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Cambodia: Best Bet For Double Entry Or Other Visa?

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I am on a single entry tourist visa that is going to expire soon. A friend from Bangkok wants to go to Cambodia and I thought the trip could coincide with my getting a new visa to get back into Thailand. Could someone please tell me the best options there and where to go? Is it possible to get two double entry visas? Or would I be stuck with just a 1 single entry then renew for 30 days more? Or even worse? And where should I go in Cambodia?

Thanks for any help!

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For a double entry tourist visa Vientiane, Laos is recommended.

In cambodia you go to Pnom Phen.

See here for reports about getting a visa in the region:


Thanks but that post is more than two years old! I know it changes on a regular basis so there must be some more current information out there...

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I believe that many travel agents in Cambodia can now get you a double entry tourist visa, and will send your passport to PP.

I just used Ana Travel in Sihanoukville ($15, back in 4 days; $25, back in 2 days).

Do you know if this is possible from Poipet?


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I believe that many travel agents in Cambodia can now get you a double entry tourist visa, and will send your passport to PP.

I just used Ana Travel in Sihanoukville ($15, back in 4 days; $25, back in 2 days).

Do you know if this is possible from Poipet?


Yet it is. My friend did this the other week. I will PM you the contact information of his visa agent in Poipet.

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I believe that many travel agents in Cambodia can now get you a double entry tourist visa, and will send your passport to PP.

I just used Ana Travel in Sihanoukville ($15, back in 4 days; $25, back in 2 days).

When you guys did this, were you at all concerned that you wouldn't get your passport back or they would try to extort money from you or something like that?

Sounds risky....

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Yes, it is available from Poipet.

I have used 1st Class Visa from Pattaya once, and this guy twice: Claudio #081854803.

Both provided very good service.

I just stayed in the casinos and payed for my trip via the roulette wheel.

I wasn’t worried about my passport, as this is normal in Cambodia. Just be sure to use a company with some good reviews.

Update on Ana in Sihanoukville.

She DID NOT get me a double entry visa.

I specifically asked THREE TIMES if it was double entry, and she said it would be.

Picked up my passport, and found the single entry.

She then asked who I talked to, and I said “YOU!”.

Then she said that for a double entry I had to go to PP myself, to which I responded “Not true…..see these other double entry visas from PP in my passport……I have never been there.”

If she would have told me that they could not get a double entry for me, I would simply have gone somewhere else.

Oh well, they will never get my business again.

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I flew into PP but I chose a specific hotel before I got their offering a visa service, I simply searched online and emailed a few asking about their visa service, costs, timings etc. My understanding from reading posts online that a single was all I would get, but then again I did not need double entry as I will be going home soon anyway. I did come across a post from someone saying they obtained a double entry TV, but presented return flights ect but like with any visa application I suppose it depends on who you deal with ect.

I was worried about giving my passport away yes, but on the other hand if my hotel did not give it back to me the next day at least I could speak to them about it, go nuts (to a degree) or whatever I would have had to do if it went missing.

I personally thinks there is a risk, but at the end of the day I didn't have enough time in PP as I stupidly booked my rtn flights before I realised if I went to the consulate in person it could take 3 days or so to get my passport back, plus I am sure pick up time is around tea time - thus I would have missed my flight back to Thailand.

I felt a little more secure arranging the visa service through my hotel vs going to the many travel agents in the city offering the service, but that is just me suppose it depends on how much you want the visa really...good luck anyway

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Thanks very much for everyone's help thus far. Now it looks like I will only be spending a hot moment in Poipet and will actually be going on to Siem Reap for a few days. I would love to be able to do the visa service in Siam Reap without having to go to Phnom Penh. Does anyone know an agent there that is reputable?

Thanks again for any help!

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