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The Ongoing Effects Of Agent Orange In Vietnamese Children

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This is actually not true. My Dad is a vet. He has know about this for many years. Here are the facts. But for sure, it is a horrible mess. As they say, war is hell. I also remember cigarettes initially being promoted as healthy.


Can I sue the government or the chemical companies?

No. Title 38 of the United States Code prohibits veterans from suing the government for injuries suffered while in the military. A class action suit was filed in behalf of veterans in 1979 against the chemical companies and settled out of court. The final funds in this legal action were distributed by 1992. Additional attempts to sue the manufacturers have been attempted, and have been prohibited by the courts. The most strongly fought of these legal battles, Ivy vs. Diamond Shamrock was supported in behalf of the plaintiff by attorney generals in all fifty states, the Supreme Court, however, refused to hear the arguments and that case ended in 1992. In the parlance of the court, the issue is "res judicata" or "the matter is settled".


This has some good info if you want to read:


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Yes, war is hell but apparently some governments that ought to know better, and who love to criticise others, appear guilty of same crimes against humanity. Every report like this erodes the pre eminent position of the USA in the world and it is unfortunate because it allows others to do likewise because after all the "policeman" does it too.

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Yes, war is hell but apparently some governments that ought to know better, and who love to criticise others, appear guilty of same crimes against humanity. Every report like this erodes the pre eminent position of the USA in the world and it is unfortunate because it allows others to do likewise because after all the "policeman" does it too.

100% agree with you on that. Very sad....

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Many Cambodians worked as porters on the Ho Chi Minh trail

which ran through Cambodia and were sprayed every night

by B52s with Agent Orange.

In Cambodia also there are many strange births of babys

with very large heads, white color and hair on the body.

They do not usually live very long

(some hours or some weeks)

because such Agent Orange

babys also have internal abnormalities as well

typically the lungs.

No I am not a doctor.

I have just seen it and received similar reports.

It only needs one family member to have been exposed

and while their children may be ok

their grand children may not be ok.

The poison (Dioxin) carries on down through the generations.

I fear that Dioxin may persist for a very long time.

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