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DSI Hunts Down British Convict In Pattaya


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When are these criminals going to realise - they cannot hide in Pattaya no more!!

“LennyW” I’m sure you cannot be serious

In my working days (before retiring 15-yr.ago) when arriving at Singapore International Airport arrivers were looked over and when not showing acceptable (Singapore standards) these not wanted persons were put on the next plane out again. I’m pretty sure things must be still the same, or the flotsam of the world has learned to stay away from Singapore because what is in the News about Thailand on a daily basis I do not see in the News about Singapore on a daily basis.

While on this subject of flotsam you see all over towns connected with tourism in Thailand many readers of this Forum, including myself, like to know how this flotsam complies with the 800,000 Thai Baht 3-months prior for a one year Retirement Visa requirement.

As for being “married” to a Thai female – who doesn’t have a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out off – how does that subject carry water at the Thai Immigration offices?

As for the Western Invalids you see hobbling around Pattaya and/or sitting on the benches at Carre Four, Tesco Lotus, Big Crap, Tops to name just the four biggies, waiting for the Grim Reaper, I notice that the Thai Private Hospitals have tighten their requirements and demand valid passport and Thai Visa, before admittance in addition to financial demands by the hospital.

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reason1 asked, 'Anyone know what the motivation is behind kiddy porn? Beats me! Is it a sickness caused by upbringing or abuse?''

It's a sickness. Kiddy porn lovers are driven to view this filth - even if part of their mind knows it is evil

Not sure if viewers of kiddy porn are quite the same as child molesters, but the latter often start out as victims of predatory relatives or 'friends'. Perhaps they grow up believing this is 'normal' sexual behaviour, or perhaps they are taking 'revenge' on the next generation for the way they were abused as children

Whatever, I hope Ryder's kharma catches up with him in a Thai jail.

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reason1 asked, 'Anyone know what the motivation is behind kiddy porn? Beats me! Is it a sickness caused by upbringing or abuse?''

It's a sickness. Kiddy porn lovers are driven to view this filth - even if part of their mind knows it is evil

Not sure if viewers of kiddy porn are quite the same as child molesters, but the latter often start out as victims of predatory relatives or 'friends'. Perhaps they grow up believing this is 'normal' sexual behaviour, or perhaps they are taking 'revenge' on the next generation for the way they were abused as children

Whatever, I hope Ryder's kharma catches up with him in a Thai jail.

Well that is what psychologists argue Colin,that our behavioural patterns/habits are in fact inheritable (not genetic)due to conditioning from what we learn as we grow up!...In other words without early intervention this appears to be a perfectly normal pattern of behaviour to an individual as they grow up.Certainly not sticking up for the guy though as many lives have been ruined in just another sad case that(thankfully)has been stopped!The victims as usual have to just 'get on with life'..That's what p...es me off more than anything as it does all of us..No rehabilitation for them!!

Edited by sydneyjed
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I'm extremely happy that he has been apprehended, he is known to me and judging from his behavior here, then I can only say good riddance and truly hope the Thai authorities will not let him enter ever again.

If his behaviour was so bad, why did you not report him before this .

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reason1 asked, 'Anyone know what the motivation is behind kiddy porn? Beats me! Is it a sickness caused by upbringing or abuse?''

It's a sickness. Kiddy porn lovers are driven to view this filth - even if part of their mind knows it is evil

Not sure if viewers of kiddy porn are quite the same as child molesters, but the latter often start out as victims of predatory relatives or 'friends'. Perhaps they grow up believing this is 'normal' sexual behaviour, or perhaps they are taking 'revenge' on the next generation for the way they were abused as children

Whatever, I hope Ryder's kharma catches up with him in a Thai jail.

Paedophilia is not always a sickness.

Children are innocents that have not yet been corrupted. What they do, they do in naivety. The predators are those who enjoy having power over someone else. A child is the perfect victim, naive, gullible and vulnerable. These men have lack of confidence in themselves and at forming relationships with adult women, similar to rapists, so they go for the most vulnerable that out of innocence will fall into they’re confidence and control without having actually realising they have fallen into the desires of a beast.

In fact this is why it`s classified as rape even if the child has consented, it is a crime of stolen innocent, physically and mentally which will cause long term damage to a child right into adulthood.

Child molestation or rape (same thing) is one of the worst kinds of crimes and should carry a mandatory sentence of a life sentence or death penalty.

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he was well known arround Maprachan reservoir, where he lived and frequented de 9999 shop, He had a dauchter (about 6 years) with him sometimes and a new lady of about 16 years. He was a friendly, shy, polite guy. I saw no wrong in him .

Then you didn't see what others did ......

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Well done DSI

Funny there seems to be none of the regular Thai bashers here. I suppose that facts that don't agree with there limited knowledge are ignored there by allowing them to maintain a limited knowledge.B)

What does "Thai bashing" have to do with the story at hand?:blink:

As for this statement "I suppose that facts that don't agree with there limited knowledge are ignored there by allowing them to maintain a limited knowledge" To me it seems only you know what you are talking about because it does not make any sense at all

my thought also , well said

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reason1 asked, 'Anyone know what the motivation is behind kiddy porn? Beats me! Is it a sickness caused by upbringing or abuse?''

It's a sickness. Kiddy porn lovers are driven to view this filth - even if part of their mind knows it is evil

Not sure if viewers of kiddy porn are quite the same as child molesters, but the latter often start out as victims of predatory relatives or 'friends'. Perhaps they grow up believing this is 'normal' sexual behaviour, or perhaps they are taking 'revenge' on the next generation for the way they were abused as children

Whatever, I hope Ryder's kharma catches up with him in a Thai jail.

Paedophilia is not always a sickness.

Children are innocents that have not yet been corrupted. What they do, they do in naivety. The predators are those who enjoy having power over someone else. A child is the perfect victim, naive, gullible and vulnerable. These men have lack of confidence in themselves and at forming relationships with adult women, similar to rapists, so they go for the most vulnerable that out of innocence will fall into they're confidence and control without having actually realising they have fallen into the desires of a beast.

In fact this is why it`s classified as rape even if the child has consented, it is a crime of stolen innocent, physically and mentally which will cause long term damage to a child right into adulthood.

Child molestation or rape (same thing) is one of the worst kinds of crimes and should carry a mandatory sentence of a life sentence or death penalty.

I agree.

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When are these criminals going to realise - they cannot hide in Pattaya no more!!

Probably when they cannot hide in Pattaya no more. Funny how that works.

So................... it seems he stated that he decided to undergo therapy.

then lo and behold he turns up in Pattaya.


I suppose in a perverse sort of way thats how he sees it.

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not that i am a fan the the english old bill but it was them that did all the work. got all the eveidence and got information as to where he lived. then they just call the DSI and tell them what to do. now they have the credit also.

good work

They (the UK/English/British police) did all the work? If this guy was a convicted sex offender, why was he running loose and unwatched in Euro-farang-utopia and able to travel freely?

Did you expect the Thai police to do the criminal investigation in UK? The Thai police regularly have to track down miscreants for the incompetent authorities outside of Thailand.

If the English police wanted him, why did they not apprehend him while he was in England? Why did they not lift his passport or restrict his freedom of travel in Euro-farang-utopia? They knew where he was in Pattaya?? Couldn't they have managed this same high-level detecting back in UK?

It seems the Thai police spend a great deal of their time catching all the Euro/US/Russian "bad guys" for the police of those countries and also have to provide room & board for foreign nationals who are penniless and medically/mentally unfit. I hope the wonderful English police reimburse Thailand for doing their work for them.

Why is it that some people can never, ever credit Thais with anything positive and can never find fault with the people who screw-up on a regular basis back in Fantasy-Farang-Land?

Excellent post.

I was wondering why some of these posts were on and on about Thailand not stopping him when he got to the immigration check point.

Do they think Thai immigration has a list of all the British citizens to check just like that. Can they imagine what it would be like in the immigration check in if they had to go check all the countries to see if the person was wanted or not?

If they were really trying to place the blame they would have asked why he was not stopped at his airport of departure. I know when I fly back from the states or Canada I have to show my passport. I could be wrong and maybe you don't have to show it in other countries.B)

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not that i am a fan the the english old bill but it was them that did all the work. got all the eveidence and got information as to where he lived. then they just call the DSI and tell them what to do. now they have the credit also.

good work

They (the UK/English/British police) did all the work? If this guy was a convicted sex offender, why was he running loose and unwatched in Euro-farang-utopia and able to travel freely?

Did you expect the Thai police to do the criminal investigation in UK? The Thai police regularly have to track down miscreants for the incompetent authorities outside of Thailand.

If the English police wanted him, why did they not apprehend him while he was in England? Why did they not lift his passport or restrict his freedom of travel in Euro-farang-utopia? They knew where he was in Pattaya?? Couldn't they have managed this same high-level detecting back in UK?

It seems the Thai police spend a great deal of their time catching all the Euro/US/Russian "bad guys" for the police of those countries and also have to provide room & board for foreign nationals who are penniless and medically/mentally unfit. I hope the wonderful English police reimburse Thailand for doing their work for them.

Why is it that some people can never, ever credit Thais with anything positive and can never find fault with the people who screw-up on a regular basis back in Fantasy-Farang-Land?

Excellent post.

I was wondering why some of these posts were on and on about Thailand not stopping him when he got to the immigration check point.

Do they think Thai immigration has a list of all the British citizens to check just like that. Can they imagine what it would be like in the immigration check in if they had to go check all the countries to see if the person was wanted or not?

If they were really trying to place the blame they would have asked why he was not stopped at his airport of departure. I know when I fly back from the states or Canada I have to show my passport. I could be wrong and maybe you don't have to show it in other countries.B)

May be perhaps this is Thai Visa, forum about Thailand and NOT about UK or Europe.

If this was a UK forum that issues discussed and addressed would of been about UKrolleyes.gif

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When are these criminals going to realise - they cannot hide in Pattaya no more!!

"LennyW" I'm sure you cannot be serious

In my working days (before retiring 15-yr.ago) when arriving at Singapore International Airport arrivers were looked over and when not showing acceptable (Singapore standards) these not wanted persons were put on the next plane out again. I'm pretty sure things must be still the same, or the flotsam of the world has learned to stay away from Singapore because what is in the News about Thailand on a daily basis I do not see in the News about Singapore on a daily basis.

While on this subject of flotsam you see all over towns connected with tourism in Thailand many readers of this Forum, including myself, like to know how this flotsam complies with the 800,000 Thai Baht 3-months prior for a one year Retirement Visa requirement.

As for being "married" to a Thai female – who doesn't have a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out off – how does that subject carry water at the Thai Immigration offices?

As for the Western Invalids you see hobbling around Pattaya and/or sitting on the benches at Carre Four, Tesco Lotus, Big Crap, Tops to name just the four biggies, waiting for the Grim Reaper, I notice that the Thai Private Hospitals have tighten their requirements and demand valid passport and Thai Visa, before admittance in addition to financial demands by the hospital.

Just a point of order.

You can retire to Thailand if you are over 50 and can show proof of at least 60,000 baht a month. If you are married to a Thai it is only 40,000 baht a month.

That makes a little bit of sense. For one most of the expats can not shop and cook for them selves as cheap as a women can. And two you are taking one person out of there poverty. I know that is not always the case but it is in a good many situations.

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Though a common enough pedophile he is not a run of the mill criminal.

Decent City job holder, business man and it can be assummed reasonably intelligent.

He arrives at Swampy and is refused entry. The Thai police are then culpable because they simply let him go. And that meant not deporting him; not contacting Scotland Yard or Interpol; but, incredibly allowing him to walk out of their custody and onto any other flight.

Not rocket science to assume he flew to Cambodia and into Thailand via Loas.


Next, he re-enters Thailand and kills someone when driving. This case then 'does not proceed.'

That is where the investigation should begin as he clearly paid a bribe for the case not to proceed.

The best outcome would be prosecution for the road accident death. Investigation with a view to prosecution for any pedophile offences committed in Thailand; and, finally deportation to the UK to face immediate arrest and further prosecution.

But as for the Thais role in this: if they had deported or arrested him upon arrival then one Thai would not have been killed in the road accident. And possibly other Thai children would not have been sexually abused during his one year stay here. That is unless you believe he experienced a period of abstinace, visited Wats and lost himself in meditation. It happens.

The Thai Police have a lot to answer for. They again deserve bashing and you may ask why he chose to run to Thailand?

I'm not of the opinion that some of you are, that he came to sample the local cuisine as he has a ponchon for spicy curries. The repuation of Thailand and especially Pattaya as a sex haven for the pervereted and the pedophile attracted him and others of his ilk.

Yes, the same Thailand where you can pay your way out of manslaughter charges by sitting down with the local Police and agreeing to their request for a bribe.

Until that is tackled then Thailand deserves nothing other than condemnation in an attempt to shame it into acting responsibly.

It could also try applying the law.

it could also try protecting the children it claims to love, while at the same time ignoring the threat posed by holidaying pedophiles.

Edited by housepainter
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It would seem the actual spelling of his name is Ryder. Here's a background article on the suspect:

Man jailed over child porn images

A businessman found to have more than 3,550 child porn images on his home computer and a CD has been jailed for 14 months. Kevin Ryder, 45, was living in Otford, near Sevenoaks, when officers raided his house in October last year. A judge told the 45-year-old: "This type of activity is abhorrent and without in the first place your purchasing power and, thereafter, your ability to download from your computer, this type of criminal offence could not flourish." Ryder admitted 28 charges of possessing indecent images of children and three of making indecent images.

Maidstone Crown Court heard that Ryder was arrested as a result of a police operation launched in the United States in 1999. Jane Scotchmer, prosecuting, said suspects were identified by their use of credit cards to access websites. Details of British offenders were passed to police in this country. Andrew Lewis, defending, said Ryder accepted that a computer at home was "a temptation too far". He had decided to undergo therapy.

Ryder had been made redundant from a well-paid job in the City. He started his own business, which provided employment for 60 people abroad. He was disqualified from working with children for five years and banned from having a computer at home. He will remain on the sex offenders' register for five years.



C.H.R.I.S. - July 2006

Thank you for the information and I urge Thai visa Forum members and guests to communicate with each others. No point to fight and trash. Porn and computers lead too many crimes in the United States and the world. It is about time we need to educate public the danger of Child molesters, sex offenders, rapists and human trafficking....Many children and women got kill from related sex crimes. 5000 Rape cases did not get forward in Los Angeles. The victoms only pays 500 dollars to test kid and she can send a Rapist to jail. The same man raped several women and still can walk because, no one pays attention. I do not need to go into details. When money is only revenue for groups of people who benefit from prone and kid prone. I and the world can not fight except educate the public. It is very sad and I do have to accept it is the only job of 21TH century that people think it is acceptable. My take and opinion.

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not that i am a fan the the english old bill but it was them that did all the work. got all the eveidence and got information as to where he lived. then they just call the DSI and tell them what to do. now they have the credit also.

good work

They (the UK/English/British police) did all the work? If this guy was a convicted sex offender, why was he running loose and unwatched in Euro-farang-utopia and able to travel freely?

Did you expect the Thai police to do the criminal investigation in UK?  The Thai police regularly have to track down  miscreants for the incompetent authorities outside of Thailand.

If the English police wanted him, why did they not apprehend him while he was in England? Why did they not lift his passport or restrict his freedom of travel in Euro-farang-utopia? They knew where he was in Pattaya?? Couldn't they have managed this same high-level detecting back in UK?

It seems the Thai police spend a great deal of their time catching all the Euro/US/Russian "bad guys" for the police of those countries and also have to provide room & board for foreign nationals who are penniless and medically/mentally unfit. I hope the wonderful English police reimburse Thailand for doing their work for them.

Why is it that some people can never, ever credit Thais with anything positive and can never find fault with the people who screw-up on a regular basis back in Fantasy-Farang-Land?

It seems to me that you are going off at half cock and have posted from a position of ignorance. After being sentenced Ryder would have been taken to the cells and awaited collection by the Prison Service. Whether he escaped from custody or was out on bail because he appealed the sentence we don't know. No mention has been made that he absconded either from jail or just 'done a runner'. If he was out on bail then it would be remiss of the Judge if he/she had not ordered that his passport be surrendered. It is probable that if he had started to serve his sentence he would have served it in an open prison or one of the less secure establishments so going 'on the run' would be fairly easy to do. 

Would it have been so difficult for the oh so efficient Thai Immigration police, when deciding that he was an undesirable and to be denied entry, to have contacted the UK Embassy and ask if they wanted to take action? Once it was discovered that the miscreant has gone 'walkabout' the UK Police made enquiries and discovered that he had fled to Thailand. Further investigation would have resulted in coming up with an address.  I do not know why they decided to call the UK Embassy in BKK  rather than contact RTP via Interpol but that is not germane to this theme. The point is that all the detective work was of necessity carried out in the UK hence the passing of all the necessary information. As the botched investigation of the murder of the young lady backpacker in Chiang Mai had shown, no reliance could be put in the efficiency or effectiveness of RTP.  The arrest of this man was about as difficult as extracting 200 baht from a motor cyclist for not wearing a helmet - but not as profitable.

As to the efficiency of RTP could you in your wisdom tell us why they didn't lift Ryder for the heinous crimes that he committed in Pattaya? Why can they not find and arrest Kamnan Poh? Why  was Duangchalerm Yoobamrung was allowed to escape? Or Arisman Ponfruangrong? Rather than the RTP spending a great deal of their time arresting foreign criminals I suggest that their prime activities are extracting 'fines', aka tea money, from road users and collecting 'voluntary' donations from places of entertainment. Collecting money may be a favourite occupation of RTP but I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for any foreign government to pay up because one of their nationals has transgressed in Thailand. When you allow somebody to enter your country you like to constantly remind us that we guests, paying ones I should point out. That makes Thailand the host does it not?  In any normal society the host pays the bill. Wouldn't you be tee'd off if I invited you out to dinner and then asked you to pay the check bin? What is your attitude to the UK Government asking Thailand to meet the costs of telling your criminal on the run Khun Thaksin that he is not welcome in a free and democratic country? Or those incurred in rounding up the multitudes of prostitutes that you so readily export?  

Seems to me that since you suppose that everything is so wonderful in Thailand you should apply for a position with TAT. You brand of BS would go down well with them. BTW you are not a policeman in one of those much sought after positions in inactive posts, are you? 

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Out of interest and curiosity we should follow this guys file up and see what exactly the British judicial system dishs' out to him!!Down the therapy path..or actual porridge time in Broadmoor with the rest of the sickos'!I suppose many will question will it really matter?... as castration appears to be the only suitable punishment in many peoples eyes I'd hazard a guess at!!

Edited by sydneyjed
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I'm extremely happy that he has been apprehended, he is known to me and judging from his behavior here, then I can only say good riddance and truly hope the Thai authorities will not let him enter ever again.

If his behaviour was so bad, why did you not report him before this .

Before posting, then why not read my last post on this, you cannot report somebody for nothing, most folks who live in the same area knew only rumours, without hard evidence then it is pointless!

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I know the man. One day he came in my restorant, started drinking and paying everybody drinks, me included. We didn t talk. After 2 hours he stood op and started a fight with me, whitout any reason. When he saw he could not touch me because he was drunk, he ran of in his car whitout paying the bills (about 3000 bth), and run over my motorbike. I reported this to the police and they said , we know the man and further did nothing at all.This happened about 2 years ago. Very nice guy :bah:

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he was well known arround Maprachan reservoir, where he lived and frequented de 9999 shop, He had a dauchter (about 6 years) with him sometimes and a new lady of about 16 years. He was a friendly, shy, polite guy. I saw no wrong in him .

Then you didn't see what others did ......

Indeed, nothing strange at all in a 49 year old guy with a 6 year old daughter and 16 year old "lady" - his current (presumably now ex-) "fiancee" was 15, living with him with her parents (paid for) permission. In a country like this you can live on the very edge of legality whilst satisfying what are to most people unacceptable urges. But with people around seeing no wrong in it, it ain't gonna stop anytime soon.

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he was well known arround Maprachan reservoir, where he lived and frequented de 9999 shop, He had a dauchter (about 6 years) with him sometimes and a new lady of about 16 years. He was a friendly, shy, polite guy. I saw no wrong in him .

Then you didn't see what others did ......

Indeed, nothing strange at all in a 49 year old guy with a 6 year old daughter and 16 year old "lady" - his current (presumably now ex-) "fiancee" was 15, living with him with her parents (paid for) permission. In a country like this you can live on the very edge of legality whilst satisfying what are to most people unacceptable urges. But with people around seeing no wrong in it, it ain't gonna stop anytime soon.

Nothing wrong :jap:

The law is an ass...

...a idiot. If that's the eye of the law, the law is a bachelor; and the worst I wish the law is that his eye may be opened by experience—by experience :D

Edited by newermonkey
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so a child molester gets sent straight back to the UK whilst the UK leave an old man rotting in a cell in pattaya for over staying his visa.

wonder if the kiddy fidler is flying business class back home. so 14 month in jail then back out here because he hasn't convicted of a crime in thailand yet. i hope the thai police have something on him or he will be back in less than 14 months. just over 1 year.

thats unless justice is reserved for inside the HMP in the UK.

I don't see anywhere that he has been convicted of child molestation.

He was convicted of accessing child pornography from what i can gather.

The DSI has arrested a British man in Pattaya, who had absconded from a jail term in the UK for child abuse. During his stay in Thailand, the suspect was also responsible for the death of a man by dangerous driving, and the abuse of young children, both boys and girls.

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Anyone know what the motivation is behind kiddy porn? Beats me! Is it a sickness caused by upbringing or abuse?

Like all other sexualities it is primarily something you just have, or don't.

The list of possible human sexulities is long, and whether something is acceptable or not varies with time and place, as does legal age. Is anal sex a capital offense, sick, just wrong or an perfectly acceptable practice? Sex with a 18-17-16-15-14-13-12 year old and a 15-20-30-40-50 year old ?

Trying to change sexuality seems a hopeless matter. No correlation has been demonstrated as to why people are what they are. People with a failed upbringing and life are more likely to get into rape-cases, but this is not a sexual orientation matter.

Other primates follow human behavior to a high degree. Some monkeys have anal sex, others are abusive (rape), some are homosexual and some mates (or try to) with inviduals far below or beyond the reproductive age.

To the question "Why?" answers are yet to be found.

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When are these criminals going to realise - they cannot hide in Pattaya no more!!

Of course they can hide in Pattaya.

One down, 628392 to go.

I think if they closed down Pattaya, most of the police at Interpol and in Thailand would be made redundant.

whoa! red rag waved, bull charging in ...

i was going to say the thai police ARE redundant, but that's actually quite far from the truth - in their own ar5e about tit way they are quite industrious. they are quite tireless in their efforts to fund their lifestyles that blatantly outstrip their legitimate salaries by squeezing bribes out of the sector of the thai population that can least afford it - taxi drivers, truckers, street vendors and anyone else who's intimidated by their tactics.

i think it's a terminology thing - they aren't actually police as such, and their net contribution to crime reduction in thailand is less than zero - without them, their would probably be less crime.

as for that <deleted>*kwit nonce whatever his name is - what in god's name made him decide that pattaya would be a good spot to go and lay low at when he's on the run for crimes against children in the uk???? even with thai cops all too busy with their own endeavors to solve a real and particularly heinous crime, pattaya has plenty of foreign cops on the case - not to mention concerned local and ex-pat residents.

i'm fortunate never to have witnessed any of that stuff going on in my time in thailand - but if i did certainly would not standby and let it happen - the stories i have heard when i first came here in the early 90's about what used to go on openly in pattaya horrified me.

hopefully with more of these people being exposed by foreign cops and the reports published widely the local police and other authorities will step up and start to do something.

Edited by joe ekkamai
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Anyone know what the motivation is behind kiddy porn? Beats me! Is it a sickness caused by upbringing or abuse?

Like all other sexualities it is primarily something you just have, or don't.

The list of possible human sexulities is long, and whether something is acceptable or not varies with time and place, as does legal age. Is anal sex a capital offense, sick, just wrong or an perfectly acceptable practice? Sex with a 18-17-16-15-14-13-12 year old and a 15-20-30-40-50 year old ?

Trying to change sexuality seems a hopeless matter. No correlation has been demonstrated as to why people are what they are. People with a failed upbringing and life are more likely to get into rape-cases, but this is not a sexual orientation matter.

Other primates follow human behavior to a high degree. Some monkeys have anal sex, others are abusive (rape), some are homosexual and some mates (or try to) with inviduals far below or beyond the reproductive age.

To the question "Why?" answers are yet to be found.

true, the thing is though that two consenting adults who are physically mature, sexually aware and consenting can do what they like to each other (as long as it's not impinging on anyones else's rights and they clean the place up afterwards)

sexual child abuse is universally reviled worldwide in all cultures. when an adult involves a physically immature child who is not mentally fully aware of what sex is or what is going on, that adult is knowingly committing an act of the most willfully selfish and evil cruelty to that child and although there are psychological reasons why they feel these urges, they all know what they are doing is wrong.

the long term effects are devastating - i have two close friends who were abused by family members and both of them still feel the same intensity of pain, guilt and confusion about it now 25 years after it ended.

so in the vast majority of cases the "why" is that the perpetrators are evil and should be punished accordingly.

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Anyone know what the motivation is behind kiddy porn? Beats me! Is it a sickness caused by upbringing or abuse?

Like all other sexualities it is primarily something you just have, or don't.

The list of possible human sexulities is long, and whether something is acceptable or not varies with time and place, as does legal age. Is anal sex a capital offense, sick, just wrong or an perfectly acceptable practice? Sex with a 18-17-16-15-14-13-12 year old and a 15-20-30-40-50 year old ?

Trying to change sexuality seems a hopeless matter. No correlation has been demonstrated as to why people are what they are. People with a failed upbringing and life are more likely to get into rape-cases, but this is not a sexual orientation matter.

Other primates follow human behavior to a high degree. Some monkeys have anal sex, others are abusive (rape), some are homosexual and some mates (or try to) with inviduals far below or beyond the reproductive age.

To the question "Why?" answers are yet to be found.

Interesting that altough we all laugh and scoff at much of what Freud argued were the main causes of psychosexual episodes,much of what he documented is still used today!In infantile sexuality for example, Freud argued that traumatic childhood events could have devastating,negative effects on a adult in later life and that it was these early childhood sexual experiences that contributed to an adults personality traits!These abnormal behaviour patterns were then unconsciously 'released' via the 'Id'..(the dark inaccessible part of our conscience),that Freud argued controlled our basic human 'drives' and acted as a 'release valve' mechanism related to earlier childhood psychosexual conditioning..Freud named this 'The Pleasure Principle' ,arguing that all of us have this but some of us just cannot control this, resulting in abnormal patterns of behaviour in some people!

true, the thing is though that two consenting adults who are physically mature, sexually aware and consenting can do what they like to each other (as long as it's not impinging on anyones else's rights and they clean the place up afterwards)

sexual child abuse is universally reviled worldwide in all cultures. when an adult involves a physically immature child who is not mentally fully aware of what sex is or what is going on, that adult is knowingly committing an act of the most willfully selfish and evil cruelty to that child and although there are psychological reasons why they feel these urges, they all know what they are doing is wrong.

the long term effects are devastating - i have two close friends who were abused by family members and both of them still feel the same intensity of pain, guilt and confusion about it now 25 years after it ended.

so in the vast majority of cases the "why" is that the perpetrators are evil and should be punished accordingly.

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