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Flaming Of Persons Is Getting Bad


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Well nice to see this topic has resonated solidly and also that it has remained quite civil and on topic.

Bravo to you all.

Well except those that went to far into mod issues or critiques... I missed them.

To one poster who thought I had been saying I was hacked, no that's not what I meant.

jdnasia We usually agree on much, but I think the report button is useful and not a weapon, ultimately it is the mods who must make the judgment calls on appropriateness. But because of work load, they ask to be pointed to things members believe are off the scale, or borderline. If they are pointed at something, and the reasoning given for why it's deemed bad, and act to remove it, then it helps stem the slippery slope we are on.

I have been personally flamed by the best flamers here,

it's not because they are making a point I give credence to that I object and report, but because of the sheer aggravation factor of it getting so far out of 'cuntrol' it takes way from the discussions of points between people who don't always agree, or even slightly, but make good points. By weighing many good points pro and con, you can then make a better informed decision on your personal beliefs on and issue. If you are not doing so, you do yourself an injustice, and proceeding further onward injustice to others. But the over wrought flame fests here distract from issues greatly and it seems obvious in many cases that is EXACTLY the point of the flames and tangents; stop discussion that might make their points be lost in the eyes of many others. .

Edited by animatic
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Well nice to see this topic has resonated solidly and also that it has remained quite civil and on topic.

Bravo to you all.

To one poster who thought I had been saying I was hacked, no that's not what I meant.

jdnasia We usually agree on much, but I think the report button is useful and not a weapon, ulimately it is the mods who must make the judgment calls on appropriateness. But because of work load, they ask to be pointed to things members believe are off the scale, or borderline. If they are pointed at something, and the reasoning given for why it's deemed bad, and act to remove it, then it helps stem the slippery slope we are on.

I have been personally flamed by the best flamers here,

it's not because they are making a point I give credence to that I object and report, but because of the sheer aggravation factor of it getting so far out of 'cuntrol' it takes way from the discussions of points between people who don't always agree, or even slightly, but make good points. By weighing many good points pro and con, you can then make a better informed decision on your personal beliefs on and issue. If you are not doing so, you do yourself an injustice, and proceeding further onward injustice to others. But the over wrought flame fests here distract from issues greatly and it seems obvious in many cases that is EXACTLY the point of the flames and tangents; stop discussion that might make their points be lost in the eyes of many others. .

As you know, I am a new mod. It has been quite interesting to see the nature of deleted posts. Some are absolutely crazy...and some are extremely rude. I recommend use of the report button...within limits. We have had users who flooded us with reports regarding one particular user. It's not a weapon, but a good tool to use. And IMHO, keeps you out of the mix. Let the mods deal with problem posters.

The mods really do try and keep the posts from going off topic. Especially since it is so easy to just open another topic if desired.

For sure it's a tough job...and many mods get flamed. But we do our best! ;)

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You should try sitting on the other side of the fence then you will know what personal insults are.

As far as ganging up is concerned, yep happens a lot especially from the Anti Thaksin members.

Or am I just being paranoid???????mmmmm could be.

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One of the reason for the increase in flaming is the World News political threads. The anarchist type posters that dominate it rarely post anything more than one line taunts or inaccurate propaganda from loony websites that add nothing to any discussion and do nothing but provoke anger.

They sometimes get thrown off, but since they seem to have numerous nicks and post exactly the same stuff it is hard to tell them apart when the return in ten minutes with another name and start up again.

At least when they were in Outside the Box, they had to have a bunch of posts before they could return. Their posts are so similar, I am really not so sure that it is not a single poster with a bunch of sign-in names. :blink:

Brilliant use of Irony

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One of the reason for the increase in flaming is the World News political threads. The anarchist type posters that dominate it rarely post anything more than one line taunts or inaccurate propaganda from loony websites that add nothing to any discussion and do nothing but provoke anger.

They sometimes get thrown off, but since they seem to have numerous nicks and post exactly the same stuff it is hard to tell them apart when the return in ten minutes with another name and start up again.

At least when they were in Outside the Box, they had to have a bunch of posts before they could return. Their posts are so similar, I am really not so sure that it is not a single poster with a bunch of sign-in names. :blink:

Brilliant use of Irony

:cheesy: :cheesy: Please both of you...Stop it! :cheesy:

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When somebody flames you a jerk or whatever when you stay in a bar or anywhere in real life you also go cry about with the police?

No, but its hard to knock someone on the arse in a respondant PM/post! The difference is that is someone came up and blatantly called my sister a prostitute in a completely out of context post (as happened to me a little while back - in a thread about businesses!) in a bar they would be expecting a response - it is baiting - and it takes some guts (I am not a small guy - such doesn't come my way often in person) - yet its easy to hide behind that pseudonym in a keyboard warrior (or KB Hooligan perhaps) when "guts" doesn't come in to it.

BTW I DID report it - after re-explaining myself several times only to be re-attacked for no reason, out of context and off-topic (as were a few others who came to my defence or tried to return the thread to form) - and also sent PMs to a TV admins, but never heard anything about it.

I think it has started to get better again now. There was a lot of new membership during the coloured shirt troubles, not all of it was people with interests to share I feel. A lot of the trash that swept in with the welcome new-blood has either been mollified or kicked into touch now it seems. So, keep it up Mods - but please remember if you want us to use the Report button and not get into a flaming war, then a reply such as "Looking in to it" and a follow up conclusion would be useful - otherwise it just looks like its lip service.

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The difference is that is someone came up and blatantly called my sister a prostitute in a completely out of context post (as happened to me a little while back - in a thread about businesses!)

BTW I DID report it - after re-explaining myself several times only to be re-attacked for no reason, out of context and off-topic (as were a few others who came to my defence or tried to return the thread to form) - and also sent PMs to a TV admins, but never heard anything about it.


I personally think it is wrong that you had no action taken regarding, not only the post but your reporting of it, but just one thing, are you sure they didn't do anything?

They sometimes sanction the flamer and not broadcast it and on other occasions edit posts against inflamatory rhethoric, it is unfair for them to inform each and every reporter, if they do, it slows their response to other reports.

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Portrait of a full time flamer.

They don't live in Thailand. They never post on any Thai concerned threads except politics. They never offer any information or assistance to people living in Thailand. They only post in Bedlam or World news or places where a topic can be connected to anti something sentiments.

Their complete reason for existence is to criticize. They rarely or never start threads because they don't have anything original to say.

Why they post on Thai Visa is a mystery to me. The only purpose they serve is to spew venom. Most of their posts are personal attacks or thinly veiled personal attacks.

Thank goodness they are few in number. Only five that I can think of. If you examine their posts over 70% are devoted to anti something statements.

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I'm not so sure about the "don't live in Thailand part" - I think that you are letting a lot of guilty parties off the hook - but the rest of what you said has merit for sure.

This is turning into an OTB thread.....but only for those of us who know how to climb out. How refreshing. :ermm:

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I'm not so sure about the "don't live in Thailand part" - I think that you are letting a lot of guilty parties off the hook - but the rest of what you said has merit for sure.

I thought about that. The full time flamers mostly concentrate on anti sex, anti old age, anti sex and anti old age, anti gay, anti Thai cities such as Pattaya and even certain streets in Pattaya, anti countries mostly confined to Thailand, Issan, Israel, and one other but the name escapes me now (old age, too much sex in Pattaya on Soi Bua Khow I guess). Anti women both Western and Thai. I'm sure I am forgetting some. Feel free to list them.

Anyway, I think most of the anti flames are founded in sexual frustration. For the life of me I can't see how a normal person would be frustrated living in Thailand, hence my assumption they must live outside of Thailand. If you go to a psychiatrist the first things he wants to talk about are mom and sex. I doubt if TV is ready my views on mothers and flaming so I will let that one pass.

Then, of course there are the anti, anti flame comments. I think those are founded in a complicated and deep seated neurosis. I'll let you know more about it as my shrink works his way through my latest sessions.

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You should try sitting on the other side of the fence then you will know what personal insults are.

As far as ganging up is concerned, yep happens a lot especially from the Anti Thaksin members.

Or am I just being paranoid???????mmmmm could be.

When you are ganged up on, do most give reasons as to why they are responding.

If you say something that a lot of people don't agree with, a lot of people will respond. As long as most of them give reasons (whether you agree with them or not) then you shouldn't really have an issue with it.

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Anyway, I think most of the anti flames are founded in sexual frustration. For the life of me I can't see how a normal person would be frustrated living in Thailand, hence my assumption they must live outside of Thailand.

This is very logical, but the members who post almost nothing that is not dripping in hate are far from "normal". These are people who have been rejects all of their lives and it does not matter where they hang their hat. :ermm:

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Just wanted to bump this with a question...

But the over wrought flame fests here distract from issues greatly and it seems obvious in many cases that is EXACTLY the point of the flames and tangents; stop discussion that might make their points be lost in the eyes of many others. .


About the tangent guys:

How is one supposed to respond when the same fellows continually post false claims under the guise of civility, taking threads and discussions way off tangent with endless completely outrageous assertions which cannot be allowed to stand uncorrected. There have been numerous examples where I, and many others, have responded with extensive submissions of evidence to correct all their false statements which they present as fact, of course; you can provide irrefutable evidence to disprove all their false assertions, jumping through their endless hoops with civility and patience, eventually correcting the record beyond all possible doubt.

And their response to your efforts to show them how they were 'misinformed'? Why, they simply ignore the information and evidence. They simply move on to a new thread, making the same false claims again trying to spin lies into truth, by virtue of 1000 repetitions. It makes me livid lol.

Clearly this is their agenda, obviously. But what options does one have to counter it?

I suspect it's likely fanciful to expect a moderation team to investigate this kind of behaviour, as it would require fairly extensive investigating, only for the guilty party to be sanctioned, and a new account opened up making the whole thing borderline pointless right...I admit I'm completely at a loss as to how to respond to this kind of propaganda or agenda posting...

Brilliant use of Irony

Not if you know what irony actually means. :whistling:

My mate tried to claim the other day that I was clueless when it comes to understanding irony.

Which was especially ironic because we were at a bus stop at the time.

Edited by TheyCallmeScooter
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Contrary to popular belief, the world won't end if everyone who posts something trollish, or offensive isn't answered. These people are trying to provoke you and you are simply delivering satisfaction to them by taking the bait.

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