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Perfect Diet ?


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Is there such a thing as'The Perfect Diet' ?

Recently, (this morning,actually ) my Doctor suggested that I should stop eating the rubbish I do eat and indulge in the prefect diet.

When I asked him what exactly that was he somewhat evasive and seemed to be saying ,'you'll know it when you find it '.

Sooo...my question is,

Does anyone know what the perfect diet is ?

What is your prefect ?


Is there such a thing as a perfect diet ?

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First tip is to eat only when you're hungry. Plenty of veg pulses grains that kind of stuff.....stick to white meat and avoid too much alcohol.

I'm off for some croissants now anyway....then a gallon of beer!

Good luck.


EDIT: Silly me I forgot to mention plenty of fruit and drink lots of water.

Edited by smokie36
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First tip is to eat only when you're hungry. Plenty of veg pulses grains that kind of stuff.....stick to white meat and avoid too much alcohol.

I'm off for some croissants now anyway....then a gallon of beer!

Good luck.


EDIT: Silly me I forgot to mention plenty of fruit and drink lots of water.

Gee thanks...........I think !

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Meat, vegetables and clean carbs. If you want to put on muscle then you'll have a calorie surplus, if you want to lose fat you'll have a calorie deficit and if you want to keep a stable weight then you'll meet your calorie requirement.

Salt, saturated fat, additives and a large calorie surplus are a bad diet.

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First tip is to eat only when you're hungry. Plenty of veg pulses grains that kind of stuff.....stick to white meat and avoid too much alcohol.

I'm off for some croissants now anyway....then a gallon of beer!

Good luck.


EDIT: Silly me I forgot to mention plenty of fruit and drink lots of water.

Gee thanks...........I think !

Steamed fish...half portions of rice....no need to thank me...just do some exercise as well. :D

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First tip is to eat only when you're hungry. Plenty of veg pulses grains that kind of stuff.....stick to white meat and avoid too much alcohol.

I'm off for some croissants now anyway....then a gallon of beer!

Good luck.


EDIT: Silly me I forgot to mention plenty of fruit and drink lots of water.

Go for the Mediterranean diet, it is healthy and supports longevity.

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This is not a "one size fits all" solution. We all have individual preferences and also metabolic pathways by which we metabolise and use foods. This is the origin of the "Blood group" diets but there is some truth in there.

The key most common issues: Avoid excess; eat when hungry and listen to your body; there are some physiological reasons for the various "urges" that pregnant women do get. Children eating dust or mud may have an underlying iron deficiency etc.

Avoid fad diets that usually requires excessive amounts of one type of food or food group only; keep it balanced.

So, there is no one perfect diet out there that is suitable for all; find your own..

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I'll tell you in about 3 months. I'm just starting one - not a diet but a healthy eating lifestyle of my own choice. Mainly veg, some fish, fruit and smaller portions. Of course it won't work without exercise. Maybe some, not much, a bit, of red wine. But seriously, beer is really the culprit for me, only because its available. I prefer wine - now that its cheaper in Thailand.

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I'll tell you in about 3 months. I'm just starting one - not a diet but a healthy eating lifestyle of my own choice. Mainly veg, some fish, fruit and smaller portions. Of course it won't work without exercise. Maybe some, not much, a bit, of red wine. But seriously, beer is really the culprit for me, only because its available. I prefer wine - now that its cheaper in Thailand.

Thanks Tim,

I look forward to your results.

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I would go with the blood type diet as a good starting point for diet.

You can a do a google and find out what are the most beneficial foods for your blood type.

YOu should also incorporate exercise in your diet.

Ideally you should consult a good naturopath to fine tune the diet according to your individual requirements.

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The best guide to what is good for you is your own body. Only you know that. However, there is more to food than just calories.

I would first ask how is your existing diet affecting you? Are you too fat? Too thin? Lacking energy? Is your mind 'cloudy'? Skin dry or oily? Do you have any digestive disorders? Food intolerances? Constipation, diarrhoea? Nails showing signs of malabsorption. Is your tongue heavily coated? Do you overeat? Eat after 6 pm? How much water do you drink?

Have you educated your palate to salivate over 'sweet', 'sour' and 'salty' and excluding 'bitter', 'hot' and astringent' tastes? Do you have any food cravings? 

You can have the best diet in the world but if you are unable to extract the nutrients due to some digestive issues, it's not going to help you much. If your food is 'dead', devoid of any enzymes, lacking nutrients because it's taken a week to get from the farm to your plate and industrialized, gassed and irradiated to the point that it's no longer recognizable as 'food', then stop eating it. The Supermarket is the last place I would buy food.

I like the Ayurvedic model of diet based on what are known as the 'doshas'. You can research this. Otherwise the principal of opposites can be helpful. i.e. If you are too fat, then adopt a reducing diet. If too thin, a nourishing diet. If you get too hot, then eat cooling foods. If too cold, then warming foods. Some types thrive on raw food, some don't.

If you want to pack nutrients into your diet then do a search for 'Superfoods'. Also consider juicing fresh veggies.

The Mediterranean Diet is said to be one of the best. Fresh, raw garlic. Cold pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil, lemon juice and vinegar dressings. These are all great for your health. There are other good diets though and Thai food is renowned for being healthy. Just try and use organic ingredients. 

Most importantly, when you alter your diet or lifestyle, don't rush at it. You will almost certainly fail. Introduce new food items gradually. You will have a greater chance of making changes permanent. 

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Don't forget the hinge-pin to eating healthy is also proper hydration.

Most do not drink the optimal amount of plain, unadulterated water, (coffee, tea, soda, booze, are not healthy analogs for water).

Water is essential in all metabolic functions from digestion, temperature regulation, nerve function, still most do not drink the recommended six glasses a day.

From curbing hunger to improving one's complexion, everything begins and ends with water.

In an era of energy drinks, designer soft drinks, endless coffee / tea variants, plain water can really be a refreshing delight.

... wow, what is this ?, it's thirst quenching, doesn't have an after taste, doesn't stain when spilled, I love this stuff, what is it again ? .. it's called water.

Edited by cobra
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Could rave on a bit, but, but shan't. Note that pork isn't white meat. Zinc, a must have [some soils have little] is found in red meat and one or three other foods. Excess water can kill you, but sufficient is vital. Salt is essential, but too much will kill you. Eat what you want, but have the occasional blood/BP test. Last but not least, was your question a serious one? If yes, then a naive one.

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Oh, forgot to mention: the Med'n diet is considered to be the best. don't think I indulged whilst actually in the Med'n, but here in Oz, where our lamb is top notch quality, it is pretty dammmnnn nice. Hey, what can be bad about a nice salad...along with some solid protein of course....

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Naive ??

Wow the last and only time I was that rude to somebody in this Forum,I got banned for a week.

Good luck and thanks for the advice.

Could rave on a bit, but, but shan't. Note that pork isn't white meat. Zinc, a must have [some soils have little] is found in red meat and one or three other foods. Excess water can kill you, but sufficient is vital. Salt is essential, but too much will kill you. Eat what you want, but have the occasional blood/BP test. Last but not least, was your question a serious one? If yes, then a naive one.

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Of course, it's necessary to cut back on the calorie intake but here is a very simply way to lose weight. This was recommended to me many years ago and when I finally got around to trying it, I was shocked at how fast and steady the weight came off. By walking, not running, a minimum of 45 minutes at a time, 6-7 days a week. You will lose weight. When a Doctor friend told me about this, I had a hard time believing that just walking would do anything. The key is to walk a minimum of 45 minutes and if you can, the longer, up to an hour and a half is better. If you jog or run, the results won't be the same. It's pretty boring if you're on a treadmill but give it a try. It takes about 3 or 4 days until you start noticing the weight coming off. Remember, walk don't run...... Sitting on a stationary bike, isn't the same. As far as diet, I try to have a large plate of fresh vegetables to munch on during the day and this seems to help. In fact, after a while, you get used to eating them and it really isn't that bad......

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