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in your case a wee bit of logical thinking would help. i referred to the fairy tale "dumping billions and then run". that theory is nothing but ridiculous and i will not waste more time explaining.

How about you some times contributed with some substantial information of which I think you have plenty? Would been preferred over your ever present one liners picking on something "wrong" in readers submissions. If you think it is so futile to explain, why even bother to point out the errors? And is the very sarcastic writing style really needed? I haven't read all you have written (12000+ submissions), but all I can remember is in the same style as above.


He's a nasty piece of work, I try not to read his comments which are ALWAYS sarcastic, unhelpful and belittling. As I've said before, he reminds me of the kid in your class at school who always laughed when you got into trouble. He ruins Thai Visa Forums for me and I very rarely ask advice or comment on here. Unfortunately, he has his toadies, who lap up everything he posts and just give him encouragement. In my opinion the mods should have banned him a long time ago. The forum would be a lot more pleasant for his departure.

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Whether Namm is right or wrong in his opinions he is about the only person on this Forum who doesn't pepper his opinions with 'fiat money' 'Printing Press' QE2 and call anyone who happens to disagree with their presumed opinions a moron or an idiot ...

And when people say that someone who follows a reasonable financial plan should expect to live in poverty I sometimes wonder why such nut cases bother to post but then if they didn't post here they probably would have no other place to post.

BTW what is non-FIAT currency?

Edited by jazzbo
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in your case a wee bit of logical thinking would help. i referred to the fairy tale "dumping billions and then run". that theory is nothing but ridiculous and i will not waste more time explaining.

How about you some times contributed with some substantial information of which I think you have plenty? Would been preferred over your ever present one liners picking on something "wrong" in readers submissions. If you think it is so futile to explain, why even bother to point out the errors? And is the very sarcastic writing style really needed? I haven't read all you have written (12000+ submissions), but all I can remember is in the same style as above.


Naam writes with precision and not on speculation if he wishes to point an error that is his right to do so on this forum.

Personalities are different on here and it would be boring without it, if wish to know some thing financially " naam " would be one of the ones I would ask over others here.:jap:

Naam''s alien fan club over and out.:D

Take your tongue from his/her arsehol_e.

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obviously i have no other choice than to agree that i am an àsshole. it must be true because for years (or rather decades) many people told me so :lol: but i can't help it pointing out nonsense which might lead those participants in thaivisa, who seek advice, into making wrong decisions. the simple reason for my behaviour is that in more than four years of reading TV i benefitted a lot by receiving valuable advice in many, albeit not as financial aspects are concerned.

if i call illogical conclusions (taken out of thin air) a "fairy tale" it can be hardly called "sarcastic" because i am stating a fact! and without any logic is the claim "Baht is strong because billions are dumped by speculators which run after they have taken their profits". is there really need to point out or ask the question "why doesn't the Baht weaken when the speculators run after they took profit and withdraw their billions?" wouldn't the latter be an insult for those who are capable of logical thinking? :huh:

How about you some times contributed with some substantial information of which I think you have plenty?

there is no substantial information available which concerns the topic Baht. "un"substantial information is nearly spread daily from wishful thinkers who post since 4 years "Baht will crash any time from now!" inspite of having investment experience for many years in a dozen or two different currencies i wouldn't dare to make a prediction what any currency pair will do in a few hours, not to talk about in a few months from now. i also refrain to join the various choruses "buy gold, buy the SET, transfer your dough to Australia, etc."

there's also hardly substantial and tangible information available of what will the financial future hold in the prevailing shaky environment we are facing. and there is no advice that fits everybody. what sense does it make to advice somebody who is making ends meet on a thousand euros or dollars (or less) and has savings of 10k he should diversify in currencies, real estate, precious metals and what not?

going out for dinner in some strange foreign country. will perhaps continue when i'm back and address a few more posting.

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He's a nasty piece of work, I try not to read his comments which are ALWAYS sarcastic, unhelpful and belittling. As I've said before, he reminds me of the kid in your class at school who always laughed when you got into trouble. He ruins Thai Visa Forums for me and I very rarely ask advice or comment on here. Unfortunately, he has his toadies, who lap up everything he posts and just give him encouragement. In my opinion the mods should have banned him a long time ago. The forum would be a lot more pleasant for his departure.

and misleading rubbish could be spread unchallenged :lol:

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I ain't smart enough to understand all the possible reasons the baht has appreciated or depreciated over the last year, month, day, hour, minute, second. But I do know sticks and stones can break bones, and words can hurt also.

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No you are not stating a 'fact'...you are stating an opinion...nothing more,nothing less...and we all know that 'opinions are like a..e holes'...everybody's got one!!!

obviously i have no other choice than to agree that i am an àsshole. it must be true because for years (or rather decades) many people told me so :lol: but i can't help it pointing out nonsense which might lead those participants in thaivisa, who seek advice, into making wrong decisions. the simple reason for my behaviour is that in more than four years of reading TV i benefitted a lot by receiving valuable advice in many, albeit not as financial aspects are concerned.

if i call illogical conclusions (taken out of thin air) a "fairy tale" it can be hardly called "sarcastic" because i am stating a fact! and without any logic is the claim "Baht is strong because billions are dumped by speculators which run after they have taken their profits". is there really need to point out or ask the question "why doesn't the Baht weaken when the speculators run after they took profit and withdraw their billions?" wouldn't the latter be an insult for those who are capable of logical thinking? :huh:

How about you some times contributed with some substantial information of which I think you have plenty?

there is no substantial information available which concerns the topic Baht. "un"substantial information is nearly spread daily from wishful thinkers who post since 4 years "Baht will crash any time from now!" inspite of having investment experience for many years in a dozen or two different currencies i wouldn't dare to make a prediction what any currency pair will do in a few hours, not to talk about in a few months from now. i also refrain to join the various choruses "buy gold, buy the SET, transfer your dough to Australia, etc."

there's also hardly substantial and tangible information available of what will the financial future hold in the prevailing shaky environment we are facing. and there is no advice that fits everybody. what sense does it make to advice somebody who is making ends meet on a thousand euros or dollars (or less) and has savings of 10k he should diversify in currencies, real estate, precious metals and what not?

going out for dinner in some strange foreign country. will perhaps continue when i'm back and address a few more posting.

Edited by sydneyjed
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A strange reply, the style is aggressive, and the knowledge is poor, may I therefore point out ... Ginnie Mae is not the provider, not the investor, and not the owner of any financial loans, Ginnie Mae is merely a US government backed organisation that provides security (guarantees) for loans (mortgages) provided by other lenders.

In addition we have Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac, they also provide a US government backed loan guarantee for providers of mortgages, but unlike Ginnie Mae they actually do provide loans directly to mortgage borrowers, thus Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not comparable with Ginnie Mae.

Moreover, the activities of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac (forget Ginnie Mae) and other US mortgage providers have no impact on the Foreign Currency Exchange Market (FX) because they are US domesticated loan providers for home purchasers, and they are protected by being a member of GSC (Government Sponsored Enterprises) and as a result were, and are totally supported by the US government.

Fannie Mae's title is ... Federal / National Mortgage Association.

Freddie Mac's title is ... Federal Home Loan / Mortgage Corporation

Both are supported by FHFA (Federal Housing Finance Association) and MBS (Mortgage Backed Society)

Ginnie Mae is merely a loan (mortgage) guarantee provider on behalf of the government.

On the other hand, the activities of the collapsed major international lending bank "Lehman Brothers" had great impact on the FX by continuously lending large sums to international financial institutions and banks, when Lehman collapsed the money was no longer available, as a result the liquidity of International banks and institutions declined to such an extent that the governments of many countries (US included) had to bale them out, this could of course only be done by additional money printing, (the BoE did not want to use the term "printing" thus the wording "quantitative easing" was used) as a result of this USD and EUR went down, and GBP went down the hill.

As is well known to Brits in Thailand, during the last two years (approx) the GBP went down from 72 THB to the mid 40's THB a decline of 35 % approx.

Go back and read your first post. Your claim was that "had the US government supported Lehman Brothers by pumping funds into it, then the international financial crisis would not occurred". Nothing there about the "great impact on FX", which would be/is equally rediculous. Lehman (or the US government's failure to bail it out) was not the cause of the "financial crisis" or the dramatic decline in the value of the US Dollar or the Pound, as you suggest. In fact, it was the US and UK government's efforts to bail out thousands of banks that were insolvent or near insolvent (call it what you will, it was the Fed and the BoE lending banks money at zero interest rates so that they could/would in turn lend it at a profit) that has caused the sharp decline in the value of the Dollar and the Pound. The drop in the value of the Pound started years earlier, long before the "financial crisis", notwithstanding what "is well known to Brits". The last time (at least that I could find in my quick search) that the Pound was above 70 Baht was 5th December 2006 (70.1885), almost 20 months before the financial crisis began. By 6th March 2007, the Pound would buy 62.92 Baht, and by 2 January 2008, the Pound was at 59.6032 Baht -- still 9 months before the financial crisis occurred. Not even "post hoc ergo propter hoc" saves your bogus argument here. There are many reasons for the Pound's decline in value, and the financial crisis is only one of them -- open your eyes (and check your calendar).

I mentioned Ginnie Mae and Fannie Mae only as examples of how the actions (vehicles by which) of the US Government (with the help of some very poor lending practices by banks and loan originators) to encourage home ownership, push domestic consumption and production, and left banks both in the US and in Europe holding assets worth far less than the loans they has made on the purchase on those assets and unable to make loans in the normal course -- a problem that went far beyond Lehman. The US certainly has other arrows in its quiver, but I didn't bother to Google all of the mortgage based US lending and guaranteeing institutions to find out. Nor did I expect that streaming a list of such institutions and their acronyms would add any credibility to my post -- it wouldn't. And if you don't believe or don't understand that actions designed for their "domestic" impact" ("US mortgage providers have no impact on the Foreign Currency Exchange Market (FX) because they are US domesticated loan providers for home purchasers...") can and do have significant impact on international financial arrangements and currency exchange rates, you are seriously confused. The US government's efforts to encourage domestic production (through mortage guarantees as one (only one) example) has been a primary cause of the imbalance of trade with China, and would if the Yuan was not pegged to the Dollar have caused the Yaun to rise significantly against the Dollar (it has risen about 8% in the last 15 months, but it would have risen more).

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in your case a wee bit of logical thinking would help. i referred to the fairy tale "dumping billions and then run". that theory is nothing but ridiculous and i will not waste more time explaining.

How about you some times contributed with some substantial information of which I think you have plenty? Would been preferred over your ever present one liners picking on something "wrong" in readers submissions. If you think it is so futile to explain, why even bother to point out the errors? And is the very sarcastic writing style really needed? I haven't read all you have written (12000+ submissions), but all I can remember is in the same style as above.


He's a nasty piece of work, I try not to read his comments which are ALWAYS sarcastic, unhelpful and belittling. As I've said before, he reminds me of the kid in your class at school who always laughed when you got into trouble. He ruins Thai Visa Forums for me and I very rarely ask advice or comment on here. Unfortunately, he has his toadies, who lap up everything he posts and just give him encouragement. In my opinion the mods should have banned him a long time ago. The forum would be a lot more pleasant for his departure.

Oh dear, I wonder if regression therapy might not be of use here.

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He's a nasty piece of work, I try not to read his comments which are ALWAYS sarcastic, unhelpful and belittling...

You are simply wrong! Just take a look here (post #11) for an example a helpful advise. There are many more...


I'm not trying to defend Naam - he is very capable of doing that on his own, if needed.

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He's a nasty piece of work, I try not to read his comments which are ALWAYS sarcastic, unhelpful and belittling...

You are simply wrong! Just take a look here (post #11) for an example a helpful advise. There are many more...


I'm not trying to defend Naam - he is very capable of doing that on his own, if needed.

Then he should stop acting like a soft lad and offer his advice in a nicer way. Most people on here aren't experts, that's why they ask for advice. If they think they're going to bear the brunt of his nasty, sledgehammer wit, then they won't come back. He just keeps pulling people apart all the time like he's got a bad case of piles. His sycophants don't help either, just encourage him. Why can't he just advise, agree or disagree in a civilised way? No need to go spitting venom all the time like some demented puff-adder.

Edited by jesimps
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in your case a wee bit of logical thinking would help. i referred to the fairy tale "dumping billions and then run". that theory is nothing but ridiculous and i will not waste more time explaining.

How about you some times contributed with some substantial information of which I think you have plenty? Would been preferred over your ever present one liners picking on something "wrong" in readers submissions. If you think it is so futile to explain, why even bother to point out the errors? And is the very sarcastic writing style really needed? I haven't read all you have written (12000+ submissions), but all I can remember is in the same style as above.


He's a nasty piece of work, I try not to read his comments which are ALWAYS sarcastic, unhelpful and belittling. As I've said before, he reminds me of the kid in your class at school who always laughed when you got into trouble. He ruins Thai Visa Forums for me and I very rarely ask advice or comment on here. Unfortunately, he has his toadies, who lap up everything he posts and just give him encouragement. In my opinion the mods should have banned him a long time ago. The forum would be a lot more pleasant for his departure.

Amen to that, this is the reason I blocked the parasitic creature months ago. Haven't looked back.

He reminds me of this trekkie kid I knew many years back, he always HAD to have the last word.

The fact Naam uses worf as his avatar only adds to the similarity :D

Back OT, the baht is looking likely to hold its own.

Edited by mitsubishi
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Naam is a jerkk but an entertaining jerkk nonetheless. He offers little of intellectual importance and in most cases, it doesn't matter. This Forum is a place for him to unload his pompous crapp to no end and at same time entertain. We are constantly reminded of his wealth and high position compared to the rest of us. What does this tell you about Naam? Show compassion everyone - even Naam needs a place to express his superiority and in the end his one liners can be hilarious on occasion.

One thing I've learned about Naam - don't support arguments with facts or data because he will just ridicule without supplying any supporting data. It's a winning formula for him and his followers love it.

I agree with his statements in this thread regarding baht speculation. It would have been nice if the condescending explanation in his last post was included in his first reply.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Generally speaking, I think everyone benefits when people here share financial information and opinions in a clear, understandable and civil way....

There's miles of difference between the levels of financial knowledge of people in the ThaiVisa community. Remembering that, and adding a little bit of humility on the part of those posting, might go a long way in people benefiting from the knowledge that's available.... I've certainly gained from it in many areas, and see sharing my knowledge on some things as a way of giving back for what I've received.

I get more than a little tired of reading posts that have the general approach of: "I'm right. I know I'm right and everyone else is wrong... But I can't be bothered to explain to others in a civil, understandable why I'm right and everyone else is wrong..."

As I said above, a bit of humility can go a long way in this world....

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B.O.T. has been keeping the Baht DOWN? Try telling that little absurdity to anyone who gets money from England, U.S. or Europe. True, they did lift interest rates ,THIS week on Wednesday , by 0.25%.The Baht has been strong for 2 years ,now.All that seems to be happening is that the Baht, maybe even slightly strengthening. No chance of it weakening, in the short term. Which is why so few Farang tourists. are coming here.

Why don't you take a look at the BOT's foreign reserve figures over the last year or two to get an idea of what they have been doing to keep the baht weaker? The you might realise thet absurdity of your own comments.

I think posters like Naam give short answers because they are fed up with the drivel that is posted on here about foreign exchange. Contrary to what a couple of others have said, many posters with less knowledge of financial markets are often not looking for advice but instead simply wish to voice their erroneous opinons about the baht being high because of some rich Thai / BOT conspiracy, which is utter bilge.

Edited by inthepink
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B.O.T. has been keeping the Baht DOWN? Try telling that little absurdity to anyone who gets money from England, U.S. or Europe. True, they did lift interest rates ,THIS week on Wednesday , by 0.25%.The Baht has been strong for 2 years ,now.All that seems to be happening is that the Baht, maybe even slightly strengthening. No chance of it weakening, in the short term. Which is why so few Farang tourists. are coming here.

Why don't you take a look at the BOT's foreign reserve figures over the last year or two to get an idea of what they have been doing to keep the baht weaker? The you might realise thet absurdity of your own comments.

I think posters like Naam give short answers because they are fed up with the drivel that is posted on here about foreign exchange. Contrary to what a couple of others have said, many posters with less knowledge of financial markets are often not looking for advice but instead simply wish to voice their erroneous opinons about the baht being high because of some rich Thai / BOT conspiracy, which is utter bilge.

The deal isn't so much about the baht, it's about the western basket (case) of currency's that are weakening.

Led by the £ and closely followed by the Euro they are not tracking well against the Baht. In fact rather than the baht weakening against the £ it's the opposite.

The longer the Quantitive Easing and low interest rates go on, the longer expats will feel the pain. This looks likely to continue for a year at least the way the BoE with it's obsession with Keynesian Economics rumbles on...

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B.O.T. has been keeping the Baht DOWN? Try telling that little absurdity to anyone who gets money from England, U.S. or Europe. True, they did lift interest rates ,THIS week on Wednesday , by 0.25%.The Baht has been strong for 2 years ,now.All that seems to be happening is that the Baht, maybe even slightly strengthening. No chance of it weakening, in the short term. Which is why so few Farang tourists. are coming here.

Why don't you take a look at the BOT's foreign reserve figures over the last year or two to get an idea of what they have been doing to keep the baht weaker? The you might realise thet absurdity of your own comments.

I think posters like Naam give short answers because they are fed up with the drivel that is posted on here about foreign exchange. Contrary to what a couple of others have said, many posters with less knowledge of financial markets are often not looking for advice but instead simply wish to voice their erroneous opinons about the baht being high because of some rich Thai / BOT conspiracy, which is utter bilge.

The deal isn't so much about the baht, it's about the western basket (case) of currency's that are weakening.

Led by the £ and closely followed by the Euro they are not tracking well against the Baht. In fact rather than the baht weakening against the £ it's the opposite.

The longer the Quantitive Easing and low interest rates go on, the longer expats will feel the pain. This looks likely to continue for a year at least the way the BoE with it's obsession with Keynesian Economics rumbles on...

I think the BoE and Mr King in particular are doing pretty well all considering. Much more sensible than helicopter Ben.The fact that the UK can still take independent action to devalue the pound gives them a great deal more flexibility to deal with the situation than would have been available to them had they joined the Euro, a fact that europhiles never seem to appreciate. Unfortunately the BoE, in common with the BOT, do not frame their policies to benefit expats living in Thailand. Life's a bitch at times.

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B.O.T. has been keeping the Baht DOWN? Try telling that little absurdity to anyone who gets money from England, U.S. or Europe. True, they did lift interest rates ,THIS week on Wednesday , by 0.25%.The Baht has been strong for 2 years ,now.All that seems to be happening is that the Baht, maybe even slightly strengthening. No chance of it weakening, in the short term. Which is why so few Farang tourists. are coming here.

Why don't you take a look at the BOT's foreign reserve figures over the last year or two to get an idea of what they have been doing to keep the baht weaker? The you might realise thet absurdity of your own comments.

I think posters like Naam give short answers because they are fed up with the drivel that is posted on here about foreign exchange. Contrary to what a couple of others have said, many posters with less knowledge of financial markets are often not looking for advice but instead simply wish to voice their erroneous opinons about the baht being high because of some rich Thai / BOT conspiracy, which is utter bilge.

I was wandering when one of Mr Naam's toadies would speak up. "Drivel" and "Bilge" eh? Your role model will be proud of you. I say the same to you as I say to Naam and that is if you can't make a civil reply, then don't bother replying at all, even if you are fed up with the drivel and bilge. Your drivel and bilge may seem like a sensible query to someone with little knowledge of finances.

Edited by jesimps
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B.O.T. has been keeping the Baht DOWN? Try telling that little absurdity to anyone who gets money from England, U.S. or Europe. True, they did lift interest rates ,THIS week on Wednesday , by 0.25%.The Baht has been strong for 2 years ,now.All that seems to be happening is that the Baht, maybe even slightly strengthening. No chance of it weakening, in the short term. Which is why so few Farang tourists. are coming here.

Why don't you take a look at the BOT's foreign reserve figures over the last year or two to get an idea of what they have been doing to keep the baht weaker? The you might realise thet absurdity of your own comments.

I think posters like Naam give short answers because they are fed up with the drivel that is posted on here about foreign exchange. Contrary to what a couple of others have said, many posters with less knowledge of financial markets are often not looking for advice but instead simply wish to voice their erroneous opinons about the baht being high because of some rich Thai / BOT conspiracy, which is utter bilge.

I was wandering when one of Mr Naam's toadies would speak up. "Drivel" and "Bilge" eh? Your role model will be proud of you. I say the same to you as I say to Naam and that is if you can't make a civil reply, then don't bother replying at all, even if you are fed up with the drivel and bilge. Your drivel and bilge may seem like a sensible query to someone with little knowledge of finances.

I do believe that most of us who respect Naam's words of wisdom, and relate to his sense of humour, are merely hoping that you might cease your personal attacks and just go away.

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I don't see the Baht weakening. The USD, the pound and the Euro are finished. If there is not a total financial collapse then you can expect to see run away inflation in the not to distant future. As far as bad times ahead for Thailand, not in the cards for the forseeable future. With influx of the superwave entering the solar system we will continue to see more unusual weather patterns, on the light side and perhaps an ice age in the extreme. Colder, longer winter, and shorter hotter summer, making food produce in the higher latitudes tenuous at best. This puts Thailand in a position of extreme good fortune as it is still feeding it own, without imports and has food to export. Food with become a major asset in the coming years with food shortages on the horizon.

Don't hold USD, the pound or Euro's, it a losing proposition. Except maybe to wipe your private areas

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B.O.T. has been keeping the Baht DOWN? Try telling that little absurdity to anyone who gets money from England, U.S. or Europe. True, they did lift interest rates ,THIS week on Wednesday , by 0.25%.The Baht has been strong for 2 years ,now.All that seems to be happening is that the Baht, maybe even slightly strengthening. No chance of it weakening, in the short term. Which is why so few Farang tourists. are coming here.

Why don't you take a look at the BOT's foreign reserve figures over the last year or two to get an idea of what they have been doing to keep the baht weaker? The you might realise thet absurdity of your own comments.

I think posters like Naam give short answers because they are fed up with the drivel that is posted on here about foreign exchange. Contrary to what a couple of others have said, many posters with less knowledge of financial markets are often not looking for advice but instead simply wish to voice their erroneous opinons about the baht being high because of some rich Thai / BOT conspiracy, which is utter bilge.

I was wandering when one of Mr Naam's toadies would speak up. "Drivel" and "Bilge" eh? Your role model will be proud of you. I say the same to you as I say to Naam and that is if you can't make a civil reply, then don't bother replying at all, even if you are fed up with the drivel and bilge. Your drivel and bilge may seem like a sensible query to someone with little knowledge of finances.

I do believe that most of us who respect Naam's words of wisdom, and relate to his sense of humour, are merely hoping that you might cease your personal attacks and just go away.

I was waiting for the toady-in-chief to speak out and there you go. There are several on these boards who have been here too long and resent non financial gurus using 'their site'. You like to mock people who's knowledge isn't up to spec (your spec). I can tell by your posts that you really fancy yourselves, when to me you're just soft lads, overblown with your own self-importance. Your arrogance is breathtaking. I'll be on your back every time you try to put someone down or until I'm banned. The site is here to help people not to make them look like fools. Naam's put-downs aren't humour, they're sarcasm and I was always told that sarcasm was the lowest form of wit.

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Mmmm, the self proclaimed TV equivalent of Assange emerges, do tell! So, is this duel to be based on referencable facts or just on your vitriol?

Actually, I'm just wondering if indeed you have any point to make, apart from your disdain for Naam, if you do, now's your chance.

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I don't see the Baht weakening. The USD, the pound and the Euro are finished. If there is not a total financial collapse then you can expect to see run away inflation in the not to distant future. As far as bad times ahead for Thailand, not in the cards for the forseeable future. With influx of the superwave entering the solar system we will continue to see more unusual weather patterns, on the light side and perhaps an ice age in the extreme. Colder, longer winter, and shorter hotter summer, making food produce in the higher latitudes tenuous at best. This puts Thailand in a position of extreme good fortune as it is still feeding it own, without imports and has food to export. Food with become a major asset in the coming years with food shortages on the horizon.

Don't hold USD, the pound or Euro's, it a losing proposition. Except maybe to wipe your private areas

How about we start a collection of money so that you can use it to pay to see a head doctor.

Seriously, where do you come up with this stupidity?

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B.O.T. has been keeping the Baht DOWN? Try telling that little absurdity to anyone who gets money from England, U.S. or Europe. True, they did lift interest rates ,THIS week on Wednesday , by 0.25%.The Baht has been strong for 2 years ,now.All that seems to be happening is that the Baht, maybe even slightly strengthening. No chance of it weakening, in the short term. Which is why so few Farang tourists. are coming here.

Why don't you take a look at the BOT's foreign reserve figures over the last year or two to get an idea of what they have been doing to keep the baht weaker? The you might realise thet absurdity of your own comments.

I think posters like Naam give short answers because they are fed up with the drivel that is posted on here about foreign exchange. Contrary to what a couple of others have said, many posters with less knowledge of financial markets are often not looking for advice but instead simply wish to voice their erroneous opinons about the baht being high because of some rich Thai / BOT conspiracy, which is utter bilge.

I was wandering when one of Mr Naam's toadies would speak up. "Drivel" and "Bilge" eh? Your role model will be proud of you. I say the same to you as I say to Naam and that is if you can't make a civil reply, then don't bother replying at all, even if you are fed up with the drivel and bilge. Your drivel and bilge may seem like a sensible query to someone with little knowledge of finances.

I do believe that most of us who respect Naam's words of wisdom, and relate to his sense of humour, are merely hoping that you might cease your personal attacks and just go away.

I think you're being generous, I've heard Naams noise on here for at least three years+ and I've never related to his morbid humour.

Nope here to stay I'm afraid :)

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I don't see the Baht weakening. The USD, the pound and the Euro are finished. If there is not a total financial collapse then you can expect to see run away inflation in the not to distant future. As far as bad times ahead for Thailand, not in the cards for the forseeable future. With influx of the superwave entering the solar system we will continue to see more unusual weather patterns, on the light side and perhaps an ice age in the extreme. Colder, longer winter, and shorter hotter summer, making food produce in the higher latitudes tenuous at best. This puts Thailand in a position of extreme good fortune as it is still feeding it own, without imports and has food to export. Food with become a major asset in the coming years with food shortages on the horizon.

Don't hold USD, the pound or Euro's, it a losing proposition. Except maybe to wipe your private areas

How about we start a collection of money so that you can use it to pay to see a head doctor.

Seriously, where do you come up with this stupidity?

He's actually using information gathered (superwave that is) from a scientist who made the discovery and NASA daren't acknowledge his work. This is the same scientist who discovered the 'pioneer effect' on satellites and orbitting body's.

Whether it'll cause anything adversely affecting earths weather is another matter entirely.

Meantime, holding the $ or £ is a losing game...

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I don't see the Baht weakening. The USD, the pound and the Euro are finished. If there is not a total financial collapse then you can expect to see run away inflation in the not to distant future. As far as bad times ahead for Thailand, not in the cards for the forseeable future. With influx of the superwave entering the solar system we will continue to see more unusual weather patterns, on the light side and perhaps an ice age in the extreme. Colder, longer winter, and shorter hotter summer, making food produce in the higher latitudes tenuous at best. This puts Thailand in a position of extreme good fortune as it is still feeding it own, without imports and has food to export. Food with become a major asset in the coming years with food shortages on the horizon.

Don't hold USD, the pound or Euro's, it a losing proposition. Except maybe to wipe your private areas

How about we start a collection of money so that you can use it to pay to see a head doctor.

Seriously, where do you come up with this stupidity?

Lot's of people with small minds take comfort in ridiculing others who have accepted philosophies different from their own. Sadly, consensus doesn't make science. Evidence does. And I doubt that any poster here, despite expressed feelings of superiority, has ever actually tried to gather critical evidence for their beliefs. Instead, there is simply the consensus view and the fringe view, both mainly religious in nature for the layman. Which uncritical acceptance demonstrates the larger ignorance? They are both equal in my opinion.

As it stands, the galactic superwave theory of Dr. Paul LaViolette can be neither proven nor disproven. There is simply not enough evidence at this time. It is incumbent on those who subscribe to his theories to continue along the scientific method and provide further evidence of the theory's validity. Since few mainstream scientists are electing to concentrate their research efforts there, I do not expect to see it successfully validated or refuted within my lifetime. My personal theory is that while there may be some truth to it, the event itself would have to be much weaker than the rather extreme claims espoused by the fringe elements who claim it is going to restructure the galaxy. And it is certainly impossible to say it is now "entering the solar system". This wave (if it exists) is actually travelling at nearly the speed of light. You won't even know it hit you until it is literally on top of you. You only need to know a small amount of physics to understand that anyone making such grand claims as "entering the solar system" has not done any critical thinking on his beliefs.

However, there is substantial evidence that climate change is real, although again the degree to which humans are causing it stands open to debate. But everyone agrees "something" is causing climate chaos, and an honest review of the models leads me to believe it is largely irrelevant what we do personally in the immediate future, even if the anthropogenic models are correct. The evolution of the climate is pretty much locked in for the next 50 years, and it appears as if it is going to be increasingly unstable. Thus food production is going to become more difficult, and Thailand should probably fare better than many parts of the West, simply because as a general rule the relative change in the tropical zones is going to be less severe than the temperate zones. However, all areas are going to be stressed for a few generations until appropriate adaptations can be made to the new reality. Thailand is likely to fare much better than the West as there is more resilience and less "efficiency" in the Thai way. That should lead to a strengthening currency vs. the West.

Global resource depletion, high quality energy shortages and environmental contamination are the more likely drivers which will push Thailand ahead of the West in regards to currency, rather than a galactic superwave. However, my analysis leads me to believe that seeker2 has stumbled on what is likely to be a realistic answer, even if he got there through blind luck. I would not call him stupid any more than I would call Ben Bernacke stupid. They are both equally ignorant. Both subscribe to religious myths that incompletely ignore physical realities. Actually, I take that back. Economists are worse. Seeker2 probably knows on some level he is spouting useless trash. I doubt most economists today realize their profession is just as mythical.

Anyway, to get back to the point of this thread, the Baht will likely continue strengthening against the Western currencies in the future. Ahead is a long term period (several centuries based on historical precedents) of decline and industrial collapse. The more industrialized the country and the more it relies on exosomatic energy flows for its survival, the more severe the reorganization of complexity is going to be. There could be small trends within the larger trend where the Baht weakens, but it will return to the main pattern in the fullness of time.

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B.O.T. has been keeping the Baht DOWN? Try telling that little absurdity to anyone who gets money from England, U.S.  or Europe. True, they did lift interest rates ,THIS week on Wednesday , by 0.25%.The Baht has been strong for 2 years ,now.All that seems to be happening is that the Baht, maybe even slightly strengthening. No chance of it weakening, in the short term. Which is why so few Farang tourists. are coming here.

Why don't you take a look at the BOT's foreign reserve figures over the last year or two to get an idea of what they have been doing to keep the baht weaker? The you might realise thet absurdity of your own comments.

I think posters like Naam give short answers because they are fed up with the drivel that is posted on here about foreign exchange. Contrary to what a couple of others have said, many posters with less knowledge of financial markets are often not looking for advice but instead simply wish to voice their erroneous opinons about the baht being high because of some rich Thai / BOT conspiracy, which is utter bilge.

I was wandering when one of Mr Naam's toadies would speak up. "Drivel" and "Bilge" eh? Your role model will be proud of you. I say the same to you as I say to Naam and that is if you can't make a civil reply, then don't bother replying at all, even if you are fed up with the drivel and bilge. Your drivel and bilge may seem like a sensible query to someone with little knowledge of finances.

Naam died ? Or is he just *wandering* ? If yes, where is he *wandering* ?

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