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Application Of Stay Still Under Consideration. Come Back On 2Nd January

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Have just returned from my local Immigration office (Kanchanaburi).

I went to collect the remainder of my one year extension based on marriage but it hadn't come through yet from Bangkok. They have been pretty good for the last few years and permission to stay has usually been granted within the first 30 days from the application and not like the old days where one could wait several months for the approval.

They have given me a further 16 days and I have to report back on the 2nd January. They then pointed out to me that they wouldn't be open on that day as it is a national holiday and to return on the 4th Jan instead. Why couldn't they have altered the date stamp to the 4th??

It's always mystified me as to why they can't check on the calendar and stamp a date in one's passport when they will be open especially on this occasion when they already knew that they would be closed on the 2nd Jan.

I suppose it's one of life's little mysteries.

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They just stamp 30 days, as that they are suppose to give you, without regard for the calender. Like immirgaiton said, just go on the first working day after the 2nd, the 4th.

Yeah, I know 'what' they're doing and in fact the 16 days they gave me were in reality 15 days from today (the 18th) which was the date that was stamped in my passport. I obviously went to the office yesterday as they're closed today. They have given me half of 30 days before I need to report again.

Whether it be 90 days address reporting or 30 days under consideration etc.etc. I always check when I get home to see what day it falls on.

I was merely wondering as to why they couldn't be a little bit more flexible regarding this but no big deal. :)

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