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Recommending the X-Centre (and there are other places up that way as well) if you find yourself a bit flush and in need of a bit of an adrenalin rush. (No affiliation, just had a good time).

Went on Sunday for my birthday. Was treated really well, and the staff are friendly and helpful. (Didnt mention that it was my birthday either.) There is also lockers and a shower area in the bathroom to get cleaned up in.

One hour buggy ride was 3k baht. 2 hours would have been 4500.

Any questions about my trip, feel free to ask.

Google X-Centre if you want more details..they have a website.

Heres a taster of my day!:

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Im sure there are plenty of options of what to spend 3k on. Im offering a review and a suggestion, not imposing on what anyone should spend there money on. People can obviously spend their money on whatever they like to. Hope that settles you down thaihog :P

...Mind you, funny thing is, from your hint, i get to get that for free. Hmm, well maybe not the jacuzzi. So in fact i got what you like to spend your 3k on (minus the jacuzzi), plus a day out at the xcentre..but all for the same cost! :D

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Im sure there are plenty of options of what to spend 3k on. Im offering a review and a suggestion, not imposing on what anyone should spend there money on. People can obviously spend their money on whatever they like to. Hope that settles you down thaihog :P

...Mind you, funny thing is, from your hint, i get to get that for free. Hmm, well maybe not the jacuzzi. So in fact i got what you like to spend your 3k on (minus the jacuzzi), plus a day out at the xcentre..but all for the same cost! :D

Sounds intriguing.

That said do you think it is fair to post some thing like that without a explanation of what it is about just say google it or put up some video that if I am extremely lucky I will be able to watch in 20 minutes.

In my opinion that is not really what the board is about. But then again I am not up to date with the rules and regulations I suppose it is OK with them but it surly can not be with the etiquite rules.

I will google it because it sounds like it could be interesting. My hope is it is just not another web page no longer available. There are quite a few of them on these forum's.

By the way I enjoy the little innuendo's keep up the fair work boys.:D

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Its sometimes hardly worth posting anything in an attempt to be helpful here sometimes.

As i wrote in the opening post..you are welcome to ask more questions. OR ..google...

NOthing to do with moderation..i am posting as a member..which, regardless of mod status, i still am.

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hi jayjay0, subtle digs at moderation are really not so subtle, suggest you take whatever your issue is to PM since you are well aware of the rules :)

As for what the x-center is, perhaps you could try asking instead of again, making a dig, its usually more productive.

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Thanks for posting. I think it was a good post.

It sounds bit spendy though. 3K for 2 hours.. for (a little less than) 1 K you can rent a beat up Suzuki jeep for a whole day, and then REALLY do some damage.. ;)

Winnie, the buggy ride is 3K for 1 hour.... :blink:

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V. strange. Someone throws out an idea for a fun time and responses are "I can do better," and "Expensive!" GOMs are everywhere!

Personally, I liked the music. Very much like me driving a bike in CM traffic. Video too.

Proper response would be fresh better ideas. Mulling.

Edited by CMX
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I do agree its very costly. It was a birthday treat, so im grateful. Just passing the info on. It was really good fun.

Nice alternative suggestion.


Cobrasnake, was a flat fee. No hassle and no shenanigans that i could see.

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Happy Birthday. Glad to see you got nice and wet on your Birthday eek....a little dirty too I guess.

Sounds like fun there.

:lol: Thank you Harry. Is your prefix "Dirty", Harry? OHhhhh..bad joke.. dont worry..im off to sit in the corner now..

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I'm pleased as punch you had a great time, Miss Eek. And I have three more things to say about it:

1) 3K is a bit steep, though it was a treat and sometimes we say 'the heck with it' when it's time to celebrate. I get it. However whenever I am out doing something touristy in this town I live in, I ALWAYS try to get a local/friend/Thai rate, whatever is applicable. I don't feel this inappropriate at all as we often then have a great time and then take or send others up there when they visit town. It's a win-win. (Plus I make a lower wage than all those rich tourists!)

2) Who drove ? You guys ? Or was there a 'guide' who carted you around thru the water n mud ? Did it ever feel dangerous ? Or was it just plain old adrenalin fun ?

3) Did you get any mud on your leather outfit ?

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Ooh, fun, fun! Sorry there are those who feel the need to be jagoffs about your birthday post :P

And I do hope you won't mind me co-opting your "More fun than a sack of confused weasles" subheading. It made me LOL (I would have ROFLMAO, but my Thai coworkers think I'm strange enough already :D )

Happy Birthday!!! :)

Edited by SadieMBeagle
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Always chuckle when seeing the blatant disregard of mostly Thai operators for safety. Am I the only one seeing the "lead guy" stepping out of the buggy without a helmet? How about the guy in the white buggy that stops , no helmets required? Are they running buggies up and down narrow trails with oncoming traffic? :blink:

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Always chuckle when seeing the blatant disregard of mostly Thai operators for safety. Am I the only one seeing the "lead guy" stepping out of the buggy without a helmet? How about the guy in the white buggy that stops , no helmets required? Are they running buggies up and down narrow trails with oncoming traffic?

When in-country we have these buggy caravans running past our home twice a day. All the paying riders are wearing helmets although the guides, experienced riders who are driving very conservatively, are not wearing as the lead guide and the trailing guide are always maintaining radio contact. The "off-road" dirt tracks are seldom used by others and many were built by the groups that make the tours such as the X-Center. These are dirt roads you would not find on your own renting a 4-wheel drove vehicle on your own. Although a bit pricey by Thai standards, not a bad way to splurge for a bit of fun on a special occasion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, maybe an X-Centre staff is reading this or maybe somebody else knows.

I made a reservation via their website, and got no response; then tried calling their landline and mobile listed on the site and got no answer. They go out of business already? Or just taking a vacation around the new year? Or just not answering the phone?

This is a shot in the dark I know, but if anybody knows the scoop, I'd appreciate it.



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Good on you, Eek! Enjoy!

The negativity which seems to prevail on this forum would surprise me if I hadn't met so many farang whingers. Cheer up, guys! Nobody else is going to do it for you!

Hear Hear! Good on you sharing it with us...... The whingers should stay at home and not commend!As usual...

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May I suggest an alternative thread title

"Getting Eek wet and dirty"


Okay, maybe an X-Centre staff is reading this or maybe somebody else knows.

I made a reservation via their website, and got no response; then tried calling their landline and mobile listed on the site and got no answer. They go out of business already? Or just taking a vacation around the new year? Or just not answering the phone?

This is a shot in the dark I know, but if anybody knows the scoop, I'd appreciate it.



Ohh..strange. Hope you get some feedback on that. :blink:

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Okay, maybe an X-Centre staff is reading this or maybe somebody else knows.

I made a reservation via their website, and got no response; then tried calling their landline and mobile listed on the site and got no answer. They go out of business already? Or just taking a vacation around the new year? Or just not answering the phone?

This is a shot in the dark I know, but if anybody knows the scoop, I'd appreciate it.



Ohh..strange. Hope you get some feedback on that. :blink:

I made the reservation for the 930 pick up this morning; and after assuming it was a no go due to no phone call, eventually got a phone call at around 950. Guy on the phone said he had just noticed my reservation in the system. Anyway, rescheduled for 1 pm pick up. Van showed up around 130.

Did the buggies on the trails, drifter carts, paintball, and zorb ball. Expensive but fun. Staff was very friendly and helpful. Watched someone else bungy jump and he looked like he had a good time. Drifter carts were the coolest.


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If you drove around in creeks in a 4x4 in my part of Canada the fine would be more than 4000 baht. And, there might be a confiscation of vehicle.

In many parts of the southern USA they have banned ATV vehicles in the back country in anywhere off designated roads. That is why so many Yanks take their ATVs down to Mexico to ride around.

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I am Very Sorry to Hear this or any Complaints regarding the X-Centre. We have 3 Staff who are supposedly Manning the Reception and taking Calls, Bookings etc? But in their Defense the Phone is sometimes Busy or they maybe Miss a Call because they are Busy? Anyway I apologize! We Try Our best to make everyone Happy but as We all know "You can Please some of the People some of the Time but You can't Please all of the people all of the Time". Pick Up Times are in town so in fact 9:30am and 1pm is When the Van is in Town but it collects People from Different Locations and Hotels so as it can not be in several Places at once the Times vary! As for the Prices, Yes It is quite Expensive to Some People but to the Majority it is Acceptable? In Fact over the Christmas, New Year Period 80 % of the Customers were Thai and never complained? In Fact they never did much Damage either where as a lot of Foreigners seem to think it is a Demolition Derby!!!

Anyway Sorry to anyone with a Bad Experience and We will Try to ensure it doesn't happen in the Future.


Okay, maybe an X-Centre staff is reading this or maybe somebody else knows.

I made a reservation via their website, and got no response; then tried calling their landline and mobile listed on the site and got no answer. They go out of business already? Or just taking a vacation around the new year? Or just not answering the phone?

This is a shot in the dark I know, but if anybody knows the scoop, I'd appreciate it.



Ohh..strange. Hope you get some feedback on that. :blink:

I made the reservation for the 930 pick up this morning; and after assuming it was a no go due to no phone call, eventually got a phone call at around 950. Guy on the phone said he had just noticed my reservation in the system. Anyway, rescheduled for 1 pm pick up. Van showed up around 130.

Did the buggies on the trails, drifter carts, paintball, and zorb ball. Expensive but fun. Staff was very friendly and helpful. Watched someone else bungy jump and he looked like he had a good time. Drifter carts were the coolest.


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