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HIV Positive Man On Trial For Sex With Thai Child Prostitutes

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HIV positive man on trial for sex with Thai child prostitutes

Lueneburg, Germany - An HIV-positive former German musician went on trial in Germany on Monday, charged with abusing seven children and 23 youths in Thailand.

The 65-year-old former member of 1980s folk music group Godewind is accused of 403 cases of unprotected sex with child prostitutes, despite knowing he was HIV positive.

Due to his HIV status, which he allegedly did not reveal, the man is also accused of attempting to infect his victims.

The charges relate to events that occurred between May 2005 and November 2009 in the Thai resort town of Pattaya, a common destination for sex tourists.

The suspect was arrested on his return to Germany in December 2009, after police in Thailand found child pornographic material in his Pattaya accommodation.

A subsequent search of the man's apartment in the northern German city of Celle revealed more evidence, including 140 video tapes, the court heard. The opening sequence of one video tape, shot in Thailand, already showed the suspect with a girl, the lead investigator said.

Story continues: http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/europe/news/article_1603784.php/HIV-positive-man-on-trial-for-sex-with-Thai-child-prostitutes

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This man knew he had HIV/AIDS. He had sex with young child prostitutes. This man has no soul, no ethics, no morality, no sense of life or cares for life of the others. He has in effect given these children a very painful death sentence. Taking medicines for the rest of their remaining lives, spending long periods in hospital wards, being denied a life. Though, many would consider the children are from Pattaya, not more than cattle to people like this man.

I do know a young man who at an early age had sex with a person like the accused. Now, he is cursed to daily regiments of pills, doctors visits, psychological issues, knowing his life is shortened.

What should be his sentence / punishment? My heart says to kill the man in the most cruel and harshest way. I would say, take his medicines from him and put him in an HIV/AIDS hospice and let him watch the cruelty of the disease in another person’s life.


I do know a young man who at an early age had sex with a person like the accused. Now, he is cursed to daily regiments of pills, doctors visits, psychological issues, knowing his life is shortened.

The children that this maggot infected would probably not even be able to afford that medicine. :annoyed:


This bastard will not get more than 4 years prisontime and after 1,5 years he will go to therapy and after this enjoying his life on his retiremnet money....i saw this many time in prison while i did some time back when i was young(ganja ;-)).

I got caught with 1 kilo of ganja and got 2,5 years,the guy in the other cell <deleted>.... his OWN 3 children and got teh same time,but after 9 month he already went to therapy!

Germany s law system is a joke!!

He is goin to have a few hard weeks when he goes to prison and after that he will be in a cell block with only sex offenders and will stay completly anharmed there by other prisoners and will get the best jobs in prison!!!Germany s prison system is protecting child molesters!!!

He should get the death penalty,cause he already judged this poor children with the death penalty,but at least they should castrate this son of a bi...!



perversion at its worst, I honestly think he should be tried here and spend alot of time in a crowded jail cell here..


"I got caught with 1 kilo of ganja and got 2,5 years"

"Germany s law system is a joke!!"

Compared to Singapore's!

Yeah,but in singapore i wouldnt have done it!! ;-)

Dont do the crime if you cant do the time.

I always was aware of what could happen,and after it happened i never did it again,

I just wanted to make clear,that a little bit ganja sold to grown up every day smokers (from lawyers to policemen!!)is the same than <deleted>.... children...

That cant be wright,or??


And now maybe some people will appreciate why the women in the Julian Wikileaks Assange case wanted him to be tested for communicable diseases subsequent to his not using a condom. Although, the case in this thread involves a known HIV carrier, and child sex workers the situation parallels cases where sex partners have to deal with the stress of not knowing what their partner's status was.

Flame away.


great publicity for the country

He is clearly an evil bast*rd - I hope someone sorts him out to save the waste of money in a trial.

The story does seem to have a few strange facts in it - 10,000 Germans go abroad to have sex with children per year - and half of all child prostitutes have HIV. I wonder how much investigation went into researching these numbers.


Hard to imagine a more heinous crime. At least he's been tried in Germany where you can believe he is guilty if he is found guilty by the court. There's a danger that the perpetrators of heinous crimes are immediately found guilty before any trial and in Thailand, many convictions are not necessarily safe. I just wonder, even in this monstrous case, if money could have bought him off in Thailand. I shudder to think that it could have done.


Absolutely. Agents are employed by anyone interested in sex with a child in Thailand. Child sex is not readily available in Thailand as this article seems to indicate. The other statistics are bullshit and misleading. The agencies who try to compile statistics on HIV infection in child prostitutes in SE Asia have a vested interest in inflating the figures. Shocking statistics are what they live off. The statistics lump Thailand together with Cambodia and Vietnam; the two later places having high indigenous use of children as prostitutes, especially in Cambodia. Despite what this terrifying story seems to suggest, HIV prevalence and infection in SE Asia has little to do with Western men.

"Hard to imagine a more heinous crime."

hard, agreed but they were marketed by someone

would not be suprised if it wasn't a relative


This is truely disgusting that this person could knowingly do this to children. There is no punishment that could fit this crime. So many people on here criticised the actions of the Greyman to protect children from these sort of people and openly defended the rights of these sort of people to have sex with children. What do they say now that so many young lives have been destroyed.


This is truely disgusting that this person could knowingly do this to children. There is no punishment that could fit this crime. So many people on here criticised the actions of the Greyman to protect children from these sort of people and openly defended the rights of these sort of people to have sex with children. What do they say now that so many young lives have been destroyed.

Back up a bit. I think I recall the greyman thread which I followed with admiration for their work. There were indeed posters question the effectiveness of their methods which is their right. I read not a single post were anyone defended or hinted at the right of an adult to sexually abuse a child.


This man knew he had HIV/AIDS. He had sex with young child prostitutes. This man has no soul, no ethics, no morality, no sense of life or cares for life of the others. He has in effect given these children a very painful death sentence. Taking medicines for the rest of their remaining lives, spending long periods in hospital wards, being denied a life. Though, many would consider the children are from Pattaya, not more than cattle to people like this man.

I do know a young man who at an early age had sex with a person like the accused. Now, he is cursed to daily regiments of pills, doctors visits, psychological issues, knowing his life is shortened.

What should be his sentence / punishment? My heart says to kill the man in the most cruel and harshest way. I would say, take his medicines from him and put him in an HIV/AIDS hospice and let him watch the cruelty of the disease in another person's life.

When are men in Thailand and from all over the World being under the regular obligation to have blood tests as so many Thai working women are submitted to for God sake.

Enough is enough are we all mad ?


What should be his sentence / punishment? My heart says to kill the man in the most cruel and harshest way. I would say, take his medicines from him and put him in an HIV/AIDS hospice and let him watch the cruelty of the disease in another person’s life.

One is forced to assume from your nickname that you are probably from the Middle East. It is indeed one of the great joys of being a member of the world family that people such as yourself have a place to write such things. Likewise, it is the downfall of those like you, who share your "old Testament" views of crime and punishment, that in your own country, expressing a position which runs counter to that of your government/theocracy, could well land you in some trouble. So I guess a vote of thanks is due Thai Visa, for allowing you to write such things, and then to have them available to be read by the thinking public.

Judgement belongs to God and the courts, not to people like you. Have an opinion, express it by all means, and having expressed it thank people like Thai Visa for allowing you to do so, then climb back in the box and be quiet.


This is truely disgusting that this person could knowingly do this to children. There is no punishment that could fit this crime. So many people on here criticised the actions of the Greyman to protect children from these sort of people and openly defended the rights of these sort of people to have sex with children. What do they say now that so many young lives have been destroyed.

From where did you dredge that?

Perhaps a little too much turps when reading Thai Visa?


"It is hard to estimate how many so-called sex tourists there are, but the charity Terre des Hommes estimates that around 10,000 Germans travel annually to have sex with minors. "

This seems a large number, surly not?

The charges relate to events that occurred between May 2005 and November 2009 in the Thai resort town of Pattaya, a common destination for sex tourists.The suspect was arrested on his return to Germany in December 2009, after police in Thailand found child pornographic material in his Pattaya accommodation.

No mention of what prompted the boys in brown to go search his apartment in Pattaya. Makes you wonder whether they knew about this guy some time ago, but didn't take any action for whatever reason.


How frequently do detractors (that means some of the above posters) get checked for HIV, how often do posters, married to Thai's locally or not, have unprotected sex with "casual" acquaintances? Much foaming methinks but mostly of the herd variety.


What should be his sentence / punishment? My heart says to kill the man in the most cruel and harshest way. I would say, take his medicines from him and put him in an HIV/AIDS hospice and let him watch the cruelty of the disease in another person's life.

One is forced to assume from your nickname that you are probably from the Middle East. It is indeed one of the great joys of being a member of the world family that people such as yourself have a place to write such things. Likewise, it is the downfall of those like you, who share your "old Testament" views of crime and punishment, that in your own country, expressing a position which runs counter to that of your government/theocracy, could well land you in some trouble. So I guess a vote of thanks is due Thai Visa, for allowing you to write such things, and then to have them available to be read by the thinking public.

Judgement belongs to God and the courts, not to people like you. Have an opinion, express it by all means, and having expressed it thank people like Thai Visa for allowing you to do so, then climb back in the box and be quiet.

What do you suggest he get because he simply forgot he had aids and he thought the kiddies were in thier 40's Are you suggesting society give him a pat on the back, a new house, car and an all expenses paid holiday to a sin city of his choice with all the kids he wants? Can't you even fathom what this man has done it is absolutely dispicable.


Hard to imagine a more heinous crime. At least he's been tried in Germany where you can believe he is guilty if he is found guilty by the court. There's a danger that the perpetrators of heinous crimes are immediately found guilty before any trial and in Thailand, many convictions are not necessarily safe. I just wonder, even in this monstrous case, if money could have bought him off in Thailand. I shudder to think that it could have done.

Agreed, this man is a sick pervert, cares only for selfsatisfaction. -- excitement-----maybe power feeling over the innocent, and theres a lot more out there that are evading the stick..........if he,s lucky there could be a GLITTER of hope for him


great publicity for the country

Was that Germany or Thailand?

former member of 1980s folk music group Godewind they are on youtube. I would have never come across their artistic output.


Gee, and here I thought that prostitution was illegal in Thailand. :rolleyes:

Now they have 403 documented cases of this man having sex with not only prostitutes, but under-age ho's at that. What is the world coming to!

Now, is there any wonder why Thailand is viewed as the world's largest whore-house? Forget the media campaigns, lets just market the country for what it is.


perversion at its worst, I honestly think he should be tried here and spend alot of time in a crowded jail cell here..

Thailand should be like Malaysia. They have caning there. Perverts like him could be given a good caning and then locked up for life with out there ba ls. To bad Thailand can't bring him back to Thailand.:(


In my understanding of law, this is premeditated (remorseless) thus constitutes an act of (future) murder. There have been trials, convictions and death penalties dished out for this. This guy is obviously very mentally disturbed thus should be terminated with extreme prejudice ASAP but wouldn't it be nice to leave him in a leper colony and allow them to infect him and offer him a slow decaying death in isolation - poetic justice.

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