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Some rude posts were deleted. If a person's opinions cause you so much distress, walk away from the keyboard and they can't hurt you anymore.

The problem now is that you have left the erroneous information unchallenged.

They aren't hurting me. I have the cards and know how to use them. But Mr Chandler is misinforming potential users with his 'cut and paste' of out-dated and incorrect information.

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All of the information relating to the three debit cards mentioned above came directly from the web sites of those banks and such...as they existed earlier today, and the actual direct web links provided in each instance so people can read for themselves. Hard to see how that's outdated.

But if the banks' web sites are wrong, JJ, you're certainly free to post here how the info on the banks' own websites is wrong...

Provided you can try to be at least marginally civil... Try sticking to facts and information, and leave all the personal BS at home.

Edited by jfchandler
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Dave, tell me how many beers you had before you began writing? :rolleyes:

Your post makes little or no sense.

First of all the Caxton card takes a whopping 2.5% from the Mastercard rate, so why are we even discussing that card?

Was the Lloyds card a Mastercard? Otherwise you were comparing a Visa card with a Mastercard.

Oh honestly, this is just too silly.

Just have HAPPY NEW YEAR. :D

Hi Jiu-Jitsu.

To answer your latest questions...

Dave, tell me how many beers you had before you began writing? :rolleyes:

One large Tiger :D

Your post makes little or no sense.

Sorry, perhaps I tried to explain too much, information overload.

First of all the Caxton card takes a whopping 2.5% from the Mastercard rate, so why are we even discussing that card?

Typical UK card takes 2.99% FX cut and 1.5% withdrawal fee = 4.5%

Caxton takes 2.5% FX cut with no withdrawal fee = 2.5%

Was the Lloyds card a Mastercard? Otherwise you were comparing a Visa card with a Mastercard.

Both card types serve the same purpose.

Side by side comparisons of my cards, (same Amount, same ATM, same Time), show that CaxtonFX charges slightly less than my other cards, as long as DCC is not involved.

Remember that DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion) was the original issue raised by gguy the OP of this thread, DCC results in additional charges for using a Visa or Mastercard for payment or for ATM withdrawal.

I won't bother to get into the detail, as it just glances the tops of the heads of some of the posters here, without actually getting within their skulls. An utter waste of time.

But the best prepaid card for you in that situation in the Travelex Cash Passport Globe.

They make a 1.49% surcharge on your transactions and there should be no tampering with the Mastercard rate.

Try that instead if the other options are somehow closed to you. Oh..and stop drinking Tiger. It's too strong for you. :lol:

I certainly prefer the description of rude to utterly stupid. ;)

Edited by Jiu-Jitsu
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All of the information relating to the three debit cards mentioned above came directly from the web sites of those banks and such...as they existed earlier today. Hard to see how that's outdated.

But if the banks' web sites are wrong, JJ, you're certainly free to post here how the info on the banks' own websites is wrong...

Provided you can try to be at least marginally civil... Try sticking to facts and information, and leave all the personal BS at home.

I already did. But your friendly moderator decided to save you from a roasting. I posted the facts and you argued with them without checking.

You post as if you know something, but you don't.

All of the debits cards posted are fee free. I don't want to have to re-write the same thing in every thread because someone is too dumb to use the search function.

But in your case, I will. Here

Now you know, I don't suffer fools gladly.

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The N&P link and info provided above appears to be a change that takes effect Jan. 1 2011....and it's certainly good news... that they're NOW starting to offer what appears to be fee free international transactions...

However, they weren't doing that yesterday or prior, and the bank's web site info that I posted earlier is still on their web site...re their charging foreign currency fees. It hasn't been removed and changed by the bank.

If you want to be rude, be rude to the bank for not keeping their web site in sync....

I will note, though, that with all the changes, they also appear to have introduced the prospect of 5 pounds monthly account fees that didn't exist before for using/having both of the current accounts in question.

For their Gold Light account:

If you make fewer than five transactions (their actual terms an conditions say "payment transactions") a month, your account will be debited £5 each month unless your average balance over the month is £5,000 or more.

For their Gold Classic account

Remember, to enjoy all of these benefits you must continue to fund your account with at least £500* every month. Pay in less and your account will be debited £5 each month, unless your average balance over the month is more than £5,000.

So now JJ, do you want to explain how the Cumberland card really is available to everyone, even though the bank's web site says it isnt...

Or how the Santander card, now from the start of the new year, doesn't really require a 10,000 pounds account balance, even though the bank's web site says it does???

Doesn't matter to me, but I'm sure the other Brits would like to know...

You'll recall, all I asked you to do originally was to explain the difference between your un-documented claims and what the various Brits here on TV had been saying... Clearly, they had that view because until today, the no fee foreign transaction option with N&P didn't exist.

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I won't bother to get into the detail, as it just glances the tops of the heads of some of the posters here, without actually getting within their skulls. An utter waste of time.

But the best prepaid card for you in that situation in the Travelex Cash Passport Globe.

They make a 1.49% surcharge on your transactions and there should be no tampering with the Mastercard rate.

Try that instead if the other options are somehow closed to you. Oh..and stop drinking Tiger. It's too strong for you. :lol:

I certainly prefer the description of rude to utterly stupid. ;)


The Travelex Cash Passport Globe looks like a good one, I have checked the site and everything seems clear.

I particularly like their Savings Comparison Table that shows examples of the normal FX and withdrawal fees charged by credit and debit cards, and illustrates how the Globe card charges less.

So in Summary:

Typical UK card takes 2.99% FX cut and 1.5% withdrawal fee = 4.5%

CaxtonFX card takes 2.5% FX cut with no withdrawal fee = 2.5%

Travelex Globe takes 1.5% FX cut with no withdrawal fee = 1.5%

There is also the additional 150 Baht ATM fee in Thailand (1.5% on a 10,000 baht withdrawal.

And DCC which should be avoided.

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The N&P link and info provided above appears to be a change that takes effect Jan. 1 2011....and it's certainly good news... that they're NOW starting to offer what appears to be fee free international transactions...

However, they weren't doing that yesterday or prior, and the bank's web site info that I posted earlier is still on their web site...re their charging foreign currency fees. It hasn't been removed and changed by the bank.

If you want to be rude, be rude to the bank for not keeping their web site in sync....

I will note, though, that with all the changes, they also appear to have introduced the prospect of 5 pounds monthly account fees that didn't exist before for using/having both of the current accounts in question.

For their Gold Light account:

If you make fewer than five transactions (their actual terms an conditions say "payment transactions") a month, your account will be debited £5 each month unless your average balance over the month is £5,000 or more.

For their Gold Classic account

Remember, to enjoy all of these benefits you must continue to fund your account with at least £500* every month. Pay in less and your account will be debited £5 each month, unless your average balance over the month is more than £5,000.

So now JJ, do you want to explain how the Cumberland card really is available to everyone, even though the bank's web site says it isnt...

Or how the Santander card, now from the start of the new year, doesn't really require a 10,000 pounds account balance, even though the bank's web site says it does???

Doesn't matter to me, but I'm sure the other Brits would like to know...

You'll recall, all I asked you to do originally was to explain the difference between your un-documented claims and what the various Brits here on TV had been saying... Clearly, they had that view because until today, the no fee foreign transaction option with N&P didn't exist.

Blah, blah, blah...I posted this information about the upcoming changes months ago, on this very forum.

Only you are claiming that the Brits were 'saying' otherwise. Where are all of these 'Brits' of whom you speak?

Had you bothered to do a cursory search of the forum, you would have found that this was posted some time ago.

It's not the Brits who are ignorant of that fact, it is you.

I've taken the trouble to produce a screenshot of my search.

Please, don't waste my time, use the search function before cutting and pasting every article you can find.


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Nothing to say on Santander and Cumberland and their account opening limitations, huh?

And re N&P, the key word of course was upcoming.. Actually when you posted on this yesterday in this thread, their former foreign change fees charges were still in effect.

Regardless, now everyone reading here knows the accurate details of the N&P accounts as revised starting Jan 1 2011 and can decide for themselves if they have value...

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I won't bother to get into the detail, as it just glances the tops of the heads of some of the posters here, without actually getting within their skulls. An utter waste of time.

But the best prepaid card for you in that situation in the Travelex Cash Passport Globe.

They make a 1.49% surcharge on your transactions and there should be no tampering with the Mastercard rate.

Try that instead if the other options are somehow closed to you. Oh..and stop drinking Tiger. It's too strong for you. :lol:

I certainly prefer the description of rude to utterly stupid. ;)


The Travelex Cash Passport Globe looks like a good one, I have checked the site and everything seems clear.

I particularly like their Savings Comparison Table that shows examples of the normal FX and withdrawal fees charged by credit and debit cards, and illustrates how the Globe card charges less.

So in Summary:

Typical UK card takes 2.99% FX cut and 1.5% withdrawal fee = 4.5%

CaxtonFX card takes 2.5% FX cut with no withdrawal fee = 2.5%

Travelex Globe takes 1.5% FX cut with no withdrawal fee = 1.5%

There is also the additional 150 Baht ATM fee in Thailand (1.5% on a 10,000 baht withdrawal.

And DCC which should be avoided.

Travelex Globe doesn't take a 1.5% cut. It takes a 1.49% commission. There's an important distinction.

It's like having to be a teacher..... :)

Look at it this way. Take out £100 with Caxton, you receive the equivalent of £97.50. Take out £100 with Travelex Globe, you pay £101.49.

If you are charged in £s you pay a flat rate of 99p, but of course you would have already been stung by DCC.

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Nothing to say on Santander and Cumberland and their account opening limitations, huh?

And re N&P, the key word of course was upcoming.. Actually when you posted on this yesterday in this thread, their former foreign change fees charges were still in effect.

Regardless, now everyone reading here knows the accurate details of the N&P accounts as revised starting Jan 1 2011 and can decide for themselves if they have value...

Weren't you claiming that these accounts had withdrawal fees and charges?? What happened to that argument??

Now like a girl you are trying to switch your argument as to whether everyone can get all of the accounts??

Where did I claim that?

I wrote that there is an alternative for everyone.

N&P nationwide, Metro for those who can get to London or the 'burbs and the other two are extra options.

So where is your argument? That every option I post must be available to all?

You are just making yourself look increasingly silly.

Don't try to re-invent the wheel. This info has already been posted and discussed several time, with far more clarity than your 'cut and paste' effort.

Another example of your cut and paste efforts being ridiculously outdated could have been prevented by simply a check of a few seconds. Look here Now what was it that you cut and pasted about Metro Bank?

My point is that this thread would have been a LOT shorter if you had done the research BEFORE posting you plethora of silly charts and articles.

Just move along. Nothing to see here.

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Simply this... a deal isn't a deal to a person who either isn't eligible for it...or for whom it makes no sense to do...

Re Santander, I'd say keeping 10,000 pounds balance in a current account earning basically nothing is paying a fee of a kind...lost earning potential on those funds...

Re Cumberland, it seems great, if one happens to have residency status in that one part of the UK... But in looking at their coverage map, most people dont...

All I want and expect is accurate info and full disclosure... Now we've got it...little thanks to you and your endlessly snippy comments, including those that triggered a mod's deletion above.

If I was going to post about a no foreign currency fee card for Brits as you did earlier in this thread, I'd think it would be worth mentioning that you either have to live in a very limited area (in one case) or maintain a 10,000 pounds account balance (in the other case). But you obviously don't think readers here need to worry about those kind of small details.

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It's also worth noting the two prior Norwich ATM card threads you referenced here on TV had a total between them of 13 replies and less than 700 page views... compared to 100+ replies and 2100 plus page views for this thread...

So it's not exactly like that news from the prior posts caught fire among the TV community... At least here...and now, people are finally getting the full and clear info, and seen by a wider TV readership.

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More inflammatory posts removed from view.

Regretfully this thread has degraded into an argument between two parties, and as already warned it is now


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