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Thai woman kills self during Internet broadcast in front of boyfriend, others

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Overreaction was one of Seneca's hot buttons. We should expect bad things to happen.

But I shall come with you before an arbiter, and this will be the question at issue between us - whether grief ought to be deep or neverending.

Seneca to Marcia regarding her 3 plus years of greiving to the loss of her son before the age of 25.

Its good to have deep feelings but they need not result is such extreme measures.

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So sad. No man is worth killing yourself over. (Or no woman, for that matter)

Death never solves anything. But in any event, may she rest in peace. A truly sad story in deed.

Solves Life? And by the way, why is 'hanging oneself the offing oneself of choice ANYWHERE in SE Asia? What with all the over-the-counters and guns freely available here?


Poor girl, that's just awful. Someone really needs to try to educate Thai women to take it down a notch... i realize it's a generalization, but they're some of the most fiery-hearted, vengeful people I've met and the culture seems to aggrandize the 'crazy girl' mentality. It's not romantic, or charmingly tragic, period. Of course who knows what motivated this girl to do what she did, and of course it happens all over the world, but I can't help but blame society a little bit.

Come on! Aren't you just looking to feel disassociated from this disturbing event? After all, aren't you and she part of the Thai society that you blame?


I have dealt with suicidal people on a very personal level more than once. Typically, those who threaten suicide are either crying for help, are just plain selfish or a combination of both. But when they actually carry out the deed, it leaves behind many scars on many people. Nobody wins with a "successful" suicide attempt. Well, Hitler would be one glaring exception.


It'd be nice to see members express opinions without feeling the need to trade insults and accusations. Extremely tedious .

Welcome to the internet

I have dealt with suicidal people on a very personal level more than once. Typically, those who threaten suicide are either crying for help, are just plain selfish or a combination of both. But when they actually carry out the deed, it leaves behind many scars on many people. Nobody wins with a "successful" suicide attempt. Well, Hitler would be one glaring exception.

I have come across people with your "suicide is selfish" mindset. The selfish ones usually being you. A loved one in pain, ignored until they kill them self? How selfish of them! and of course it normally leaves scars on their uncaring family which only starts showing any interest until things get serious.

The suicide is selfish crowd really are hypocrites.


This kind of suicide is pretty common in Japan. If you live there, you will realize it is just a regular news report

I think you would sing a different tune if you actually knew her. Having lived in Korea, I know it is common. There was a special on CNN not long ago. Maybe you should try to be more sensitive.

Dearest smileplur, please don't keep referring innuendo about your relationship with this tragic soul unless you care to elaborate. It is in extremely poor taste given the circumstances i.e. zip it. You have had you minute of notoriety! Name dropping under the circumstances is most inappropriate. mad.gif


This is scary to think that the net can now be used for such dramatic instances like this. I hope there aren't copy cats after this one, although there probably will be.

This takes us to a new level of social networking.


This kind of suicide is pretty common in Japan. If you live there, you will realize it is just a regular news report

Wow?? thanks for telling. I was not sure about the fan who was falling in love with Jackie Chan. She found out that Mr. Chan is married then she killed herself so the producer and production company wowed not to tell and the girl was from Japan. I overheard about 3 Japanese Fans killed themselves over this Star. and not sure is it true? or it is promotion for the Movies. Feel free to inject my opinion. Thanks.

Yeah but she is Thai girl, not Japanese. This is very uncomon for Thai girls to do such a horible thing

It wasn't that long ago that a young woman jumped off a condo near Saphan Thaksin for the same reason (boyfriend wanting to break up). Unfortunately, people from pretty much any nation can take their lives for such senseless reasons.

My own sister tried to take her life when she was young, and she very nearly succeeded. While recovering at the hospital, she started therapy, and within a short period of time, was beyond contemplating suicide. Now she is in her 50's, has two lovely daughters and a loving husband.


It'd be nice to see members express opinions without feeling the need to trade insults and accusations. Extremely tedious .

Welcome to the internet

I have dealt with suicidal people on a very personal level more than once. Typically, those who threaten suicide are either crying for help, are just plain selfish or a combination of both. But when they actually carry out the deed, it leaves behind many scars on many people. Nobody wins with a "successful" suicide attempt. Well, Hitler would be one glaring exception.

I have come across people with your "suicide is selfish" mindset. The selfish ones usually being you. A loved one in pain, ignored until they kill them self? How selfish of them! and of course it normally leaves scars on their uncaring family which only starts showing any interest until things get serious.

The suicide is selfish crowd really are hypocrites.

Call me all the names you want. I am telling the brutal truth of the matter. There are people who if they don't get what they want will go to extremes to extract it from others. I've known more than one woman who did exactly that. And if you read my post more thoroughly, I stated CLEARLY that not all people threaten/commit suicide out of selfishness. The sad fact is, some of them do.


If I may offer a slightly Buddhist perspective: by clinging to life so dearly, as manifested in desperately avoiding death and reacting in horror when it happens prematurely, we in a way stifle life. The reason we remember being so lighthearted and free as very young children is because the artificial concept of death had not been fabricated in our minds yet, and life was not structured in the continuum of time with a definitive ending-point at death. While suicide is deeply regrettable, we must not view it as profound tragedy, lest we reinforce the mindset which made it happen in the first place.


If I may offer a slightly Buddhist perspective: by clinging to life so dearly, as manifested in desperately avoiding death and reacting in horror when it happens prematurely, we in a way stifle life. The reason we remember being so lighthearted and free as very young children is because the artificial concept of death had not been fabricated in our minds yet, and life was not structured in the continuum of time with a definitive ending-point at death. While suicide is deeply regrettable, we must not view it as profound tragedy, lest we reinforce the mindset which made it happen in the first place.

Death is an "artificial concept" that has been "fabricated in our minds"? What do you mean by that?

The only reason why kids don't focus on death is because it seems too far away to be worth considering. This is not as good a mind set as you obviously think. Plenty of young people write themselves off prematurely by being totally careless. One good example is riding motorcycles fast and dangerously.


Sadly, I knew this woman. There is more to the story than meets the eye. Unfortunately, I haven't been in touch with her for a while. I am deeply saddened by this. I saw the report in Thai before it came here. It is a tragic story.

I'm sure there is.

Maybe there is and maybe not. There is a report in Thai Rath and other Thai papers from the same source with more details and, of course, a photograph. According to the report, the deceased's Thai boyfriend, Mr Theerawat J, went to the scene of the suicide and was interviewed by police. He said that he and Ms Nichakorn had been going steady until three years ago when she got a job that involved her travelling back and forth regularly between Thailand and Holland. Mr Theerawat told police that, after Ms Nichakorn had been doing this work for a while, he found out that she had a new Dutch boyfriend in Holland. He broke off the relationship and had no further contact with her until last month when she came back from Holland and rented the room where she died. Ms Nichakorn got in touch with him again and told him she wanted to get back together with him. They started seeing each other again but Mr Theerawat said he noticed that Ms Nichakorn had changed and become very tense and irritable. Then last week she told him and that her Dutch boyfriend had got in touch with her asking to get back together again and they had a heated argument. Mr Theerawat said he was uncomfortable about renewing the contact with Ms Nichakorn as he already had a steady girlfriend. After they talked on Camfrog and Ms Nichakorn complained bitterly about her farang boyfriend again, he told her he had decided that he had to stop seeing her. Ms Nichakorn then told him that he was the only reason that she was still alive but he didn't imagine that she was going to take her life like that.

The police seem to have concluded that this was an open and shut case of lovelorn suicide but Mr Theerawat's statement seems to suggest that the deceased was implicated in some illegal business in Holland with a Thai connection that the Thai police seem uninterested in investigating. There are not many legal businesses that recruit an unqualified 20 year old Thai woman to work in Holland with regular trips back home. Only illegal businesses like prostitution and drug trafficking come to mind and whoever she worked for may have a criminal network in Thailand that recruited her and is possibly recruiting other Thai women to be trafficked as prostitutes or as drug mules without caring if their young lives end up ruined as a result. The fact that she had become extremely tense and desperately tried to get back with her Thai boyfriend, whom she had apparently broken up with a long time ago, and was seemingly being pursued by a Dutch boyfriend (or minder) suggests that she was trying to escape the Dutch business and stay in Thailand but wasn't being allowed to get away. At any rate, it seems quite likely that she was put under a great deal of pressure by the Dutch part of her life and that Mr Theerawat, if he is to be believed, had not so much broken up with her but told her they couldn't get back together because they were both involved with some one else and could no longer turn back the clock.

Over to you Andrew.


... Suicide is the end game of severe depression and unless the underlying causes of that depression are identified and addressed the victim will normally find a way to carry it out. ...


When suicide is on the table as a possible option or solution to an issue, rational thought is already out the window.

Threats of suicide or inclinations must always be taken seriously, even if it seems unlikely.

Though the pain may be lifted by the death of one thru suicide, it's just beginning for others who were close or in association with the deceased, as guilt, remorse and sadness stay with them for years to come.



If I may offer a slightly Buddhist perspective: by clinging to life so dearly, as manifested in desperately avoiding death and reacting in horror when it happens prematurely, we in a way stifle life. The reason we remember being so lighthearted and free as very young children is because the artificial concept of death had not been fabricated in our minds yet, and life was not structured in the continuum of time with a definitive ending-point at death. While suicide is deeply regrettable, we must not view it as profound tragedy, lest we reinforce the mindset which made it happen in the first place.

congrats. albeit a late entry, but now the front runner for the most idiotic post of the year for the entire internet. well done.

the reason young kids start smoking, drive fast, take drugs, sex w/out condoms is the sense of invincibility. all this is good?

if you truly think death is an artificial concept....

1. watch someone die. it's pretty real up close

2. i'm envious (seriously). if you believe the complete end of your existence is artificial, then good on you; as your fooled enough by religion to think you're more important after death than a mosquito, plant or any other living being that dies and that's the end of everything. me, i worry about death. not because i think i'm important, but because i like existing and the thought of not existing for eternity is a horrific reality.

probably should not have put #2 as the religious debate with ensue, so just focus on the rest to attempt to understand how naive and wrong thinking your post was.

good luck in the contest. i'm sure you'll win...

as to this poor heart broken girl... to me this is very sad. very sad indeed.


Several posters have commented that suicide is a selfish act, and I've heard homicide detectives say that also.

Well certainly it's dramatic, but selfish ?

I assume they're alluding to the point that when you take your life, your not thinking about the impact to others, but how is that selfish ?

Now we all know people that for whatever reason are or come to be petty, spiteful and even vengeful, who in their pain and contemplation of suicide know full well that it will negatively impact and hurt others, and may actively seek that final result.

Out of pain, pride, and the irrationality of it all may come, ... I'll show them , you caused this, you all will be sorry, etc.

It's not unrealistic to assume many are thinking this and fully intend to lash out beyond the grave.

The majority I think are just so wounded, distraught and in a crisis spiral, that any real rational thought of consequences is just not possible.


Maybe there is and maybe not. There is a report in Thai Rath and other Thai papers from the same source with more details

Thanks for posting this information here... much more valuable than an "I know but am not telling" post...

Seems like she was laying her ability on getting out of a life she didn't want on a Thai guy, and when that didn't pan out, she could see any other options...

Maybe it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, but when the temporary problem is extremely grave, the solution might seem workable... I can not understand the drive to do it on a webcam, other than a hope that she would be 'saved' and have demonstrated the 'seriousness' of her feelings...

To me this seems like a case of a cry for help gone too far...



If I may offer a slightly Buddhist perspective: by clinging to life so dearly, as manifested in desperately avoiding death and reacting in horror when it happens prematurely, we in a way stifle life. The reason we remember being so lighthearted and free as very young children is because the artificial concept of death had not been fabricated in our minds yet, and life was not structured in the continuum of time with a definitive ending-point at death. While suicide is deeply regrettable, we must not view it as profound tragedy, lest we reinforce the mindset which made it happen in the first place.

One of the least attractive aspects of the religious - and that's saying something - is their deeply unpleasant habit of turning a tragedy into an excuse for a sermon.


Sad to hear of the girl's death.

Life is full of ups and downs.

Most of us have had a heart break or two in our lives but we haven't killed ourselves.

I think she must have been mentally unstable.(sadly)

We move on, we get on with life.


So sad. No man is worth killing yourself over. (Or no woman, for that matter)

I agreed, love is good and bad at the same time!:jap:

I hope you mean it as a joke. Love is ALWAYS good. Bad is selfishness, possessiveness and attachment that create pain but many take for love.


Poor kid. If only she realised she could have another 40+ years of relationships ahead and that she was bound to find some really meaningful ones amongst those. Life can suck when your young. Condolences to all involved, including those traumatised by watching a live death.


Poor girl, that's just awful. Someone really needs to try to educate Thai women to take it down a notch... i realize it's a generalization, but they're some of the most fiery-hearted, vengeful people I've met and the culture seems to aggrandize the 'crazy girl' mentality. It's not romantic, or charmingly tragic, period. Of course who knows what motivated this girl to do what she did, and of course it happens all over the world, but I can't help but blame society a little bit.

YOu know nothing about Thai. We have education. Not every Thai girls want to do this. Don't complian without the fact.


Truely sad news. I know a lot of people are scorned by ex lovers but to go to this extreem to get back at them is bazar. My condolences to the girl and her family.


Thanks for all your facts? and figures, with the amount of empathy you have for others, im lucky not knowing you.

The feeling is reciprocated and with your tiny sprinkling of uninformed, poorly written posts it is fortunate that we are unlikely to encounter you here too often. I hope that TV will remain a forum for people who wish to find accurate information and lively informed discussion about Thailand, rather than a place for people to exercise flabby intellects which they can do on their Facebook or Hi5 pages. If you look closely you will find that I have also translated excerpts from the Thai Rath article on this tragic occurrence which provides some important details on this story that were not mentioned in the account posted by the OP sourced from English language media. I will respect your views more, if you can provide some useful angles and insights on Thailand.


I can not find this story in the news of the Bangkok Post.

Not today and even not yesterday... :ermm:

Well I saw it and it was there yesterday. Maybe my copy of the Post was a 'special edition'


A post with a link to Bangkok Post has been removed as per:

31) All members are not allowed to quote news articles or material from bangkokpost.com or phuketwan inside topics on thaivisa.com. Posts containing quotes will be deleted from the forum. Links referring back to the sites are also not allowed and will be deleted.


"The mental health expert said she did not think Nichakorn had a mental problem. She just wanted to share her agony with her peers in the chatroom." From the BP article. Whilst I'm no expert, the young lady surely must have been having severe mental health problems to commit suicide?

May she Rest In Peace.


I think there may be some cultural/religious influences at work here also. Buddhists believe in reincarnation. Therefore if this life isn't working out for you, just pull the plug and try again next round. It's a crude way of putting it, I know, but you get the point. I think suicide is bad karma, though, so you would suffer a demotion in status, maybe coming back as an animal or something, of if you are a man, you might come back as a woman.

Your post is insane. :jap:


I think there may be some cultural/religious influences at work here also. Buddhists believe in reincarnation. Therefore if this life isn't working out for you, just pull the plug and try again next round. It's a crude way of putting it, I know, but you get the point. I think suicide is bad karma, though, so you would suffer a demotion in status, maybe coming back as an animal or something, of if you are a man, you might come back as a woman.

Your post is insane. :jap:

Not at all. People who believe in reincarnation more easily commit suicide.

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