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Somali Pirates Seize Thai Vessel, 27 Crewmen

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Somali pirates seize Thai vessel, 27 crewmen: official

NAIROBI, December 25, 2010 (AFP) - Somali pirates on Saturday captured a Thai bulk carrier with its 27 crew members in the Arabian Sea, a maritime official said.

The Thor Nexus was seized in the early hours while on its way to Bangladesh from the United Arab Emirates.

All its crew members are Thai, said Andrew Mwangura of the East African Seafarers Assistance Programme.

Mwangura said the vessel was taken some 350 nautical east of Salala port, but the nature of its cargo was still unknown.

According to martime watchdog Ecoterra International, Somali pirates are currently holding at least 40 foreign vessels and nearly 700 seamen.

Despite the presence of foreign warhips patrolling the waters off the war-wracked Horn of Africa state, the pirates have continued to seize ships and rake in huge ransoms.

Observers have argued that ending the piracy problem lies in resolving Somalia's rotracted civil war which erupted in 1991 with the ouster of president Mohamed Siad Barre.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2010-12-25

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Well Well Well Ho Ho Ho, 5555555555555, another twist to this is, the pirates scamming the Thai boat people ?? where were the Thai police to back them up .:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: . makes a change this way round, don,t it. --This I know is a big problem for all countries, but the crews that are being held, I wouldn,t think have the best of care.


Currently holding 40 vessels and 700 seamen? Sad situation indeed.

Why oh why are these scumbags still allowed to operate freely?

I'll tell you what. Give me an F-16 and I will have this pirate nonsense sorted before the New Year.

Yes Virgina, what I am suggesting may be politically incorrect but sometimes you gotta do things the old fashion way.

Happy New Year everyone :jap:


Well Well Well Ho Ho Ho, 5555555555555, another twist to this is, the pirates scamming the Thai boat people ?? where were the Thai police to back them up .:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: . makes a change this way round, don,t it. --This I know is a big problem for all countries, but the crews that are being held, I wouldn,t think have the best of care.

yes the pirates used undamaged jet skis !!


No one ever stopped pirates at sea. They have gone ashore and turned over the towns and governments that back them up. It has always been that way.

Landing parties and not boarding parties are what stop pirates.



No one ever stopped pirates at sea. They have gone ashore and turned over the towns and governments that back them up. It has always been that way.

Landing parties and not boarding parties are what stop pirates.


Google for the battles of Mogadishu in 1993 and 2010. It doesn't make for good reading. A raid would have to be made in overwhelming force and the casualties would be very heavy. It wouldn't make the developed world popular amongst the Moslem countries either methinks - not that they love us too much anyway.

I should think that the hostages would rather not support armed intervention.


Currently holding 40 vessels and 700 seamen? Sad situation indeed.

Why oh why are these scumbags still allowed to operate freely?

I'll tell you what. Give me an F-16 and I will have this pirate nonsense sorted before the New Year.

Yes Virgina, what I am suggesting may be politically incorrect but sometimes you gotta do things the old fashion way.

Happy New Year everyone :jap:

Go gettem tiger. I'll back you up...

Happy New Year


There is a vid of a Russian crew being released by Russian Special Forces circulating the net at present where the Russian SF guys put the Somalis back on their boat, handcuffed them to it and set it alight sinking it and all the pirates on board. Nice - that is the way it used to be- no courts, they were caught red handed and they received summary justice. I'm all for it. Sends a very clear message.


Years ago, pirates from Asia , USA and Europ stol millions of tons fish from Somalia. Now the Somali Fisherman take some stolen money back from the thiefs.

Also for dropping thousand of tons of nuke waste in the Somali water the Gangster must pay back.


There is a cause and effect connection or relationship between neglect of the very poor human conditions in Somalia. There are very extreme hardships and sufferings which persist in Somalia. There is a connection between the criminal enterprises of toxic wastes dumping and overfishing which is inflicted upon Somalis by other nations. Why is the world’s complaint about Somalia singularly focused on ensuing piracy? What if, instead, we seek the causes of the Somali condition, which have manifested itself into effect and what a surprise? There is surely Cause/Effect?

American and European nations have been dumping toxic waste off the coast of Somalia and illegally fishing in Somali waters; an effective Somali government might. Nobody seem to think, maybe Somalis resent Americans and Europeans for dumping toxic wastes on their lands! Some nations have been cashing in, on Somalis internal crises and instability. While these nations pretend that Somali crises are insoluble.

In a 45-minute interview, Mr. Sugule spoke on everything from what the pirates wanted (“just money”) to why they were doing this (“to stop illegal fishing and dumping in our waters”) to what they had to eat on board (rice, meat, bread, spaghetti, “you know, normal human-being food”).

He said that so far, in the eyes of the world, the pirates had been misunderstood. “We don’t consider ourselves sea bandits,” he said. “We consider sea bandits those who illegally fish in our seas and dump waste in our seas and carry weapons in our seas. We are simply patrolling our seas. Think of us like a coast guard.”



There is a vid of a Russian crew being released by Russian Special Forces circulating the net at present where the Russian SF guys put the Somalis back on their boat, handcuffed them to it and set it alight sinking it and all the pirates on board. Nice - that is the way it used to be- no courts, they were caught red handed and they received summary justice. I'm all for it. Sends a very clear message.

Agreed. Just blow them out of the water each time they try it on. We used to do this during Confrontasi in the Malacca Strait and the boardings soon stopped ! This the only way ! Just make sure there is no media around.


Sent in the aircraft carrier....thailand has one isn't it..i remember during the Shin Corp saga thailand threatened to send the aircraft carrier to Singapore...ha ha ha.. :lol::lol::lol:


Years ago, pirates from Asia , USA and Europ stol millions of tons fish from Somalia. Now the Somali Fisherman take some stolen money back from the thiefs.

Also for dropping thousand of tons of nuke waste in the Somali water the Gangster must pay back.


There is a cause and effect connection or relationship between neglect of the very poor human conditions in Somalia. There are very extreme hardships and sufferings which persist in Somalia. There is a connection between the criminal enterprises of toxic wastes dumping and overfishing which is inflicted upon Somalis by other nations. Why is the world's complaint about Somalia singularly focused on ensuing piracy? What if, instead, we seek the causes of the Somali condition, which have manifested itself into effect and what a surprise? There is surely Cause/Effect?

American and European nations have been dumping toxic waste off the coast of Somalia and illegally fishing in Somali waters; an effective Somali government might. Nobody seem to think, maybe Somalis resent Americans and Europeans for dumping toxic wastes on their lands! Some nations have been cashing in, on Somalis internal crises and instability. While these nations pretend that Somali crises are insoluble.

In a 45-minute interview, Mr. Sugule spoke on everything from what the pirates wanted ("just money") to why they were doing this ("to stop illegal fishing and dumping in our waters") to what they had to eat on board (rice, meat, bread, spaghetti, "you know, normal human-being food").

He said that so far, in the eyes of the world, the pirates had been misunderstood. "We don't consider ourselves sea bandits," he said. "We consider sea bandits those who illegally fish in our seas and dump waste in our seas and carry weapons in our seas. We are simply patrolling our seas. Think of us like a coast guard."


Whilst I don't doubt this for a moment, it is hardy an excuse to attack merchant ships. It is also a fact that oil ships and cargo transporters from muslim countries are also seized. This is about money and the fact that gorilla type tactics and depending on the first world's guilt of imperial and past evils to keep us all out. This is piracy and must be stamped out. Yes Somalia should also be higher on the world stage and receive more international help and independant help with conflict resolution, but that is another subject all together really.

Other than nature, the high seas should be safe by this day and age - it is nuts that pirates still operate so blatantly. A full operation is needed, I think. Maybe an international force should take over port and water duties - with boats curfewed, frequent boardings, registration and escorts in open waters. This could be done as part of an agreement with both sides (dollars oil wheels!) - and with direct food aid to alleviate the needs for the more desparate end of the "trade" (although I have my doubts any of the ransom money taken actually finds hungry mouths anyway). Flood the area with armoured coastal patrol boats, allow parsing ships/yauchts free escourt by arrangement. Pirates captures should de disarmed, boats sunk, and material good on board seized indefinitely and then crew released to Somali authorities. If they engage any boats or ships, then take as act of war and sunk.

Task force should be arranged in cooperation internationality with countries affected and (perhaps) NATO. This would then include muslim countries (Saudi/UAE/etc), China, Japan, USA, many European countries and so on - this would keep costs down and blame well distributed!


Years ago, pirates from Asia , USA and Europ stol millions of tons fish from Somalia. Now the Somali Fisherman take some stolen money back from the thiefs.

Also for dropping thousand of tons of nuke waste in the Somali water the Gangster must pay back.


There is a cause and effect connection or relationship between neglect of the very poor human conditions in Somalia. There are very extreme hardships and sufferings which persist in Somalia. There is a connection between the criminal enterprises of toxic wastes dumping and overfishing which is inflicted upon Somalis by other nations. Why is the world's complaint about Somalia singularly focused on ensuing piracy? What if, instead, we seek the causes of the Somali condition, which have manifested itself into effect and what a surprise? There is surely Cause/Effect?

American and European nations have been dumping toxic waste off the coast of Somalia and illegally fishing in Somali waters; an effective Somali government might. Nobody seem to think, maybe Somalis resent Americans and Europeans for dumping toxic wastes on their lands! Some nations have been cashing in, on Somalis internal crises and instability. While these nations pretend that Somali crises are insoluble.

In a 45-minute interview, Mr. Sugule spoke on everything from what the pirates wanted ("just money") to why they were doing this ("to stop illegal fishing and dumping in our waters") to what they had to eat on board (rice, meat, bread, spaghetti, "you know, normal human-being food").

He said that so far, in the eyes of the world, the pirates had been misunderstood. "We don't consider ourselves sea bandits," he said. "We consider sea bandits those who illegally fish in our seas and dump waste in our seas and carry weapons in our seas. We are simply patrolling our seas. Think of us like a coast guard."


Whilst I don't doubt this for a moment, it is hardy an excuse to attack merchant ships. It is also a fact that oil ships and cargo transporters from muslim countries are also seized. This is about money and the fact that gorilla type tactics and depending on the first world's guilt of imperial and past evils to keep us all out. This is piracy and must be stamped out. Yes Somalia should also be higher on the world stage and receive more international help and independant help with conflict resolution, but that is another subject all together really.

Other than nature, the high seas should be safe by this day and age - it is nuts that pirates still operate so blatantly. A full operation is needed, I think. Maybe an international force should take over port and water duties - with boats curfewed, frequent boardings, registration and escorts in open waters. This could be done as part of an agreement with both sides (dollars oil wheels!) - and with direct food aid to alleviate the needs for the more desparate end of the "trade" (although I have my doubts any of the ransom money taken actually finds hungry mouths anyway). Flood the area with armoured coastal patrol boats, allow parsing ships/yauchts free escourt by arrangement. Pirates captures should de disarmed, boats sunk, and material good on board seized indefinitely and then crew released to Somali authorities. If they engage any boats or ships, then take as act of war and sunk.

Task force should be arranged in cooperation internationality with countries affected and (perhaps) NATO. This would then include muslim countries (Saudi/UAE/etc), China, Japan, USA, many European countries and so on - this would keep costs down and blame well distributed!

Us mere mortals try to understand WHY an international coalition force is not operating, this day and age -as we speak--it,s not on old boy- agree with you, why are not all countries taking action ??


Sent in the aircraft carrier....thailand has one isn't it..i remember during the Shin Corp saga thailand threatened to send the aircraft carrier to Singapore...ha ha ha.. :lol::lol::lol:

Ridiculous posturing by Thailand. Since there are no aircraft aboard the Thai White Elephant it doesn't seem to be too much of a threat does it? During WW2 the UK was likened to an unsinkable aircraft carrier from which to raid mainland Europe. Singapore is also an island and it has an efficient Air Force. Taranto showed that ships were vulnerable against aircraft, a lesson that the Japanese took note of. I wonder if Thailand learned the lesson? The US certainly learned it the hard way as did Churchill who was directly responsible for the loss of two capital ships left naked without air cover off the east coast of Malaya.

To cover the huge area in which the pirates are active would require a lot of aircraft and maybe more than one US super carrier would be required. I've read from US sources that their latest atomic powered submarines while sitting in Norfolk Navy Yard can detect ships leaving harbour from Portsmouth in the UK and with a fair degree of accuracy identify what type and class they were. This may the usual US braggadocio but certainly they have great capabilities in this area. More knowledgeable Naval strategists than I would know whether using such boats, ( non naval personnel may not know that submarines have always been called boats and not ships), was viable to plot the movements of all ships in the Red Sea and western Indian Ocean and cause suspicious vessels to be investigated. During the Falklands unpleasantness the Argentine Navy stayed snug in harbour after realising that there was at least one UK atomic powered submarine on the job.

Other options that come to mind are the blockading of Somali ports, a tactic that worked for the US in their battle against the pirates of the Barbary coast in the early 19th century after the Royal Navy declined to protect US ships during and after the War of Independence. A few minefields wouldn't go amiss as would patrolling frigates off shore outside territorial waters. Greater minds than mine (well I hope they are!) are deciding upon strategy and presumably these tactics have been considered and rejected.

Okey doky then. Nuke the buggers. :D


Thai navy prepares to rescue 27 crewmen captured by Somali pirates

BANGKOK, Dec 26 -- The Royal Thai Navy (RTN) is preparing to rescue 27 Thai crew members who were captured and taken hostage by Somali pirates after leaving port in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) heading for Bangladesh, a senior Thai officer said Sunday.

RTN Chief of Staff Admiral Thakerngsak Wangkaew told TNA that the Thor Nexus was seized along with its 27-man crew being held for ransom by Somali pirates.

The incident took place at about 1.30pm Friday (Thailand time) and outside the area of operation of the Thai navy contingent assigned to the anti-piracy watch, he said.

A statement from Brussels-based NAVFOR said the 20,377-tonne general cargo ship, which is Thai-flagged and owned, was heading to Bangladesh from Jebel Ali in the UAE at the time of the attack, some 450 nautical miles northeast of the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean.

"HTMS Similan is following the situation closely from 10-15 nautical miles away. Any rescue operation must take the safety of all 27 Thai crewmen into consideration as there are 12 armed pirates aboard the vessel,” said Adm Thakerngsak.

He said the owner of the seized vessel had already informed the RTN that it would not seek compensation from the RTN if a rescue operation is to be held with an aim to help the hostages.

The Thai admiral said the pirates are taking the hostages to the Somali coast and it would take four days before they could reach the destination and make a demand on ransom.

He said the Thai Navy chief Adm Kamthorn Pumhiran was informed of the incident and ordered the RTN to follow the incident closely with the safety of the crewmen as most important. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2010-12-26


I think the protocols that exist to ask pirates to identify themselves, give them warnings etc - should be simply swift reprisals and demonstration as these coloured tea-cosy brainless twits need to be put back in their place fast and fear going to sea at all. Why spend millions on patrol when a missile or two up their collective asses will solve a lot of issues.

If you want to see the projected development of what is going to happen regarding piracy get hold of a book at Amazon or Asia Books called 'Supertanker'. ISBN #9786169044581. It is about to be made into a film. It is only a matter of time...


Years ago, pirates from Asia , USA and Europ stol millions of tons fish from Somalia. Now the Somali Fisherman take some stolen money back from the thiefs.

Also for dropping thousand of tons of nuke waste in the Somali water the Gangster must pay back.


There is a cause and effect connection or relationship between neglect of the very poor human conditions in Somalia. There are very extreme hardships and sufferings which persist in Somalia. There is a connection between the criminal enterprises of toxic wastes dumping and overfishing which is inflicted upon Somalis by other nations. Why is the world’s complaint about Somalia singularly focused on ensuing piracy? What if, instead, we seek the causes of the Somali condition, which have manifested itself into effect and what a surprise? There is surely Cause/Effect?

American and European nations have been dumping toxic waste off the coast of Somalia and illegally fishing in Somali waters; an effective Somali government might. Nobody seem to think, maybe Somalis resent Americans and Europeans for dumping toxic wastes on their lands! Some nations have been cashing in, on Somalis internal crises and instability. While these nations pretend that Somali crises are insoluble.

In a 45-minute interview, Mr. Sugule spoke on everything from what the pirates wanted (“just money”) to why they were doing this (“to stop illegal fishing and dumping in our waters”) to what they had to eat on board (rice, meat, bread, spaghetti, “you know, normal human-being food”).

He said that so far, in the eyes of the world, the pirates had been misunderstood. “We don’t consider ourselves sea bandits,” he said. “We consider sea bandits those who illegally fish in our seas and dump waste in our seas and carry weapons in our seas. We are simply patrolling our seas. Think of us like a coast guard.”


You saved me the bother of posting that. Foreign countries have been abusing Somalias coast for ages and no super power did anything to help the Somalis. It is only understandable that radical Somalis have finally reacted in the only way they know how. If foreign counties actually got off their butts and did something to help the people of Somalia they might have a leg to stand on. As it stands now, the western super powers use poorly paid seamen freight workers to take all the risks. I have no love for the owners of ocean freight companies. Most have been using their seamen as slave labour for ages.


There is a vid of a Russian crew being released by Russian Special Forces circulating the net at present where the Russian SF guys put the Somalis back on their boat, handcuffed them to it and set it alight sinking it and all the pirates on board. Nice - that is the way it used to be- no courts, they were caught red handed and they received summary justice. I'm all for it. Sends a very clear message.

Agreed. Just blow them out of the water each time they try it on. We used to do this during Confrontasi in the Malacca Strait and the boardings soon stopped ! This the only way ! Just make sure there is no media around.

Malaysia and Malaysians

I used to think thou arthe amongst the fairest and gentlest of them all

Matter it not any longer,

if the current Thai govt can not even defend the land surrounding the PraVeeHarn temple which categorically and beyond any reasonable doubt that it belongs to Thailand,

if the Thai govt can not or not willing to, even do that for the Thai people, for Thailand herself and for the many generations of uttermost brave and loyal Thai soldiers and leaders who gallantly fought for Thailand in years past;

how would anyone expect the current Thai govt to defend those out at seas for whatever reasons.

It is truly a sad state of affairs in Thailand for the moment.

We'll see, if the PM in the next few weeks has the ball to standup and to proclaim

Thailand's own independence against her neighbor who encroaches on Thailand's Northeastern territorials and

more importantly, this neighbor is planning to openly steal the strip of giant land with its underground and underwater most valuable natural resources

through joint committee (JBC?) between that country and Thailand mickey mouse representatives, which dominated by French representatives.

Resentment is mounting among Thais against the Thai govt representatives who reaps enormous hidden profits from the joint communiques,

the heat is rapidly increasing almost to the boiling point at present.

But the current govt still quietly tries to sneak the legislatures through, in supportive of the self defeating legislatures which enrich only a handful of people and involving organizations.

It is purported that for this reason alone, the former PM is trying so desperately in so many different ways to return to Thailand to claim his reasonable shares that he initiated several years ago.

What a mess, even for Farangs to digest and ingest and whatever.... :unsure:

Well, in spite of and despite of all that is going on around us, wishing everyone a very safe and prosperous 2011. :Thaiflag:


Years ago, pirates from Asia , USA and Europ stol millions of tons fish from Somalia. Now the Somali Fisherman take some stolen money back from the thiefs.

Also for dropping thousand of tons of nuke waste in the Somali water the Gangster must pay back.


There is a cause and effect connection or relationship between neglect of the very poor human conditions in Somalia. There are very extreme hardships and sufferings which persist in Somalia. There is a connection between the criminal enterprises of toxic wastes dumping and overfishing which is inflicted upon Somalis by other nations. Why is the world’s complaint about Somalia singularly focused on ensuing piracy? What if, instead, we seek the causes of the Somali condition, which have manifested itself into effect and what a surprise? There is surely Cause/Effect?

American and European nations have been dumping toxic waste off the coast of Somalia and illegally fishing in Somali waters; an effective Somali government might. Nobody seem to think, maybe Somalis resent Americans and Europeans for dumping toxic wastes on their lands! Some nations have been cashing in, on Somalis internal crises and instability. While these nations pretend that Somali crises are insoluble.

In a 45-minute interview, Mr. Sugule spoke on everything from what the pirates wanted (“just money”) to why they were doing this (“to stop illegal fishing and dumping in our waters”) to what they had to eat on board (rice, meat, bread, spaghetti, “you know, normal human-being food”).

He said that so far, in the eyes of the world, the pirates had been misunderstood. “We don’t consider ourselves sea bandits,” he said. “We consider sea bandits those who illegally fish in our seas and dump waste in our seas and carry weapons in our seas. We are simply patrolling our seas. Think of us like a coast guard.”


After reading 8-replies showing what the “Developed” world is made up of finally came to this one which makes sense about the Somali Pirates.

Maybe it is because having worked with Somali people that I understand their why and how.

The above Cause and Effect explains the situation pretty well.


Years ago, pirates from Asia , USA and Europ stol millions of tons fish from Somalia. Now the Somali Fisherman take some stolen money back from the thiefs.

Also for dropping thousand of tons of nuke waste in the Somali water the Gangster must pay back.


There is a cause and effect connection or relationship between neglect of the very poor human conditions in Somalia. There are very extreme hardships and sufferings which persist in Somalia. There is a connection between the criminal enterprises of toxic wastes dumping and overfishing which is inflicted upon Somalis by other nations. Why is the world's complaint about Somalia singularly focused on ensuing piracy? What if, instead, we seek the causes of the Somali condition, which have manifested itself into effect and what a surprise? There is surely Cause/Effect?

American and European nations have been dumping toxic waste off the coast of Somalia and illegally fishing in Somali waters; an effective Somali government might. Nobody seem to think, maybe Somalis resent Americans and Europeans for dumping toxic wastes on their lands! Some nations have been cashing in, on Somalis internal crises and instability. While these nations pretend that Somali crises are insoluble.

In a 45-minute interview, Mr. Sugule spoke on everything from what the pirates wanted ("just money") to why they were doing this ("to stop illegal fishing and dumping in our waters") to what they had to eat on board (rice, meat, bread, spaghetti, "you know, normal human-being food").

He said that so far, in the eyes of the world, the pirates had been misunderstood. "We don't consider ourselves sea bandits," he said. "We consider sea bandits those who illegally fish in our seas and dump waste in our seas and carry weapons in our seas. We are simply patrolling our seas. Think of us like a coast guard."


You saved me the bother of posting that. Foreign countries have been abusing Somalias coast for ages and no super power did anything to help the Somalis. It is only understandable that radical Somalis have finally reacted in the only way they know how. If foreign counties actually got off their butts and did something to help the people of Somalia they might have a leg to stand on. As it stands now, the western super powers use poorly paid seamen freight workers to take all the risks. I have no love for the owners of ocean freight companies. Most have been using their seamen as slave labour for ages.

Well, that's to do with the freight companies and whom they can or want to employ. Somalis are holding private citizens hostage for ransom. NO excuses. In any land, kidnap is a serious offence, l don't care what the Somalis have had problems with, they take hostages and anything they can get a hold of,and in any society it is not acceptable.

Me, blow them out of the water until they think of making their country better by real means. Don't keep blaming the west for their lack of moving on. If they didn't have the guns they would be working for their future..

by Ian Forbes

You saved me the bother of posting that. Foreign countries have been abusing Somalias coast for ages and no super power did anything to help the Somalis. It is only understandable that radical Somalis have finally reacted in the only way they know how. If foreign counties actually got off their butts and did something to help the people of Somalia they might have a leg to stand on. As it stands now, the western super powers use poorly paid seamen freight workers to take all the risks. I have no love for the owners of ocean freight companies. Most have been using their seamen as slave labour for ages.

Well, that's to do with the freight companies and whom they can or want to employ. Somalis are holding private citizens hostage for ransom. NO excuses. In any land, kidnap is a serious offence, l don't care what the Somalis have had problems with, they take hostages and anything they can get a hold of,and in any society it is not acceptable.

Me, blow them out of the water until they think of making their country better by real means. Don't keep blaming the west for their lack of moving on. If they didn't have the guns they would be working for their future..

The freighters could take another route AROUND Somali foreshore. But, they don't because they want to save money. I don't have any problem with Freight companies defending themselves with whatever means possible, but it WASN'T the Somalis who started this conflict. What response do you think the UK or the USA would use if foreign countries dumped all their pollutants in THEIR coastal waters, or over fished them into oblivion? Yah, you guessed it... the USA would board and sieze any vessel doing so, and hold the crew in confinement.

During their Empire days, the British were noted for taking over each and every country they could over power. The Americans were and are not much different, except they do it in more subtle ways.

How to deal with it is the real problem. I guess they could do like the Americans tried to do in Iraq... just turn the country into a glass wasteland. Bomb the snot out of them and try to kill every man, woman and child. Leave no survivors and that will solve the problem. The Brits did that in Tasmania and haven't had a problem with the locals since. The Americans TRIED to do that with the local natives in the USA, but chickened out after only doing a half assed job of it. The did the same thing in Vietnam... much to their own sorrow. And, are presently repeating the mistake in Afghanistan and Pakistan.


The Russians are working on this problem --> Rich Russians kill pirates on vacation. HAPPY HOLIDAYS.

16,000 unarmed merchant ships each year to try healing through the Gulf of Aden to sail and not the Somali pirates to be upset. A Russian cruise business now turns the tables around and loads of Russians to hunt down pirates before the coast of Somalia, the most dangerous waterway in the world.

His business idea is simple: His cruise ship is the bait for the pirates. If the real pirates try to board the seemingly harmless ship, they experience a surprise. Instead defenseless merchant sailors they are confronted with Russian tourists armedto the teeth . A macabre tourist fun.

A day on board the chartered cruise ship costs $ 5,790. They drive until the real pirates attack. At least one pirate attack is guaranteed by the travel agency.

The route goes from Djibouti to Mombasa in Kenya. The ship sails as close to the Somali coast as possible with a speed of only five nautical miles. The tourists can buy and use weapons according to their wishes and budget.

A gun-type AK-47 can be rented for $ 9 a day by the Russian passengers on board. 100 rounds of ammunition cost $ 12. A grenade launcher costs $ 175 a day. This rent includes three grenades. The use of one of the railing mounted machine guns should cost $ 475.

In order for the pirates not to get stupid ideas, rich Russians will receive an extra personal protection. On board of the ship are at any time a large number of former employees of Russian special commands. The Russian elite fighters on the cruise ship mainly take care of security at night.

The reaction of the internatinal military association combating pirates to these tourists are still unclear.


Well if the RTN do give it a go, I hope they succeed and wish them well.

It will be egg on the faces of more bigger forces that just pussy foot around.


The Russians are working on this problem --> Rich Russians kill pirates on vacation. HAPPY HOLIDAYS.

16,000 unarmed merchant ships each year to try healing through the Gulf of Aden to sail and not the Somali pirates to be upset. A Russian cruise business now turns the tables around and loads of Russians to hunt down pirates before the coast of Somalia, the most dangerous waterway in the world.

His business idea is simple: His cruise ship is the bait for the pirates. If the real pirates try to board the seemingly harmless ship, they experience a surprise. Instead defenseless merchant sailors they are confronted with Russian tourists armedto the teeth . A macabre tourist fun.

A day on board the chartered cruise ship costs $ 5,790. They drive until the real pirates attack. At least one pirate attack is guaranteed by the travel agency.

The route goes from Djibouti to Mombasa in Kenya. The ship sails as close to the Somali coast as possible with a speed of only five nautical miles. The tourists can buy and use weapons according to their wishes and budget.

A gun-type AK-47 can be rented for $ 9 a day by the Russian passengers on board. 100 rounds of ammunition cost $ 12. A grenade launcher costs $ 175 a day. This rent includes three grenades. The use of one of the railing mounted machine guns should cost $ 475.

In order for the pirates not to get stupid ideas, rich Russians will receive an extra personal protection. On board of the ship are at any time a large number of former employees of Russian special commands. The Russian elite fighters on the cruise ship mainly take care of security at night.

The reaction of the internatinal military association combating pirates to these tourists are still unclear.

I cannot help but think that you have got hold of the wrong end of a stick. I have seen in the past few days a humourous series of pictures depicting what you describe with a comic narrative. I will try to recover the article and post it here and people can make their own minds up.

If the developed world have been dumping dangerous waste in this area of the Red Sea and Indian Ocean why are they also fishing there? What countries have been hoovering up the fish? Russia and Japan have fish factory ships with catchers in company. Is it they?

BTW Somalia does not have a functioning Government and the country has been ruled by competing warlords for several years. A bit like Thailand really.


Currently holding 40 vessels and 700 seamen? Sad situation indeed.

Why oh why are these scumbags still allowed to operate freely?

I'll tell you what. Give me an F-16 and I will have this pirate nonsense sorted before the New Year.

Yes Virgina, what I am suggesting may be politically incorrect but sometimes you gotta do things the old fashion way.

Happy New Year everyone :jap:


This Piracy will not end until a "Blasted out of the water on sight policy" is brought in!

Handling these crooked kidnapping thugs with kid gloves will never be the answer.

It only encourages more of the same,

I Guess i'm also Politically incorrect,but I offer no apologies for it.


Currently holding 40 vessels and 700 seamen? Sad situation indeed.

Why oh why are these scumbags still allowed to operate freely?

I'll tell you what. Give me an F-16 and I will have this pirate nonsense sorted before the New Year.

Yes Virgina, what I am suggesting may be politically incorrect but sometimes you gotta do things the old fashion way.

Happy New Year everyone :jap:


This Piracy will not end until a "Blasted out of the water on sight policy" is brought in!

Handling these crooked kidnapping thugs with kid gloves will never be the answer.

It only encourages more of the same,

I Guess i'm also Politically incorrect,but I offer no apologies for it.

Well, could it be that

you are politically very correct and

fundamentally very sound...

but that it is many of the others who are all soaking wet.... ? LOL :rolleyes:


Years ago, pirates from Asia , USA and Europ stol millions of tons fish from Somalia. Now the Somali Fisherman take some stolen money back from the thiefs.

Also for dropping thousand of tons of nuke waste in the Somali water the Gangster must pay back.


There is a cause and effect connection or relationship between neglect of the very poor human conditions in Somalia. There are very extreme hardships and sufferings which persist in Somalia. There is a connection between the criminal enterprises of toxic wastes dumping and overfishing which is inflicted upon Somalis by other nations. Why is the world’s complaint about Somalia singularly focused on ensuing piracy? What if, instead, we seek the causes of the Somali condition, which have manifested itself into effect and what a surprise? There is surely Cause/Effect?

American and European nations have been dumping toxic waste off the coast of Somalia and illegally fishing in Somali waters; an effective Somali government might. Nobody seem to think, maybe Somalis resent Americans and Europeans for dumping toxic wastes on their lands! Some nations have been cashing in, on Somalis internal crises and instability. While these nations pretend that Somali crises are insoluble.

In a 45-minute interview, Mr. Sugule spoke on everything from what the pirates wanted (“just money”) to why they were doing this (“to stop illegal fishing and dumping in our waters”) to what they had to eat on board (rice, meat, bread, spaghetti, “you know, normal human-being food”).

He said that so far, in the eyes of the world, the pirates had been misunderstood. “We don’t consider ourselves sea bandits,” he said. “We consider sea bandits those who illegally fish in our seas and dump waste in our seas and carry weapons in our seas. We are simply patrolling our seas. Think of us like a coast guard.”


I did not know that Thailand was sending its boat dumping toxic waste and fishing illegally in Somalia national waters...

Africans are very good at blaming "the others" when their own governments prove to be totally useless...



Thai embassies in Kenya and Oman to help Thai fishermen

By The Nation

Thai foreign ministry has alerted its embassies in Kenya and Oman to help Thai fishermen of a Thai bulk carrier which is captured by Somali pirates in the Arabian Sea, ministry spokesman Thani Thongpakdi said Monday.

The 27 members of the Thor Nexus was seized in the early hours while on its way to Bangladesh from the United Arab Emirates. All its crew members are Thai, the spokesman said.

Ministry's Protection of Thai Nationals Abroad Division has already contacted the company of the ill-fated ship, Thani said. The company already informed and updated families and relatives of the crew of the development concerning the abduction.

Meanwhile Thai Navy has already informed its anti-pirate vessels dispatched to provide protection for fishing vessels in waters near Somalia, Thani said. However the pirates have not yet demanded any ransom from the vessel's firm.

"The ministry has already asked its embassies in Nirobi city of Kenya and Muscat of Oman to seek ways to contact the pirates. Oman and Kenya have a certain degree of influence in the area so they may have channel to contact the pirates," he said.

A statement from the Brussels-based NAVFOR said the 20,377-tonne general cargo ship, which is Thai-flagged and owned, was heading to Bangladesh from Jebel Ali in the United Arab Emirates at the time of the attack, some 450 nautical miles north-east of the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean.


-- The Nation 2010-12-27


Sent in the aircraft carrier....Thailand has one isn't it..i remember during the Shin Corp saga thailand threatened to send the aircraft carrier to Singapore...ha ha ha.. :lol::lol::lol:

Ridiculous posturing by Thailand. Since there are no aircraft aboard the Thai White Elephant it doesn't seem to be too much of a threat does it? During WW2 the UK was likened to an unsinkable aircraft carrier from which to raid mainland Europe. Singapore is also an island and it has an efficient Air Force. Taranto showed that ships were vulnerable against aircraft, a lesson that the Japanese took note of. I wonder if Thailand learned the lesson? The US certainly learned it the hard way as did Churchill who was directly responsible for the loss of two capital ships left naked without air cover off the east coast of Malaya.

To cover the huge area in which the pirates are active would require a lot of aircraft and maybe more than one US super carrier would be required. I've read from US sources that their latest atomic powered submarines while sitting in Norfolk Navy Yard can detect ships leaving harbour from Portsmouth in the UK and with a fair degree of accuracy identify what type and class they were. This may the usual US braggadocio but certainly they have great capabilities in this area. More knowledgeable Naval strategists than I would know whether using such boats, ( non naval personnel may not know that submarines have always been called boats and not ships), was viable to plot the movements of all ships in the Red Sea and western Indian Ocean and cause suspicious vessels to be investigated. During the Falklands unpleasantness the Argentine Navy stayed snug in harbour after realizing that there was at least one UK atomic powered submarine on the job.

Other options that come to mind are the blockading of Somali ports, a tactic that worked for the US in their battle against the pirates of the Barbary coast in the early 19th century after the Royal Navy declined to protect US ships during and after the War of Independence. A few minefields wouldn't go amiss as would patrolling frigates off shore outside territorial waters. Greater minds than mine (well I hope they are!) are deciding upon strategy and presumably these tactics have been considered and rejected.

Okey doky then. Nuke the buggers. :D

Just one thing . Churchill was directly responsible for saving England and most of the world from the Nazi war machine. Like he knew about the raid on Coventry , Coventry was raised to the ground , he knew because England had cracked the enigma code,If he had acted on the Air raid Germany would have known That England had cracked the code , Churchill saved thousands of lives because of his actions , What i am tying to say is You do not know the bigger picture about being solely responsible about Churchill's actions.

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