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The route which Jozef has choosen for this Saturdays (28 August)bicycle tour is one of the most beautiful ones you could think about. Most parts of the traject are also part of the yearly International Mountain Bike Challenge of Chiang Rai.

It leads through a forest, through extremely beautiful areas, along the elephant village, Akha, Lahu and Karen villages, over gigantic mountains, over a narrow hanging bridge crossing the Kok River, along the hot spring and then a beautiful road with hardly any traffic back to the starting point. I would guess that about 20 kms are dirt roads (read muddy roads) and a little bit over 40 kms normal roads.

Already three American top athletes (teachers) will join. The two biking local Dutch old-timers (together almost 130 years old) don't dare. This is going to be a route for people in top-condition. And for them it will be the finest you could think about.

It is going to be suffering! Where the going gets tuff, the tuff get going!

Anybody who dares is welcome at Jozefs Hamburger One place in Bandu.

For the exact address look at the topic Gouda, Pumpernickel, Rolmops and Bicycles.

Around 10.00 o'clock the bidons will be filled and the hero's will start. No broomwagons, no ambulances, no police escorts, the men will be on their own (certain parts of the tracks are too small for cars).

Believe me, this is going to be beasty, but great! :o


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On saturday 27 august we start a bicycletrip from Bandu to Ruammit Karen village only for fun no competition . We start 10a.m at hamburger no.1 for information phone 06 6584804 everybody is welkom hope to see you soon

.... Khun Jozef wrote.

And he is absolutely right about the date. It is not 28 August as I wrote, but 27 August.

If it really is going to be fun is partly depending on the weather of course. :o

Let's hope we keep it dry!



Hi , have fun then , i can ' t wait to get there (round 10 october , first time , bringing my own 'old' mtb from belgium)

how long does this tour will take ? , what is the average age of the riders ?

( if i may ask this)

no problems with flooding , like i saw on pictures(gt rider) in pai ?

i will stay and explore surroundings this time for 4 weeks and hope to come back in januari for a 3 month stay(all tips welcome)

learned already a lot on this forum , so thanks to all

doeij Limbo en de groeten aan Jos en zen vrouwke , hope to cu soon

ps : for dutchspeaking : last weekend in my village , kessel , was top mtb fun

Mtb Kessel Fort



i do not know what time whe come back ,it is only for fun not a competition people can explore a nice piece of chiang rai on bicycle and age is not important we all stay in group ( do not forget your camera)


**** Hi , have fun then , i can ' t wait to get there (round 10 october , first time , bringing my own 'old' mtb from belgium)

Dear Flupke,

Thanks for the MTB Kessels Fort story, nice to read, it makes the world smaller to know that you are doing the same crazy things as we are doing here.

I think Jozef told me that the Doi Tung Rally takes place the 16th of October (Jozef ....?). That is about 14 kms climbing and how! Start warming up!

I am still proud that I rode it downhill in 14 minutes, but uphill I prefer not to mention. Jozef went up in 55 minutes.

Doi Tung is a mountain, between Maesai and Maechan, where the Princess Mother build a beautiful house with enormeous gardens. Yearly thousands of Thai visitors come to this place to pay respect to the beloved Mae Fah Luang, as is Her name in the North. The race (maybe more than a thousand bikers and runners) attracts therefore participants from all over Thailand. It is a great happening.

**** how long does this tour will take ? , what is the average age of the riders ?

( if i may ask this) no problems with flooding , like i saw on pictures(gt rider) in pai ?

After Hans (70 in a couple of months) and me (60 in a couple of months) decided to postpone our heart-attacks for a while, the average age is down of course.

The exact answer we will know Monday-evening.

Jozef is the man of the details.

(He is an extremely mean and strong biker. It took Hans and me three days to recuperate after we did a forty kms with him)

**** i will stay and explore surroundings this time for 4 weeks and hope to come back in januari for a 3 month stay(all tips welcome)

learned already a lot on this forum , so thanks to all

We are waiting (now you have Jozefs number)!

**** doeij Limbo en de groeten aan Jos en zen vrouwke , hope to cu soon

Consider it done :o

Hoj! Limbo.


There are many groups to start in juniors,seniors and over 45 for many it is only for fun and to get the nice diploma at the finish, last year the organisation was very good .

yeah , about the age question , i forgot , me first then : already 37 and slightly grey (and wiser) :o

Dear Flupke,

The first Thaivisa Bandu bicycle tour was an enormeous succes!

The average age was 48 exactly, very simply because there was only one participant and that was Jozef himself (yes indeed, he is 48).

Two Dutchmen should be mentioned. Together they are almost 130 years old and they showed up at the start five minutes after Jozef started to kick his pedals.

It was an enormeous relief for them that they didn't have to participate and they had a beer in stead.

So everybody was very happy: The people who didn't show up, the two Dutchmen who didn't have to participate and Jozef himself, who biked to the Khun Korn waterfall (a trip of about 80 kms).

Thanks to this enormeous succes we decided that we will give it a follow up.

But we will wait untill the rainy season is finished. :D


  • 3 weeks later...
hey , already a big succes , but it can only get bigger next time me joining it ,

keep on biking everybody

Yeee, Flupke, that means that the number of participants will double.

We are not sure if the organization can handle this. :o



Aside from the Doi Tung bicycle event we will have the Thialand-China-Laos tour as well next month.

Starting date would be the day before the Doi Tung event of 16 October, but this has still to be confirmed.

Start in Chiang Rai, then to Chiang Saen and Chiangkhong. From there over the Mekong (by boat of course) to Sibsongpanna (twelfthousand rice fields) in Yunnan. Through Southern China and Laos. You can choose to finish in Luang Prabang or in Vientiane.

By truck and boat back to Chiangkhong and Chiang Rai.

Total distance 700 (Luang Prabang) or 1000 (Vientiane) kilometers.

The whole tour will take 17 days. Longest daytrip 105 and shortest 40 kms.

Costs including visa China and Laos, food and shelter 21.000 Baht.

As far as I am informed the Tourist Authority Thailand is involved.

About 120 participants are expected to show up, many from Bangkok and Chiang Mai.

The broom wagon will be manned by Fat Free Bicycle shop. Khun Bird will take care of technical problems.

For information: Contact Khun Bird and Khun Chompoo at Fat Free (on the corner opposite the first church).

Flupke? May I suggest the Ardennes for your training? Laos is rather mountaineous :o .



If you are not living in Chiangrai, excuse me, Chiang Rai and you want to participate, please feel free to PM me!



sounds really interesting and a fun way to discouver and meeting people

is it every year or are there similar organisations the year round ?

--> it will be close for me , landing in bngkk on 08/10

i suggest there is a closing date to subscribe

no link of the organisation ? , i didn ' t find any with google

i will make contact as soon as i arrive

yeah the ardennes are great fun and popular but i only ride on flat roads and downhill , is this also possible in laos ?

( it is because the bike won 't go uphill on 2 wheels , only on the rear wheel )

too much power or a ' chopper ' model , maybe i better ask an expert on this

sounds really interesting and a fun way to discouver and meeting people

is it every year or are there similar organisations the year round ?

--> it will be close for me ,  landing in bngkk on 08/10

i suggest there is a closing date to subscribe

no link of the organisation ? , i didn ' t find any with google

i will make contact as soon as i arrive

yeah the ardennes are great fun and popular but i only ride on flat roads and downhill , is this also possible in laos ?

( it is because the bike won 't go uphill on 2 wheels , only on the rear wheel )

too much power or a ' chopper ' model , maybe i better ask an expert on this

flupke hoop to see you soon

  • 4 weeks later...
DO NOT FORGET  sunday 16 oktober DOI TUNG bicycle event start 9a.m. everybody is welkom  see you

THAIVISA'S 'HAMBURGERS' will be at the start with its strongest formation. Two Belgian aces!

They are shaving their legs already!

First of all our strongest trump Flupke, a man with iron legs, been tried and tested in the mountaineous area of the Belgian Ardennes. A climber 'pur sang' (this is French and means something like a 'thoroughbred' climber). A man, having been only three days in Chiang Rai, who already was offered sponsorship by the Trek Formation of Thailand for races in Bangkok.

In the mornings he warms up with a hundred kms and in the late afternoon he playfully rides another sixty. He is amazing. Yesterday evening he rode with Chiang Rai's best team (Northern Bike). All had racing bikes and Flupke his mountainbike. Speeds of 55 km an hour :o , but he didn't have the slightest problem. A man dedicated to his sport, a man with feeling for what is happening in the field during the course: This beautiful combination of force and intelligence.

We are proud to have him in our ranks!

And then, the veteran with the golden legs, our Jozef. Two days ago he celebrated his 48th birthday. What can we expect of him?

First of all: He is a born champion on the flat. He is actually unbeatable on the flat.

In the beginning the Thai Chiang Rai bikers smiled a little bit pityfull at him when he showed up with his 'simple' bike. Nowadays they make a 'wai'! Doesn't this say more than a thousand words?

Tactically he is brilliant. When he bikes on the flat there are no escapes. He will take back anybody, even if they are half his age! His fastest time up the killer hill of Sunday to come was 55 minutes.

His advantages: He will ride in the agegroup 45+. Most of the men will be from areas without mountains, which means they are seriously handicapped. Keep an eye on our Jozef (he already reduced his smoking)!

The 'soigneurs' will be Gerry1011 and myself (for what that's worth...).

Anybody who wishes to ride under the banner of THAIVISA'S HAMBURGERS:

Please PM Jozef! Sunday morning the participants will meet at seven o'clock at Ban Du and then, after some coffee, the convoy will head for Doi Tung.

Limbo (excited already).


On behalf of the Sunbelt Thaivisa.com FC I would like to wish good luck to the bicycle team... All the best !!! And hope it will be an entertainning day for out bicycle team....



Sunbelt Thaivisa.com FC

Team Manager/Head Coach

''I Don't Represents Nobody, I Represent My Own''They Work For Me''

I am The Untouchable


Waw , the pressure is there allright , keeping the farang( belgium ) colors high .

For me it is just for fun , as so many others , but I do like to race .

Second thought , suppose I should be in a winning position , what I seriously doubt , shouldn ‘ t it be better I just fake some material brake down and leave the glory to a thai rider ?

All by all this is an event to honour the mothers king , for thai people ( prove is even the brochure of the event is only in thai language ).

Ofcourse I will do whatever my sponsors expect from me !

So at the moment no more 55km/h , just relax touring (with jozef ) untill the big day

Keep on biking ,



Dear Mr. Flupke,

As well as Thai also foreigners hold a deep respect for the beloved Mae Fah Luang.

And the late HRH Somdet Ya, as She is called in the rest of Thailand, was very sympathetic towards ethnic and cultural minorities, among which we also might position the 'tribe' of the bignosed 'farangs'.

By building Her palace on Doi Tung she actually went to live in between them.

Having been an expat Herself (She lived many years in the United States and in Switserland) She would certainly not be against you taking a cup (THE cup if possible).

Keep in touch and don't eat seafood from now on!



yes , these are truely words from a man of wisdom , with knowledge and respect for Thai culture and history .

offcourse I didn’t expect anything else , from my earlier reply , a little fish , swimming in thaivisa .com waters .

we are all honoured to have such a brightfull personality as our chang rai moderator .

( there are rumours he has secretly been training again , specially for this event , as he used to be the pioneer chang rai farang biker )

so next Sunday at Doi Thung , it will be : “ let the beast go “ , as the former popular belgian premier minister would say , while seated on a mechanical rodeo bull

thanks for clearifying on this matter .

for me as a ‘newbie ‘ to thailand always interested to learn more about its hystory and culture .

Thaivisa.com is truely amazing !

Ps : Limbo , seavegetables are the best source for mineral nutrition ,

but for Sunday I ‘ ll need something stronger .

what do you think about a double NO 1 hamburger special for breakfast ? :o

yes , these are truely words from a man of wisdom , with knowledge and respect for Thai culture and history .

offcourse I didn’t expect anything else , from my earlier reply , a little  fish , swimming in thaivisa .com waters .

we are all honoured to have such a brightfull personality as our chang rai moderator .

( there are rumours he has secretly been training again , specially for this event  , as he used to be the pioneer chang rai farang biker )

so next Sunday at Doi Thung , it will be : “ let the beast go “ , as the former popular belgian premier minister would say , while seated on a  mechanical rodeo bull

thanks for clearifying on this matter .

for me as a  ‘newbie ‘ to thailand always interested to learn more about its hystory and culture .

Thaivisa.com is truely amazing !

Ps : Limbo , seavegetables are the best source for mineral nutrition ,

but for Sunday I ‘ ll need something stronger .

what do you think about a double NO 1 hamburger special  for breakfast ? :o

As I mentioned before: For the time being I wish to postpone my heart-attack !

And Jozef, please: From now on Flupke's spaghetti and hamburgers on the bill of Thaivisa.com (eh .... my bill).

Message for the THAIVISA'S HAMBURGERS BC supportersgroup:

The section Chiang Rai town meets in Ban Du at half past seven tomorrow morning (Sunday) and will join the local section of Maechan about 45 minutes later on the way to Doi Thung.

The countdown started!

Vive la Belge!



OUR FLUPKE DID IT ! :o The First Cup!

The third price in the category 30 to 40 years (more than sixty participants)! Our Flupke (Belgium) is 37.

He rode the 27,4 kilometers in 1 hour and 16 minutes (average 21,5 kms).

Don't forget: It is very steep climbing for 95 % (the Doi Tung is at the 1600 meters level). Only one short descent during which he reached his maximum speed of 73 kilometers an hour :D

Belgian Jozef (48) finished the 18 kms alternative in 1 hour and 8 minutes.

Luke (44), our iron man from Vermont (USA) rode also the 27,4 and finished in 1 hour 35 minutes.

To compare: The over-all winner, a young and strong Thai cyclist took 1 hour en 10 minutes.

Please keep in mind: About 750 bikers from all over Thailand participated!

Among them six foreigners, of which 3 members of the THAIVISA'S HAMBURGERS BC.

Mumbojumbo led the supporters team of Chiang Rai town and Gerry1011 the supportersteam of Maechan. They did a great job.

I myself kept distance, being overwhelmed by emotions (....) :D .

It was the first time in the history of the Thai Bicycle Sport that the name of THAIVISA'S HAMBURGERS BC echoed over the mountains of Northern Thailand.

This happened when our Flupke received his Cup out of the hands of the Governor of Chiang Rai Province.

For me Flupke, Jozef and Luke are the heroes of the day and I am sure that I share this feeling with many of you!

Our transatlantic association (Belgium-USA) made a point! We exist!!!

And I am sure that the success of our top men will be an enormeous stimulant to the other bikers of THAIVISA'S HAMBURGERS BC.

Be sure you will hear more of us!

Flupke, Jozef, Luke: Thanks and thanks again!




I just want to memorize a beautifull moment in the race.

Our Belgian superman Flupke entered for a while in an agreement with a young Thai biker who was riding in another category. So they were no direct competitors.

They helped each other, taking the lead one after another, playing each others 'rabbit'.

When our Flupke had to go, still competing for a winning position, he shaked his new Thai friends hand and off he went.

It remembered me of the Maesai race I rode some years ago, where I waited for the cook of the Wang Come Hotel, husband of my laundry lady. I brought him back to the leading group, passed the group with him sucking my wheel with the intention to 'close the door' and put him in sprinters position about hundred meters before the finish. Shit, my legs went sour at this crucial moment driving next to the leader who immediatly took up the sprint and my cook had to pass me for the battle about the second position. He finally came in third (with about twenty kilos overweight, a cook you know).

Flupke managed to-day to keep his energy for the last track. He was able to give everything during the last kilometers without being handicapped by 'sour legs'.

It indicates his tactical and professional qualities.

Flupke, generous as he is, donated his cup to 'Hamburger 1' in Bandu, where it will be given a honorable place to remember the first success of THAIVISA'S HAMBURGERS BC.



There is nothing more to add to what Limbo said...

Flupke, Jozef, you were great... in bringing the Belgian colors to the top of Doi Tung (in such a short time :o )

Next year we will be an even bigger team to support you.

Promised Limbo? :D


As I doubt that they had the Belgian national anthem ready after flupke finished first, here it is. (The Belgians with their hand over their hearts and tears in their eyes of course... :o ): :D:D:D O dierbaar Belgie O heilig land der vaa-ad'ren ..... :D:D:D


Thanks Mr. Tokker,

The organisation was far from perfect (I woke up in a massage place at 5.30 in the morning after Irish Tayto woke me up by phone at the day of the happening) and Gerry1011 is a Walloon (....). I first thought I was in a hospital, because of the curtains.

Flupke and Jozef are Flemish and I am a Dutch Limburger (no, not the cheese, but as a person). And we all spoke English!

That's the spirit of Thaivisa: "Völkerfreundschaft" as the Germans would put it.

We, in a way, were all singing before the church went out.

But Flupke got us all together.

Limbo :o

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