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Garbage Burning... How To Make Them Change ?


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it's soooooooo annoying those villagers with their fire addiction, the garbage truck comes 2 times a week and it's free, what's the point ?

Seems even forbidden to make fires, and they haven't got a clue that they might be disturbing others...

What would you do, making flyers in their language, like with a text like this and mentioning the fact that it's forbidden (article?) en they can be fined ?

They've gotta learn something, some day !

Nuisance of neighbours

If you live close to other residential properties your garden burning may cause nuisance to your neighbours if the smoke drifts onto their property. That is just common sense and may be averted by not burning when there's either very little wind as the smoke may hang around unpleasantly, or when the existing wind blowing at the time causes smoke to enter other nearby properties.

Always be sensitive to the fact that for fabrics hanging to dry in a neighbor's garden only very short exposure to smoke might mean the clothing absorbs a smokey odor, and many some peoples's smell senses are highly tuned, and highly disgusted by these smells.

Medical effects

Air pollution particulates are a stress to the body in that they usually cause inflammation. Some people might get noticeable inflammation issues in the respiratory tract like sinus, lung etc but not necessarily. Inflammation in the cardio pulmonary system can be nearly silent. If someone has another inflammation issue seemingly distant to respiratory issues it could be related to stresses from air pollution. Other inflammations can occur in the digestive system, joints, nervous system, organs etc. Aging and health researchers speak of inflammation storms that arise from environmental and dietary stresses and the resulting cascading cellular damage in the body.

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it's soooooooo annoying those villagers with their fire addiction, the garbage truck comes 2 times a week and it's free, what's the point ?

Seems even forbidden to make fires, and they haven't got a clue that they might be disturbing others...

What would you do, making flyers in their language, like with a text like this and mentioning the fact that it's forbidden (article?) en they can be fined ?

They've gotta learn something, some day !

No they do not. I agree with caf

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Not a good idea. A flyer will antagonise. Either talk to them while smiling or just ignore. Confrontation or rationalising wont work

The flyer should be educational, with a request included and a hint that's they are actually breaching the law, a Thai translator knows the right words avoid the 'antagonizing factor' very well.

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Not a good idea. A flyer will antagonise. Either talk to them while smiling or just ignore. Confrontation or rationalising wont work

The flyer should be educational, with a request included and a hint that's they are actually breaching the law, a Thai translator knows the right words avoid the 'antagonizing factor' very well.

Well, if you make flyers I would make very sure that they are not linked to you or your household. If something comes from a foreigner's household, there are no words that avoid the 'antagonizing factor'.

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You're right to avoid the "antagonising factor"

But, "The flyer should be educational, with a request included and a hint that's they are actually breaching the law," is a western way of dealing with it maybe. This is Thailand.

Flers are sledgehamers to crack nuts. Do what the Thais do, smile and talk. Do it their way. This is Thailand, it's their country. Why confront with an "educational flyer"

And how laws are breached in Thailand is best left as another topic. There are diametrically different views on law and order.

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You're right to avoid the "antagonising factor"

But, "The flyer should be educational, with a request included and a hint that's they are actually breaching the law," is a western way of dealing with it maybe. This is Thailand.

Flers are sledgehamers to crack nuts. Do what the Thais do, smile and talk. Do it their way. This is Thailand, it's their country. Why confront with an "educational flyer"

And how laws are breached in Thailand is best left as another topic. There are diametrically different views on law and order.

I agree, keep calm, keep smiling - perhaps mention that you have a respiratory problem and would greatly appreciate their help......do NOT lose your temper, or you might find a dramatic increase in the burning!

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You're right to avoid the "antagonising factor"

But, "The flyer should be educational, with a request included and a hint that's they are actually breaching the law," is a western way of dealing with it maybe. This is Thailand.

Flers are sledgehamers to crack nuts. Do what the Thais do, smile and talk. Do it their way. This is Thailand, it's their country. Why confront with an "educational flyer"

And how laws are breached in Thailand is best left as another topic. There are diametrically different views on law and order.

I agree, keep calm, keep smiling - perhaps mention that you have a respiratory problem and would greatly appreciate their help......do NOT lose your temper, or you might find a dramatic increase in the burning!

Often I don't even know where the smoke is coming from, it's just hanging in the air.

My house is the old wooden type with holes everywhere, otherwise I would just close the windows.

I think it's just about time for them to become a bit more 'aware', but guess no change. they are all walking fossiles it's a real elderly village, lol. Maybe time to move to a clean 'muh ban', but I do like this house.

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Seems to me conversation with no blaming of wrong doing would be a good idea.

You could start off with Some thing like this. I find that every time I lite a fire my eyes burn. Or some thing of the sort.

Nothing like a nice ride in the country side to the smell of burning garbage.

This is a big problem in Thailand and it is going to take some innovative measures to stop it. It is not going to b by shamming them.

Some thing like sizable fines. That is provided they are given a guaranteed disposal that will not inconvenience them.:jap:

Just one idea.

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Seems to me conversation with no blaming of wrong doing would be a good idea.

You could start off with Some thing like this. I find that every time I lite a fire my eyes burn. Or some thing of the sort.

Nothing like a nice ride in the country side to the smell of burning garbage.

This is a big problem in Thailand and it is going to take some innovative measures to stop it. It is not going to b by shamming them.

Some thing like sizable fines. That is provided they are given a guaranteed disposal that will not inconvenience them.:jap:

Just one idea.

I am almost sure that the option of 'anonymous reporters get a reward paid from the fine the burner paid' works very well ! :lol:

Like the new project in Sweden, people who don't drive over the speed limit get a bonus paid with the fines of the speeders, money works !

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If you're out of town a quick word (accompanied by a bottle of something) to the local headman will normally do the trick. Need to do your homework as to who really wields some power in the specific locale, but probably the pooyai bahn.

Make sure its not him doing the burning first. :whistling:

But for smoke hanging in the air with no obvious offender a bit more difficult.

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The thread title " How to make them change" sounds a bit patronising.

Whose country is this?

With attitudes like that and suggesting circulating flyers then no wonder farnags can have problems here with integrating with thais

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The bigger question would be... Is Thai culture at it's pinnacle of evolution? or can it further change for the better?

In the past there have been all sorts of behaviors like defecating in the drinking water, growing opium and selling children that has given ways to more "evolved" behaviors. Okay those behaviors still occur but with a lot less frequency per capita.

If one thinks this is as good as it gets in Northern Thailand then don't bother considering the challenge..

I don't have the answers but with history as guide I doubt burning will be acceptable or that common in 25 years in Northern Thailand. If it still is the norm then good luck to Thailand because it's going to be all the more undesirable compared to other more "Green" and healthy locations.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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Seems to me conversation with no blaming of wrong doing would be a good idea.

You could start off with Some thing like this. I find that every time I lite a fire my eyes burn. Or some thing of the sort.

Nothing like a nice ride in the country side to the smell of burning garbage.

This is a big problem in Thailand and it is going to take some innovative measures to stop it. It is not going to b by shamming them.

Some thing like sizable fines. That is provided they are given a guaranteed disposal that will not inconvenience them.:jap:

Just one idea.

I am almost sure that the option of 'anonymous reporters get a reward paid from the fine the burner paid' works very well ! :lol:

Like the new project in Sweden, people who don't drive over the speed limit get a bonus paid with the fines of the speeders, money works !

That would help. Make one neighbor richer. Not to much towards good neighbor though. On the other hand He would still look good and that is important here in Thailand.:D

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The bigger question would be... Is Thai culture at it's pinnacle of evolution? or can it further change for the better?

In the past there have been all sorts of behaviors like defecating in the drinking water, growing opium and selling children that has given ways to more "evolved" behaviors. Okay those behaviors still occur but with a lot less frequency per capita.

If one thinks this is as good as it gets in Northern Thailand then don't bother considering the challenge..

I don't have the answers but with history as guide I doubt burning will be acceptable or that common in 25 years in Northern Thailand. If it still is the norm then good luck to Thailand because it's going to be all the more undesirable compared to other more "Green" and healthy locations.

Why will it change in 25 years time? In an intensely nationalistic country the thais arent too bothered about it being a healthy destination

Edited by caf
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This is a losing battle. It won't change in our life time. I believe the only way is though education, and that's the Governments department. I've given up, well I still curse and my wife agrees, but this is Asia and it's part of their culture.

Very good point and observation. Tell a few more expats.

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This is a losing battle. It won't change in our life time. I believe the only way is though education, and that's the Governments department. I've given up, well I still curse and my wife agrees, but this is Asia and it's part of their culture.

Very good point and observation. Tell a few more expats.

Technically it is part of my culture. Since I have made a choice to live here. Completely different from the culture I come from. But then again if it wasn't I would have not moved here.B)

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