect , an increase in violence , an increased importance on the self rather than the common good ,and a complete inability of any government to reverse or halt it. its been going on for about 30 years.

its happened before in history , eventually society will self correct or correct itself via a backlash by the very same society that seems to be running out of control.

those who prefer a different culture are very welcome to seek it elsewhere.

change only comes about by criticism , both negative and positive , and by your remarks on the op's criticism of his country , it would seem that you only tolerate positive criticism.

a bit like thaksin , stalin , etc.

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