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Thank you sweet person.  I still don't understand why people think they can dress differently in Thailand to back home[/color]. Or maybe they do dress in shorts and white socks in sandals all the time. If so, sorry. If not, what I said still holds.

Most Thais do care, what you said is so incorrect. If you see people coming out of poor houses, you will see people who are clean and neat as possible, they really care.

You the fashion Police or something???? what YOU gonna do???? start arresting folks wearing shorts if they venture inside city limits?

You dont understand!!! :o:D:D:D

its because your are SiamOneBrainCell :D:D:D:D

Oh dear, you are so funny you repeat your one joke every time.

Makes me laugh too much.

You are too stupid to understand what I say, so never mind. I did not say they cannot wear what they want, I said I did not like what they wear, and so....

I am not allowed by you to say that, what are you? must be "big brother word police"

maybe you cannot count past one, even you have more brain cells, even if they are in your ars*

so keep wearing what you want, lovely person, and I will keep finding it uncool

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Daytime- shorts, t-shirt, vest (not chang or singha, my own brand :D ) & flip flops.

Night time- jeans, t-shirt or trousers/ jeans & smart shirt.

Bedtime..... :o

That said but if i go to BKK or maybe to a meeting or something like that then i wear jeans and a shirt. :D


I saw the worst dresser ever a couple of weeks ago. Guy, not sure what nationality, mid to late 30's, reasonable looking. He had on a long sleeved shirt, of the kind that you wear to the office, with the top button only undone, formal, lace-up black shoes, white dress socks, pulled up to the knee and the tighest, shortest pair of cut off stonewashed denim shorts I have ever seen, with the shirt tucked in. I was gobsmacked as were most of the other people in the street. I have no idea how he managed to fit into the shorts, they were like tiny hotpants. He also had the hairiest legs ever. He walked out of the Offshore Chippy on Soi 23 and strode up Soi Cowboy like John Travolta in the opening sequence of Saturday Night Fever.

The guy seemed to genuinely think he looked good.

I saw the worst dresser ever a couple of weeks ago.  Guy, not sure what nationality, mid to late 30's, reasonable looking.  He had on a long sleeved shirt, of the kind that you wear to the office, with the top button only undone, formal, lace-up black shoes, white dress socks, pulled up to the knee and the tighest, shortest pair of cut off stonewashed denim shorts I have ever seen, with the shirt tucked in.  I was gobsmacked as were most of the other people in the street.  I have no idea how he managed to fit into the shorts, they were like tiny hotpants.  He also had the hairiest legs ever.  He walked out of the Offshore Chippy on Soi 23 and strode up Soi Cowboy like John Travolta in the opening sequence of Saturday Night Fever.

The guy seemed to genuinely think he looked good.

I would say a very average Offshore customer :o

I saw the worst dresser ever a couple of weeks ago.  Guy, not sure what nationality, mid to late 30's, reasonable looking.  He had on a long sleeved shirt, of the kind that you wear to the office, with the top button only undone, formal, lace-up black shoes, white dress socks, pulled up to the knee and the tighest, shortest pair of cut off stonewashed denim shorts I have ever seen, with the shirt tucked in.  I was gobsmacked as were most of the other people in the street.  I have no idea how he managed to fit into the shorts, they were like tiny hotpants.  He also had the hairiest legs ever.  He walked out of the Offshore Chippy on Soi 23 and strode up Soi Cowboy like John Travolta in the opening sequence of Saturday Night Fever.

The guy seemed to genuinely think he looked good.

I would say a very average Offshore customer :o

oh dear, another place to avoid :D

anyway, my onebraincell is telling me...maybe these farang dressed as croc dundee, or whatever, really do think they look good. In that case, all power to them, and any Thai women who are involved with them..... :D:D


Can someone please explain to me what the h**l trainers are along with "smart" clothes? Is there such a thing as stupid clothes? These have got to be British terms right? I am not making insults, I really am curious.

I absolutely despise wearing long pants and only wear them when I think they're needed. Shorts are always my preference wherever I am. Simple T-shirt to go along with that and a pair of Nikes with White socks and I am satisfied. I dress for comfort and not to be in favor with someone elses opinion. My clothes are always clean as well as I am. Even though I am wearing shorts and t-shirts, they are always neat and clean, never scruffy looking.

When its appropriate, I will dress nicer if the occasion calls for it but only then.


It depends also a little bit on your age.

One of the many nice things about Thailand is that it makes you feel younger than you are (at least when you are over fifty-five).

The question is if you should dress based on that feeling or if you should have a look in the mirror first.

Because most of us are males (so no intention to offend the ladies) I may honestly say that I feel less disturbed by a scarcely dressed young lady than a scarcely dressed old lady.

But jokes aside, if you live in a smaller town it makes life easier if you dress polite. And that can be done in many ways.

So you all are right!

Thomas, Moog - This is my picture, don't mistake me for being 16 next time  :D

Icey, IMHO, not a good idea to post your picture on here, you don't know who's looking in. Best if you ask admin to remove it :o

I agree to a point…but remember some people here are on holiday and really think they are on the beach.

However these are a few things that really bug me…

1. The way that some (mostly Brits) dress at night. Topless with huge guts and sweaty arm pits!

2. And why does every Brit who comes here think that foot-ball strip is appropriate for a tropical climate???

3. Why do people wear socks with sandals? – Trainers yes, open sandals – NO!

4. Why do people wear lace-up or business shoes (and dark socks) with shorts?

5. Why do fat (and thin) men wear singlet (Shoulder strap T-shirts) in air-conned restaurants – I hate looking at their hairy shoulders when I’m eating. - and that whiff of B.O.!!!!

6. Why do old men wear surf shorts and sports gear designed for teenagers?

7. T-shirts with “witty” comments about Thai bar girls.

8. Nazi memorabilia

9. Any paramilitary garb

10. People who tuck their shirts into their shorts AND underpants!

That’s a quicky off the top of my head, I’m sure there’s more

Me? Well I’m the epitome of sartorial elegance!

Totally agree!

Even the poorest Thai seems to manage to turn out impeccably dressed...and clean too!

I think a lot of people who don't notice this are probably also the kind of people who dress like slobs themselves...

Maybe their best friends should tell them...

I saw the worst dresser ever a couple of weeks ago.  Guy, not sure what nationality, mid to late 30's, reasonable looking.  He had on a long sleeved shirt, of the kind that you wear to the office, with the top button only undone, formal, lace-up black shoes, white dress socks, pulled up to the knee and the tighest, shortest pair of cut off stonewashed denim shorts I have ever seen, with the shirt tucked in.  I was gobsmacked as were most of the other people in the street.  I have no idea how he managed to fit into the shorts, they were like tiny hotpants.  He also had the hairiest legs ever.  He walked out of the Offshore Chippy on Soi 23 and strode up Soi Cowboy like John Travolta in the opening sequence of Saturday Night Fever.

The guy seemed to genuinely think he looked good.

I would say a very average Offshore customer :o

Sounds like my old Swedesh house mate - nick-name: "Mr Bean"


Casual pants and a dress shirt + normal shoes almost anywhere for me. I have spend so many years in Asia that I have gone "local" I guess. Cheers!

Daytime- shorts, t-shirt, vest (not chang or singha, my own brand :D ) & flip flops.

Night time- jeans, t-shirt or trousers/ jeans & smart shirt.

Bedtime..... :o

That said but if i go to BKK or maybe to a meeting or something like that then i wear jeans and a shirt. :D

Wasn't some guy arrested in Bkk for not wearing a shirt or something like that?


Here in the states, I live work and play in shorts from April thru october, except for the odd funeral or wedding.

Sirirat did insist that I bring a pair of long pants for visiting the temple last trip to the LOS.

I am surprized anyone would notice or care.

I will be on the look out for the farang fashion police next trip! :D

Ray :o


In Thailand shorts are generally only worn by the very lowest class in their society...ie the boys who look after the buffalos..up to their neck in crap..etc....I didnt decide ...thats it...so rate for yourself and compare.....think the word could be/is ...distain :o

Like a certain football player I prefer a sarong when relaxing but get a lot of funny looks in me local.

Unlike said footi player I do not wear the wifes knickers...................too tight :D

I saw the worst dresser ever a couple of weeks ago.  Guy, not sure what nationality, mid to late 30's, reasonable looking.  He had on a long sleeved shirt, of the kind that you wear to the office, with the top button only undone, formal, lace-up black shoes, white dress socks, pulled up to the knee and the tighest, shortest pair of cut off stonewashed denim shorts I have ever seen, with the shirt tucked in.  I was gobsmacked as were most of the other people in the street.  I have no idea how he managed to fit into the shorts, they were like tiny hotpants.  He also had the hairiest legs ever.  He walked out of the Offshore Chippy on Soi 23 and strode up Soi Cowboy like John Travolta in the opening sequence of Saturday Night Fever.

The guy seemed to genuinely think he looked good.

Gotta have been German...put money on it. Seen plenty down the years dressed like this, mostly with ridiculous moustache to round off the outfit :o

I saw the worst dresser ever a couple of weeks ago.  Guy, not sure what nationality, mid to late 30's, reasonable looking.  He had on a long sleeved shirt, of the kind that you wear to the office, with the top button only undone, formal, lace-up black shoes, white dress socks, pulled up to the knee and the tighest, shortest pair of cut off stonewashed denim shorts I have ever seen, with the shirt tucked in.  I was gobsmacked as were most of the other people in the street.  I have no idea how he managed to fit into the shorts, they were like tiny hotpants.  He also had the hairiest legs ever.  He walked out of the Offshore Chippy on Soi 23 and strode up Soi Cowboy like John Travolta in the opening sequence of Saturday Night Fever.

The guy seemed to genuinely think he looked good.

Gotta have been German...put money on it. Seen plenty down the years dressed like this, mostly with ridiculous moustache to round off the outfit :o


pity you dont have photo, then we could identify and arrest him

In Thailand shorts are generally only worn by the very lowest class in their society...ie the boys who look after the buffalos..up to their neck in crap..etc....I didnt decide ...thats it...so rate for yourself and compare.....think the word could be/is ...distain :o

So, what you are saying that a Thai from the "middle or upper classes" would never wear shorts.....?

Not even to the beach? Playing tennis? For a quick run down to the supermarket on a Saturday afternoon?

Time for a reality check, man.... :D

In Thailand shorts are generally only worn by the very lowest class in their society...ie the boys who look after the buffalos..up to their neck in crap..etc....I didnt decide ...thats it...so rate for yourself and compare.....think the word could be/is ...distain :D

So, what you are saying that a Thai from the "middle or upper classes" would never wear shorts.....?

Not even to the beach? Playing tennis? For a quick run down to the supermarket on a Saturday afternoon?

Time for a reality check, man.... :D

No, it's true, never wear them anytime

those upper classes, you know, only wear shorts on their heads

the middle classes, they only wear them on their wives

now we know how to define the Thai classes, keep your eyes ready



Why am I getting the impression that the vast majority of contributors to this site are a bunch of overweight lumurks with no sense of dress or decorum whatsoever!?!?!


When in Thailand, I wear sandals (not flip-flops - they've got straps on the back, and I can get into temples with them), with no socks. - But that's mainly because, anything else in Thailand, and my feet would sweat too much. If I had to go to an office here on a daily basis, that would probably be a different matter.

For going out - generally jeans and a polo shirt (or a T-shirt if it's just to the shops), but never a grubby t-shirt - always clean on that morning.

I'll wear shorts around the house, and in the garden (let's me cope with having the aircon turned off during the day). But the only time I'd go out in shorts, is if I'm going to the beach, or a swimming pool.

Why am I getting the impression that the vast majority of contributors to this site are a bunch of overweight lumurks with no sense of dress or decorum whatsoever!?!?!

You forgot the word HAPPY before overweight.


I guess it depends on were you are in Thailand. Bangkok should be like any other city, trousers and shirt (stops Thais looking at our hairy legs & some German women 5555). On the beaches I guess it's ok to wear hawaiian shirts and shorts but I hate thongs esp with big, fat farang feet that we have. Joggers with no socks are a better look. I think the slack dressed one's are the farang who have lived he for a while and get slack. I esp like the Bruce Willis look some old f_rts have. Oh and Pot bellys are a real turn off, but overall I guess if you want people to be interested in you, dress like you care what Thai people think afterall it's their Country. Oh I think the European women are the worst dressed in Thailand, showing too much leg (wearing mini scurts is rude to Thais) and tops that leave nothing to the imagination. But thats just my opinion LindsaybKK


Ok, heres a set of guidelines I have come up with and I want them to be strictly adhered to..........

Bangkok..... Jeans and Tshirt with open toe black sandals(minimum standard)

Phuket........ Havana wear (hawaiian shirt/tshirt and dress sandals)

Pattaya........ Tshirt and shorts with any open toe sandals(rules are relaxed if intoxicated)


Ok, heres a set of guidelines I have come up with and I want them to be strictly adhered to..........

Bangkok..... Jeans and Tshirt with open toe black sandals(minimum standard)

Phuket........ Havana wear (hawaiian shirt/tshirt and dress sandals)

Pattaya........ Tshirt and shorts with any open toe sandals(rules are relaxed if intoxicated)


Oy mate..........................................what about Surin?

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