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Thai Visa To Ireland For Girlfriend .

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Hi everyone .

just a quick question . Does anyone know , would it be possible to bring my Longterm girlfriend and baby over to ireland on a visa of some kind.

Some quick basic info for now . I,m a student and I just came back from Thailand so no job , and i live at home with my parents . all I have is 10,000 euors in my bank account . we have been together for 3 years and in that time i have been over to thailand 5 times to see her.

her family are also quite rich but she does not have any money in her account as her mother runs the business and has the money .

I will update this topic if need be . also my mother says she will help to be a sponser if that,s any use. we can prove we have been together and prove that i have saving . and our family have saving . but without the job i,m at a long to think what my next step would be .

any help at all would be great thanks . just ask away . I dont need anyone to tell me to go get a job just solutions about what i can do with what i have .

and also i dont want to live in thailand for now because i need to finish my studies .

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Yes, of course it is.

However, it requires lots of planning and paperwork.

You should start by contacting the Irish consulate in Bangkok ---- it is internet friendly, and all the forms are available.

It is freezing in Ireland at the moment (you probably know this), so your timing is not the best.

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I believe that you should get married and let her apply for a spousal visa - Im not sure about the fiance visa as it is only granted for a specific length of time and she must then return.

What could trip you up here is the fact that she could not have recourse to public funds and you are on the dole, however you do have a sponsor and that is good. No harm as well to apply for a quote for health insurance for her in ireland, as it shows that she wont be sponging off the state.

Been there, done that, and best of luck.


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Yes, of course it is.

However, it requires lots of planning and paperwork.

You should start by contacting the Irish consulate in Bangkok ---- it is internet friendly, and all the forms are available.

It is freezing in Ireland at the moment (you probably know this), so your timing is not the best.

we wont be applying for any visa till after the weather months are over . the info you supplied is most helpfully but i,m already aware of it . thanks
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If you live in Southern Ireland you will require a short term visit visa © we process these applications.

Duration of stay is determined by the Immigration officer at port of entry up to 90 days generally.

If you are married then you may apply or a long term (D) visa application.

Feel free to contact me if you require professional help.

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you could be waiting up to 3 months for a visa or a refuseal of visa so apply now,i am waiting 2 and a half months now since we applyed still no news. i got married you can i,m. me for more info i am in ireland now but can give you a no, of some one who may help you with everything they are in bkk

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As Ireland is not part of the Schengen agreement, they have their own visa regulations

They make a difference if you are Irish or not.

If you are Irish, its pretty much straight forward. She can come in on a tourist visa, but you cannot marry her on that visa here in Ireland and want to change the status of her visa after that. They look at the money you have/make and if you are able to support her during the time that she is here. FOr the longer term it might be wiser to get married legally in Thailand and bring her in as your spouse. In general, the Consulate staff might give you some help

If you are from an EU member state, then she has to apply for an eu-treaty applicant visa. They cannot refuse that one, because she has to reside in the country during that time.

I am an EU national and it took me a year to get my wife finally in. She has her 5 years permit to stay

You can always pm me if you have more questions

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It was many years ago when my (now) wife first came to Ireland.

To be honest, all you need to know is contain in the aplication instructions.

Its a strange and convoluted process to be honest. You and your capacity to support her are a factor, but (I am deducing) there are ways to mitigate your lack of a job. Technically (from memory) the conditions of the visa are that she has the means to support herself..... not that that you will support her. So, what constitutes "supporting" herself......

(1) Accomodation - so your parents provide a written undertaking that she will reside in at your parents with you, for the duration of her stay as a close personal friend of their son "as their guest", (in other words for free, including board).

(2) Medical etc. - well if she has a comprehensive health & travel insurance policy, for the duration, including repatriation costs etc. then that covers any unforeseen costs.

(3) Subsistence - "spending money" as such....... so I mean if she had the equivalent of social welfare for the duration of her stay, then they cant object to that, right? So, lets say she is coming for 3 months and has 3 grand (Euro) in the bank...... then that covers that also. So you are going to just have to trust her, and lend her the 3 grand..... perhaps western union it to her, so whe can pay it into her bank.

Apart from that, you will have to jump through all the other hoops such as providing satisfactory motive to return to Thailand after her stay etc. But if her mother is "rich" and runs a business, it should be easy to get a phony letter saying she is an assistant manager and her holidays are authorised, she is a valid employee, and her job will be waiting for her upon her return etc.

The thing to remember is that there is no law or avertion to genuine people coming to Ireland for holidays, regardless of their nationality etc. ........ everyone starts on the premise that world assumes you are "importing" a Thai "hooker" either to exploit her or so that she can exploit you or the country....... if you can set aside that notion, you will see that it should be straight forward. So your MO is "my wealthy friend from Thailand, who has the support and backing of both her family and mine, would like to come and visit me in Ireland. I would like to reciprocate the hospitality that her fmaily has extended to me over the years, and have invited her to stay at with me at my parents home. Please find attached a letter from my parents confirming the invitation, and letters from both her parents and her emplyer comfirming their blessings for same"........ if that is indeed the genuine situation, then really it should not be that difficult to do......

My advice would be to make your application as thorough as possible. Provide evidence for everything you claim. But make it about her and her ability to support herself, and not about you and your ability to support her.

By the way, you have not mentioned your age..... that helps too in the eyes of the officials...... if you are quite young and she is a similar age, you probably will not get the "dirty old man with sexy young thai girl" prejudice....... wrong as it is, this perception makes a difference in my experience.

Last thing - note that just because the gov. give her a 3 month visa, it doesnt mean the <deleted> at passort control will stamp her in for 3 months........ I know of plenty of people who have been told at the point of entry that they can only get 2 weeks etc. ....... have a god robust, well rehersed story to tell then official, when he asks "what is the purpose of your visit". Using words like "I plan to......." and providing a list of objectives is alot more credible than "well I intend to sit at home all day then tend to my boyfriends needs in the evening"....... if you see my meaning. If she could in some way realte it to education it would be great....... "in my line of work, we are finding an increased need to people with practical english skills. Leon and I have been developing a close personal / romantic relationship over the last fews years and my family has gotten to know him wuite well. So his family has invited me to stay with him for the summer so that I can improve my english skills and get to know his family at the same time..... my employer is happy to let me spend 3 months her, upskilling at my own expense and Leon and his family are happy to take the opertunity to get to know me better as ourrelationship develops"...... (if thisment letter hsould say the same) is your strategy, then maybe her employment letter should say the same).

Its all about provind a credible "story" in which you can demonstrate that you are both ust too normal people, making your way through life, and you dont need or want any concessions or assistance from the state, and its all well planned and thought out...... and can be backed up with tangible credible evidence...... its not a court of law, genuine circumstantial evidence is good enough.

All the above are just my suggestions.............. maybe you should get a few other opinions before proceeding on that path .......... if I can be of further help, please do not hesitate to contact me via PM or otherwise.



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Hi Leon,

I'm going through the process at the moment and came across your thread when I was looking for advise.

A good start is to contact the Consulate in BKK, I emailed them and they send me some info about the required documents you and your girlfriend will need.

I'll attached them here.

Its a long process, We're hoping for my girlfriend to come in May so we are already working on the letters of invitation, gathering evidence of our relationship and I'm going there in January to bring her to the Consulate.

Not sure where your girlfriend lives but there is also a consulate in Phuket. The application and required documents get sent to the embassy in Malaysia and this takes about a month to process, if they need to send to Dublin then add on another month or so...

The Consulates seem to be helpful with any questions you have but I'm looking for help writing the letters of invitation etc. What to write etc

Basically the more evidence that you have a genuine relationship the better. Photos, phone bills etc are required. You also need to show you are working and can provide for her if she doesnt have a lot of money, which the majoruty of thais dont.

Is there anyone who has recently gone through the process, successfully or unsuccessfully? You help would be much appreciated.

Attached file for visa inquiry.doc

Documents Required- Thai-visitHoliday.doc

Visit holiday visa.doc

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