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Survivalism In Thailand


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Anarchy and public discord could come to Thailand a lot sooner than the rest of the world when the unspeakable happens, i think certain groups are just biding thier time, it might become very uncomfortable for Farangs, a certain person is much more popular than people realize

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OK, sure , the Odds of it all going tits up are pretty high at the moment.

Its just possible though that as Oil runs out, we'll use alternatives. OK, yeah, I know everyone says theres not enough alternative energy, but thats clearly not the case.

The energy is there all around us. Feel the Power :)

we could adapt our engines to run on Lao Khow :( , all that rice straw that gets burned could be used to make more alcohol. I'm pretty sure theres hundreds of times if not thousands of times more Solar energy available than we would ever need.

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I suggest aquiring some secluded land in the mountains, then.....

Tunneling an underground village for you and your family, similar to the North Vietnamese back in the war days.

Use modern technology and alternative energy to provide you with light etc.

Preferably have a fresh water spring nearby.

Fill a room with tinned food - You can start hoarding now away now ;)

Keep it Top secret!

Good Luck and i hope you make it through the times ahead :rolleyes:

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I appreciate gregd 's post ! Some well ducted, analyst short and inbound prediction on what is about to happen. I cannot say much more to it because I am not the linguist to put my thoughts into such words. gregd said it all and it is what I feel inside me since the Club of Rome 1977 did a rough outline on World's - not end - but future. To all the appcrythes - there will be no aprupt end, there will be a rather soft decline, like from swinging with the oil surge into a nightfall when the same oil that thrieves our all-apparent economies, this surge becomes a trickle. It ios a slow, but menaingful progress, and will teach mankind about the superiority of rural life. Unfortunately, the usurpators reign over the armies that will conquer and surpress the farmers. Just don t think the militia when hungry will leave the Eesarn peolle to themselves. Armies will invade and steal the rice for the riches in the cities . . Gold will still be Gold and the farmers will give their gold to get some of the stolen rice back from the thieves . . .

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