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Taser Gun Allowed In Thailand ?


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Several posters seems to think that Pattaya is like Iraq or Afghanistan, that's not the case. If you behave yourself and don't get so drunk that you can't stand on your feet and walk alone at 0300AM you will be OK.

I been in Patts for over 3 years now and I never had any problems. When I get too drunk, I catch a MC taxi home :whistling::ph34r:

And how about renting a jetski what I like to do when my Philippine gf comes to Thailand ?

Some police even touristpolice seem involved in the scams.

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tasers legal ,doubt it.

i never go out without mine, especially in patty .

out of sight , out of mind . :jap:

p.s. they are great for scaring off nuisance dogs .

I just make do with pepper spray, the hand-held tasers I don't rate that much. They are not infallible and in some cases are not effective against an attacker.

Having said that I am interested in whether the pistol-varient of tasers are sourceable here, or whether Thailand classes them as 'police and military' only?

Another one that is a gray area is the 'trauma' pistols that fire a .22 steel bb from a pistol using a Co2 cartridge. These are legal in Russia but the airsoft guys don't sell them in BKK that I've enquired with.

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Several posters seems to think that Pattaya is like Iraq or Afghanistan, that's not the case. If you behave yourself and don't get so drunk that you can't stand on your feet and walk alone at 0300AM you will be OK.

I been in Patts for over 3 years now and I never had any problems. When I get too drunk, I catch a MC taxi home :whistling::ph34r:

And how about renting a jetski what I like to do when my Philippine gf comes to Thailand ?

Some police even touristpolice seem involved in the scams.

So after reading all the threads on here and elsewhere about the problems with renting jetskis all over Thailand and particularly in Pattaya, you intend to arm yourself with a Taser and come and rent one - where can I buy a ticket for this event???

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The point I was making is that you might think you were dealing with just one person, but some onlookers (and possibly his friends) might not view the developing situation the same way you do. Shoot one of those things at a local Thai and you are more likely to inflame the situation than get yourself out of trouble. People get shot (by real bullets) for a lot less. Back down, say sorry, even wai if you have to. Any of those actions would give you substantially more chance of diffusing a conflict, walking away with nothing more than your ego slightly bruised.

Very sound advice.

Who said anything about it being Thai's?

Farangs are often the ones causing trouble and I for one believe that it's better to 'have and not need', than 'need and not have.'

Dogs are a serious problem, as is rabies. I've had unprovoked attacks on me prevented BECAUSE I chose to carry a non-lethal weapon. So you might as well drop the defeatist idealism GH.

It really tickles me how the mentality of:

"I'm morally superior despite being bitten, beat-up, raped etc when carrying a weapon could of prevented that" seems to of brainwashed people on TV :rolleyes:

Thankfully some of us have a brain between our ears and trust in self-preservation over blind faith.

The Thai's carry weapons for self-defence and in the home, that should tell you something...

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Only complete class a wa***** walk around tooled up.

Define 'tooled up' if you could please?

I guess people going to the range on foot, motorbike or in cars are wanke_rs then?

Get a grip man, too many of you have been brainwashed with the bs mentality of 'only bad guys can own guns.'

It's usually something Europeans have I hear the loudest cry of 'ban it!' :rolleyes: or ' He's a nutter, he owns a gun' :blink:

Take a chill pill gun grabbers, you aren't going to change Thailands liberal gun rights. :)

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I have been walking and driving about in many towns and cities all over the world. Places that people said where best to avoid, I have found that keeping your head down and playing the gray man works well, even walking away works for me. Can't say I have ever in my sixty years had a problem, guess I have been just plain lucky.cool.gif

Mr Cool,whistling.gif

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Several posters seems to think that Pattaya is like Iraq or Afghanistan, that's not the case. If you behave yourself and don't get so drunk that you can't stand on your feet and walk alone at 0300AM you will be OK.

I been in Patts for over 3 years now and I never had any problems. When I get too drunk, I catch a MC taxi home :whistling::ph34r:

And how about renting a jetski what I like to do when my Philippine gf comes to Thailand ?

Some police even touristpolice seem involved in the scams.

So after reading all the threads on here and elsewhere about the problems with renting jetskis all over Thailand and particularly in Pattaya, you intend to arm yourself with a Taser and come and rent one - where can I buy a ticket for this event???

I would like to see this as well, LOL. A Taser is intended for 1-2 men attacking you if I am not mistaken (I am no expert), if you flash one in front of the jetski guys they might actually laugh so much that you have time for a getaway. I think you will need much heavier armament if you wants to play tough with these guys, so better not do it then eh.

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Only complete class a wa***** walk around tooled up.

Define 'tooled up' if you could please?

I guess people going to the range on foot, motorbike or in cars are wanke_rs then?

Get a grip man, too many of you have been brainwashed with the bs mentality of 'only bad guys can own guns.'

It's usually something Europeans have I hear the loudest cry of 'ban it!' :rolleyes: or ' He's a nutter, he owns a gun' :blink:

Take a chill pill gun grabbers, you aren't going to change Thailands liberal gun rights. :)

Bad people carry guns. Right?

Good people need guns to defend themselves against bad people. Right?

Bad people will next carry bigger guns - and use them , because they know good people carry guns for self defence. Right?

Good people need to carry even bigger guns......................... and so on.

Do you think Amerika is a safe place?

Just a thought from a european wanke_r.

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You can talk all you like, a Taser is useless unless your fronting someone to yield, if your in a scrap then a Stun gun in your pocket will put them down when you are attacked. If you pull a Taser and they think it's a Real gun you probably will be in trouble from someone not involved with a gun burning a hole in his pocket. :)

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Who said anything about it being Thai's?

Farangs are often the ones causing trouble and I for one believe that it's better to 'have and not need', than 'need and not have.'

Dogs are a serious problem, as is rabies. I've had unprovoked attacks on me prevented BECAUSE I chose to carry a non-lethal weapon. So you might as well drop the defeatist idealism GH.

It really tickles me how the mentality of:

"I'm morally superior despite being bitten, beat-up, raped etc when carrying a weapon could of prevented that" seems to of brainwashed people on TV :rolleyes:

Thankfully some of us have a brain between our ears and trust in self-preservation over blind faith.

The Thai's carry weapons for self-defence and in the home, that should tell you something...

Looking back on over 12 years of living and working in Thailand I can't think of a single occasion when I have ever thought that I needed a weapon, or when I have felt physically threatened by a Thai or a Farang.

I can tell you for sure there are places I don't go and situations I avoid - but don't kid yourself this is down to any sense of moral superiority - I've not, as you so colourfully put it, been bitten, beat-up, raped, I do have a brain between my ears and I rely on that rather than on blind faith in my ability to use a weapon in a situation where it might be needed.

I take the view that the best weapons we all have is our instincts and our brains.

I've relied on these of years of peaceful existence in and out of Thailand.

Simply not carrying around the self image of being Rambo seems to be reward enough for employing intellect over base fear.

But you live your life the way you wish - I'm very happy and safe in the life I live and wouldn't want to take your own life style from you - I'd have no need of it.

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Only complete class a wa***** walk around tooled up.

Define 'tooled up' if you could please?

I guess people going to the range on foot, motorbike or in cars are wanke_rs then?

Get a grip man, too many of you have been brainwashed with the bs mentality of 'only bad guys can own guns.'

It's usually something Europeans have I hear the loudest cry of 'ban it!' :rolleyes: or ' He's a nutter, he owns a gun' :blink:

Take a chill pill gun grabbers, you aren't going to change Thailands liberal gun rights. :)

Bad people carry guns. Right?

Good people need guns to defend themselves against bad people. Right?

Bad people will next carry bigger guns - and use them , because they know good people carry guns for self defence. Right?

Good people need to carry even bigger guns......................... and so on.

Do you think Amerika is a safe place?

Just a thought from a european wanke_r.

Yeah that sounds about right from one as well.

That's the argument all blinkered and brainwashed anti-gun types say.

Criminals (Bad people) DON'T go out of their way to get into a gunfight, they avoid them where-ever possible.

Criminals are there for PROFIT and to get away clean. You think a bad guy is after injury or confrontation with another weapon-carrier?

When Criminals do strike, it's against the poor defenceless mugs who look like they are unarmed (they often seem to conform to the 'only people looking for trouble carry guns.')

It's a well known fact that spree killings would of been prevented in several instances where someone in the US or elsewhere had been carrying a gun. In fact why do you think spree killers choose schools as targets? Because no-one is allowed to carry a weapon for defence there.

Also by your argument it means that criminals should be carrying heavy machine guns to use against concealed-pistol carriers in the US, as it's been over a hundred years or so since conceal-carrying was allowed in the US.

So by that argument it's the same in any country where citizens carry weapons concealed :D

Wake up and quit using the same old tired argments that don't hold weight anymore.

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Who said anything about it being Thai's?

Farangs are often the ones causing trouble and I for one believe that it's better to 'have and not need', than 'need and not have.'

Dogs are a serious problem, as is rabies. I've had unprovoked attacks on me prevented BECAUSE I chose to carry a non-lethal weapon. So you might as well drop the defeatist idealism GH.

It really tickles me how the mentality of:

"I'm morally superior despite being bitten, beat-up, raped etc when carrying a weapon could of prevented that" seems to of brainwashed people on TV :rolleyes:

Thankfully some of us have a brain between our ears and trust in self-preservation over blind faith.

The Thai's carry weapons for self-defence and in the home, that should tell you something...

Looking back on over 12 years of living and working in Thailand I can't think of a single occasion when I have ever thought that I needed a weapon, or when I have felt physically threatened by a Thai or a Farang.

I can tell you for sure there are places I don't go and situations I avoid - but don't kid yourself this is down to any sense of moral superiority - I've not, as you so colourfully put it, been bitten, beat-up, raped, I do have a brain between my ears and I rely on that rather than on blind faith in my ability to use a weapon in a situation where it might be needed.

I take the view that the best weapons we all have is our instincts and our brains.

I've relied on these of years of peaceful existence in and out of Thailand.

Simply not carrying around the self image of being Rambo seems to be reward enough for employing intellect over base fear.

But you live your life the way you wish - I'm very happy and safe in the life I live and wouldn't want to take your own life style from you - I'd have no need of it.

I hear what you say man, but there is a saying, ignorance is bliss. What works for you does not necessarily work for the xxx,xxx farang out there. Some folk like to play the karma card but fail to realise that's not a guarentee.

In fact just because you've been 'safe' doesn't mean the others out there will be.

One of the primary reasons for carrying in Thailand is the wild animals, namely soi dogs that seem to consider anyone walking through 'their' patch of alley, road and soi treading on hallowed ground.

Being prepared is not rambo, in fact the brainwashed majority who consider a weapon the domain of rambo are perhaps some of the most ignorant when they look at the facts.

You could be safe and sound for 12 years then get attacked or threatened out of nowhere by someone.

Another reason is the growth in, lets face it, low-life, substance-damaged farang, some of whom are out of control and on a path to self-destruction. Do you really want to have to face that with nothing to hand?

To those who say - They only hang out in x y z tourist spots I've a wake up call for you.

They are almost everywhere compared to ten years ago. Normally harmless but like a rabid animal, can fly off the handle for no-reason.

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Who said anything about it being Thai's?

Farangs are often the ones causing trouble and I for one believe that it's better to 'have and not need', than 'need and not have.'

Dogs are a serious problem, as is rabies. I've had unprovoked attacks on me prevented BECAUSE I chose to carry a non-lethal weapon. So you might as well drop the defeatist idealism GH.

It really tickles me how the mentality of:

"I'm morally superior despite being bitten, beat-up, raped etc when carrying a weapon could of prevented that" seems to of brainwashed people on TV :rolleyes:

Thankfully some of us have a brain between our ears and trust in self-preservation over blind faith.

The Thai's carry weapons for self-defence and in the home, that should tell you something...

Looking back on over 12 years of living and working in Thailand I can't think of a single occasion when I have ever thought that I needed a weapon, or when I have felt physically threatened by a Thai or a Farang.

I can tell you for sure there are places I don't go and situations I avoid - but don't kid yourself this is down to any sense of moral superiority - I've not, as you so colourfully put it, been bitten, beat-up, raped, I do have a brain between my ears and I rely on that rather than on blind faith in my ability to use a weapon in a situation where it might be needed.

I take the view that the best weapons we all have is our instincts and our brains.

I've relied on these of years of peaceful existence in and out of Thailand.

Simply not carrying around the self image of being Rambo seems to be reward enough for employing intellect over base fear.

But you live your life the way you wish - I'm very happy and safe in the life I live and wouldn't want to take your own life style from you - I'd have no need of it.

I hear what you say man, but there is a saying, ignorance is bliss. What works for you does not necessarily work for the xxx,xxx farang out there. Some folk like to play the karma card but fail to realise that's not a guarentee.

In fact just because you've been 'safe' doesn't mean the others out there will be.

One of the primary reasons for carrying in Thailand is the wild animals, namely soi dogs that seem to consider anyone walking through 'their' patch of alley, road and soi treading on hallowed ground.

Being prepared is not rambo, in fact the brainwashed majority who consider a weapon the domain of rambo are perhaps some of the most ignorant when they look at the facts.

You could be safe and sound for 12 years then get attacked or threatened out of nowhere by someone.

Another reason is the growth in, lets face it, low-life, substance-damaged farang, some of whom are out of control and on a path to self-destruction. Do you really want to have to face that with nothing to hand?

To those who say - They only hang out in x y z tourist spots I've a wake up call for you.

They are almost everywhere compared to ten years ago. Normally harmless but like a rabid animal, can fly off the handle for no-reason.

Except for Army and Police, it is illegal to carry a gun in LOS. A gun lisence is for protection within private property only

A read up un LOS gun rules can be read in another thread here in General topics

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Who said anything about it being Thai's?

Farangs are often the ones causing trouble and I for one believe that it's better to 'have and not need', than 'need and not have.'

Dogs are a serious problem, as is rabies. I've had unprovoked attacks on me prevented BECAUSE I chose to carry a non-lethal weapon. So you might as well drop the defeatist idealism GH.

It really tickles me how the mentality of:

"I'm morally superior despite being bitten, beat-up, raped etc when carrying a weapon could of prevented that" seems to of brainwashed people on TV :rolleyes:

Thankfully some of us have a brain between our ears and trust in self-preservation over blind faith.

The Thai's carry weapons for self-defence and in the home, that should tell you something...

Looking back on over 12 years of living and working in Thailand I can't think of a single occasion when I have ever thought that I needed a weapon, or when I have felt physically threatened by a Thai or a Farang.

I can tell you for sure there are places I don't go and situations I avoid - but don't kid yourself this is down to any sense of moral superiority - I've not, as you so colourfully put it, been bitten, beat-up, raped, I do have a brain between my ears and I rely on that rather than on blind faith in my ability to use a weapon in a situation where it might be needed.

I take the view that the best weapons we all have is our instincts and our brains.

I've relied on these of years of peaceful existence in and out of Thailand.

Simply not carrying around the self image of being Rambo seems to be reward enough for employing intellect over base fear.

But you live your life the way you wish - I'm very happy and safe in the life I live and wouldn't want to take your own life style from you - I'd have no need of it.

I hear what you say man, but there is a saying, ignorance is bliss. What works for you does not necessarily work for the xxx,xxx farang out there. Some folk like to play the karma card but fail to realise that's not a guarentee.

In fact just because you've been 'safe' doesn't mean the others out there will be.

One of the primary reasons for carrying in Thailand is the wild animals, namely soi dogs that seem to consider anyone walking through 'their' patch of alley, road and soi treading on hallowed ground.

Being prepared is not rambo, in fact the brainwashed majority who consider a weapon the domain of rambo are perhaps some of the most ignorant when they look at the facts.

You could be safe and sound for 12 years then get attacked or threatened out of nowhere by someone.

Another reason is the growth in, lets face it, low-life, substance-damaged farang, some of whom are out of control and on a path to self-destruction. Do you really want to have to face that with nothing to hand?

To those who say - They only hang out in x y z tourist spots I've a wake up call for you.

They are almost everywhere compared to ten years ago. Normally harmless but like a rabid animal, can fly off the handle for no-reason.

Except for Army and Police, it is illegal to carry a gun in LOS. A gun lisence is for protection within private property only

A read up un LOS gun rules can be read in another thread here in General topics

If it's illegal to carry a gun in LOS then transporting a gun in a bike or car is therefore a fallacy, yet legal gun owners are entirely within there legal rights to have one on them to and fro the range ;)

I will leave this argument with the following crucial areas that are key to understanding the why's and wherefores:

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