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D-Link Dsl-2640Bt Constantly Disconnecting From True


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I bought a D-Link DSL-2640BT yesterday in Panthip to replace the Billion Sky router I got from True.

The setup was easy and I was connected to the web in minutes.

The problem is though, the connection to the Internet drops every hour or so. It only comes back after rebooting the router.

I can connect to the router when the Internet goes down(so LAN, both wired and wireless working fine) but not to any webpages. The diagnostics say - Wireless & ADSL Sync Passed, Ping Default Gateway & DNS Failed.

I've updated the Firmware and played with a few settings(Keep Alive) but there's been no improvement.

Has anyone used this router on True and if so were there any settings you needed to change get it working properly?


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All the new D-Link units have DSL connectivity issues. I battled a DSL-2640BT issue with TOT for several months. The Thai forums have a lot of chatter on these boxes. I gave up, replaced the unit waiting for stable firmware. If you look at the log it seems like the device thinks it has lost connectivity to the DNS servers, then it loses connectivity to the gateway, then reboots, then rinse/repeat.

What firmware did you load (a link would be great)? Did it flash?


DSL-2640BT Firmware Release Notes

Firmware: Gaw5.6T02-4-DL-R1B030-TH.EN(DSL-2640BT)

Hardware: Gaw5.6T02-4

Date: 2010-7-10

Problems Resolved:

1、add "Bridge PPPoE Frames between WAN and Local Ports"

2、Final Beta firmware can not use symbol "@" and"&" on SSID


1. Service name that created by wizard is always add another character, here is how to reproduce :

a. Create WAN using wizard and choose PPPoE here b. Then after reboot, edit that connection, please take attention in service name, by default it is "wizard_pvc"

c. Change protocol to whatever you want, example PPPoA, then scroll down, service name change to "wizard_pvc_2_2"

d. Change again to another protocol, example MER, then scroll down, service name change to "wizard_pvc_2_2_2_2_2"

e. And if you change to another protocol again, service name will add with another "2_2"

Service Name MUST BE NOT changed when we edit the current WAN connection if we created that connection using wizard.

Example : service name : "wizard_pvc", if we change protocol to pppoa, then the name must still "wizard_pvc"

2. When we type "swversion show" in telnet interface, that firmware show :


Please create similar like DSL-526B means when we type "swversion show" it should show "SEA_1.00" and not "3.10L.02.A2pB021g5.d20e"

3. There is a FATAL BUG in DSL-2640B_SEA_A2pB021g5.d20e_20100519.rar : MER didn't work. When i set WAN as MER (dynamic or static IP), DSL-2640B didn't add default gateway. Even if i chose the gateway manually, it didn't add into routing table. Please see the comparison in the attachment. Please fix it ASAP and ask to the vendor to test all function before they release it. It is embarrassing when new firmware fix one bug but broke existing function.

4. > Bridge PPPoE Frames Between WAN and Local Ports MUST BE ENABLED in EVERY CONDITION. Please your vendor to try this : - Set WAN as MER - After finished then edit existing WAN to PPPoE, you can see Bridge PPPoE Frames is DISABLED.

5. > When pop-up windows that said "Your router is up and running" then we pressed OK, sometimes it can't go back to login UI and just show unable to connect. Reproduce with FF 3.6.3 This firmware is okay : DSL-2640B_SEA_A2pB021g5.d20e_20100519 except MER part

6. DSL-2640B_SEA_20100602.rar, has BUG in outgoing filtering. IP Range didn't work as expected. The key point is DSL-526B used source ip range in iptables list but DSL-2640B didn't : DSL-526B : Chain IPFLTOUTFWD (1 references) target prot opt source destination DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere source IP range tcp dpt:www DROP udp -- anywhere anywhere source IP range udp dpt:www DSL-2640B : Chain IPFLTOUTFWD (1 references) target prot opt source destination DROP tcp -- anywhere tcp dpt:www DROP udp -- anywhere udp dpt:www See the source ip, DSL-2640B put wrong range. Please see the detail attached and fix it ASAP AND MUST BE BASED ON DSL-2640B_SEA_20100602

Known Issues:


Firmware: Gaw5.6T02-4-DL-R1B021-TH.EN(DSL-2640BT)

Hardware: Gaw5.6T02-4

Date: 2009/12/04

Problems Resolved:

1.Delete the TR069 display message.



Known Issues:



Firmware: Gaw5.6T02-4-DL-R1B020-TH.EN(DSL-2640BT)

Hardware: Gaw5.6T02-4

Date: 2009/12/01

Problems Resolved:



1.Remove TR069 function.

Known Issues:



Firmware: Gaw5.6T02-4-DL-R1B010-TH.EN(DSL-2640BT)

Hardware: Gaw5.6T02-4

Date: 2009/10/31

First Release

Known Issues:


Edited by lomatopo
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Thanks for the reply.

I've decided to bring it back and exchange it for a Linksys model, slightly more expensive but I can do without the hassle.

I got most of the information I used to try and get the router to work through Thai forums using Google Translate.

One suggestion was to enable Keep Alive. Didn't work for me.

The other one was to update the firmware with ones from this page - http://www.dlink.co.th/support/support_detail.asp?idproduct=439

There was a trick to getting the firmware to work. I renamed the file to a simple one like "dlinkfirmware1" put it in the root of my C drive and used IE to do the update through the routers interface.

I updated with the oldest one first and then with the newest one. the middle one was a Beta version of the newest one.

This didn't work either.

This is a nice router, decent interface, easy setup, but from now on Linksys all the way.

All the best,


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Just an update.

Went to Panthip. No problem getting replacement. I had all the bits and box was intact. The guy checked I'd updated the firmware and when he saw I had he just said "Pick whichever one you want!".

Now before anyone creams themselves, I paid the difference :)

But I have to say it was great service. 4th floor Panthip, hard to explain exactly as the escalators have been reversed since Iast went there. But go up the escalators on the Rachathewi side and then turn left at the 4th floor one, the shop is in front of you. I think the bag I have is from that shop and it says Seatek Systems and SM - Smart Modern Co. Ltd. I'll definitely use them again.

The guy said that the router should be fine and the firmware seemed to be good but there's a problem in some areas , maybe due to TOT lines and True service, not sure but he was happy to oblige a swap.

I went for the Linksys but could have taken an equal priced SMC if I wanted.

This is going out on my Linksys router. Very pretty piece of kit, setup cd didn't work but just manually setup and had no problem.

We'll see how things go over the long term :)

Anyway, thanks for the replies, the problem appears to be a quirk but happy to report it has been resolved, hope this post helps others.

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One caution with True is that they use VPI 0 and VCI 100 and none of the modems I have bought (SMC and D-Links) have had that as default for them.

I have been using a 2640T for several years and was having frequent disconnects but (when phone line failed and ADSL got down to about 200k connections and below) trouble was found to be a broken wire at house to phone line connector box on main line which swayed with the breeze and made an unreliable connection.

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The guy said that the router should be fine and the firmware seemed to be good but there's a problem in some areas , maybe due to TOT lines and True service, not sure but he was happy to oblige a swap.

Was he talking about your old D-Link or your new Linksys?

I went for the Linksys but could have taken an equal priced SMC if I wanted.

Which Linksys model did you get? What was the price?

FWIW I tried three (3) different D-Link 2640-BT models on four (4) different DSL lines (TOT, True 2x, CSLox) in four different locations and had the same issue across the board. So this model does have serious problems and its not due to WiFi adapter drivers or local wiring .

Edited by lomatopo
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My issues appear to be wire as have not had any problems since it was fixed. But the model is not BT but T (so perhaps firmware is different in that (newer?) model).

Completely different hardware and firmware so not relevant to this thread. This D-Link DSL-2640-BT is a new model but it seems like all the new D-Links (any CPE with a DSL modem) have this issue. Eventually they'll fix the problem then the unit should be fine.

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The guy said that the router should be fine and the firmware seemed to be good but there's a problem in some areas , maybe due to TOT lines and True service, not sure but he was happy to oblige a swap.

Was he talking about your old D-Link or your new Linksys?

I went for the Linksys but could have taken an equal priced SMC if I wanted.

Which Linksys model did you get? What was the price?

FWIW I tried three (3) different D-Link 2640-BT models on four (4) different DSL lines (TOT, True 2x, CSLox) in four different locations and had the same issue across the board. So this model does have serious problems and its not due to WiFi adapter drivers or local wiring .

He was talking about the D-Link. He said it like he'd come across the issue before.

The Linksys has been up and running since 5 yesterday, no issues whatsoever.

It's a Linksys Wireless N Home ADSL2+ Modem Router - Model WAG120N

I used Linksys a lot in the past, used to run a small IT business, and have always found them excellent. The Cisco label has become a lot more prominent too.

It was 1,750B, 500B dearer than the D-Link.

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  • 3 months later...

I realize this thread is old, but this router has caused me hours of headache so I'm posting my experience.

I'm using the D-Link 2640BT with a Macbook Pro running OSX 10.6. Initially was using TRUE for an ISP and now using 3BB.

Like the OP said, setup is quite easy. The router is 'aware' of the settings for most of the ISPs in Thailand. The issue I ran into was constant WIFI disconnects when doing anything that required a lot of throughput -- for example, streaming any kind of online video. The router log showed nothing. The same thing was happening with my roommate's Macbook. I tried adjusting all kinds of settings suggested on other forums. Eventually I had to give up and just use an ethernet cable. Worked fine this way.

I moved to a new apartment where using ethernet cable is not so convenient. I notice there is a newer firmware available at the link posted above and decided to give that a shot. The router would not accept the firmware file. I thought it was the browser causing problems, so I tried about 6 different browsers, both Mac and PC. Nothing worked.

After almost giving up, I noticed that the router has more than one firmware update form. I happened to be using Internet Explorer 7 when I noticed this, and the first attempt using this form worked perfectly. Now that I'm updated, I can only see a single form, so maybe that issue has been fixed? I believe I found the other form by going through Site Map.

Anyway, the firmware update did not resolve my WIFI disconnects. I gave up for a few weeks, thinking that when it started to drive me crazy again I'd go buy a Linksys to replace it. I found some Macbook-specific posts about setting the WIFI channel on the router to a specific channel instead of 'Auto'. Since I did that things have been solid ...but I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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This router is a piece of crap. 3BB seems to be the only ISP it works with. I got stuck supporting two of these, one on True and one on TOT. I've never had an issue with WiFi connectivity, across a broad range of clients. But the DSL modem seems to lose connectivity with the default gateway, then drops the DNS servers (primary, then secondary). Even if you manually set the default gateway the device 'forgets' that setting and defaults to automatic setting, which it then loses connectivity to! This happens with both TOT and True at 3 different locations.

I flashed the most recent firmware, Gaw5.6T01-4-DL-R1B061-TH-EN(DSL-2640BT)_upgrade - dated 11/29/2010 on the dlink.co.th website, which results in rev. 1.01.

I took one unit to the local warranty repair depot, ECS in Panthip today. They returned the unit 30 minutes later saying it was fine. I'm just off to test it again. Not holding out much hope. I purchased a Belkin ADSL Modem/4-port router/B-G WiFI AP for 790 baht as a back-up for this install.

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Just following up...on a TOT line the unit lasted ~ 30 minutes before it 'lost' connectivity with the gateway, then dropped both DNS servers. The only recovery is to reboot. Needless to say the unit has been removed and replaced. I will try it on a True line in a few days.

As an aside, FTP performance with this model was pretty dismal, ~ less than 25% of wire speed. When an ancient Linksys WAG54Gv3 was re-inserted FTP speeds went back to ~ 95% of wire speed.


Mar 20 12:58:24 user debug syslog: ping -c 1 -q

Mar 20 13:00:05 user notice dnsprobe[691]: Primary DNS server Is Down... Switching To Secondary DNS server

Mar 20 13:02:00 user debug syslog: ping -c 1 -q


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Just following up...on a TOT line the unit lasted ~ 30 minutes before it 'lost' connectivity with the gateway, then dropped both DNS servers. The only recovery is to reboot. Needless to say the unit has been removed and replaced. I will try it on a True line in a few days.

As an aside, FTP performance with this model was pretty dismal, ~ less than 25% of wire speed. When an ancient Linksys WAG54Gv3 was re-inserted FTP speeds went back to ~ 95% of wire speed.


Mar 20 12:58:24 user debug syslog: ping -c 1 -q

Mar 20 13:00:05 user notice dnsprobe[691]: Primary DNS server Is Down... Switching To Secondary DNS server

Mar 20 13:02:00 user debug syslog: ping -c 1 -q

I found that, on my router, those two ping test always fail, even when my connection is working fine.

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Just following up...on a TOT line the unit lasted ~ 30 minutes before it 'lost' connectivity with the gateway, then dropped both DNS servers. The only recovery is to reboot. Needless to say the unit has been removed and replaced. I will try it on a True line in a few days.

As an aside, FTP performance with this model was pretty dismal, ~ less than 25% of wire speed. When an ancient Linksys WAG54Gv3 was re-inserted FTP speeds went back to ~ 95% of wire speed.


Mar 20 12:58:24 user debug syslog: ping -c 1 -q

Mar 20 13:00:05 user notice dnsprobe[691]: Primary DNS server Is Down... Switching To Secondary DNS server

Mar 20 13:02:00 user debug syslog: ping -c 1 -q

I found that, on my router, those two ping test always fail, even when my connection is working fine.

I think you are using True?

Are you saying that diagnostic screen is incorrect? That you can ping (command prompt) your ISP's gateway, and both DNS servers? I can't see how your connection could be fine if you can't communicate with the gateway or DNS servers?

In my case, having only re-tested on TOT to date, I find that the diagnostic screen accurately reflects a lack of connection; FTPs stop, I cannot browse.The router will not reconnect unless I re-boot it.

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Just following up...on a TOT line the unit lasted ~ 30 minutes before it 'lost' connectivity with the gateway, then dropped both DNS servers. The only recovery is to reboot. Needless to say the unit has been removed and replaced. I will try it on a True line in a few days.

As an aside, FTP performance with this model was pretty dismal, ~ less than 25% of wire speed. When an ancient Linksys WAG54Gv3 was re-inserted FTP speeds went back to ~ 95% of wire speed.


Mar 20 12:58:24 user debug syslog: ping -c 1 -q

Mar 20 13:00:05 user notice dnsprobe[691]: Primary DNS server Is Down... Switching To Secondary DNS server

Mar 20 13:02:00 user debug syslog: ping -c 1 -q

I found that, on my router, those two ping test always fail, even when my connection is working fine.

I think you are using True?

Are you saying that diagnostic screen is incorrect? That you can ping (command prompt) your ISP's gateway, and both DNS servers? I can't see how your connection could be fine if you can't communicate with the gateway or DNS servers?

In my case, having only re-tested on TOT to date, I find that the diagnostic screen accurately reflects a lack of connection; FTPs stop, I cannot browse.The router will not reconnect unless I re-boot it.

I'm using 3BB, and yes, all I'm saying is that the same diagnostic screen you posted always shows FAIL for both ping tests. Always.

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I'm using 3BB, and yes, all I'm saying is that the same diagnostic screen you posted always shows FAIL for both ping tests. Always.

And can you ping (using the command prompt) your default gateway and primary DNS server?

It seems like this unit works fine on 3BB installations.

In my case this diagnostic screen shows "PASS" for both until it drops the connection. Again, in my case it seems to be related to a LCP (Link Control Protocol) issue.

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I'm using 3BB, and yes, all I'm saying is that the same diagnostic screen you posted always shows FAIL for both ping tests. Always.

And can you ping (using the command prompt) your default gateway and primary DNS server?

It seems like this unit works fine on 3BB installations.

In my case this diagnostic screen shows "PASS" for both until it drops the connection. Again, in my case it seems to be related to a LCP (Link Control Protocol) issue.

Well, pinging from the command line also fails. But overall the connection seems fine. I don't know enough about networking to know what exactly that means...

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  • 1 year later...

One year later...

I can only add my experience to the thread.

I got a Dlink 2640BT, I bought it for 890 baht at Tukcom.

It initially worked well for about a month without issues, then it will disconnect at random, DSL and WIFI go down, and obviously the internet connection too, and the power led turns red.

Could not restart it - brought it back for repair, came back a month later and it disconnected today after 3 days or working ok.

Could restart it by switching it on/off a few times.

In short: it is a piece of crap.

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  • 4 months later...

D-Link are crap in general.

Had a D-Link a few years ago and it sucked ass, had a billion modem worked great, had a few Linksys in my time all worked great.

For some reason i let the TOT guy talk me into getting a D-Link modem again (it was only TP-Link or D-Link available) and having never heard of TP-Link, like an idiot i listened and got D-Link again. Sucks again...I'd rather have a dog turd with a car antenna stuck in it. It crashes and reboots daily, the admin area takes forever to load, the admin area buttons random disappear, it random disconnects, etc...

P.S. I'm not sure if it's the actual D-Link hardware that is terrible, or just the drivers/software/firmware. Because I have a D-Link wireless adapter which was terrible on Windows XP (tested with a number of different drivers), always a "poor" connection. Now with Windows 7 it's full signal all the time.

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Update your firmware. While the modem might be new to you, its a very old model that one.

Thais have a habit of keeping old stock for months years, while the rest of the world has moved on.

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  • 9 months later...


Do you think that it is normal to have problems with a Dlink Dsl-2750u ADSL Router and 3BB internet ?

Internet works great with another router but I am often disconnected with Dlnk.

Anybody using Dlink with 3BB ? What are the parameters ?

Help appreciated ! Thanks.

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I've used DLink routers with both CAT and 3BB connections without problem. Friends have used them with TOT also without problems. Since changing to TRUE I've blown 2 DLink routers. As I said before I'm not so sure it's the routers that's wrong. To me it seems more likely to be True ISP.

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  • 1 month later...

I have an old DLink router in the Condo, works alright. So I bought another DLink Cloud Router to use in Japan, christ, the thing drove me nuts, my iPhone or Ipad wouldn't connect properly and when they did, certain Apps work, but others like Line, Tango, Yahoo weather won't, but getting to the App store, no problem, it was really frustrating.

Eventually I went to the Apple store and purchased an AirMac Express, virtually sets itself up, can be done on any iDevice with The Airport Utility App, don't need a computer to set the router up, within a few minutes it was up and running flawlessly.

My friend in Japan was running an SMC wireless router that I had bought over from Thailand, iPad and iPhone would keep disconnecting, now, no problems at all, but I still blame Apple because it was only after IOS 6 came out that the disconnection problems started.

AirMac Express 9800 Yen , around 3000 Baht, expensive compared to a cheap DLink, but if you ain't that Tech savvy when it comes to wireless networking, and have no patience, ( Like Me), It's not so bad.

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