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Just sitting here looking through todays news and thinking about going to the pub when this arrived (OK probabally sent to everyone in the UK ...however co-incidence...maybe :D Mai co jai..)

Dear Mr (spelt my name wrong :D ),

As you are a valued customer to British Airways, I would like to provide you with an update on the current problems we are experiencing with our onboard catering, due to unofficial industrial action by our Heathrow catering supplier Gate Gourmet.

Although British Airways services into and out of London Heathrow continue to operate as normal, we have limited onboard catering. There will be some catering provided at the airport prior to departure, however, we are continuing to advise passengers, especially those with special dietary requirements, to eat before arriving at the airport.

British Airways services to and from London Gatwick and UK regional services that do not connect with London Heathrow have not been affected and are operating as normal with a full catering service.

We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this situation may cause our passengers and would like to assure you that we are doing all possible to return to the high service standards you have come to expect from us.

For more information please visit http://ba.com

Yours sincerely,

Martin George

Commercial Director, British Airways




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. . .




As an Executive Club member you should get an extra packet of crisps while you are spending you third night on the floor of the Airport waiting for your non existing departure.....maybe......join quicky :o


This reminds me of the time I boarded an Air Chance jumbo, flying some 12 hours from CDG to La Reunion (next to Mauritius in the Indian Ocean) , and saw cattle-class passengers being handed their brown paper-bag (I kid you not !) with a piece of fruit & some cling-filmed sandwiches inside.

As a 'domestic' route they were entitled to relax the catering from regular international standards. Which they did. My respect for French ingenuity and financial-acumen knew no bounds. :D

Of course BA-passengers may rest assured that we Brits have nothing to learn from our continental neighbours. :D

Whoopsie. :o

Let us hope that similar standards are not introduced on BA-routes to Thailand. (Will this make it relevant-enough to survive ? )


Latest news today on the catering side is that B.A. is offering long haul passengers a Filled Roll,Treacle Tart and dried fruit :D

The shorties meanwhile were given a sandwich (yum-yum)a bar of chocolate and ......Yes.... a bag of Crisps :o

Also one/last family finally got away.....only a week late.

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