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How Much Time


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...How much time do you spend on the site...

Only a few minutes each evening.

"Just another couple of minutes then I'm coming to bed, dear. Yes I know I said that an hour ago, but just let me finish reading this one and I'll be with you. Tell you what, why don't you make me a nice cup of cofee while your waiting"...

It is pretty addictive isn't it?

Edited by Chickenlegs
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10 hrs at clinic + 5 hrs at apartment  = 15hrs :D  :D

Bambi  :o  :D

Just made a quick edit to say, sorry really long post, but take some time on it, read it all please, you may find it interesting. :D

Bambina, sorry for picking on your quote here but you are in the new league of most prolific posters and have amassaed an amazing number of posts since your recent membership so gotta ask the question, 15 hrs, isn't that a bit of a sad life?

I mean I spend a fair bit of time on here as well and all these "are you addicted to thaivisa" threads seem a little scary to me, like theres an undercurrent feeling amongst the people that post on here that they know they should be doing something better with their limited time.

I will be the first one to admit this forum is great, I meet a lot of people on here and enjoy a chat like the rest of you and socially I wouldn't meet or speak to many of you people in real life coz of different social circles, different regions etc. and reading about everybody on here I have really learned a lot about how different expats live in Thailand, but is that worth 15 hrs of your time everyday?

Is that not too much of a waste?

Surely just turning off the computer and reading a good book or heading down the gym, perhaps even watching a great film would be a more worthwile use of our time, and of course, a few hours on here a day could still fit easily into that schedule.

Could some of your time here be spent learning the Thai language for example, or even learning to cook Thai food, surely that would interest and be helpful to many of us?

I've read some things on here that are frankly a bit frightening and not only reflect mispent time on thaivisa but the internet in general. There was a poll recently on "what things has using thaivisa made you late for" or something to that effect which in my mind reads as "how much is this addiction effecting your everday life?".

Another post I remember from recently was from a guy that only had internet at work and he quipped how he actually went into work on his day off to check on what was happening here! Can you imagine, on your day off, actually going into the office to check thaivisa to see what the most recent posts are? Thats shocking really, that in my mind says you have a problem.

How many of you are in here right now, 10 tabs open, refreshing every few minutes to get the latest posts? I know theres a lot, because I do it myself and see the same people on every post waiting for the next reply.

I too am guilty of this addiction, and though my excuse is that I work on the internet I have to admit there is a problem there. My only comfort is that I know if I wasn't working on the internet I would expect not to be on here so much. Its not a fault of thaivisa so much but just the internet in general, if you wasn't here would you just be surfing aimlessly instead? Has the internet made us lose our normal social life?

Would you be better switching this computer off right now, and spend time with your gf/bf, a good book or maybe even take a walk and have a think to yourself and important issues. Would you end of being a better educated and fulfilled person?

Is it that much fun watching a group of people arguing about sin sod payments for the umpteenth time? Have you started to open thaivisa.com as your first window to the internet world before even checking the world news, or mail accounts for news from your family and friends? Does it have that much importance to you, and is that importance warranted?

I know a lot of you must now be nodding your heads now, you must understand the truth in what I say, I can see it in many posts here.

You know, a funny situation that started me thinking a little more into this, my computer broke down recently so barely popped in for more than ten minutes a day at the net cafe which I was at anyway for work reasons. I've also got a friend that whilst changing his phone line over was also not on here as much, hes not a poster here, but he reads the posts here everyday and knows as much about you lot as I do.

So anyway, we are both away from thaivisa for a few days, and its a freedom, we was both saying "great to be away from thaivisa for a few days, bored of the topic on there at the moment, it must be going through a slump coz lots of repetive posts from newbies, I've done more work, I've read a book, I've done this, I've done that etc."

I go see him today, hes at the computer and like seeing a lump of burnt foil on a junkies floor thaivisa is open on his computer screen, not one, but a few tabs. My computer is fixed today and I'm straight back on here. We took a couple of hours out today to go to JJ market to buy some fish, and we are discussing thaivisa threads on the subway, I'm saying "this guy on thaivisa said this, that guy on thaivisa said that" and I know I'm saying it too much.

I know a lot of us work on the computer and its a welocome esacpe but there is plenty of other things to do on the net too, read an online book, study something you always wanted to study, work harder at what ever you do on the computer, make a little more money.

Don't flame me for my critcism on your lives on thaivisa as I am also looking at myself with these thoughts too.

You've got to ask youself the fundamental addiction question...

Can I go tomorrow without checking the thaivisa forum, and if I do check it, will I know already that I waste too much time there?

I bet a lot of you could not go a day without, unless for some reason you had no internet access and that is frightening. I know we are not hitting the pipe here people, or having to unscrew that whiskey bottle lid every night, but still is it a physchological addiction that we cannot control?

A heavy post I know, but I know a lot of it will ring true with many people. Perhaps we could all try a cold turkey day and have a few days off posting, or is that too scary a thought for you?

Anyways, just my thoughts on this. Keep posting people, the internet is your friend.


Edited by bkkmadness
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After reading what you said, I don't think I have a problem. My addiction is probably more related to my mobile or something. I've been spending alot of time on TV lately because me and my family have basically moved out in the wilderness and after all the teething problems have been fixed in the house my Dad will be able to take me to view the nearby college. Also there is a job at an estate agents my Dad's friend if offering me, yay.

When thats all sorted out I won't really feel a need to come on here as regular as I do. We will also have a pool soon aswell :o. Until then I'm stuck in a house full of builders all day long and it kinda' drives you insane. So I log on the internet and post. I could go a few days without TV no problem but if you carn't then I guess bkkmadness has a point.

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Oh dear, bkkm, you sound a bit jaded, but you do have a point

are there really people who spend all their time on this forum? Maybe they need a family (marry a Thai girl, that would fix it) or need to escape from a family (divorce her)

any addiction is a bit sad, but the need for human interaction is also fundamental

maybe this site provides that?

as for me, I just like wasting time between working on my book

Bkkm is right though, go to the gym, or a bar, and talk to real people more!! :D:D:o

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10 hrs at clinic + 5 hrs at apartment  = 15hrs :D  :D

Bambi  :o  :D

Just made a quick edit to say, sorry really long post, but take some time on it, read it all please, you may find it interesting. :D

Bambina, sorry for picking on your quote here but you are in the new league of most prolific posters and have amassaed an amazing number of posts since your recent membership so gotta ask the question, 15 hrs, isn't that a bit of a sad life?

I mean I spend a fair bit of time on here as well and all these "are you addicted to thaivisa" threads seem a little scary to me, like theres an undercurrent feeling amongst the people that post on here that they know they should be doing something better with their limited time.

I will be the first one to admit this forum is great, I meet a lot of people on here and enjoy a chat like the rest of you and socially I wouldn't meet or speak to many of you people in real life coz of different social circles, different regions etc. and reading about everybody on here I have really learned a lot about how different expats live in Thailand, but is that worth 15 hrs of your time everyday?

Is that not too much of a waste? / snap

i got your point .. but imagine if u were me

i work 10am-8pm from Mon- Sat (Sunday = day off)

that's why i stuck in cyber-world it doesn't mean i addict it .. but its nice to spend my time with ... after 8 pm what will you do ? go out??? and tomorrow work?? come on ..

what would you do if you were me then ( ok the condition is work 60 hrs a week, ,dont tell me that you will change the job) ..could you tell me pls?? Thanks :D

anyhow if you noticed.. u won't see me in TV on Sunday coz i go out ..(ok maybe some Fri or Sat night too)

and dont worry i dont try to escape my REAL life and STAY in CYBER world

(yeah go out sometime, meet friend, praty,vacation,shopping,date ..etc)

Bambi :D

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10 hrs at clinic + 5 hrs at apartment  = 15hrs :D  :D

Bambi  :o  :D

Just made a quick edit to say, sorry really long post, but take some time on it, read it all please, you may find it interesting. :D

Bambina, sorry for picking on your quote here but you are in the new league of most prolific posters and have amassaed an amazing number of posts since your recent membership so gotta ask the question, 15 hrs, isn't that a bit of a sad life?

I mean I spend a fair bit of time on here as well and all these "are you addicted to thaivisa" threads seem a little scary to me, like theres an undercurrent feeling amongst the people that post on here that they know they should be doing something better with their limited time.

I will be the first one to admit this forum is great, I meet a lot of people on here and enjoy a chat like the rest of you and socially I wouldn't meet or speak to many of you people in real life coz of different social circles, different regions etc. and reading about everybody on here I have really learned a lot about how different expats live in Thailand, but is that worth 15 hrs of your time everyday?

Is that not too much of a waste?

Surely just turning off the computer and reading a good book or heading down the gym, perhaps even watching a great film would be a more worthwile use of our time, and of course, a few hours on here a day could still fit easily into that schedule.

Could some of your time here be spent learning the Thai language for example, or even learning to cook Thai food, surely that would interest and be helpful to many of us?

I've read some things on here that are frankly a bit frightening and not only reflect mispent time on thaivisa but the internet in general. There was a poll recently on "what things has using thaivisa made you late for" or something to that effect which in my mind reads as "how much is this addiction effecting your everday life?".

Another post I remember from recently was from a guy that only had internet at work and he quipped how he actually went into work on his day off to check on what was happening here! Can you imagine, on your day off, actually going into the office to check thaivisa to see what the most recent posts are? Thats shocking really, that in my mind says you have a problem.

How many of you are in here right now, 10 tabs open, refreshing every few minutes to get the latest posts? I know theres a lot, because I do it myself and see the same people on every post waiting for the next reply.

I too am guilty of this addiction, and though my excuse is that I work on the internet I have to admit there is a problem there. My only comfort is that I know if I wasn't working on the internet I would expect not to be on here so much. Its not a fault of thaivisa so much but just the internet in general, if you wasn't here would you just be surfing aimlessly instead? Has the internet made us lose our normal social life?

Would you be better switching this computer off right now, and spend time with your gf/bf, a good book or maybe even take a walk and have a think to yourself and important issues. Would you end of being a better educated and fulfilled person?

Is it that much fun watching a group of people arguing about sin sod payments for the umpteenth time? Have you started to open thaivisa.com as your first window to the internet world before even checking the world news, or mail accounts for news from your family and friends? Does it have that much importance to you, and is that importance warranted?

I know a lot of you must now be nodding your heads now, you must understand the truth in what I say, I can see it in many posts here.

You know, a funny situation that started me thinking a little more into this, my computer broke down recently so barely popped in for more than ten minutes a day at the net cafe which I was at anyway for work reasons. I've also got a friend that whilst changing his phone line over was also not on here as much, hes not a poster here, but he reads the posts here everyday and knows as much about you lot as I do.

So anyway, we are both away from thaivisa for a few days, and its a freedom, we was both saying "great to be away from thaivisa for a few days, bored of the topic on there at the moment, it must be going through a slump coz lots of repetive posts from newbies, I've done more work, I've read a book, I've done this, I've done that etc."

I go see him today, hes at the computer and like seeing a lump of burnt foil on a junkies floor thaivisa is open on his computer screen, not one, but a few tabs. My computer is fixed today and I'm straight back on here. We took a couple of hours out today to go to JJ market to buy some fish, and we are discussing thaivisa threads on the subway, I'm saying "this guy on thaivisa said this, that guy on thaivisa said that" and I know I'm saying it too much.

I know a lot of us work on the computer and its a welocome esacpe but there is plenty of other things to do on the net too, read an online book, study something you always wanted to study, work harder at what ever you do on the computer, make a little more money.

Don't flame me for my critcism on your lives on thaivisa as I am also looking at myself with these thoughts too.

You've got to ask youself the fundamental addiction question...

Can I go tomorrow without checking the thaivisa forum, and if I do check it, will I know already that I waste too much time there?

I bet a lot of you could not go a day without, unless for some reason you had no internet access and that is frightening. I know we are not hitting the pipe here people, or having to unscrew that whiskey bottle lid every night, but still is it a physchological addiction that we cannot control?

A heavy post I know, but I know a lot of it will ring true with many people. Perhaps we could all try a cold turkey day and have a few days off posting, or is that too scary a thought for you?

Anyways, just my thoughts on this. Keep posting people, the internet is your friend.


I was thinking about what you said here whilst walking on the beach today.

Personally, I've been posting on TV for just 2 mths and I have spent more time here than is probably necessary... it can be a bit distracting I must say.

However, from reading TV posts I have learnt more about living in Thailand and the people, both Thais and expats, in that short time than I did in my previous two and a half years here. I used to work in a very stressful job that gave me little time to myself or to get to know more than the surface of general life here outside of my career circle. My mind was filled with my job- always!

So the TV forum has been a useful outlet to me in information gathering *(and occasional sharing) and I get to laugh a lot too.

It's most probably a stage that many go through here and, myself, am sure I'll spend less time on the forum in my own time frame.

In the meantime, gotta love all the characters. It's like hanging out with Wodger & Jessica Wabbit on a daily cartoon show. :D Thanks guys and girls! :D

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Im still waiting for the SMART advice from bkkmadness that what'd he do and manage time if he worked as Doctor as me ...

really curious how he managed time if he had to work 60 hrs a week...nothing entertainment ..just blood gut and <deleted> .. oohhh yes 1 pc with internet connection!!

no no ...i dont try to beat you nor sarcastic ...i just want to know the smart thought you have for waste your time while you are working (as my job)

if you ,bkkmadness have any smart idea how to waste time when work(standby) ..could you please tell me?? i'd love to do that if its nice indeed

(ok i work 10 hrs /day but i dont work every second)

Bambi :o

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Im still waiting for the SMART advice from bkkmadness that what'd he  do and manage time if he  worked as  Doctor as me ...

really curious how  he  managed time  if he  had to work 60 hrs a week...nothing entertainment ..just blood gut and  <deleted> .. oohhh yes 1 pc with internet connection!!

no no ...i dont try to beat you nor sarcastic ...i just want to know the  smart thought you have for waste your time  while you are working (as my job)

if you ,bkkmadness have any smart idea how  to waste time when  work(standby) ..could you please tell me??  i'd love to  do that if its nice indeed

Read a book? Learn the art of Bonsai? Study a new language? Keep a fish tank? Write a blog? :o

There's so many things to do, how does anyone warrant spending 15 hours on thaivisa? :D

No personal attack on your own forum habits, I'm for sure as guilty as you, just your quote demonstrated my point the best. :D

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Read a book?  Learn the art of Bonsai? Study a new language? Keep a fish tank?  Write a blog? :o

There's so many things to do, how does anyone warrant spending 15 hours on thaivisa? :D

No personal attack on your own forum habits, I'm for sure as guilty as you, just your quote demonstrated my point the best. :D

Read a book? - yes.. i read real book and also some stuff from internet ,

Learn the art of Bonsai? - never tried, just paint ,draw ..but not too comfy when i have a patient

Study a new language? - yes , french ,german,italian

Keep a fish tank? - no no too much , now i have to take care one handycap dog ..need to pick her up when she wanna pee or poo all days(she is in a cage near my clinic ...no owner, just street dog)

Write a blog? - not fancy that .. had some contact from book editor ..ask me to write some column ..but i know that im not the good writer so i reject



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Read a book? - yes.. i read real book and also some stuff from internet ,

Learn the art of Bonsai? - never tried, just paint ,draw ..but not too comfy when i have a patient

Study a new language? - yes , french ,german,italian

Well its great you can fit that in with spending 15 hrs on thaivisa everyday, I expect most of us can't, in fact must of us could do with some time away from thaivisa and the intenet in general to try many of the things you do.

For example I know if I had spent less time on thaivisa over say the last year and actually got studying the Thai language then I would have got my fluency and volcabulary up to really good level by now, something I really want to improve on, but instead I choose to come on here and re read yet another sin sod thread. :o

Though you obviously don't, I think many members here feel the same way. :D

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Hello everyone -

Since finding Thaivisa.com a little while ago, I find that I've become addicted to it. I'm usually on 8-10 hours per day, with bated breath, anxiously waiting to read all threads. I really enjoy reading posts relating to visas, teaching English, computers, and current stories. There are so many knowledgeable people on this board, willing to answer questions with their expertise.

I'm in heaven whenever I receive the automatic new postings in my e-mail.

What's been happening to me lately is that I after reading posts, I am starting to see the posts imprinted in my mind's eye even after I look away from the computer screen.

Do I have a problem? Nah...... :o

Edited by wrestler7902002
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Hello everyone -

Since finding Thaivisa.com a little while ago, I find that I've become addicted to it. I'm usually on 8-10 hours per day, with bated breath, anxiously waiting to read all threads. I really enjoy reading posts relating to visas, teaching English, computers, and current stories. There are so many knowledgeable people on this board, willing to answer questions with their expertise.

I'm in heaven whenever I receive the automatic new postings in my e-mail.

What's been happening to me lately is that I after reading posts, I am starting to see the posts imprinted in my mind's eye even after I look away from the computer screen.

Do I have a problem? Nah......  :D

All well and good... but do you answer the posts in your dreams? :o

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I reckon I spend one to one and a half hours a day on the forum

How much time do you spend on the site

and do you sometimes think TOO MUCH?

Whether in the back round or in front, on my PC. I am on Thaivisa from the time I come into my office to the time I leave. Listing most of the day to Radio Bangkok as well............... DJM

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