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New Vip Seats At Major Cineplex

Sansai Sam

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Theater number 7 at Major Cineplex has removed the comfortable red electric recliners aand replaced them with uncomfortable sofas. The back is straight and uncushioned and there is no foot rest. I found it impossible to get comfortable. They are certainly not worth the money (270 per seat). They are cheap vinyl and a big step down from the previous emperor seats. I realize the old seats occassionally needed repair but with the money they make I think they could afford to fix them. I won't be using them again.

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Count me in. I think for me they are more comfortable than the others but not 270 baht worth of comfort.

We saw Narnia in them and it was a good show. It was really full but not all of the VIP seats were filled. The wife tried to buy one ticket for her Grandson and they would not sell one.

I tried to buy my tickets on line but they will not sell them that way have to buy the cheaper seats. No problem now.B)

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