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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested in London


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:Quite simply they have and to use use an old Frankie Howard expression ...."Infamy"....they have in this case got it in for him... :ph34r::unsure:

All that "special relationship" krup between the US and UK has been well and trully de-bunked and "they" dont like it ......look stupid.. doncha... spent all these years conning the public/subjects/citizens......and all for what...Specoial relationship my glutus mag.... :blink::D

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The Australian foreign minister (ex prime minister) said this morning that Assange has asked for consular assistance and will be given every assistance as per any Aus citizen arrested overseas. He was also asked about the damage of the leaks and he said that it is really water off a ducks back.

As for the charges in Sweden, I didn't really expect a low level judge to grant him bail in such a high profile case. They often do it that way, refuse bail then the person applies to a higher court for bail.

Seems the girls who made the complaint didn't actually make a complaint in the first instance. One of them is said to have gone to the police station to ask if he had broken any laws by not wearing the condom. She left it at that. Then later went a made a formal complaint. The women are also said to be serial celebrity hunters and often boast of their bedding exploits.

I wonder how much they will get for their stories?

The chief prosecutor withdrew all charges. Then a politician got involved and insisted the charges be re instated and appointed a lower level prosecutor to deal with it.

Ahhh the joys of political interference.

In reality, the charges are a mountain out of a molehill. The leaks will continue to come whether Assange is in the big house or not. Bring on the UFO's.

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Yet another nail in the coffin of what passes for the freedom we think we currently have. Bilderberg rules

One of the women accusing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of sex crimes appears to have worked with a group that has connections to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

James D. Catlin, a lawyer who recently represented Assange, said the sex assault investigation into the WikiLeaks founder is based on claims he didn't use condoms during sex with two Swedish women.

Swedish prosecutors told AOL News last week that Assange was not wanted for rape as has been reported, but for something called "sex by surprise" or "unexpected sex."

One accuser, Anna Ardin, may have "ties to the US-financed anti-Castro and anti-communist groups,"according to Israel Shamir and Paul Bennett, writing for CounterPunch.

While in Cuba, Ardin worked with the Las damas de blanco (the Ladies in White), a feminist anti-Castro group.

Professor Michael Seltzer pointed out that the group is led by Carlos Alberto Montaner who is reportedlyconnected to the CIA.

Shamir and Bennett also describe Ardin as a "leftist" who "published her anti-Castro diatribes (see hereand here) in the Swedish-language publication Revista de Asignaturas Cubanas put out by Misceláneas de Cuba."

Shamir and Bennett noted that Las damas de blanco is partially funded by the US government and also counts Luis Posada Carriles as a supporter.

A declassified 1976 document (.pdf) revealed Posada to be a CIA agent. He has been convicted of terrorist attacks that killed hundreds of people.

Ardin is "a gender equity officer at Uppsula University – who chose to associate with a US funded group openly supported by a convicted terrorist and mass murderer," FireDogLake's Kirk James Murphy observed.

In August, Assange told Al-Jazeera that the accusations were "clearly a smear campaign."

"We have been warned that, for example, the Pentagon is planning on using dirty tricks to destroy our work," Assange told the Swedish daily newspaper Aftonbladet.

The WikiLeaks founder said he was told to be careful of "sex traps." Had Assange fallen for one of those traps? "Maybe. Maybe not," he said.

Catlin observed that both Ardin and Sofia Wilén, the second accuser, sent SMS messages and tweets boasting of their conquests following the alleged "rapes."

"In the case of Ardin it is clear that she has thrown a party in Assange's honour at her flat after the 'crime' and tweeted to her followers that she is with the 'the world’s coolest smartest people, it’s amazing!'" he wrote.

"The exact content of Wilén’s mobile phone texts is not yet known but their bragging and exculpatory character has been confirmed by Swedish prosecutors. Niether Wilén’s nor Ardin’s texts complain of rape," Catlin said.

Ardin has also published a seven step guide on how to get revenge on cheating boyfriends.

When the charges were first leveled in August, Gawker raised doubts that Ardin was working for the CIA.

"If anything, Ardin's outing tends to undercut Assange's conspiracy theory that one of his accusers is a major figure on Sweden's left fringe, freewheelingly indiscreet on her personal blog and, until her charges, an enthusiastic promoter of Assange's visit to the country," Gawker wrote.

After Interpol issued a digital "wanted" poster for Assange on Monday morning, an unnamed Scotland Yard source reportedly told Press Association it had been given the documents needed for the arrest. Police would not comment on the report publicly.

Several British news outlets speculated that Assange could be arrested as early as Tuesday.

On Monday evening, Mark Stephens, Assange's London lawyer, was negotiating with British authorities over an arrest warrant they'd received from their Swedish counterparts. Assange has vowed to fight extradition.

Edited by siampolee
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Yet another nail in the coffin of what passes for the freedom we think we currently have. Bilderberg rules

One of the women accusing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of sex crimes appears to have worked with a group that has connections to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

James D. Catlin, a lawyer who recently represented Assange, said the sex assault investigation into the WikiLeaks founder is based on claims he didn't use condoms during sex with two Swedish women.

Swedish prosecutors told AOL News last week that Assange was not wanted for rape as has been reported, but for something called "sex by surprise" or "unexpected sex."

One accuser, Anna Ardin, may have "ties to the US-financed anti-Castro and anti-communist groups,"according to Israel Shamir and Paul Bennett, writing for CounterPunch.

While in Cuba, Ardin worked with the Las damas de blanco (the Ladies in White), a feminist anti-Castro group.

Professor Michael Seltzer pointed out that the group is led by Carlos Alberto Montaner who is reportedlyconnected to the CIA.

Shamir and Bennett also describe Ardin as a "leftist" who "published her anti-Castro diatribes (see hereand here) in the Swedish-language publication Revista de Asignaturas Cubanas put out by Misceláneas de Cuba."

Shamir and Bennett noted that Las damas de blanco is partially funded by the US government and also counts Luis Posada Carriles as a supporter.

A declassified 1976 document (.pdf) revealed Posada to be a CIA agent. He has been convicted of terrorist attacks that killed hundreds of people.

Ardin is "a gender equity officer at Uppsula University – who chose to associate with a US funded group openly supported by a convicted terrorist and mass murderer," FireDogLake's Kirk James Murphy observed.

In August, Assange told Al-Jazeera that the accusations were "clearly a smear campaign."

"We have been warned that, for example, the Pentagon is planning on using dirty tricks to destroy our work," Assange told the Swedish daily newspaper Aftonbladet.

The WikiLeaks founder said he was told to be careful of "sex traps." Had Assange fallen for one of those traps? "Maybe. Maybe not," he said.

Catlin observed that both Ardin and Sofia Wilén, the second accuser, sent SMS messages and tweets boasting of their conquests following the alleged "rapes."

"In the case of Ardin it is clear that she has thrown a party in Assange's honour at her flat after the 'crime' and tweeted to her followers that she is with the 'the world's coolest smartest people, it's amazing!'" he wrote.

"The exact content of Wilén's mobile phone texts is not yet known but their bragging and exculpatory character has been confirmed by Swedish prosecutors. Niether Wilén's nor Ardin's texts complain of rape," Catlin said.

Ardin has also published a seven step guide on how to get revenge on cheating boyfriends.

When the charges were first leveled in August, Gawker raised doubts that Ardin was working for the CIA.

"If anything, Ardin's outing tends to undercut Assange's conspiracy theory that one of his accusers is a major figure on Sweden's left fringe, freewheelingly indiscreet on her personal blog and, until her charges, an enthusiastic promoter of Assange's visit to the country," Gawker wrote.

After Interpol issued a digital "wanted" poster for Assange on Monday morning, an unnamed Scotland Yard source reportedly told Press Association it had been given the documents needed for the arrest. Police would not comment on the report publicly.

Several British news outlets speculated that Assange could be arrested as early as Tuesday.

On Monday evening, Mark Stephens, Assange's London lawyer, was negotiating with British authorities over an arrest warrant they'd received from their Swedish counterparts. Assange has vowed to fight extradition.

Please provide us with the link and if correct it's hot soup for the prosecution....:whistling:

But, it was already known that Ms. Anna Ardin was Anti-Semitic and fierce Pro Arab....

...next to the fact that she wrote Lesbian essays and opened the first Lesbian club on her home island of Gotland in Sweden.

How "special" that a Lady who has such interests asked Julian Assange to stay in her appartment for the whole weekend (and had sex with him) last August and decides to go to the police a week later, "asking" for advise (not the allegations yet).

It's also interesting that her girlfriend Sofia Wilen asked Assange to come to HER place also, a few days later and slept with him too.

Both women are around 30 and not exactly virgins who didn't know anything about sex but they both decided to file complaints against Assange, together?

post-13995-0-87072900-1291767416_thumb.j Anna Ardin

The story continues....


Edited by LaoPo
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Lao pO .

As per your request the link that I inadvertently missed in my earlier post

(To read this story w important links go to:


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...I suppose you could say that our foreign minister uses a lot of spin.

The Australian foreign minister (ex prime minister) said this morning that Assange has asked for consular assistance and will be given every assistance as per any Aus citizen arrested overseas. He was also asked about the damage of the leaks and he said that it is really water off a ducks back.

HE is not the one who is spinning. What he really said was that the criticism of HIM - the foreign minister - in the leaks was "really water off a ducks back". It had nothing to do with Asssange or Wikileaks and the only "assistance" he offered is given to EVERY suspected Australian criminal who is arrested abroad.


"Rudd ... undoubtedly believes that with his intellect, his six years as a diplomat in the 1980s and his five years as shadow foreign minister, he has the background and the ability to direct Australia's foreign policy," one leaked cable read.

"His performance so far, however, demonstrates that he does not have the staff or the experience to do the job properly."

The Sydney Morning Herald, which says it sourced the cables from WikiLeaks, says Mr Rudd was also described as a control freak with abrasive and impulsive tendencies.

However, Mr Rudd said today the criticism was like "water off a duck's back".

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...I suppose you could say that our foreign minister uses a lot of spin.

The Australian foreign minister (ex prime minister) said this morning that Assange has asked for consular assistance and will be given every assistance as per any Aus citizen arrested overseas. He was also asked about the damage of the leaks and he said that it is really water off a ducks back.

HE is not the one who is spinning. What he really said was that the criticism of HIM - the foreign minister - in the leaks was "really water off a ducks back". It had nothing to do with Asssange or Wikileaks and the only "assistance" he offered is given to EVERY suspected Australian criminal who is arrested abroad.


"Rudd ... undoubtedly believes that with his intellect, his six years as a diplomat in the 1980s and his five years as shadow foreign minister, he has the background and the ability to direct Australia's foreign policy," one leaked cable read.

"His performance so far, however, demonstrates that he does not have the staff or the experience to do the job properly."

The Sydney Morning Herald, which says it sourced the cables from WikiLeaks, says Mr Rudd was also described as a control freak with abrasive and impulsive tendencies.

However, Mr Rudd said today the criticism was like "water off a duck's back".

Very good, you are quoting what the paper said, which isn't giving everything he said. I was not commenting on what the paper says, which redacted. I'm saying what he said in the television interview.

Agree totally that he is a control freak, he is also a workaholic.

Also agree totally the consular assistance is the same that is given to anyone. I didin't say it wasn't. Just noting how silly it is for our govt to blast him but then offer assistance. I do have doubts on the assistance they will give though, probably more of a way to do a fact finding mission. The Aussie lawyer that is on his way will have much better assistance to provide than a government official who is there for the fun of it.

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Very good, you are quoting what the paper said, which isn't giving everything he said. I was not commenting on what the paper says, which redacted. I'm saying what he said in the television interview.

Oh really? He must use the term "water off a duck's back" in every sentence he utters.

Some EVIDENCE would be nice. Not that I don't trust you. :lol:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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He is accused of some very serious crimes and he will get his day in court. If he is innocent, he has nothing to worry about.

The innocents should have also nothing to worry about wikileaks and an open and transparent society.

Spot on !!!

We all owe thanks to Assange now.

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It gets more bizarre. The District Judge in London refused bail because he considers Assange a flight risk. Hello? Whatever happened to grabbing his passport and alerting the port authorities just in case?

One of his Swedish 'unexpected sex' victims cooked him breakfast and bought his train ticket AFTER they had a shag. Then the two women learned that they had both been serially shagged so, after exchanging sms messages on how to approach the police, they filed dodgy complaints. The interim (overnight) Swedish prosecutor logged them in but the full-time (day time) prosecutor kicked them out. In the meantime, Assange hung around for an extra 40-days while this was being bounced around and when nothing looked like happening anytime soon, he buggered off overseas.

Interpol appears to have issued a warrant for shagging with a broken condom... better lay low chaps!

(you know who you are)

Are you aware of the requirements for bail? The accused must be able to provide a local fixed address and there has to be a certainty the accused remains in the country.

Mr. Assange was a smartass. He refused to provide a local address and instead gave a Post Office box number. When told this was unacceptable, his lawyer, John Jones, read out an address at 177 Grantham Street, Parkville, Victoria, Australia. Hello? Mr. Assange made it impossible for the judge to even consider bail.

It seems Mr. Assange was in the UK illegally as there is no record of his entry. The court heard that Mr. Assange had refused to cooperate with investigators. It was also argued that Mr. Assange had a predisposition to fligght in violation of bail terms. Mr. Assange's legal counsel was unable to show otherwise.

Your version of the crimes with which Mr. Assange has now been charged is distorted and misleading.

Charge 1 arises from complainant A, who said she was the victim of "unlawful coercion" on the night of 14 August in Stockholm. The court heard Assange is accused of using his body weight to hold her down in a sexual manner.

Charge 2 alleges Mr. Assange "sexually molested" Miss A by having sex with her without a condom when it was her "express wish" one should be used.

Charge 3 alleges Mr. Assange "deliberately molested" Miss A on 18 August "in a way designed to violate her sexual integrity". T

Charge 4 alleges Mr. Assange of having sex with Miss W, on 17 August without a condom while she was asleep at her Stockholm home. The sexual encounter was non-consensual.

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Are you aware of the requirements for bail? The accused must be able to provide a local fixed address and there has to be a certainty the accused remains in the country.

Mr. Assange was a smartass. He refused to provide a local address and instead gave a Post Office box number. When told this was unacceptable, his lawyer, John Jones, read out an address at 177 Grantham Street, Parkville, Victoria, Australia. Hello? Mr. Assange made it impossible for the judge to even consider bail.

It seems Mr. Assange was in the UK illegally as there is no record of his entry. The court heard that Mr. Assange had refused to cooperate with investigators. It was also argued that Mr. Assange had a predisposition to fligght in violation of bail terms. Mr. Assange's legal counsel was unable to show otherwise.

Your version of the crimes with which Mr. Assange has now been charged is distorted and misleading.

Charge 1 arises from complainant A, who said she was the victim of "unlawful coercion" on the night of 14 August in Stockholm. The court heard Assange is accused of using his body weight to hold her down in a sexual manner.

Charge 2 alleges Mr. Assange "sexually molested" Miss A by having sex with her without a condom when it was her "express wish" one should be used.

Charge 3 alleges Mr. Assange "deliberately molested" Miss A on 18 August "in a way designed to violate her sexual integrity". T

Charge 4 alleges Mr. Assange of having sex with Miss W, on 17 August without a condom while she was asleep at her Stockholm home. The sexual encounter was non-consensual.


You are not doubt a saint your self!

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Won't really matter. Get him to Sweden then throw your arms in the air and say the evidence can't substantiate a realistic chance of a guilty verdict, then wait for the US extradition request and hand him over.

Just wondering if Australia will ask for it first........though at this stage they haven't mentioned it, maybe because he hasn't committed an illegal act. Sure the prime minister says he has, but when questioned further she couldn't say what it was.

Let the games begin.

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Realpolitik is the US is using every pressure on its allies. the aim is to make Assange the story and not the leaks themselves. They are assisted in this by their matey corporate propaganda apparatus eroniously described as the free press etc.

Already today we see the effort to make Assange's arrest and denial of bail the main story pushing back the Saudis fund terrorism cables including a linked diplomat according to US assesments. It is a media game and the setarn governments and their media allies are trying everything they can to intimidate, confuse and mislead the people. That is of course nothing new but the open way in which they are doing it is. Anyone connected with wikileaks is facing intimidation. Freedom is soemthing that is just not allowed to interfere in governmental machinations even when such machinations are derogatory to poeple.

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a well researched explanation of the events :ph34r:

"Curiouser and curiouser!" Cried Alice

and there WAS A CONDOM but it broke ! :blink:

Glenn Beck makes a very good case BUT, this is Faux News! Only sheeple would believe Faux News, the propoganda arm of the Republican Party! I guess I'm a sheeple in this case because I believe the case to be bullshit. In any case, Assange still needs to go back to Sweden to prove it. All this running around by him has led to him becoming more of an issue than the leaks themselves. So don't blame the USA or other govts for that, blame Assange.

BTW - for those who want to download this dooomsday file, be careful. I wouldn't be surprised if fake ones were put out there containing all kinds of nasty things so that when opened they mess your computer. If you really want to read, wait for someone else to take the change and read them online.

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Are you aware of the requirements for bail? The accused must be able to provide a local fixed address and there has to be a certainty the accused remains in the country.

Mr. Assange was a smartass. He refused to provide a local address and instead gave a Post Office box number. When told this was unacceptable, his lawyer, John Jones, read out an address at 177 Grantham Street, Parkville, Victoria, Australia. Hello? Mr. Assange made it impossible for the judge to even consider bail.

It seems Mr. Assange was in the UK illegally as there is no record of his entry. The court heard that Mr. Assange had refused to cooperate with investigators. It was also argued that Mr. Assange had a predisposition to fligght in violation of bail terms. Mr. Assange's legal counsel was unable to show otherwise.

Your version of the crimes with which Mr. Assange has now been charged is distorted and misleading.

Charge 1 arises from complainant A, who said she was the victim of "unlawful coercion" on the night of 14 August in Stockholm. The court heard Assange is accused of using his body weight to hold her down in a sexual manner.

Charge 2 alleges Mr. Assange "sexually molested" Miss A by having sex with her without a condom when it was her "express wish" one should be used.

Charge 3 alleges Mr. Assange "deliberately molested" Miss A on 18 August "in a way designed to violate her sexual integrity". T

Charge 4 alleges Mr. Assange of having sex with Miss W, on 17 August without a condom while she was asleep at her Stockholm home. The sexual encounter was non-consensual.

You are not doubt a saint your self!


You should have realized by now that Assange can do no wrong and only another Saint can criticize him. :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

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Realpolitik is the US is using every pressure on its allies. the aim is to make Assange the story and not the leaks themselves. They are assisted in this by their matey corporate propaganda apparatus eroniously described as the free press etc.

Already today we see the effort to make Assange's arrest and denial of bail the main story pushing back the Saudis fund terrorism cables including a linked diplomat according to US assesments. It is a media game and the setarn governments and their media allies are trying everything they can to intimidate, confuse and mislead the people. That is of course nothing new but the open way in which they are doing it is. Anyone connected with wikileaks is facing intimidation. Freedom is soemthing that is just not allowed to interfere in governmental machinations even when such machinations are derogatory to poeple.

What part of the bail process did you not understand? Mr. Assange was unable to meet the requirement for having a fixed address in the UK, nor was he able to convince the judge that he was not a flight risk. You cannot get bail if you do not have an address. Are you saying that the law does not apply to Mr. Assange because he's special?

Why was Mr. Assange in the UK without any record of his entry? Aside from the bail issue, the government has a right, a duty and an obligation to detain undocumented entrants.

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You are not doubt a saint your self!

Thank you for the compliment. However, I am not the one charged with sex crimes.

I take it that you do not consider the charges worthy of consideration. Now that we know your views on women, do your views also accept that women should just accept mental anguish and emotional abuse because they are inferior to horny males? I do not think your views would be very popular with educated secure women.

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Realpolitik is the US is using every pressure on its allies. the aim is to make Assange the story and not the leaks themselves. They are assisted in this by their matey corporate propaganda apparatus eroniously described as the free press etc.

Already today we see the effort to make Assange's arrest and denial of bail the main story pushing back the Saudis fund terrorism cables including a linked diplomat according to US assesments. It is a media game and the setarn governments and their media allies are trying everything they can to intimidate, confuse and mislead the people. That is of course nothing new but the open way in which they are doing it is. Anyone connected with wikileaks is facing intimidation. Freedom is soemthing that is just not allowed to interfere in governmental machinations even when such machinations are derogatory to poeple.

What part of the bail process did you not understand? Mr. Assange was unable to meet the requirement for having a fixed address in the UK, nor was he able to convince the judge that he was not a flight risk. You cannot get bail if you do not have an address. Are you saying that the law does not apply to Mr. Assange because he's special?

Why was Mr. Assange in the UK without any record of his entry? Aside from the bail issue, the government has a right, a duty and an obligation to detain undocumented entrants.

Seems you linked to the wrong post. I was not discussing the detail of Mr. Assange's case but the context. I was talking about realpolitik of making the Assange case the main story rather than the leaks themsleves. I hope that clarifies things and will assume your post wasnt an attempt to obfuscate. My analysis is bnot exactly unique and comes not only from defenders of the right to freedom of information such as me but also from those who like to deny freedom of information too.

By the way if you are going to imply someone is stupid it helps to at least read their post first.


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Something I find rather intriguing and feel the question must be asked is...Where are all the feminists?

In any other thread I have read on this forum, any attack on the victims is assailed from the highest perches by the feminists. Yet in the case of Assange the rape victims are being portrayed as scheming females out to make life miserable for him.

Assange seems to have a tendency to use women for his personal gain, i. e. staying in a woman's apartment rather than a hotel, having train fares paid for him by claiming he doesn't wish to use credit cards, seemingly taking advantage of Ms. Birgitta Jonsdotter in Iceland all come to mind.

On the surface, Assange seems to me to be using his status as a celebrity to his benefit with women and then make every effort to claim his innocence when he is caught.

I am certain all his supporters will attack my thinking but, am I the only one that sees a trend here?

PS: I am not a Saint either.

Edited by chuckd
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Something I find rather intriguing and feel the question must be asked is...Where are all the feminists?

In any other thread I have read on this forum, any attack on the victims is assailed from the highest perches by the feminists. Yet in the case of Assange the rape victims are being portrayed as scheming females out to make life miserable for him.

Assange seems to have a tendency to use women for his personal gain, i. e. staying in a woman's apartment rather than a hotel, having train fares paid for him by claiming he doesn't wish to use credit cards, seemingly taking advantage of Ms. Birgitta Jonsdotter in Iceland all come to mind.

On the surface, Assange seems to me to be using his status as a celebrity to his benefit with women and then make every effort to claim his innocence when he is caught.

I am certain all his supporters will attack my thinking but, am I the only one that sees a trend here?

PS: I am not a Saint either.

I totally support what wikileaks are doing but think that if there is a case in Sweden it needs ot be investigated and go through th eprocess and that Assange must answer for his actions if found guilty in a fair trial. There are obviously some questions around the the circumstances of the events but hopefully they will be dealt with in a straightforward and transparent way in the process.

Of course whatever Assange has or hasnt done sexually has no connection whatsoever to the operations of the media organization wikileaks in the same way that if the editor of the NY Times was sent down for rape it owuldnt be relevent to the continuing business of the NY Times.

Anyone who has committed sex crimes should be punished after of ocurse receiving a fair trial based on a fair investigation.

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Something I find rather intriguing and feel the question must be asked is...Where are all the feminists?

In any other thread I have read on this forum, any attack on the victims is assailed from the highest perches by the feminists. Yet in the case of Assange the rape victims are being portrayed as scheming females out to make life miserable for him.

Assange seems to have a tendency to use women for his personal gain, i. e. staying in a woman's apartment rather than a hotel, having train fares paid for him by claiming he doesn't wish to use credit cards, seemingly taking advantage of Ms. Birgitta Jonsdotter in Iceland all come to mind.

On the surface, Assange seems to me to be using his status as a celebrity to his benefit with women and then make every effort to claim his innocence when he is caught.

I am certain all his supporters will attack my thinking but, am I the only one that sees a trend here?

PS: I am not a Saint either.

I know where the feminists are. They are trying to figure out what he did. He is accused of “molesting her in a way "designed to violate her sexual integrity" .”

Definition of integrity: an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting. How do you violate that? No orgasm? I don't know and I doubt the feminists do either.

Maybe violating her sexual integrity isn't so bad. Maybe it is bad only in Sweden. Whatever, they will not come out until they figure it out.

The other charge is having sex with a person who is drunk or asleep.

Ya right, if the lady is not going to wake up when Julian had sex with her, then it is another issue altogether and would come under assault with a very very small inconsequential weapon. Like hitting someone with a cotton ball.

So I am assuming it is the drunk part. So Julian had sex with a lady while she was drunk. The feminists are reviewing their own background on this one. Maybe they like to have sex when drunk? I think a lot of women who frequent British Pubs late at night like to have sex when drunk. It may even be a national pastime.

I know there has been talk of condoms but nothing officially. Only the sexual integrity part and drunk or asleep part.

Personally I don't blame the feminists. If I had a nickel for every woman I had sex with who was drunk in Pattaya I wouldn't have to work. I have a realistic impression of myself. I am old and ugly and when I go out with a hi so stunner with a PhD., pile on the champagne, baby.

I don't buy the condom thing. All a woman has to do is get that sly smile on her face and say, “you'll be sorry.” Or of course, god forbid the woman could say no, but maybe they don't say no in Sweden. I know they say no in Thailand, although this hasn't happened to me I have heard other people tell stories.

Once it becomes clear just what Julian did I think the feminists will come out for or against him. Of course this has nothing to do with WikiLeaks but, well get your priorities straight eh.

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Mr Assange is a personality that is not unusual to find here in Thailand actually. Highly intelligent, action oriented and charismatic but with a troubled past showing questionable morale. He considers himself untouchable and thinks that he can do what he wants as long as it matches what he stands for and he believes is right

I am glad to read that his obstinate behaviour with the court regarding not giving a local address of course backfired and that he therefore was held without bail. There is no doubt he be will be extradited to Sweden and what happens there will be totally up to Swedish Law and the evidence that can be provided against him. He is not wanted for rape but for lesser charges like sexual molestation, unlawful coercion and non-consensual sex, the charges are far from rape actually and not as serious as the newspaper headlines make out. They can give up to a year in jail I think but it is likely that a Swedish court would give less than maximum sentence IF convicted (they nearly always do). We should also note that the first objective is just to question him regarding the charges he is facing

Assange was said to be passive during the court hearing, that is not matching his personality at all and we may wonder why. I think it’s because he thinks “shit, I went to far”. He has been briefed in Swedish law and… Living the life on the limit is all good if you know the limits in the country you’re in, sexual intimidation is enough for jail in Sweden... Future will tell

I don’t know who said it but the newspaper info about not being able to get a fair trial in Sweden because of political pressure is a joke. The only problem with the Swedish court system is that it is too lame, way too lame

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Something I find rather intriguing and feel the question must be asked is...Where are all the feminists?

In any other thread I have read on this forum, any attack on the victims is assailed from the highest perches by the feminists. Yet in the case of Assange the rape victims are being portrayed as scheming females out to make life miserable for him.

Assange seems to have a tendency to use women for his personal gain, i. e. staying in a woman's apartment rather than a hotel, having train fares paid for him by claiming he doesn't wish to use credit cards, seemingly taking advantage of Ms. Birgitta Jonsdotter in Iceland all come to mind.

On the surface, Assange seems to me to be using his status as a celebrity to his benefit with women and then make every effort to claim his innocence when he is caught.

I am certain all his supporters will attack my thinking but, am I the only one that sees a trend here?

PS: I am not a Saint either.

I know where the feminists are. They are trying to figure out what he did. He is accused of "molesting her in a way "designed to violate her sexual integrity" ."

Definition of integrity: an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting. How do you violate that? No orgasm? I don't know and I doubt the feminists do either.

Maybe violating her sexual integrity isn't so bad. Maybe it is bad only in Sweden. Whatever, they will not come out until they figure it out.

The other charge is having sex with a person who is drunk or asleep.

Ya right, if the lady is not going to wake up when Julian had sex with her, then it is another issue altogether and would come under assault with a very very small inconsequential weapon. Like hitting someone with a cotton ball.

So I am assuming it is the drunk part. So Julian had sex with a lady while she was drunk. The feminists are reviewing their own background on this one. Maybe they like to have sex when drunk? I think a lot of women who frequent British Pubs late at night like to have sex when drunk. It may even be a national pastime.

I know there has been talk of condoms but nothing officially. Only the sexual integrity part and drunk or asleep part.

Personally I don't blame the feminists. If I had a nickel for every woman I had sex with who was drunk in Pattaya I wouldn't have to work. I have a realistic impression of myself. I am old and ugly and when I go out with a hi so stunner with a PhD., pile on the champagne, baby.

I don't buy the condom thing. All a woman has to do is get that sly smile on her face and say, "you'll be sorry." Or of course, god forbid the woman could say no, but maybe they don't say no in Sweden. I know they say no in Thailand, although this hasn't happened to me I have heard other people tell stories.

Once it becomes clear just what Julian did I think the feminists will come out for or against him. Of course this has nothing to do with WikiLeaks but, well get your priorities straight eh.

Very good post

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