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About ten years ago, I was parked in a PTT station and a songthaew parked in front of me didn't notice that I had pulled in and reversed straight into the front of my (wife's) car, smashing up the bumper pretty badly. He jumped out, surprised, apologized profusely, and offered to pay for the damage. We went together to a body shop near my house and worked it out. No one got angry, no one got cheated. Frankly I don't think it's such an unusual event, but it's usually only the horror stories that get told, over and over again.

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<br />
<br />It's always a 'happy ending' when a songtaw gets it........<b>hats off to your wife!!</b><br />
<br />seconded!<br />
<br /><br /><br />


Exemplary fair play, but please do ensure none of these nasty little red dinosaurs gang up on her vehicle next time she is in town. Hell hath no fury like a seelor scorned!

Maybe HoDunc doesn't realise that these little red meanies are THE most selfish drivers in the city, stamping on the brakes, stopping anywhere they wish, no use of mirrors, indicators, brake lights (in this case)OR brain. If fitted. The great god Mammon is the only one in control.

Provided we don't break the legs of their rear end passengers, most of them richly deserve a good punt up the exhaust pipe. Personally, now it's winter, I'm having a snow plough fitted to my front end.


Op you are right your wife is a Hero, Hats off to her on a job well done :jap:

On a sad but all but ture not to the post it just goes to show how bad racism really is here in Thailand. Just becuase a white guy crashed into this taxi driver, the guy just expects the farang to pay. No doubt there would have been threats to the Farang guy to.

Its also sad to say this Taxi driver is not alone 80 % of Thais would and will do the same if they have a crash with a Farang. If only we could ask the many Thai People who hate Farangs so much what we ever did wrong to them to begin with ..

But again it proves there are still some Thai's who dont hate farangs. Well done to your misses

80% eh? Did you pluck that figure from the ether?

And 'many' thais 'hate' farang, very much?

And some idiot bangs into the back of you because they're driving too close, and out steps the driver of the car smashed into to complain, and he's racist??

And yet, there's you defending the idiot who's banged into a car in front of him, purely i suppose because he's a farang, and he's hit a thai who hates farang?

Interesting points of view you have.


The other thing of course is that songthaew drivers have a hard time of it these days. They have to drive all hours every day to earn enough for their family. Just only six years ago or so, petrol was three times cheaper. They knew what a reasonable life was back then. Now they and their families are often in debt because they can't earn enough to pay their family's way. And those money lenders certainly charge their buck of interest.

Meanwhile when somebody bashes into the back of their car, the very thing that they earn their living from, they are not meant to feel in some way aggrieved? And when they end up paying for the damage due to the intervention of somebody on a crusade, they may well have to borrow more money at exhorbitant interest rates. Bloody racist i tell you.

Oh, the brake lights? Yeah, maybe the driver knew, but perhaps he had some kind of school money to pay for for his kids. Not to mention getting the food in for dinner. I'll get them fixed when i have a good day's income...

Some farang who come here and live here find it absolutely impossible to see things as they are in this country.


"Having lived abroad for several years with me, there is an understanding of right and wrong and a strong dislike for the high level of unfair behaviour in this country"

Sounds like the OP is originally from a noble country where everybody respect and honor the law and his fellow men - really unlike Thailand the land of wicked smiles .

I want to tell you that I hit a motorbike with my car driving slowly not much damage really but no bad Thai tried to get money from me the honest humble flarang that I am .



I'm with H2ODunc too on this one. I ran the story by my old feller, who's now 72 years old and still working in insurance and he said that in over 40 years in the claims department, he'd never seen a UK insurance company decide liability in favour of the person hitting someone from behind. A court might see things differently but not many cases make it to court because of the open and shut nature of the situation.


I'm with H2ODunc too on this one. I ran the story by my old feller, who's now 72 years old and still working in insurance and he said that in over 40 years in the claims department, he'd never seen a UK insurance company decide liability in favour of the person hitting someone from behind. A court might see things differently but not many cases make it to court because of the open and shut nature of the situation.

Yes, usually liability will be with the driver of the rear vehicle, but it is not exclusively the case. Things, for example, become much more complicated in multi-vehicle shunts, as often happens on motorways (and happened to me). I can tell you from my own professional experience that a court may consider the driving of both colliding vehicles, road and weather conditions and any related mechanical condition of the vehicles involved.

UK insurance companies are all too aware of the criminal gangs who go around causing rear-end shunts, then making huge claims for losses and whiplash injuries, backed up with medical evidence from bent doctors.

I don't know who is to blame for the accident described by the OP, maybe both drivers should share the blame in some proportion, but I am happy to hear what the OP's wife did.




I am always respectful of people who have the courage to voluntarily stand up for someone when they think they have been wronged.

You GO, girl!

That being said, I have to go with H2oDunc on this one. As the operator of a vehicle in motion, YOU are ultimately responsible for allowing sufficient braking space for ANY eventuality. The rare exceptions are circumstances where a person or vehicle suddenly appears from a blind spot and instantly invades the braking space of your vehicle. This was not the case, at least from the description, and was an avoidable accident.

I am not a big fan of songtheaus either when I am in a hurry but simply bashing into one because it stopped suddenly is no excuse. Vehicles DO stop suddenly - for a huge variety of reasons - and anyone who has driven for any amount of time knows this. I am sure that we all have had to hit the brakes hard when a motorbike suddenly cuts straight across 3 lanes RIGHT in front of you and similar circumstances. I would certainly NOT accept that as an excuse for some tailgater (someone following closer than their vehicle braking distance allows) slamming into my rear.

In the States, consideration is given for lack of registration and the "victim" is also cited for causing an accident because his/her vehicle should not have been on a public roadway in the first place.

Having flown commercial helicopter for many decades, I know that there is

no excuse what-so-ever for running into something that you KNEW was there!

As an old biker, I know that the rule is, "Expect the unexpected or die."

A songtheau suddenly stopping, brake lights or no, is NOT unexpected behavior by any stretch of the imagination..

Awareness beats excuses any day of the week... ;)


The most sensible resume of this incident in my view, Dustoff

I know Thais can often try to stitch up a farang and I applaud the Thai in this case stepping in. But the facts sre as you say. Sometimes these threads get emotive and people take firm views from which no amount of factual debate will budge them. Your post is therefore very refreshing



I am always respectful of people who have the courage to voluntarily stand up for someone when they think they have been wronged.

You GO, girl!

That being said, I have to go with H2oDunc on this one. As the operator of a vehicle in motion, YOU are ultimately responsible for allowing sufficient braking space for ANY eventuality. The rare exceptions are circumstances where a person or vehicle suddenly appears from a blind spot and instantly invades the braking space of your vehicle. This was not the case, at least from the description, and was an avoidable accident.

I am not a big fan of songtheaus either when I am in a hurry but simply bashing into one because it stopped suddenly is no excuse. Vehicles DO stop suddenly - for a huge variety of reasons - and anyone who has driven for any amount of time knows this. I am sure that we all have had to hit the brakes hard when a motorbike suddenly cuts straight across 3 lanes RIGHT in front of you and similar circumstances. I would certainly NOT accept that as an excuse for some tailgater (someone following closer than their vehicle braking distance allows) slamming into my rear.

In the States, consideration is given for lack of registration and the "victim" is also cited for causing an accident because his/her vehicle should not have been on a public roadway in the first place.

Having flown commercial helicopter for many decades, I know that there is

no excuse what-so-ever for running into something that you KNEW was there!

As an old biker, I know that the rule is, "Expect the unexpected or die."

A songtheau suddenly stopping, brake lights or no, is NOT unexpected behavior by any stretch of the imagination..

Awareness beats excuses any day of the week... ;)


The most sensible resume of this incident in my view, Dustoff

I know Thais can often try to stitch up a farang and I applaud the Thai in this case stepping in. But the facts sre as you say. Sometimes these threads get emotive and people take firm views from which no amount of factual debate will budge them. Your post is therefore very refreshing

More information just to hand. As per normal (and this is one of the many reasons I love my wife, as frustrating as it can be sometimes) wifey has given me some important information re the accident. This information in my view does not change the nature or premise behind my original post - that I am proud of my wife for assisting a person in need.

The songtaew driver had been drinking and is subsequently in a bit of trouble with police. The accident took place at night time around 7.30pm.

This information may change one's opinion but the essence of the post remains the same.

Foot note: when I catch a songtaew I always tip. If I know they are chargIng me "local price" I tip very well because I appreciate the fact that they see me as an equal - like any other passenger.



I am always respectful of people who have the courage to voluntarily stand up for someone when they think they have been wronged.

You GO, girl!

That being said, I have to go with H2oDunc on this one. As the operator of a vehicle in motion, YOU are ultimately responsible for allowing sufficient braking space for ANY eventuality. The rare exceptions are circumstances where a person or vehicle suddenly appears from a blind spot and instantly invades the braking space of your vehicle. This was not the case, at least from the description, and was an avoidable accident.

I am not a big fan of songtheaus either when I am in a hurry but simply bashing into one because it stopped suddenly is no excuse. Vehicles DO stop suddenly - for a huge variety of reasons - and anyone who has driven for any amount of time knows this. I am sure that we all have had to hit the brakes hard when a motorbike suddenly cuts straight across 3 lanes RIGHT in front of you and similar circumstances. I would certainly NOT accept that as an excuse for some tailgater (someone following closer than their vehicle braking distance allows) slamming into my rear.

In the States, consideration is given for lack of registration and the "victim" is also cited for causing an accident because his/her vehicle should not have been on a public roadway in the first place.

Having flown commercial helicopter for many decades, I know that there is

no excuse what-so-ever for running into something that you KNEW was there!

As an old biker, I know that the rule is, "Expect the unexpected or die."

A songtheau suddenly stopping, brake lights or no, is NOT unexpected behavior by any stretch of the imagination..

Awareness beats excuses any day of the week... ;)


The most sensible resume of this incident in my view, Dustoff

I know Thais can often try to stitch up a farang and I applaud the Thai in this case stepping in. But the facts sre as you say. Sometimes these threads get emotive and people take firm views from which no amount of factual debate will budge them. Your post is therefore very refreshing

More information just to hand. As per normal (and this is one of the many reasons I love my wife, as frustrating as it can be sometimes) wifey has given me some important information re the accident. This information in my view does not change the nature or premise behind my original post - that I am proud of my wife for assisting a person in need.

The songtaew driver had been drinking and is subsequently in a bit of trouble with police. The accident took place at night time around 7.30pm.

This information may change one's opinion but the essence of the post remains the same.

Foot note: when I catch a songtaew I always tip. If I know they are chargIng me "local price" I tip very well because I appreciate the fact that they see me as an equal - like any other passenger.

You tip 'very well' because someone treats you as an equal?? huh.gif


Am I missing something here or what ?

I know back in the UK that if you run into the back of a vehicle after failing to stop you are judged to be at fault and responsible for the accident and costs. Why should it be different here ?

Yes you are missing something, something large and significant. Here is not there.


With all respect for the courage of the OP's wife in trying to help right a perceived wrong, and happy that she didn't end up hurt, the car driver slammed into a songtheow and now the songtheow driver has a farang's insurance company breathing down his neck for money he surely doesn't have. The wife apparently nearly missed the farang's car. Had she hit the car, do we assume she would have held the driver of the car blameless?


Good things will come to your wife.

In my now long experience of life, if you do stand up to see fair play or to help another you will find that amazingly the same thing will happen in reverse for you. I have no religious belief but it's spooky how one good deed begets another. From an entirely selfish viewpoint, doing a bit of good also makes you feel so much better about yourself.


Oh. The coin drops.

7:30 at night is a different animal if the brake lights never illuminated. The merits enter into Contractor's mention of courts and/or complexities. Once there, drinking and driving become part of it I suppose.

Thus it becomes much more clear how important it was that your wife was good enough to add testimony to the record about the brake lights not working before the collision.

I cannot take my hat off again, however, because the sun's out. I express the thought.


Well done to the wife, for being prepared to take the non Thai side based on her own perception rather than a nationality.

But in my book, you hit a car from behind your wrong.. No ifs, no buts, no lights (what he didnt have front lights ??) no excuses.. The songtaow stops the responsibility of the driver behind is to be a safe distance from it, and hitting a static vehicle is clear.

He was wrong.. And hence why his insurance will pay.


Am I missing something here or what ? A car brakes to turn right or for whatever reason and the car behind slams into it as they were either going to fast to stop or were not taking enough attention and you think they are the innocent party ? &lt;deleted&gt;!!!!

Regardless of whether the songtheau was registered the guy that ran into it is responsible for the damage. PERIOD!!!!

All those here saying it is just the Thai trying to cheat the Farang tell me that in the same scenario back home it would still be the guy who stopped and was hit fault ?

I know back in the UK that if you run into the back of a vehicle after failing to stop you are judged to be at fault and responsible for the accident and costs. Why should it be different here ?

Maybe the driver of the car that failed to stop in time needs to either slow down or take a lot more attention to the road next time !

Have you ever driven behind a songtaew...?

They are the most wreckless drivers of all.

If you are beside them on the left and they see a customer they will totally disregard you. As for just stopping dead with no indication that is their specialty.

Well done wifey!


Am I missing something here or what ? A car brakes to turn right or for whatever reason and the car behind slams into it as they were either going to fast to stop or were not taking enough attention and you think they are the innocent party ? &lt;deleted&gt;!!!!

Regardless of whether the songtheau was registered the guy that ran into it is responsible for the damage. PERIOD!!!!

All those here saying it is just the Thai trying to cheat the Farang tell me that in the same scenario back home it would still be the guy who stopped and was hit fault ?

I know back in the UK that if you run into the back of a vehicle after failing to stop you are judged to be at fault and responsible for the accident and costs. Why should it be different here ?

Maybe the driver of the car that failed to stop in time needs to either slow down or take a lot more attention to the road next time !

Actually I did overlook that part in favor of her taking the farangs side but in fact you're correct that no matter where the infraction, hitting someone from behind is supposed to be their fault (and technically is) but this is the only place I know of where that is in question especially if it is a motorcy that hits you..

Should have brake lights though and a registered vehicle carrying passengers, that's scary :shock1: ...


Have you ever driven behind a songtaew...?

They are the most wreckless drivers of all.

If you are beside them on the left and they see a customer they will totally disregard you. As for just stopping dead with no indication that is their specialty.


Some Thais have also told me to keep my bike far away from those red menaces.


Op you are right your wife is a Hero, Hats off to her on a job well done :jap:

On a sad but all but ture not to the post it just goes to show how bad racism really is here in Thailand. Just becuase a white guy crashed into this taxi driver, the guy just expects the farang to pay. No doubt there would have been threats to the Farang guy to.

Its also sad to say this Taxi driver is not alone 80 % of Thais would and will do the same if they have a crash with a Farang. If only we could ask the many Thai People who hate Farangs so much what we ever did wrong to them to begin with ..

But again it proves there are still some Thai's who dont hate farangs. Well done to your misses

I am far too much a coward to start a thread on this, but if I were a brave man, the title would be something like:

Thai People's Tolerance: It's a Wonder That They Don't Beat and/or Kill Several of Us Each and Every Day...

You see, I am originally from Appalachia (Isaan America). If farang equivalents (foreigners with much greater incomes/wealth) were to move into Appalachia, many of the Appalachian people would resent their farang presence greatly. Farangs would often be beaten and or killed. The Appalachians would consider it well within their rights to strip the farangs of their wealth using any means necessary. They would not, however, do this to their fellow Appalachians.

This is a thread about a traffic accident, and I won't hijack it. But I am truly surprised that you apparently have no idea why many Thai people might resent the farang presence. Not every place and not every people are as cosmopolitan as you. In truth, the Thai people are remarkably tolerant of the significant farang presence. Far more tolerant, I guarantee you, than the people of Appalachia would be in similar circumstances.


Op you are right your wife is a Hero, Hats off to her on a job well done :jap:

On a sad but all but ture not to the post it just goes to show how bad racism really is here in Thailand. Just becuase a white guy crashed into this taxi driver, the guy just expects the farang to pay. No doubt there would have been threats to the Farang guy to.

Its also sad to say this Taxi driver is not alone 80 % of Thais would and will do the same if they have a crash with a Farang. If only we could ask the many Thai People who hate Farangs so much what we ever did wrong to them to begin with ..

But again it proves there are still some Thai's who dont hate farangs. Well done to your misses

Since you quote the figure of 80% of thais in part of your reply, id be interested to know your opinion on the percentage of thais "who hate farangs SO much"???

Not that i am being a smart#rse or denouncing it or anything, just that i havent experienced any such blatant hatred on my own travels. Maybe yes for the usual tourist areas where dubious farangs run amuck, but not in the suburbs or quiet areas.

Granted, a few narrowminded Thais might think we are all crazy,bah,ting tong, stupid, drunkards and dirty smelling womanisers, but saying that most Thais hate farangs is a bit over the top isnt it?

Makes me wonder, If they hate us so much, why are whitening creams in such high demand? :blink:


Yes good for your wife to have a sense of honor and integrity and to step in and advocate for a stranger.. I'd be proud of her too and I hope the songtaew driver was cited for no registration of vehicle that transports passengers at a minimum..

I'll bet the farang driver was pretty stunned as well if he has been here for any amount of time.. I presume that he didn't speak Thai too well if at all?? Or was it her just taking the side of righteousness as well?

Songtaew probably owned by the BIB so no charges


Regardless of whether they had brake lights or not it is still the car that ran into the back of the vehicles fault. Who is to say there were no brake lights ? The car driver that ran into the one that stopped ? Having ran into the back of a vehicle at speed then the chances of the brake lights working after the impact are very slim. Saying the brake lights were not working must surely be the most used excuse for either driving too fast, not paying enough attention to the road or having poorly maintained brakes. As said in most countries the car that runs into the stationary vehicle would be to blame.

Except in Thailand where if it is a Farang to blame then it is always a scam / stitch up.

Ah... uma mulher com tomates!, as they say in Portugal (a woman with tomatos .... balls wink.gif)

Showing no "loyalty to her Thai bro..." , must have been very painfull for the songthaew driver...

I think your wife is one of the "new generation Thai"...

But I have to agree with H20Dunc... the fault is on them both actually...


Am I missing something here or what ? A car brakes to turn right and the car behind slams into it as they were either going to fast to stop or were not taking enough attention and you think they are the guilty party ? &lt;deleted&gt;!!!!

Regardless of whether the songtheau was registered the guy that ran into it is responsible for the damage. PERIOD!!!!

All those here saying it is just the Thai trying to cheat the Farang tell me that in the same scenario back home it would still be the guy who stopped and was hit fault ?

I know back in the UK that if you run into the back of a vehicle after failing to stop you are judged to be at fault and responsible for the accident and costs. Why should it be different here ?

Maybe the driver of the car that failed to stop in time needs to either slow down or take a lot more attention to the road next time !

H2oDunc .... Is it possibile that any 'great thai people of the greatest nation on earth Thailand' can do anything wrong in your eyes ?

If anyone posts anything even saying that a Thai person might be in the wrong you jump on them like they have insulted your own family.

I always wonder why they keep printing the I 'heart' Thailand t shirts...... Now i know you must buy loads of them everyday :whistling:

Lighten up abit and stop thinking Thai's are a superior race to us mere mortal Farangs. They are humans just like us.:jap:

I have to agree 100% with H2oDunc, it is common knowledge the car behind is always at fault. So because of the rantings of a fellow Thai, who by the way just managed to stop in time because she had better brakes that the unfortunate person doing the tailgating, this sorngteaw driver no longer has a vehicle to earn money to provide for his family.

Lets assume the sorngteaw drivers lights were faulty, seems the other persons brakes weren't the best either and above mentioned hero just managed to avoid a similar incident because also driving too close or were the farangs lights not working too?

As for defending the Thai's, good on you. I have never had a bad experience with a sorngteaw driver. Sure some won't pick you up because it's not the way they are going, but there are plenty more available.

Don't slam H2oDunc for having a positive attitude about the country he has selected to live in. Maybe you should be attacking the flock that herd together at the first opportunity of downing a Thai



Your last line of this post seems to show you are unaware. Do you know why they use whitening cream?


Op you are right your wife is a Hero, Hats off to her on a job well done :jap:

On a sad but all but ture not to the post it just goes to show how bad racism really is here in Thailand. Just becuase a white guy crashed into this taxi driver, the guy just expects the farang to pay. No doubt there would have been threats to the Farang guy to.

Its also sad to say this Taxi driver is not alone 80 % of Thais would and will do the same if they have a crash with a Farang. If only we could ask the many Thai People who hate Farangs so much what we ever did wrong to them to begin with ..

But again it proves there are still some Thai's who dont hate farangs. Well done to your misses

Since you quote the figure of 80% of thais in part of your reply, id be interested to know your opinion on the percentage of thais "who hate farangs SO much"???

Not that i am being a smart#rse or denouncing it or anything, just that i havent experienced any such blatant hatred on my own travels. Maybe yes for the usual tourist areas where dubious farangs run amuck, but not in the suburbs or quiet areas.

Granted, a few narrowminded Thais might think we are all crazy,bah,ting tong, stupid, drunkards and dirty smelling womanisers, but saying that most Thais hate farangs is a bit over the top isnt it?

Makes me wonder, If they hate us so much, why are whitening creams in such high demand? :blink:

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