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Palm Tree Lagoon


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Good for you emloy lots of guides spend a fortune on bait and catch that huge fish which really is not yours thats what fishing is all about. NOT!!!!!!!!

As for animosity there is no need for anyone to come on these forums and dispute anything, if you do not belive the poster then do not post simple!!!

Precisely then why do you post as this do not concern you in the first place. Second what you catch is your's regardless whether you have guide.Again you have not gone for big game fishing where the captain is paramount to what you catch. You pay money to hedge to your chances. In fact I brought my favourite guide from Bungsamran and I cover his loss of earning for that day. We earn our money and am willing to spend on what we like. I followed your last fiasco when you posted and kept silent.

We post what we catch and not other angler's fishes which you did with a photo of a caho with my face cut off. And the mekong you are carrying is not 50kg plus. I was there it was not weighted and most 28kg.The picture of the mekong I caught in the picture is only 43kg. I will let forummers to read what you posted and they will have their own conclusion whether this is INSINUATION.

This is the link to what you posted in other forum






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I only felt ripped of because of the lam. A fishery should have lam in stock (i did not order a thing) and they will use it anyway. But to charge me for a bag as all i wanted was a bucket is a bit crazy. I was lucky i saw it on the bill.

Also the fact you only get 1 big fish and later i found out that the small fish you get first are not favoured by the big predator fish. Then you are basically waisting your time trying during the day and then in the last 1-2 hours they come with a big fish. Mind you there was only one real big fish and we had to draw straws to get it. I got it and it was the only fish that got taken (says it all doesnt it).

I cant speak for the others and i wont. I still had a nice day. Even though i was burned to a crips because there is absolutely no shade around the lake (unless you stay at the buildings and then 75% of the lake is not fish able.)

It still was nice because you know the big ones are there and the redtails were nice. But if 5 fishermen with 10 rods get around 12 fish (all of whom not real big) Though my pacu was big. The catch rate is not that good.

At ngau nam currently the catch rate is also not good for the big ones. But its an affordable place in comparison. Like you said its the common mans fishing pond.

If the thing with the lam and the size of bait fish had not happened i would have felt a lot better about the place even if i did not catch much.

I don't know who told you that the big predators only come out on large livebaits but it was obviously someone who has not fished Palm Tree Lagoon very often. By far the majority of large predators in particular the arapaima come out on either pieces of dead fish mackeral/batu or chicken both supplied as part of the ticket. A couple of days ago an 82kg chao phraya was caught by Siam Fishing Tours customer Matt expertly guided by Jules on you guessed it a piece of chicken. As far as the number of fish caught goes, Steve a customer from Fish Siam being ably guided by 'Boy' caught more than 20 fish in a day only two days after you fished Palm Tree Lagoon. This again included a good sized predator namely a redtail catfish which when it was last weighed was 37kg caught on deadbait, and also caught 3 siamese carp between 25-30+kg. I also don't understand this myth that you can only catch big predators in the last 1-2 hours of the day, given both these large predators were caught before lunch. Please click on attached link for catch report and I have attached some photos of fish caught by these two anglers.



The person who told me this was the girl who worked there. So I expect her to know what she is doing. Like i said it pays to speak some Thai. They were also the ones who said the predators were caught around that time. So either they don't know what they are talking about or you are lying.

In both cases its bad for palm tree. If you are the owner then im sure the girl will tell you a lie that i have misunderstood or that this was never said. However this is what i have heard and i stand by my story.

I also stand with my opinion that palm tree is not a good catching lake for its price. Every lake has its monsters that come out once in a while. But if you pay good money you expect good catch rates. Of course it is possible that this was just a bad day.

This is not the first time you have insinuated that someone is lying, whats it all about Robblok??????????? You seem to come on these forums thinking you know about everything and when you read something you don't like you come out with the lying thing mmmm!!!!!

I am surprised you have not questioned the weight of the 82kg Chao Phraya...

Ah kenny the man with the big fishing tales. As others said your fish was not that weight your a miserable old man who is really competitive and looses his temper easily. (smashing rods anyone)

Now to get back to this post and why i said what i said. Firstly i think the guy that i am talking with here is the owner of Palm Tree.

I am new at predator fish so I dont know either way. I do know what was being said by the Thai people who worked there. They said the fish are mostly active around 4-5 when it cools down. Second thing they said they like the big live bait fish not the small ones.

He is trying to excuse them giving us small bait fish to start with. If they were honest up front i would not have wasted so much time with small live bait. They know best and they did not tell us (presumably because bigger bait fish cost more).

I don't mind not catching something, its part of fishing. What i mind is that i was not instructed to use a bigger hook and that i wasted my time with small live bait while they admitted later that that was not what the fish were after. Also i was pissed of about the lam scam.

In short they let us knowingly fish on a less effective way. Plus when they baited my hook they never said that i should use a bigger hook. However when i lost the fish they blamed me for not using a big hook.

So i am just combating the guy who is making excuses for the staf's behavior.

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Good for you emloy lots of guides spend a fortune on bait and catch that huge fish which really is not yours thats what fishing is all about. NOT!!!!!!!!

As for animosity there is no need for anyone to come on these forums and dispute anything, if you do not belive the poster then do not post simple!!!

You mean you cant afford it and your jealous ? I prefer to fish without a guide but i have seen kim fish and he does not let the guide do all the work. Just when he is running multiple rods.

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Good for you emloy lots of guides spend a fortune on bait and catch that huge fish which really is not yours thats what fishing is all about. NOT!!!!!!!!

As for animosity there is no need for anyone to come on these forums and dispute anything, if you do not belive the poster then do not post simple!!!

You mean you cant afford it and your jealous ? I prefer to fish without a guide but i have seen kim fish and he does not let the guide do all the work. Just when he is running multiple rods.

Ah personnel insults not very nice is it Robblok, and no I can not afford it and no I am not jealous, I am wondering how it is you know about the rod braking oh yes you must have heard it from a certain person that enjoys causing trouble. why this person feels the need to send previous posts is nothing short of malicious, anyway life is to short must get back to my miserable exsistance lol

Edited by kenny999
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Good for you emloy lots of guides spend a fortune on bait and catch that huge fish which really is not yours thats what fishing is all about. NOT!!!!!!!!

As for animosity there is no need for anyone to come on these forums and dispute anything, if you do not belive the poster then do not post simple!!!

You mean you cant afford it and your jealous ? I prefer to fish without a guide but i have seen kim fish and he does not let the guide do all the work. Just when he is running multiple rods.

Ah personnel insults not very nice is it Robblok, and no I can not afford it and no I am not jealous, I am wondering how it is you know about the rod braking oh yes you must have heard it from a certain person that enjoys causing trouble. why this person feels the need to send previous posts is nothing short of malicious, anyway life is to short must get back to my miserable exsistance lol

Subject is now closed as I do not correspond with anyone that feels it is right to post personnel insults on a public forum, please feel free to tell me if I have ever done this to you or anyone else!!! have a good day..

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Good for you emloy lots of guides spend a fortune on bait and catch that huge fish which really is not yours thats what fishing is all about. NOT!!!!!!!!

As for animosity there is no need for anyone to come on these forums and dispute anything, if you do not belive the poster then do not post simple!!!

You mean you cant afford it and your jealous ? I prefer to fish without a guide but i have seen kim fish and he does not let the guide do all the work. Just when he is running multiple rods.

Ah personnel insults not very nice is it Robblok, and no I can not afford it and no I am not jealous, I am wondering how it is you know about the rod braking oh yes you must have heard it from a certain person that enjoys causing trouble. why this person feels the need to send previous posts is nothing short of malicious, anyway life is to short must get back to my miserable exsistance lol

You posted it on a forum that it was broken. Anyway you started with the insults about me i just replied in kind. But i now know what kind of a man you are. Full of jealousy, i don't mind others fishing with guides that is up to them. I prefer to do it all myself but i wont condemn others who fish with guides.

You were the one who brought up that i was saying that people where lying without grounds. Then he just provided the link where i was supposed to have lied without grounds so others could judge if your fish was really that weight. And we all know what everyone was thinking, so to single me out for speaking my mind while i was probably right just like i am here about palm tree is just bad behavior on your side.

It was you who opened up this can of worms by attacking me here. You seem to have gotten what you deserved. I have absolutely no personal problems with you but you seemed to have taken it personally.

If you cant stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.

Edited by robblok
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Good for you emloy lots of guides spend a fortune on bait and catch that huge fish which really is not yours thats what fishing is all about. NOT!!!!!!!!

As for animosity there is no need for anyone to come on these forums and dispute anything, if you do not belive the poster then do not post simple!!!

You mean you cant afford it and your jealous ? I prefer to fish without a guide but i have seen kim fish and he does not let the guide do all the work. Just when he is running multiple rods.

Ah personnel insults not very nice is it Robblok, and no I can not afford it and no I am not jealous, I am wondering how it is you know about the rod braking oh yes you must have heard it from a certain person that enjoys causing trouble. why this person feels the need to send previous posts is nothing short of malicious, anyway life is to short must get back to my miserable exsistance lol

You posted it on a forum that it was broken. Anyway you started with the insults about me i just replied in kind. But i now know what kind of a man you are. Full of jealousy, i don't mind others fishing with guides that is up to them. I prefer to do it all myself but i wont condemn others who fish with guides.

You were the one who brought up that i was saying that people where lying without grounds. Then he just provided the link where i was supposed to have done that. So others could judge if your fish was really that weight. And we all know what everyone was thinking, so to single me out for speaking my mind while i was probably right just like i am here about palm tree.

It was you who opened up this can of worms by attacking me here. You seem to have gotten what you deserved. I have absolutely no personal problems with you but you seemed to have taken it personally.

If you cant stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.

LOL I am not jealous of anyone I am happy with what little I have, forums are for discussion and when that discussion decends into name calling well it's not good is it!!! I have no problems with you and I have not taken it personally I learned not to do that many many years ago, I have to say though I am miserable sometimes but mostly very happy and I think that applies to everyone on this planet, would like to fish more but unfortunately there is only 1 place here in Phuket and that has gone down hill big time so maybe I am envious of peoploe that can fish when ever they like where they like I do not think that is a crime.. anyway its unfortunate that you have been told things about me by someone, if you knew me you would see I am a person that goes to great lengths just to help people I have done that all my life and it is something I enjoy, as for losing my temper on a recent fishing trip well I am like millions of others and I think this includes you as I am sure you have lost your temper on a few occasions so please don't judge someone because of this. happy fishing in the future..

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Ding ding round 2.:D

I was not even going for Kenny. It was all about palm tree. I am sure there are great fish there. My whole point was that we were instructed wrongly so the lake could save a few baht. Plus we were ripped off about the lam. Had these two things not happened i would not have a problem not catching an airipaimat all.

To demonstrate the point whole day no bites on the smaller bait fish but in a short time after putting in a big bait fish 2 hits on the big bait fish. Plus the fact they saved those fish for last and only hat 1!! per person where we had to draw straws to get the biggest one.

This was clearly done to save money, if they had told me this id pay more because i was already there spending enough on the lake. I just hate fishing in effectively because they wanted to save money.

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Ding ding round 2.:D

I was not even going for Kenny. It was all about palm tree. I am sure there are great fish there. My whole point was that we were instructed wrongly so the lake could save a few baht. Plus we were ripped off about the lam. Had these two things not happened i would not have a problem not catching an airipaimat all.

To demonstrate the point whole day no bites on the smaller bait fish but in a short time after putting in a big bait fish 2 hits on the big bait fish. Plus the fact they saved those fish for last and only hat 1!! per person where we had to draw straws to get the biggest one.

This was clearly done to save money, if they had told me this id pay more because i was already there spending enough on the lake. I just hate fishing in effectively because they wanted to save money.

Well this is Thailand and everyone is out to make money from us apparently very rich Falangs how I wish that was true in my case, how much is it to fish this Palm Tree lagoon? I do like Cha Am it is very reasonable and although there is duel priceing 100 bht Thai's 200 for us I don't mind that, the last time I was there which was only a few weeks ago it was so hot I could not bear it and only fished for a few hours a day but still a good trip.

I wonder what Thai people would say if our home countries had duel priceing I think not impressed!!

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Ding ding round 2.:D

I was not even going for Kenny. It was all about palm tree. I am sure there are great fish there. My whole point was that we were instructed wrongly so the lake could save a few baht. Plus we were ripped off about the lam. Had these two things not happened i would not have a problem not catching an airipaimat all.

To demonstrate the point whole day no bites on the smaller bait fish but in a short time after putting in a big bait fish 2 hits on the big bait fish. Plus the fact they saved those fish for last and only hat 1!! per person where we had to draw straws to get the biggest one.

This was clearly done to save money, if they had told me this id pay more because i was already there spending enough on the lake. I just hate fishing in effectively because they wanted to save money.

Well this is Thailand and everyone is out to make money from us apparently very rich Falangs how I wish that was true in my case, how much is it to fish this Palm Tree lagoon? I do like Cha Am it is very reasonable and although there is duel priceing 100 bht Thai's 200 for us I don't mind that, the last time I was there which was only a few weeks ago it was so hot I could not bear it and only fished for a few hours a day but still a good trip.

I wonder what Thai people would say if our home countries had duel priceing I think not impressed!!

I paid 3500 ex food lam. Later i heard this was a special price. (i would not have minded paying more if i had the right fish all day). Anyway lakes like that i will only visit once in a while because of the price. I am not rich, i make nice money but im certainly not rich.

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Ding ding round 2.:D

I was not even going for Kenny. It was all about palm tree. I am sure there are great fish there. My whole point was that we were instructed wrongly so the lake could save a few baht. Plus we were ripped off about the lam. Had these two things not happened i would not have a problem not catching an airipaimat all.

To demonstrate the point whole day no bites on the smaller bait fish but in a short time after putting in a big bait fish 2 hits on the big bait fish. Plus the fact they saved those fish for last and only hat 1!! per person where we had to draw straws to get the biggest one.

This was clearly done to save money, if they had told me this id pay more because i was already there spending enough on the lake. I just hate fishing in effectively because they wanted to save money.

Well this is Thailand and everyone is out to make money from us apparently very rich Falangs how I wish that was true in my case, how much is it to fish this Palm Tree lagoon? I do like Cha Am it is very reasonable and although there is duel priceing 100 bht Thai's 200 for us I don't mind that, the last time I was there which was only a few weeks ago it was so hot I could not bear it and only fished for a few hours a day but still a good trip.

I wonder what Thai people would say if our home countries had duel priceing I think not impressed!!

I paid 3500 ex food lam. Later i heard this was a special price. (i would not have minded paying more if i had the right fish all day). Anyway lakes like that i will only visit once in a while because of the price. I am not rich, i make nice money but im certainly not rich.

Wow I could afford that but just would not pay that much for fishing here when you have other great places for a lot less, will defo go to Bungsamran again one day and Cha Am but at the moment playing a bit of golf and just got new car so fishing is in the background at the moment, its good to do different things, and next yr my GF's Daughter is coming to live with us so lots of things will be put on hold me thinks.

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This is the link to rates for Palm Tree Lagoon. Yes Robblok I was quoted price of 3500baht for 2 rods. Didn't ask for discount. The only 3 fishing resorts that charged 5000baht or more are Teak Tree,Greenfield,Palm Tree and Gillhams. Same concept 2 rods with reasonable amount of bait included in price. All are owned by expats except Greenfield co-owned with Thai and perhaps also Palm Tree Lagoon. So the costliest ponds to fish to fish in Thailand are managed/owned by expats going for farang dollars. To be fair all don't practise dual pricing-one standard price for all- but not sure of Palm Tree Lagoon.

The most expensive is IT Lake Monster-Thai owned- it's 7000baht per rod for whole day dead/live bait or 3500baht for half day lure and half day dead/live bait.

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  • 2 months later...

Just got back from 3 days fishing for carp at Palm Tree Lagoon.

Fishing was action packed but I didn't manage to hook my big Siamese Carp. Had over 60 rohu, mud carp, a Julians Carp and a new PB Catla carp around 20kg. Several rohu and Mud carp were new Pbs too so overall I was quite happy and gives me a good excuse to go back :D.

Whilst I was there another bloke fishing on his own nearby, caught several Catla carp and 2 large Chow Praya catfish on lum, 2 nice redtails and another huge Chow Praya (at over 60kg the biggest I have ever seen) on worm. Benny, the Thai boss, fished for few hours down the other end and caught a chow praya and 2 siamese carp, the biggest around 40kg! She is clearly a good angler in her own right and I found her to be very helpful. She was clearly concerned that I had not caught my target fish and went out of her way to provide different consistencies of method mix (at no extra cost) for me to try.

Interestingly, nearly all of the fish came during the middle of the day.

For anyone fishing there for more than a day, the Western Grand Hotel is good value at 850B. I used my own gear but the equipment available was top end Shimano Stella and Finns. For info, I was charged exactly what I was told when I booked.

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a newbie and just posting about this lake with his first post. It could be true of course, my experiences are different. I never got any postings back from the presumed farang owner on this thread.

I am not saying this lake is bad, because im sure it has potential. Just the cheating around it and the cutting costs was anoying. Had i have been asked to pay more from the start and not get treated like a walking ATM (the lam scam and giving out small fish at start) my review would have been more positive even though that day the catches were not that good. But that is fishing that can always happen.

The lake is a bit small for my taste too. Even my local lake here (filled with sawai) is bigger. But that is just my personal taste.

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RobLok I have read your previous posts and you seem to make a habit out of insinuating that others are lying if they disagree with your comments. What things "could be true of course" - the captures by myself and others? The prices? By the fact that you are repeating what you have said on this thread several times already, it seems that you have a bit of an axe to grind.

I didn't realise I needed any special qualifications to post on here. Yes, it is my first post but I have been following this fishing forum on here, admiring some of the carp captures for over a year. I have fished extensively at many of the fishing parks and reservoirs in Thailand and having just fished at the place for longer than you did, I do feel fully qualified to comment. I have merely stated my experiences there. The fact that I enjoyed fishing there and you didn't shouldn't upset you.

And by the way, I am not connected to the lake in any way.

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RobLok I have read your previous posts and you seem to make a habit out of insinuating that others are lying if they disagree with your comments. What things "could be true of course" - the captures by myself and others? The prices? By the fact that you are repeating what you have said on this thread several times already, it seems that you have a bit of an axe to grind.

I didn't realise I needed any special qualifications to post on here. Yes, it is my first post but I have been following this fishing forum on here, admiring some of the carp captures for over a year. I have fished extensively at many of the fishing parks and reservoirs in Thailand and having just fished at the place for longer than you did, I do feel fully qualified to comment. I have merely stated my experiences there. The fact that I enjoyed fishing there and you didn't shouldn't upset you.

And by the way, I am not connected to the lake in any way.

Well I am sure you know I went through exactly what you are saying from 3 people on this forum, you post a picture of a weighed fish and all you get is "that fish is not the weight you say it is" but then of course as I have said before they were all there..(NOT)

Edited by kenny999
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a newbie and just posting about this lake with his first post. It could be true of course, my experiences are different. I never got any postings back from the presumed farang owner on this thread.

I am not saying this lake is bad, because im sure it has potential. Just the cheating around it and the cutting costs was anoying. Had i have been asked to pay more from the start and not get treated like a walking ATM (the lam scam and giving out small fish at start) my review would have been more positive even though that day the catches were not that good. But that is fishing that can always happen.

The lake is a bit small for my taste too. Even my local lake here (filled with sawai) is bigger. But that is just my personal taste.

God what is your problem, yet again insinuating someone is not telling the truth

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a newbie and just posting about this lake with his first post. It could be true of course, my experiences are different. I never got any postings back from the presumed farang owner on this thread.

I am not saying this lake is bad, because im sure it has potential. Just the cheating around it and the cutting costs was anoying. Had i have been asked to pay more from the start and not get treated like a walking ATM (the lam scam and giving out small fish at start) my review would have been more positive even though that day the catches were not that good. But that is fishing that can always happen.

The lake is a bit small for my taste too. Even my local lake here (filled with sawai) is bigger. But that is just my personal taste.

God what is your problem, yet again insinuating someone is not telling the truth

Maybe i have a keen mind. I am an accountant after all. I got an IQ of 135. I am naturally paranoid about people who make just 1 post here advertising a lake.

I am actually quite a nice guy i just always look for alternative motives. Its just something i got from being an accountant. Always looking for the truth and trouble.

You are accusing me of not being truthful unlike you i never posted unbelievable claims. Many people in that thread agreed with me. You are always on my case or on Zoso's case. I dont really care much because your an old guy and i know old guys like you don't have much of a life. So if you get your pleasure form hounding me please go on. I dont want to be the reason for you to be unhappy.

But just look at this thing realistically.. a first timer advertising for a lake that has a bad reputation. A farang owner not rebutting my claims of cheating me. What are the chances of that.

I don't hate palm tree lagoon. I just hate cheats, if they had treated us better then things would have been differently. I was against bung sam ran too .. but now i go there a lot because they treat Thais and farang the same. They dont cheat us anymore if we have a Thai drivers license. I just fight against unfairness and cheating.

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Just curious,do you wanna fish or fight? @ pages of the same thing said and it is all a bunch of crap! I sure wish someone would talk about the fishing instead of pricing and complaining! You ask prices before you go, and if you get ripped off, it won't be the last time, so deal with it! I personaaly would like to find a place locally where I can play with my ultra light and not stress my already bad back! I prefer a 3-4 lb fish on an ultra light on 4lb test more than anything!

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a newbie and just posting about this lake with his first post. It could be true of course, my experiences are different. I never got any postings back from the presumed farang owner on this thread.

I am not saying this lake is bad, because im sure it has potential. Just the cheating around it and the cutting costs was anoying. Had i have been asked to pay more from the start and not get treated like a walking ATM (the lam scam and giving out small fish at start) my review would have been more positive even though that day the catches were not that good. But that is fishing that can always happen.

The lake is a bit small for my taste too. Even my local lake here (filled with sawai) is bigger. But that is just my personal taste.

God what is your problem, yet again insinuating someone is not telling the truth

Maybe i have a keen mind. I am an accountant after all. I got an IQ of 135. I am naturally paranoid about people who make just 1 post here advertising a lake.

I am actually quite a nice guy i just always look for alternative motives. Its just something i got from being an accountant. Always looking for the truth and trouble.

You are accusing me of not being truthful unlike you i never posted unbelievable claims. Many people in that thread agreed with me. You are always on my case or on Zoso's case. I dont really care much because your an old guy and i know old guys like you don't have much of a life. So if you get your pleasure form hounding me please go on. I dont want to be the reason for you to be unhappy.

But just look at this thing realistically.. a first timer advertising for a lake that has a bad reputation. A farang owner not rebutting my claims of cheating me. What are the chances of that.

I don't hate palm tree lagoon. I just hate cheats, if they had treated us better then things would have been differently. I was against bung sam ran too .. but now i go there a lot because they treat Thais and farang the same. They dont cheat us anymore if we have a Thai drivers license. I just fight against unfairness and cheating.

ha ha it's great you are a clever man but you are also a very sad man, seriously I don't think anyone is interested in what you post any more. go some where else and be a doubter!!!!

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Just curious,do you wanna fish or fight? @ pages of the same thing said and it is all a bunch of crap! I sure wish someone would talk about the fishing instead of pricing and complaining! You ask prices before you go, and if you get ripped off, it won't be the last time, so deal with it! I personaaly would like to find a place locally where I can play with my ultra light and not stress my already bad back! I prefer a 3-4 lb fish on an ultra light on 4lb test more than anything!

Hi Mate wellcome to this forum, a quick word about what has been going on here, this was all started by 3 people who thought it was right to question and insinuate that certain posts were untrue and as you can see it has not stopped, it is all a laugh now and does not concern me one little bit, these people are full of jealousy, Roblok says would you believe anyone that has only fished a venue once and had a good experience well yes you would, what is the reason you would not beleive them of course it is jealousy, anyway I have had my fun with them now so back to what is important, no more replys to them because it is so boring. oh must say this to Roblok yes I am older 55, yes I have not got much of a life due to being poorer than him, and no I am not happy all of the time but then again who is

Where do you live as in Phuket there is only one place to fish and that has gone down hill, for me Cha Am is the best and most cost effective place to fish, nice place with some very big fish but also lots of hard fighting smaller fish. I go to a place called Sahin Hin it is by the sea, there is always a Thai guy there fishing and catches a lot of small fish which I am assuming is good to eat, think I will give that a try as it looks fun. good fishing mate,

Edited by kenny999
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a newbie and just posting about this lake with his first post. It could be true of course, my experiences are different. I never got any postings back from the presumed farang owner on this thread.

I am not saying this lake is bad, because im sure it has potential. Just the cheating around it and the cutting costs was anoying. Had i have been asked to pay more from the start and not get treated like a walking ATM (the lam scam and giving out small fish at start) my review would have been more positive even though that day the catches were not that good. But that is fishing that can always happen.

The lake is a bit small for my taste too. Even my local lake here (filled with sawai) is bigger. But that is just my personal taste.

God what is your problem, yet again insinuating someone is not telling the truth

Maybe i have a keen mind. I am an accountant after all. I got an IQ of 135. I am naturally paranoid about people who make just 1 post here advertising a lake.

I am actually quite a nice guy i just always look for alternative motives. Its just something i got from being an accountant. Always looking for the truth and trouble.

You are accusing me of not being truthful unlike you i never posted unbelievable claims. Many people in that thread agreed with me. You are always on my case or on Zoso's case. I dont really care much because your an old guy and i know old guys like you don't have much of a life. So if you get your pleasure form hounding me please go on. I dont want to be the reason for you to be unhappy.

But just look at this thing realistically.. a first timer advertising for a lake that has a bad reputation. A farang owner not rebutting my claims of cheating me. What are the chances of that.

I don't hate palm tree lagoon. I just hate cheats, if they had treated us better then things would have been differently. I was against bung sam ran too .. but now i go there a lot because they treat Thais and farang the same. They dont cheat us anymore if we have a Thai drivers license. I just fight against unfairness and cheating.

Bloody hell I said I woulden't post to you again but just noticed a mistake, when did I ever say you were not telling the truth don't you mean that it is you that is telling people thay are not telling the truth :rolleyes: I think you are getting very muddled and confused how old are you? lol thats it no more as Coronation Street is on and I have to go and get my Zimmer frame as I am so old plus I need to eat a packet of smiley faces because I am so unhappy ha ha :D lighthearted posts from now on please :D:huh:

Edited by kenny999
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a newbie and just posting about this lake with his first post. It could be true of course, my experiences are different. I never got any postings back from the presumed farang owner on this thread.

I am not saying this lake is bad, because im sure it has potential. Just the cheating around it and the cutting costs was anoying. Had i have been asked to pay more from the start and not get treated like a walking ATM (the lam scam and giving out small fish at start) my review would have been more positive even though that day the catches were not that good. But that is fishing that can always happen.

The lake is a bit small for my taste too. Even my local lake here (filled with sawai) is bigger. But that is just my personal taste.

God what is your problem, yet again insinuating someone is not telling the truth

Maybe i have a keen mind. I am an accountant after all. I got an IQ of 135. I am naturally paranoid about people who make just 1 post here advertising a lake.

I am actually quite a nice guy i just always look for alternative motives. Its just something i got from being an accountant. Always looking for the truth and trouble.

You are accusing me of not being truthful unlike you i never posted unbelievable claims. Many people in that thread agreed with me. You are always on my case or on Zoso's case. I dont really care much because your an old guy and i know old guys like you don't have much of a life. So if you get your pleasure form hounding me please go on. I dont want to be the reason for you to be unhappy.

But just look at this thing realistically.. a first timer advertising for a lake that has a bad reputation. A farang owner not rebutting my claims of cheating me. What are the chances of that.

I don't hate palm tree lagoon. I just hate cheats, if they had treated us better then things would have been differently. I was against bung sam ran too .. but now i go there a lot because they treat Thais and farang the same. They dont cheat us anymore if we have a Thai drivers license. I just fight against unfairness and cheating.

Bloody hell I said I woulden't post to you again but just noticed a mistake, when did I ever say you were not telling the truth don't you mean that it is you that is telling people thay are not telling the truth :rolleyes: I think you are getting very muddled and confused how old are you? lol thats it no more as Coronation Street is on and I have to go and get my Zimmer frame as I am so old plus I need to eat a packet of smiley faces because I am so unhappy ha ha :D lighthearted posts from now on please :D:huh:

Look you have been making strange posts all over the forum. One moment you act crazy other moments you act normal. You almost look bipolar or something like that. I seen you do the same thing at the motor forum part.

You said i was insinuating things, that is the same as saying im untruthful. I am sure as hell no saint (also i dont aspire to be one) but i don't tell lie's about the size of my fish or lies about places that i go to to damage the reputation of that place.

I just really get angry and take it personal if im being ripped off. I really hated the dual pricing at BSR, now i go there more often (still love going to shadow lake). I even told them at BSR now they have more business from me because they did not charge me extra. Many of my other friends now go there more often too because the dual pricing system is gone.

This palm tree lake was nothing special for me and i would have accepted a day without catching my target fish. That is all normal for fishing. What anoyed me was charging me for a bag of lam while i asked for a bucked then saying they had to specially order it for us (ever heard of a fishing pond that could not use lam later on). With some luck i could sell a 75% full bag back to them for 50% of the price. That was something i hated, i did not even know they charged me a bag until i checked my bill.

The other thing was giving us small fish all day long and then when we did not catch anything big break out the bigger fish and let us draw straws for an even bigger fish. (can you imagine drawing straws for a bigger fish while we all paid the same price). If they had charged me more to start with and given me a steady supply of lam and bigger fish i would not have made any problems. Also telling me i used hooks that were too small and blaming me for loosing the fish (i told them i never fished for airipaima and they even set up the rod for it if my hooks were so small they could have told me and sold me some bigger ones).

Now they have a dissatisfied customer who can be vocal.

Our trouble is different i and others just did not believe the weight of the fish, now you keep attacking me every time i say something. I can live with that but will rebuke your claims.

About my post from the other guy, i just found it curious that someone who has never posted on Thaivisa before found this thread and started to post positive things about the lake like an commercial. I could be totally wrong and if so i will apologize to the poster. But sometimes things are just what they look like.

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lol Roblok this is serious now I actually do think you are right about the Bi-Polar thing, one minute everything is rosey and a few seconds later it's not, making my mind up which flavour ice cream to have can be very annoying I can never make a decision, will have to live with it I suppose lol

Now I hope you can see how annoying it can be if you were to post and then have that post questioned and in my case the weight of the fish disputed even though it was weighed and witnesed by 4 people, yes I was angry because I do not lie about things like that as that would be very sad indeed and also could be seen as attention seeking, okay I only have 2 friends but do you need more? if anyone calls someone else a liar I would stick up for them because there is no reason to say that as you were not there and you have to take there word for it otherwise it just causes problems like the one we have at the moment, as far as I am concerned this is done and dusted it's just going over and over the same thing with you disputing someones post and me getting angry about it which I have every right to do considering you are still bringing my great fish into these posts. anyway happy fishing in the future and hopefully fishy tales (truthfull ones) to tell in the future.

Maybe one day you will be my 3rd friend lol

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lol Roblok this is serious now I actually do think you are right about the Bi-Polar thing, one minute everything is rosey and a few seconds later it's not, making my mind up which flavour ice cream to have can be very annoying I can never make a decision, will have to live with it I suppose lol

Now I hope you can see how annoying it can be if you were to post and then have that post questioned and in my case the weight of the fish disputed even though it was weighed and witnesed by 4 people, yes I was angry because I do not lie about things like that as that would be very sad indeed and also could be seen as attention seeking, okay I only have 2 friends but do you need more? if anyone calls someone else a liar I would stick up for them because there is no reason to say that as you were not there and you have to take there word for it otherwise it just causes problems like the one we have at the moment, as far as I am concerned this is done and dusted it's just going over and over the same thing with you disputing someones post and me getting angry about it which I have every right to do considering you are still bringing my great fish into these posts. anyway happy fishing in the future and hopefully fishy tales (truthfull ones) to tell in the future.

Maybe one day you will be my 3rd friend lol

Could be bad for you if you really are bipolar. I don't know much about it but im sure its not a good thing to have. Choosing the flavor of your ice cream is the least of your worries then.

anyway the fish did not look the weight, lets keep it at that.

Here is a fish that also did not look its weight



But it is 51 kg as the scales show

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lol Roblok this is serious now I actually do think you are right about the Bi-Polar thing, one minute everything is rosey and a few seconds later it's not, making my mind up which flavour ice cream to have can be very annoying I can never make a decision, will have to live with it I suppose lol

Now I hope you can see how annoying it can be if you were to post and then have that post questioned and in my case the weight of the fish disputed even though it was weighed and witnesed by 4 people, yes I was angry because I do not lie about things like that as that would be very sad indeed and also could be seen as attention seeking, okay I only have 2 friends but do you need more? if anyone calls someone else a liar I would stick up for them because there is no reason to say that as you were not there and you have to take there word for it otherwise it just causes problems like the one we have at the moment, as far as I am concerned this is done and dusted it's just going over and over the same thing with you disputing someones post and me getting angry about it which I have every right to do considering you are still bringing my great fish into these posts. anyway happy fishing in the future and hopefully fishy tales (truthfull ones) to tell in the future.

Maybe one day you will be my 3rd friend lol

Could be bad for you if you really are bipolar. I don't know much about it but im sure its not a good thing to have. Choosing the flavor of your ice cream is the least of your worries then.

anyway the fish did not look the weight, lets keep it at that.

Here is a fish that also did not look its weight



But it is 51 kg as the scales show

Well it looks to be a very similar size to mine, in fact if you take off 3.5kgs for the weigh sling it is the same as mine lol but even if there was not a picture of the scales I would believe the fish was the weight you stated, I don't believe anyone would lie about the weight of a fish or anything else but then thats me, great fish,great picture.

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Well it looks to be a very similar size to mine, in fact if you take off 3.5kgs for the weigh sling it is the same as mine lol but even if there was not a picture of the scales I would believe the fish was the weight you stated, I don't believe anyone would lie about the weight of a fish or anything else but then thats me, great fish,great picture.

I doubt the sling is 3.5 kg as the poles are aliminium and its all light weight. But soon there will be steel poles in because after the 51kg fish it was all bend up. I just take pictures of the scales too as it is definitive proof of the weight of a fish. (unless i got some weight stacks with me to put in there with the fish)

I did not even try to lift the fish and i am used to handling 125 kg weights for dead lifts.

Edited by robblok
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Well it looks to be a very similar size to mine, in fact if you take off 3.5kgs for the weigh sling it is the same as mine lol but even if there was not a picture of the scales I would believe the fish was the weight you stated, I don't believe anyone would lie about the weight of a fish or anything else but then thats me, great fish,great picture.

I doubt the sling is 3.5 kg as the poles are aliminium and its all light weight. But soon there will be steel poles in because after the 51kg fish it was all bend up. I just take pictures of the scales too as it is definitive proof of the weight of a fish. (unless i got some weight stacks with me to put in there with the fish)

I did not even try to lift the fish and i am used to handling 125 kg weights for dead lifts.

Here is a picture of a Palm Tree Lagoon mekong caught the other day. I think this one is bigger lol....


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