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Being Chased By Dogs


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Would you believe, some misguided fool here in Phuket is trying to collect donations to immunize the street mongrels against distemper.

He only wants 2,000 baht each dog.

Should be no problem.


Yup, some people have a heart for animals and will try to help those in need, and some obviously don't ... <_< It says a lot about the person ... :rolleyes:

I think these kids would disagree!!




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When I walk I always carry bamboo stick. it is about 1-1/2 meters long and has metal tip. all I ever had to do was raise stick at dogs and sometimes yell at them and they back off. Have not yet had to actually hit dog. When riding bicycle I wear steel-toed shoes and carry rocks in pocket. On one occasion I actually had to kick dog, but usually just making throwing motion with rock was enough. Some people carry spray bottle with ammonia and I hear this works well too.

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That's interesting about ammonia

I did a quick google and came up with this from a gardening site.

Kind of a hassle to carry a spray bottle but might be some ways to utilize these chemicals.. Better suited to walkers.

Chili Pepper

This is one of the most common and most effective dog repellents. It is what you will commonly find in the commercial organic dog repellents. The capsicum in the pepper will irritate the skin of the dog, particularly the sensitive area in and around the nose. The irritation will deter the dog from returning to the area. Common chili pepper powder sprinkled around the area will help repel all dogs.


Dogs are not particularly fond of the smell of ammonia. To our noses, ammonia is strong but to a dog’s sensitive nose, ammonia is like a punch in the face. Place ammonia soaked cotton balls around the area you wish to keep the dog out of. Do not pour the ammonia directly onto the ground as it may hurt your plants.


Vinegar is another strong smelling scent that will act as a repellent to dogs. Again, use cotton balls soaked in vinegar in the area you wish to keep dogs out of. Do not pour vinegar straight onto the ground as this will kill plants.

Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is another strong smelling substance that will repel dogs. Same advice applies here as well. Soak cotton balls in the rubbing alcohol and place them in areas you wish to keep dogs out of.

Citrus Smells

Some dogs do not like the smell of citrus fruit, such as orange or lemon. If the above strong smelling solutions are too strong smelling for your nose, try cutting up some citrus fruit and placing those around your garden. If you can find it, citrus oil may also work

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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I've thought about putting stuff like that in a water bottle but the attacks don't happen often enough to warrant it. I've got experience using pepper spray on humans (much to their chagrin I might add) and the canisters need to be used just like firearms with proper shooting posture and procedure. Not handy on a bike but like I said earlier, once off the bike it can be different story. A bike bottle with a good squirt top might fill the bill though, but it still distracts you from protecting yourself.

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and not to mention the possibility of getting the stuff on your own skin or eyes in the case of accident etc. Most likely going to be far from a place to wash and neutralize it...

Would be a major drag to get pepper spray etc back in my own eyes because of wind etc. Good way to ruin a ride.

My goal is figuring out a way to ride more and deal with dogs, baggage, weapons, and side effects less.

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I wonder if you can buy Estes rocket motors in Thailand?? You could just glue a guide tube on the engine and mount a few on the bottom bracket. Put in the ignitors wired to a convenient switch on the handle bars and a battery and you've got some seriously effective CCM. (Canine Counter Measures) An estes rocket motor swirling around on the ground would scare the crap out of anything around!

Thinking about this a bit, a windshield wiper motor from a car hooked up to a tank of C-Snake-NT special elixir would work pretty well too! Just point one nozzle sideways on each side of the bike.

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could be a new growth industry

Shimano Shoe rockets

Chris King Dog Laser Hub's

Sram Scram Jets

The whole idea of using caustic chemicals really seem like a huge mistake. Let's say in trying to spray a dog and the wind gets it in your own eyes... Now your partially or largely blinded while surrounded by opportunistic attack dogs.... That's a dog packs dream come true... Right up there with finding a truck load of bones or sniffing a thousand dog butts simultaneously.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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pepper spray

Jayjay0 - where to I buy it, and is it legal to posess?

In answer to both your questions I don't know.

But I think if you pepper sprayed a dog he she would be a lot less willing to chase bikes again. You would be doing every one a favor.

Except for the dog you would be cutting into his her''s exercising routine.:D

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