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Living In Malaysia


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I've been offered work in Malaysia, the work is not the topic, more to the point what is Malaysia like to live in for a westerner? I've been there a few times, but only to study and take exams, (head stuck firmly in a book) I've been living in Thailand for about 5 years now, so feel free to us as comparison. For the last 18 months I've been working in the Sahara, (middle of nowhere) very cushy job, but a little isolated.

I would appreciate any views on the day to day living in Malaysia, good or bad. Sorry I'm not sure at this point where I will be going there, but I'll need to give a yes or no when I'm given a firm offer.

So guys, what's it like to live there?

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Great people, Great geography, Great city of KL... really lousy government!

Malays (REQUIRED by the govt to be Muslim) are completely in charge of the government - and 100% of the media - in a country with large ethnic Indian & Chinese populations. The Malays are continuously fed public subsidies, and the other ethnic groups are held down and out of power... and so very naturally are pissed off about it.

And the ruling party, which has been traditionally moderate in its religious strictures on public behavior, seems to be feeling pressure from the opposition party, so has been recently turning more toward conservative religious controls over the public.

They have an Internal Security Act (ISA) that can lock you away indefinitely without ever charging you for anything if you criticize the government's policies or an official. Under Matahir, there were lots of plain-clothed cops lurking in the bars, so free political discussion was verboten. And the uniformed police were armed thugs.

If you don't care about these things, and you can just work, party & sleep, you may love it. As for me, I was always grinding my teeth - found it unacceptable. Hey, wait a minute, this increasingly describes the USA nowadays....jap.gif but I don't live there either!

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Great people, Great geography, Great city of KL... really lousy government!

Malays (REQUIRED by the govt to be Muslim) are completely in charge of the government - and 100% of the media - in a country with large ethnic Indian & Chinese populations. The Malays are continuously fed public subsidies, and the other ethnic groups are held down and out of power... and so very naturally are pissed off about it.

And the ruling party, which has been traditionally moderate in its religious strictures on public behavior, seems to be feeling pressure from the opposition party, so has been recently turning more toward conservative religious controls over the public.

They have an Internal Security Act (ISA) that can lock you away indefinitely without ever charging you for anything if you criticize the government's policies or an official. Under Matahir, there were lots of plain-clothed cops lurking in the bars, so free political discussion was verboten. And the uniformed police were armed thugs.

If you don't care about these things, and you can just work, party & sleep, you may love it. As for me, I was always grinding my teeth - found it unacceptable. Hey, wait a minute, this increasingly describes the USA nowadays....jap.gif but I don't live there either!

Thank for that, that is one area I've not really thought about, what you can and can't say. I would have to be careful I can get a bit gobby and opinionated.......Must keep my gob shut if I stay there.

It is a bit like that here, (if there was anyone about to upsetAs for the USA, same same USE, (united states of Europe)

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You can find yourself very easily isolated in Malaysia.

The three ethnic groups keep themselves to themselves ,largely.

If you are 'young' and into nightlife and such,you can easily fit into the expat and whatever local yuppie community congregate around Bangsar ...

I haven't been to KL for a few years but this is the place to be...

All other cities feel very provincial and rather unfriendly...Not that KL is friendly but you may find a niche there..

Hi Vinniekintana

Isolation........Trust me I couldn't be any more physically isolated then I am where I work now, I could write a book called; “Living in a vacuum!” But I do understand what you mean, sometimes the feeling of being alone can be worse when surrounded by others who are either hostile/unfriendly or just uncommunicative.

Thanks for the input.

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