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I wonder why people chose to hide behind funny nicknames.  What's the point?  People here seldom know each other's full names anyway.

The O.F.C.S. chatters know most of the others first names. In fact, a lot of us (those in country, anyway) have met up for a beer or two. A lot of the TV posters have also met up.


It relates actually to all forums, so also, may it be indirectly, to the Chiang Rai Forum. Maybe it even relates more to a local forum than to the more general ones.

I have also been thinking about it. Many of us know each other and then, suddenly, we put on masks.

For visitors it doesn't really matter if Joel is your real name or your nick-name, but for us, who know you, it is a different thing. As it is for the people who know your books.

Welcome Joel! Why did it take so long?

As an author you are a kind of public person so I hope you don't mind the following:

Joel Barlow (his real name!) is one of the specialists on Chiang Rai and its history. He published several books and wrote even more articles on it. I am very happy that Joel found us and I hope he wishes to contribute to our forum.

And Joel, as you might know already: Limbo is nobody else than Dutch John, :o

(so now everybody knows where my spelling mistakes come from)

Welcome again! Next beer is on me! See you at Bo's.

Limbo :D


I wonder why people chose to hide behind funny nicknames.  What's the point?  People here seldom know each other's full names anyway.

Some of the posters might post from work...... :o

I perfer to be anonymous on the net - when you meet me face-to-face, I may give you my name Here on TV there is no need for that.


I wonder why people chose to hide behind funny nicknames. What's the point? People here seldom know each other's full names anyway.

It seems to me it is less an issue of anonymity than one of freedom of choice and privacy. All users are free to choose their own online user name – real or created - as long as it does not cause offense to others’ sensibilities. Although using one’s own name might inadvertently cause offense to those who are familiar with that person. They are also free to make their personal information available, or not.

A created user name and a request to keep one’s personal information private protects the user from unwanted mail from those who might act inappropriately as well as solicitations from some who are peddling a product – such as a book by a self-proclaimed author and expert on Chiang Rai.

How do you spell pseudonym?


It seems to me that the custom of having a "handle" and using it in lieu of a real name dates back to the early days of radio; back to the days of Morse Code, maybe. Then it would have been easier and more convenient to use a short pseudonym instead of a name and surname.

The custom just carried on into CB (Citizens Band) radio, the early computer based bulletin boards and now into on-line forums like this one.

In the end, you choose your own level on anonymity. I have so much exposure on the Internet that I don't both trying to hide who I am here or elsewhere. Some people prefer a high level of anonymity for a variety of reasons; not the least of which seems to be the ability to act like a jerk without the possibility of public exposure. :o

Up to you....


I wonder why people chose to hide behind funny nicknames.  What's the point?  People here seldom know each other's full names anyway.

What are you asking? :D

First you say we hide behind funny nicknames and then you say people here seldom know each other's full names anyway. Perhaps the latter is because of the former?

With thousands of members the normal nicknames have been used so most people have to think up something else to register with.

Security wise it is not a good idea to have mountains of off topic and out of context information available to anyone lying around on the Internet. This is not a magazine or newspaper but an exchange and most posts are not complete thoughts or stories so in a search would become whatever the person viewing wanted them to become. True name a very bad idea IMHO.


Also it is nice to tell someone to fcu* off when you are having a bad day..............

[now how the he** do I spell] anonymusly.

Also it is nice to tell someone to fcu* off when you are having a bad day..............

[now how the he** do I spell] anonymusly.

Hi Tayto,

I just wondered where you hail from originally?

can make a good guess from your avatar and nickname :o

tung tsz

Also it is nice to tell someone to fcu* off when you are having a bad day..............

[now how the he** do I spell] anonymusly.

Don't forget that I know where you live :o

Eh, anonymuesly?

I am Limbo because I still are 'in limbo' about what I am going to be when I grow up. And I am 59 already!

My avatar shows two old Thai ladies enjoying betelnut and having great fun.

Maybe the choice of nick-name and avatar tells more about the person than his (or her) real name. At least it reflects some self chosen identity, so you can't blame your parents anymore for what you write.

It must be more than a year ago that I last saw the little betelnut cart in Maesai.

I still regret that I never tried out. I didn't really look like something a doctor would prescribe.

Thanks for the great postings!



I wonder why people chose to hide behind funny nicknames.  What's the point?  People here seldom know each other's full names anyway.

Have you asked this question on other forums?

I use a psudonym with a live email address on every forum I register with.

I may have a laugh and fun online. I am not inviting you home to meet my family.

scuse the shpeeling and pucturation


I wonder why people chose to hide behind funny nicknames.  What's the point?  People here seldom know each other's full names anyway.

I may have a laugh and fun online. I am not inviting you home to meet my family.

Thank you Nickerelastic - that is spot on. You never know what kind of psycos lurk out there, and having posters on TV interfere with my work or my family life - no way!

I think it is one of the beauties of this medium - total anonymity, and the moderators do a great job of keeping it civilized. I'll try to turn up at the next TV party, but I will not walk around handing out my business card to everybody I see, just beause they are TV members.

  • 2 weeks later...

I am using the web for 15 years or more.

Before I was activ in the BBS sceene.

It was normal to use a nick instead of the real name.

It is very helpful to keep my privacy.

So anywhere you look in the web and you see Dr. Locker, it should be me.


I wonder why people chose to hide behind funny nicknames.  What's the point?  People here seldom know each other's full names anyway.

i think i shouldn't be too difficult, if you are seriously interested in any member, to pm it, identifie yourself, and for what reason, and he/she will most likely do the same!? :D

but as Lop said, for security reasons alone, it is safer to use nicknames.

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