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Sister In Hospital......


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Woke up this morning around 5:45 as usual.

After some breakfast a fag outside.

I was just enjoying my fag and a cup of coffee, when a slightly distressed young woman stopped at my gate.

She presented herself as a "neighbor" ("You know me?")

Her sister was in th hospital after an accident and she needed THB 1000 and she had only THB 400.

Her papa went to Walking street last night and didn't return yet.

I told her in a friendly way that it was better to wait for 'papa' and off she went.

This happened in the Soi Arunotai area.

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I am not sure why farangpattaya started this thread but certainly if the level of replies don't improve it will get its self closed.

It should also be noted that members are forbidden to solicit or accept donations or gifts on the forum.

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My original thoughts when I read the header was someone wanted donations to help his sister who would have some excuse for not purchasing travel insurance before travelling.

Not sure on the OP reason for posting.

It seemed a small amount and if it had been someone I knew had asked me I would have asked is not treatment free? if they had some plausible explanation as to needing 600B then I probably would have helped.

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Likely a scam...all Thais know where to go if they need to borrow small sums of money in an emergency. A girl in my moobaan once tried this on me but instead of the injured relative it was the police impounded her moto and she needed B400 to spring-it. I told her I wasn't the local pawnshop or money-lender and to take a hike.

I never got any more such requests for assistance again. Don't become know as a soft mark...you'll have them beating down your door.

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It may be a genuine plea for a genuine cause but I came across this one a few years back where I was approached for a relatively small amount of money for a similar purpose. It turned out that the girl in question did this all the time going up to people or visiting them at their homes and claiming some accident or another and asking for money. Beats working I guess! I was quite suspicious at the time as I pretty much knew everyone in my village by sight, as I regularly walked my dog in the area, and I didn't recognise her at all even though she was claiming to know me.

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which costs about 20B to replace..... 580 profit not bad. I've seen this done even by farang "bar managers' hitting all their mates and customers for small amounts, it's when they all get together they figure he has walked off with a few 100 thou, and racked off to Phuket.. Nothing new, not Thai, if you ever lend money to anyone for anything if you can't write it off then don't is my rule.


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My original thoughts when I read the header was someone wanted donations to help his sister who would have some excuse for not purchasing travel insurance before travelling.

Not sure on the OP reason for posting.

It seemed a small amount and if it had been someone I knew had asked me I would have asked is not treatment free? if they had some plausible explanation as to needing 600B then I probably would have helped.

But that's just it.They all have a plausible explanation............Say again where excactly do you live

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There was a girl wandering around our "estate" not long ago spinning the same story...

Exact same story & timing (0800 hrs) happened to me 2 months ago. At the time I figured it was a scam & so gave nothing.

Now I'm sure it was a scam. So, you have been warned.

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I've seen this scam before, a few years ago. Upon further questioning as to which house she lived in, I didn't get a proper answer. Just more pleas, along with "You know me, I see you every day". I realized then it was a scam. I replied "I don't know you" and closed the door. The next week, I put a fish eye lens on the door so I could see who was at the door before opening.

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Its most likely a scam. Very similar scenario happened to me a few months ago out in the sticks. Girl tried to make out she knew me and was a good friend of one of my staff. Wanted 400B to fix a flat tyre (normal cost is 100B :blink:). I declined & the minute she left a nearby shop keeper informed me that the girl was addicted to ice or something similar.

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Now I'm sure it was a scam. So, you have been warned.

And that's exactly what my post intends to do: Warn!!!

MY sister isn't in hospital (well, at least not that I know)

So, next time dear people..........except OneZero.......READ before you post!

And no........she wan't rootable.

Edited by Rimmer
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