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Thailand Clears Russian Pianist Pletnev Over Molestation Charges


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The charges have been dropped.


On what grounds were the charges dropped? Was it from lack of evidence, failure to continue on with the case by the alleged victim, did Pletnev buy his way out, or was he proved innocent?

Has Pletnev been officially proved not guilty and declared innocent on all accounts?

Can he now take legal action against the 14 year old boy and his family for pressing false charges against him?

Even though you have just posted questions, I think your post is abusive.

What is abusive about asking questions? And abusive towards whom? These are all valid curiosities that would have been covered in the news if there were any journalistic standards in this country. These aren't reporters, they're stenographers.

Thank you, yes. I am probably not the first person asking these exact same questions or will be the last, and unless this guy can officially clear himself beyond any reasonable doubt, then his reputation, credibility and good name are in tatters.

One poster mentioned; guilty to be proved innocent, unfortunately this is going to be the case, or what is defined as trial by media and sentenced by public opinion.

The guilty verdict was unofficially established soon after the guy's arrest. The prognosis being he is a middle-aged farang, living in Pattaya, he fits the profile, so he must have done it. The obvious being the fact when of course we know there are always exceptions in any circumstance.

It leaves this man with a huge problem. If the charges are dropped, will he just leave Thailand and have the shadow of incrimination hanging over him for eternity, or will he stay and try to clear his name completely?

But of course whatever actions the pianoist decides to take next, will determine whether he is innocent or guilty within the public eye.

Welcome to the real world.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Well, if it's not dropped, it's not dropped. Can't they make up their minds?

What a lark. Guess we shall just have to wait and see! :blink:

Has anyone considered that, particularly with the Russian presence in Pattaya, bringing this case without some proof or witnesses, etc, could be disasterous (and maybe personally dangerous?) for the law-boyz?

Just a thought.


Edited by Brewsta
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If the lawer has aready been given a Thai prosecutor's office's decree is it reversable?

It's like something out of movie this.

Guy gets cleared then at the very last minute the boy makes statement about something that happpned in July.

I can just imagine how happy the prosecuter will be with the police.

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Well, if it's not dropped, it's not dropped. Can't they make up their minds?

What a lark. Guess we shall just have to wait and see! :blink:

Has anyone considered that, particularly with the Russian presence in Pattaya, bringing this case without some proof or witnesses, etc, could be disasterous (and maybe personally dangerous?) for the law-boyz?

Just a thought.


That is highly possible there seems to be a code of silence when hard questions are asked to media and other departments about why law enforcement is turning a blind eye on crimes in Pattaya .

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The charges have been dropped.


On what grounds were the charges dropped? Was it from lack of evidence, failure to continue on with the case by the alleged victim, did Pletnev buy his way out, or was he proved innocent?

Has Pletnev been officially proved not guilty and declared innocent on all accounts?

Can he now take legal action against the 14 year old boy and his family for pressing false charges against him?

Pletnev is another victim of gender confusion, admittedly bent, but that does not make him a child molester. The guy returned voluntarily to clear his name. Would you have been so bold in the same circumstances knowing the Thai system? So yes, can he bring charges against the minor who made the complaint - short answer no! T.i.T.

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I find it odd, perplexing in fact, that a renowned musician, a classical musician, the founder and leader of an orchestra, should buy a property there. Pattaya.

We are told he stays there for several weeks each year. May be he wants to get away from all that classical music culture and just switch off. Pattaya's the place to leave culture behind. May be it's his more ordinary, primitive, basic self that emerges in the relaxed atmosphere of Pattaya; Soi 6, Beach Road and the brothel bars.

With it's terrible reputation as a brothel far out weighing any other measurable attraction, one is left to wonder just why Comrade Pletnev chose to buy a holiday home there. Other for the purpose of relaxing in the comfort of anonimty.

Furthermore, Pattaya is a place that is a pedophile paradise as we see when it turns sour for them and they are at last arrested. I refer to the case just in the past few days of the Austrian, the 14 year old boy and the KY jelly.

Next it is reported that Comrade Pletnev is charged with, well bugger me, buggery! And a 15 year old boy. Well at least the Pattaya authorities are making an effort as the under age children are at least getting older. Who knows, when they are finally sodomizing 18 year olds we can all move on and forget it.

Not wishing to fly off tan gentially so bear with me on this one, the WickiLeaks reported how the Russian state attempted to bribe officials involved in the Bout case. It shows how Russians operate. Furthermore, the Bangkok US embassy assessed the Russians in Pattaya [ WickiLeaks again] as Mafia linked involved in money laudering through a variety of businesses.

Make your own mind up as I have. But when you do consider this; he has a holiday home in Pattaya, gets arrested and arrained there, attains bail and has to return to the court every 12 days in Pattaya simply to hear if the Police are ready with their case to proceed. With that inconvenience he chooses not to stay in Pattaya. You may wonder why that is after all he has all those fellow Russians to call upon. He also has the Police on hand with whom to consult, you know, get his solicitor to see how things are progressing.

Yet he chooses to get to Bangkok and stay there. Almost as if he were afraid of something.

Expect one property on the market any time soon. The reason being either he's in hock to or will be threatened by the Russian Mafia from now on. He is 'marked' and now known to the Police as an innocent or otherwise. Either way, he is now an extortion target for the Police. A reputation to once again damage by way of further allegations or arrests.

Clearly then his position as Pattaya resident is untenable. I think that should be the same for any Orchestra any time soon.

Another tangential one , so stick with it: today after allowing a pile of garden rubbish to stand for a week, I finally put a match to it. I'd waited till dark for obvious reasons.

We all know there's no fire without smoke.

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Only complacent hippies believe in Karma. How about Thanon Kittikachorn. He massacred Thai students in the 70s and went on to live to the ripe old age of 94. Karma, likes ghosts, just does not exist.

Your assumption is that living here till 94 was a prize? You have not considered that maybe the prize was withheld from him many extra years and many extra lives yet to serve.

spot on - the poster does not understand karma

why should the poster even want to 'understand' philosophical mumbo jumbo? off to the seventh realm with you!

coming soon, Thai authorities declare Lee Harvey Oswald innocent

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No doubt he is gay like many other artistic types but the charges seemed quite suspicious, giving rise to suspicions he was set up. No doubt the extortion attempt was highly successful and he had to pay a lot of money to get the charges dropped. Patttaya needs to be cleared of all major criminal elements, both the foreign mafia and the local mafia (in and out of uniform).

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We all know there's no fire without smoke.

No we don't, but we do know that's as tired a cliche as they come.

To suggest that a Russian who owns property in Pattaya is automatically suspect of sex crimes is truly a disgusting innuendo. This town is crawling with Russians and many of them are buying property. Somebody maybe should warn them of the nasty unfounded thoughts in so many people's heads.

Edited by Jingthing
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Only complacent hippies believe in Karma. How about Thanon Kittikachorn. He massacred Thai students in the 70s and went on to live to the ripe old age of 94. Karma, likes ghosts, just does not exist.

Your assumption is that living here till 94 was a prize? You have not considered that maybe the prize was withheld from him many extra years and many extra lives yet to serve.

spot on - the poster does not understand karma

why should the poster even want to 'understand' philosophical mumbo jumbo? off to the seventh realm with you!

coming soon, Thai authorities declare Lee Harvey Oswald innocent

'mumbo jumbo'? karma is an ancient philosphy taught by all major world religeons which quantfies and explains the 'whys' of existance - to call it 'mumbo jumbo' is quiet ignorant - bit like saying the earth is round is 'mumbo jumbo'

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Only complacent hippies believe in Karma. How about Thanon Kittikachorn. He massacred Thai students in the 70s and went on to live to the ripe old age of 94. Karma, likes ghosts, just does not exist.

Anyone who goes to Pattaya has their reputation tarnished to a certain degree (joking) lol - if he was indeed innocent. I am glad he found justice. If he bought his way out, karma will take care of him - case closed.

Just because he died, doesn't mean his Karma stopped. There is no free dancing.. Everyone has to pay the fiddler.

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Only complacent hippies believe in Karma. How about Thanon Kittikachorn. He massacred Thai students in the 70s and went on to live to the ripe old age of 94. Karma, likes ghosts, just does not exist.

Anyone who goes to Pattaya has their reputation tarnished to a certain degree (joking) lol - if he was indeed innocent. I am glad he found justice. If he bought his way out, karma will take care of him - case closed.

Just because he died, doesn't mean his Karma stopped. There is no free dancing.. Everyone has to pay the fiddler.

we are veering way off thread... but karma is dynamic and casts its influence over many lives - to look at a single 'rich' life and say 'there is no justice - there is no karma' is pure ignorance

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The charges have been dropped.


On what grounds were the charges dropped? Was it from lack of evidence, failure to continue on with the case by the alleged victim, did Pletnev buy his way out, or was he proved innocent?

Has Pletnev been officially proved not guilty and declared innocent on all accounts?

Can he now take legal action against the 14 year old boy and his family for pressing false charges against him?

Even though you have just posted questions, I think your post is abusive.

You would think any post is abusive. Anyone can have questions. Jerk!!!

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I believe in "do for others as one would do for oneself", it's simple rule of humanity but Karma is bullshit.

Karma was created thousands of years ago buy people who were to wet to kick the S*&T into the person responsible for whatever and not feel like they've been had, "he'll get what he deserves, but i'm not going to do it" WET.

Only complacent hippies believe in Karma. How about Thanon Kittikachorn. He massacred Thai students in the 70s and went on to live to the ripe old age of 94. Karma, likes ghosts, just does not exist.

Your assumption is that living here till 94 was a prize? You have not considered that maybe the prize was withheld from him many extra years and many extra lives yet to serve.

spot on - the poster does not understand karma

Exactly, to some there are worse things than death.

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Only complacent hippies believe in Karma. How about Thanon Kittikachorn. He massacred Thai students in the 70s and went on to live to the ripe old age of 94. Karma, likes ghosts, just does not exist.

Your assumption is that living here till 94 was a prize? You have not considered that maybe the prize was withheld from him many extra years and many extra lives yet to serve.

spot on - the poster does not understand karma

why should the poster even want to 'understand' philosophical mumbo jumbo? off to the seventh realm with you!

coming soon, Thai authorities declare Lee Harvey Oswald innocent

Thai dont know Lee Harvey Oswald, and

that would be wikileaks task

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We all know there's no fire without smoke.

No we don't, but we do know that's as tired a cliche as they come.

To suggest that a Russian who owns property in Pattaya is automatically suspect of sex crimes is truly a disgusting innuendo. This town is crawling with Russians and many of them are buying property. Somebody maybe should warn them of the nasty unfounded thoughts in so many people's heads.

How are they buying land when farang cannot own land?

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We all know there's no fire without smoke.

No we don't, but we do know that's as tired a cliche as they come.

To suggest that a Russian who owns property in Pattaya is automatically suspect of sex crimes is truly a disgusting innuendo. This town is crawling with Russians and many of them are buying property. Somebody maybe should warn them of the nasty unfounded thoughts in so many people's heads.

How are they buying land when farang cannot own land?

Check the real estate forum; this is off topic here.

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Good music often comes from trauma, especially from Russian composers. Perhaps Pletnev will take up composing to express the event although the trauma is much less than what Dmitri Shostakovich went through composing his seventh symphony about the siege on Leningrad. In that symphony, the ultimate truth is exposed by the singular flute melody of one remaining bird that sang to the still living victims.

I only bring this up to put things in perspective a little for everyone.

Here is a link where you can read about this stunning event when the first public performance of the symphony was broadcast from the beleaguered city, August 9, 1942.


It is difficult for we who swim in the river of indulgence to free ourselves by climbing onto the shores of suffering, but without struggle there is no life, without poverty there is no freedom, without analytical thinking there is no progress and without tranquility there is no enlightenment . Happiness is a choice we make. But on the other hand, I did buy a guitar today and I am really delighted ;>)

Good Luck Mikhail!

Edited by antsrule
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We all know there's no fire without smoke.

No we don't, but we do know that's as tired a cliche as they come.

To suggest that a Russian who owns property in Pattaya is automatically suspect of sex crimes is truly a disgusting innuendo. This town is crawling with Russians and many of them are buying property. Somebody maybe should warn them of the nasty unfounded thoughts in so many people's heads.

Thank you for your erudite exegesis which I found fair to middling; I’m bound to suffer the slings and arrows of another’s outrageous fortune. But then the night is darkest before the storm. I’ve always tried to avoid tired clichés as a cliché to me is like a red rag to a bull. But in this situation there is one cliché that fits my situation like a glove. I live and learn.

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They dropped the charges - so thats it. Anyone who 'owns a small property in Pattaya' is not entirely 'innocent' - it's not for the culture and the beautiful beach is it? sex rules down there that's it - one big brothel

So I guess there are no brothels in Chiang Mai? Funny, I seem to remember quite a few. If you think that looking down on Pattaya makes your "place" better, I suggest you rethink that proposition. What goes on in Pattaya goes on in all of Thailand.

Which presumably means foreign nationals can own property in Thailand, which is what to original post said???

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They dropped the charges - so thats it. Anyone who 'owns a small property in Pattaya' is not entirely 'innocent' - it's not for the culture and the beautiful beach is it? sex rules down there that's it - one big brothel

So I guess there are no brothels in Chiang Mai? Funny, I seem to remember quite a few. If you think that looking down on Pattaya makes your "place" better, I suggest you rethink that proposition. What goes on in Pattaya goes on in all of Thailand.

Which presumably means foreign nationals can own property in Thailand, which is what to original post said???

You probably already know this, but a foreigner can own a condo. (Actually they can also own a house, just not the land on which it is situated - although a 100% foreign BOI-approved company can privately own land.)

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Meanwhile, on topic, the NGO that accused Pletnev denies that charges are dropped, though the report makes no sense whatsoever. Which is why I normally don't bother with this newspaper, but I still include it for reference:


Thai child rights group denies case dropped against Russian pianist

The child protection group that pressed charges against Russian pianist-composer Mikhail Pletnev for allegedly raping a Thai boy, on Tuesday denied reports that prosecutors had dropped the case.

Pletnev's lawyer, who identified himself only by his first name Somsak, claimed Tuesday morning that the prosecutor's office of Chon Buri province had decided not to pursue the case against Pletnev. "Everything is over," Somsak told the German Press Agency dpa in a telephone interview. "Ask the prosecutor."

But the Chon Buri prosecutor's office could not be reached to confirm the lawyer's claim.

Suphakorn Noja, who heads the Chon Buri children's protection group that had worked with police to arrest Pletnev, said it was "impossible" for the case to be dropped so swiftly. "This case involves a lot of players. If the prosecutor's office has decided to drop it, he would need to inform the Chon Buri governor first, and the governor could ask them to re-examine their decision," Suphakorn told dpa.

"The whole world is watching this case," Suphakorn said. "It will be a blow to the Thai judiciary if it is dropped."

He admitted, however, that he expected the prosector to drop the case soon.

Pletnev was arrested in July 2010 on suspicion of having raped a 14-year-old boy at his home in Pattaya, 100 kilometres south-east of Bangkok. He was released on bail and was allowed to leave the country temporarily to tour with the Russian National Orchestra.

The prosecution was initially delayed as the alleged victim was reluctant to identify Pletnev and testify, according to sources at the Pattaya public prosecutor's office. The boy finally submitted his testimony late last month, Pattaya police sources said.//DPA------------

My comment:

"The whole world is watching this case," Suphakorn said. "It will be a blow to the Thai judiciary if it is dropped." He admitted, however, that he expected the prosector (sic) to drop the case soon.

<deleted>.. they deny it, but expect it to indeed be dropped soon.. Honestly. And the prosecutor could not be contacted, but oh, let's go ahead and print it anyway even though nobody knows any facts.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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